The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 03, 1918, Image 4

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saturday, august 3. 1918
subscription rates
Y. fi.00
sisk. IM
IWa Mmlti ff
Entered t the Fost Office at Burn.i.
Oregon, as Second Clsss Matter.
We have been lately devising all
kinds of iilans to help this class and
organized a bureau to furnish help
for the farmer. It has strained Its
publicity department In rounding up
help Tor the great ship-building
plants. We have gone into the high
ways and byways In search of labor
for the war-Industries plants; and
liave extended a helping hand to this
Industry and that. In fact we have
been busy playing the good Samar
itan until wo have developed a per
fect mania for useful service.
Hut with It all we have strangely
overlooked the cue most deserving
of help and the one who most
needs our help- thfl patient, uncom
plaining housewife.
Who's going to help mother?
Mother need to have help, Hereto
fore Tathor son. daught r ami the
hired man and woman ould be
called on for Various ads of useful
ness about the house. Father had
Mime spare time before breakfast
that he could turn to Mother'l SC
count. Son was rarely too busy to
run her errands. Daughter snent a
and add to the frultfulness of Mother
Earth or any of her stores deserve
all the praise given them, and then
Hut there are yet other benefac
tors of mankind to whom much cred
it In due, but whom we frequently
What about the man who causes
one weed to grow where one formerly
grew? And we use this, too, merely
In the sense of Illustration.
Did you ever pause to consider
that this old world has an abundance
of resources? Rver realise that If
the weeds of life were eradicated
this would be a paradise? Can you
appreciate the fact that If ail (lie evil
was eliminated there would be noth
ing hut good left?
: ... j: :. .
kihht muht in tiik
TRENCHES in:s( niiii'D
What will the first night In the
trenches be?. Is the question that
thousands of American Soldiers have
faced, perhaps with some misgivings,
certainly with lively anticipation.
The experience of many of them
must be like that of a British plough-boy-Soldier
described by Lord Dun
any, captain of the Innlaklltlng Fusiliers.
"A man's first night in the front
line is nn epoch-making experience,"
he writes. "It is like a man's first
vote, or his twenty-first birthday -it
is a milestone In his life, marking
the change from the mimic warfar
behind I he lines to the grim reulltlos
Let's begin at home and start to ' of actual conflict.
weeding out (lie noxious growths.
Let's set the soil of our farm as clear
of vicious and useless growth as we
can make It. Let this go on until1
(lie land literal! blossoms witii
Then let's begin on hunuin kind.
"Perhaps I can best explain how
his experience affects :i Soldier by
telling you the story of a recruit's night in the trenches. Hick
Cheeser, one of my men, was n
plougliboy Just past IK when he en
listed, and not yet ID when lie went
HKLI) HKI'T. 10, 11, 12, AM) l.'l.
While we are developing the human ; on Ills front sentry go' In the front
brain and skill until It seems there ' Hue.
is no limit to its possibilities, let us, "It was a quiet night, and dawn
search and see If there are not many was only an hour or so distant when
habits and traits of character that ' Cheeser took his post. The corporal
ban not be lopped off with great told him where to stand, warned him
benefit to the individual and the to keep a good lookout, and left him
What about the weed of selfish
ness? This Is a growth that dwarfs
"There was Dick Cheeser, alone in
the dark, with an army In front of
him. eighty yards away, a resonrce-
nd stunts the human soul possibly ' ful, crafty and desperate enemy. The
more than all others. Who has not
seen the man lull of personal faults
and fallings, but whom his neigh
bors idolized because he was big
hearted and generous? None deny
stillness of the night nly added to
Chooser's feeling of responsibility.
The stillness awed hi in. There had
not been a shell all night. He put
his head over the parapet glugerly
hls failings nor fail to depreciate j and waited. Nobody fired at him. He
them. It Is simply that the great ' felt somehow that the nlirht win
curse of selfishness has been etlmln- i waiting for liltn, that something un
ated from ills life, and this over- Canny and unexpected would happen
shadows all else. Beside him the soon lie heard vol. os In a conininnl
little, narrow, selfish nature, what- cation trench somewhere behind him;
ever Its other virtues may be, as- 'there was a row sentences or gruff,
sumes the proportions r a dwarf. I unintelligible conversation; the
Then there if the mater Ol ehnr- volees died wa. There was a big
Itabtaoess. Who does not know the silence. Cheeser fell to wondering
man of harsh Judgment? Perhaps whether the night waa black or grey;
lie has ull the negative virtues and he stared hard at the night to study
September 10 to It, Tuoaday to
Friday, Inclusive, have been set as
the date of the Ninth Annual Mal
heur County Fair, at Ontario. The
Directors and the various committees
are at woik perfecting arrangements
for a fair much larger than previ
ously. The revised premium list shows
considerable change. The premiums
in the culinary department are for
the many types of war breads and
pastries. Premiums in the Depart
ment of Livestock have beon doubled
which should Increase tho number of
entries materially. Thursday. Sep
tember 12, has been sot aside as
Educational and School Children's
The Bernard position Company
has been secured for a week Of the
Fair, and a grand celebration Is
planned. A number of free shows
Including probably a government
airplane, oxhlblt of captured war
relics, patriotic speakers, et., should
add much to the entertainment of
the thousands of visitors that attend
the Fair at Ontario annually.
Page 's Sweet Shop
Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco,
Confectionery and Ice Cream
You will aluuvft find at our store tkie purest of
confectionery ml tho best grades of ice cream.
Clean tables aud clean glasses wo cater to par
ticular people.
We Carry the Only Stock of FRESH FRUITS and
many of the positive o:ies too. Ills
personal life may be faultless, itut
his harsh Judgments or his neigh
bors obscure all these, and whereas
his Virtues should inspire respcrt and
its exael color; the night stared back
t at him, and seemed to be threaten
lug him; It was grey, giev ami art
ful like a cut or a fox.
"it eras uneanny, thought Cheeser,
in reality they Inspire hatred ' If shells would come, or lieroians
wiii in leuiiij iney inspire uaireii'ii sueiis wouiit come, or liercians, or
great part or her time In Mother's I Bl,(1 ,olltt'nipt. Contrast him with i anything at all, you would know how
company and was her good right """ faul,- though charitable man. I to take lt;but this deathly init.
hand. The hired man could rind ! u"(1 ne- t00, tfer'' ' comparison. like a mist over huge valleys! Any
time for useful bits of service while1 We miK,lt 8 on ad inrinitive. bat I thing might happen. Cheeser waited
the girl help WM always at hand. " '" ,,ot ,leelt'1- nffJos 'l that there and waited, and the niglii walled too.
Now all that is Changed. I nre niu" weeda In the human char-' lie felt that they were watching ea h
Father is out and awav at dawn aeter that could be plucked out with other, the night uud he. both i roueh
ou know he starts an hour earlier ' ,"',U','T to to man and his fellows,
Hoot out the weeds then 111
l will grow.
doing his best to speed up production.
Sou Is in the army or in some "n I
tn Industry." and Is frequenUy work
ing overtime. Daugh'er is pounding
the typewriter keys in an oifh arly
and late. The hired man has faded
away to join ihe great ranks or labor
ers in some public works and the
hired girl is now a nurse or a Red
Mother is alone!
And Mother is not only alone with
am worn, tui tier work hai increased
and seems destined to keep on iu-
iug. both ready to spring.
"Ills mind grew SO active that his
load throbbed wic.i the physical ex-
liK.t.iMSTtifit RANCH BAHOAra
MO acre stock ranch composed of
the finest soil In Idaho -with a free
water right of 600 Inches. Opens
directly onto free range. Located on
the State Highway--one mile from
Salmon City, tho County Seat of Lem
hi County whero there has never
been a water or crop failure. About
half the Ranch fenced with wire,
balance rail fence. About HO acres In
one field of the best summer and
winter pasture with open spring
water for stock the year round, the
balance of Ihe ranch almosl ail in
crop. This ranch can he made to
raise 1100 to 1600 tons or hay. We
shall sell this ranch for $ I (Minn p,.r
acre, after our crop is harveited, ai
we are then going to dissolve piirl
nershlp. This is the best buy in idiho
For f urlnr information write or wire
i'i(i:i i. vn;i.
Care of Mas i Vial
Salmon City, Idaho
Locomotive Kiigiuecr Writes
When the kidneys are nol work
ing properly, backache, stirr joints,
riieiimaiic pains aud suffering result,
(ieorgo McLaln. Turtle Lake. X. I).
writes: "I am a (oaomoth nciie-i r
1 hud a bad pain in in. bacV .in I my
bladder action as rery Irreguler, l
lock Foley Kidney Pills aud was re
lieved In a COUpla Of days." gold by
Reed Brothers,
Brown 9s Satis fac tory Store
Walk Over Shoes
Stetson Hats
Bon Ton Corsets
Burns, : : : Oregon
We carry goods advertised on tlio "II ome Products Page"
Having spent some time in inspir-
ertion )f thinking, lie ,, watching
witn eye-, aud ears a. id Imagination,
hoping to antic, pate by u SSOOnd or
Liberal receipts or cattle have been two the dread something thai he fell
the order or the day approximately was sure to happen soon iii tho uml- ' '"I 'he soldiers at the front. Is It not
L'OUO head have been offered at the ' nous mist or No Man's Laud lie hOU( time for the kaiser lo go home
North Portland yards this week to thought or throwing a stone out Into "",l ll(' BOSSO Inspiring among the lu
dato. Good cattle are Belling steady the blackness, Just to see what would' bahltants or Herlln"
a quoted. Prime stoors $11.76 I happen. Then lie began t" wish tor :
12.26; Good to choice steers $10.16-1 his boyhood's slingshot, so that lo
ll "5; Medium to KOOtl steer ."!.! T,0 imilil lnl:il,nlt n til,.., r,,,l , ......
10.76; Fair to medium BtOfT.i JS.50- rlirlil across the hliick nomu lata lha
.r0; Common to ruir steers ?. r. . r o - - German line,
8.00; Chclce sows and heifers ?s.oo-! "A little wind blew in the night,'
1.60: Medium to good cows & heir- too cold for the time ol year, it made
ers 16.007.80; Fair to medium tor am otnenl a lane in the mist over
cows & lienors $5.00 6.00; Canners No-Man s Lund. Cheeser peered Into
$$,006.00; Dulls $5.r.0--7.60; ! It. but the mist closed round again.!
Calves $X.fi0 11.60: Stockers & 'No.' iiliht seemed in mu -Von ,.u'i i
feeders iii. 00-- 8.00. i guess my secret.' And the wssMima
hush intensified, What are they up
to now? thought the sentry. What
creasing, She must see that the Iii
rur man of the entire family Is sat
isfied three times dally. As this is
an era or strict economy, old clothes
must be made to do longer duty and
the patch, endorsed at Washington,
must be applied to various and sun
dry garments. Neither must gar
ments be worn too long between1 Tn' ('ou"' " ,,le bog division Is
wasbiiiL' In iii,. i p, ..i , n...i ' 250 head today inaklni! a total of
- ...w , ,, ,,,, .,,1,10'I -- -- .
must care for the milk and butter, I1000 n,'atl for the w,'ek ,0 date, ' are those crafty enemies planning In
ied the chickens and pigs, and as '"'" ' exceptionally small run. ull those miles of silence?
he men fodks are very busy, must """ tra'lllK lias been very active and j "Kven the very lights were few and
frequently take the produce to mar-' I'r',,'s hav" advanced 16 to II cents, far between. When one went up,
het. Her spare time formerly de- one loaa filing at $18.60 on yester-1 far hills or shadow seemed to lit aud
voted to Hoclal duties, is now given to! (,;'' "Whet quotations, Prima mix- ' brood over the vulley; black Shapes
'e.lllng Liberty Bonds, War Bavin a I 16.10; Rough heavies $16. I grew up and vanished In the shadow.
'''' 16.8G; 1'Igs $16.00 16.60; The rocket railed and the hills went
Hulk SIS '!.r,. I hack into mystery again, aud Chooser
The sheep market is steady to still peered level over the ominous
Strong, bul the trade In the lanili ill valley.
.hton Is very draggy at this time, "Ail the dangers and sinister
the strictly fat lambs are In fair do- shapes and evil destinies thut tlieson-
Hother stand th;, stra:!i Indefinitely? niainl. Quotations; Fast of -tho'try faced that night cannot be plo
Pod and Mother only know. One M"'itain lambs $ 1 H.G0 1 4.00; Val- ' turod or described in mere word;.
Stamps, and ralslug funds for the V.
X. C. A. And with It all she some-!
BOW God only knows how man-'
jagi i to sew many needed garments
for the Red Cross.
IS Mother busy? U',,M, yeH, (ull
lulng is sure, she will keep going till
PU tails.
Hut with all our help devices, had
n't wo better devise some means or
lightening (he strain on Mother?
Mother hasn't asked it, and, Ood
bless hej heart, she Isn't going to
ask it. But the need exists Just the
Lot's think about It.
A common illustration ramlllar to
till men refers to the man who
causes "two blades of grass to grow
where one previously grew' us u ben-
factor of the race.
This la true, and applies not only
o the growing of grass, but to thous
ands of other things whereby tho
race is benefitted. The illustration
h merely used to denote the fact that
be man has added to the sum of the
eomforl or pleasure of mankind.
All of which is as it should be
The progressive spirits that by their
labors and research advance the race
ley lambs $13.00 13.60; Yearlings ll was only two hours that he stood
there, and not a shell fell In all that
time, not a Uerniun stirred.
"it Is a weird and uwful experi
ence, that first Bight In tho trenches.
The next time It Is an easy matter. "
$8.50-10.60; Wethers $8.60
F.wch $6.00 8.00
Have jou read Mr. Hoover's re
port of the food shipped abroad dur
ing the last riscal year? Aren't you
proud of the showing? and aren't
you glad that VOll helped save some
of that 141,000,000 bushels of
Prepare tar she Bet Wave
The hot sun is doubly dangerous lr
there Is a mass or undigested rood in
tho stomach. Foley Cathartic Tab-
Tbe president Is planning to go lotB ",ve prompt and sure relief. They
without his usual vacation this sum- "(t gently but do their work thor
nier. America Is a self sacrificing oughly. They cleanse the bowels,
nation, and doubtless many a man Kwcuton the stomach and benefit the
could be found who would willingly ' liver. For indigestion, biliousness,
take the president's vacation for him. ,)a1 breath, bloating, gau. Sold by
o j Iteed Hros.
The government In addition to o
tuklng over the telegraph and tele- Our American generals in France
phone systems Is taking control of seem to bo having some trouble with
all physclans in the United States, the French signals. They apparont-
miisi consider the doctors as live lv comnrohoiwi 1 1 , . - ui..,,..i i..,- "...i
- ........ ... ....... . ... ...r,,,,,, ,WI n-
wlreH ranee" without difficulty, but thut
0 for "retreat" troubles them, and tor
When Yanks meet tanks, then tne subsequent "hold position" they
comes the tug of war. S"t "counter-attack."
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Building and Farm Loans Made Direct
Farms and Ranches
Fire Insurance
Life Insurance
Office Phone B-llO
Resident Phcn.s G-OO and G-43
Agents for WRAY'S STAGE
Members Burns Commercial Club
Sunday, Aug. 4th
George M. Cohan
In a Screen Adaptation of His
Own Sensational Stage I it
"Seven Keys to Baldpate"
A 6-Reel Production
The Aricraft produc
tion is Mr. Cohan's
recipe for a happy en
tertainment. It is an
ideal prescription for
the most morbid grouch.
In his new film tonic,
George M. has mixed
with exact proportions,
mystery, laughter and
thrills with a sweetening
dash of love as a tribute
to Cupid, all of which
work the desired result
upon men, women and
children alike.
Wednesday, Aug. 7
Jack Pickford and Louise Huff, in
Also a "Fatty" Arbuckle Comedy
WSlt-jm Terl CohAm in
BbsssSsf -esess!! w lUnidl sWaum II
'!;,. LSS BM I (SKHMMmiVMt) ill