The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 03, 1918, Image 3

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The Kino
' ' ' a, agg r r gge
mwrti'r ;wr V 77SJ?I
terp&WAY cofHWir y
xtfSWA kUHViff
rstfYMfAM rr tmy V 1
ji,n-Yw.rnr ( r
Then sin- stopped lor t tic pnnrS mm
brought his heel together sharply, nnd
bending over In r h:nnl. luul kissed It,
r:nll. a- In' hi Aunt Aniuin-
rintn'a when ho wenl to hnve ten with
her. Mrs. Thorpe WAS fnlrly Startled,
tiol nt tli. kisfl, hut .it tin' grace with
which Ihs trihnte vni rendered.
Then "in- looked down, and it re
toiMMi her composure t". ttnil thai l"r
41 Hand Wllllnni Otto, too, bad turned
eyes toward the Mkc, He was, after
nil. only n InniKO sinnll hoy. Willi
quick tenderness she stooped and
i.Nsiii tii in travel on tin. forehead.
Careetea wrri. strange to Ferdinand i k""w ihi
i'tni.,,.. am iiiw wMfnt iinii. lti.iirt i hrnrt
leaped and poaadaA At that moment)
in- would iiiivc iim1 for her l
Mr Thorpe came home a little lata.
Mr i.ivvi',1 Bobby twelve times, and one
to fTOW on. lit' shook liimds iiliscnlly
With thf visitor, imil wive the Krim
icin the evening paper an extra
veganes on which he Insisted, slthough
one could rend tha news for nothing
bjr KinK to the oafa an tha comer.
Thrn he drew his wife nslde.
"Look here:" he siild. "Hunt tell
Bobby no use netting him. nnd oJ
course It's not our funernl. anyhow
hut there's a report thai the crown
prince baa been kidnaped. And dint's
not nil. The old kiiiK I" dying 1"
"How terrible !"
Worse than that. The old king gone
nnd no crown prince ! It may menu
almost imy sort of trouble! I've
closed UJi nt the pnrk for the Bight."
His nun around Ids wife, be looked
through the doorway to where Bobby
nnd Ferdinand wire counting the
candles. "It's made me think pretty
hard." he said. "Bobby mustn't
around alone tha way he's been doing.
All Americana here are considered
millionaires. If the crown prince
could gO, think how easy
UN arm tightened around his wife,
and together they went Into the hirth
diiy least. Ferdinand WHIhiin Otto
wns hungry. He nte egg rly chicken.
fruit oniiiote. iMil'Hii Mllnd- a'.'.'iin
chadea of tha court physicians, in
fed him nt night a balanced ration of
milk, egg, tin! awlebackl I i l ! also
nte buenyj and conversation Ian
Then the aenl ciuie w lien, the
Bra) cravtnga appeased, they sat back
In their chairs while I'cpy Cleared the
table and brought In a knife to nil tha
.ike. Mr. Thorpe hud enweod hfo
nelf for n moment. Now be came hack,
with a bottle wrapped la a uuwapaper,
nnd sat down BgnlB .
"I thought," be said, "as this In a
rent occnslon, not exactly Bobett'l
earning of ait, but awrhtag his nrrlvni
at years of discretion, the period when
he ceases to be a small boy ami be
comes a big one, we mighl drink n
toast to It."
"Hubert!" objected the hltf boy
"A teHspoonful ench, honey." be
hugged "it changee it from a mere
topper to a festivity."
lie poured u few drops of wine Into
the children'! glaaaea. and Hied them
up with water. Then he filled the
others, and BBt snillliic. lbja hlg yoUHK
man. who bad brought hi loved nen
across the sen. nnd wns trying to UMBO
tfcem happy up a flight of atone stnlrs,
above a concierge' bureau that
Kioeiled of garlic.
"Flrat," he said. "I believe It Is eus
1unary to tonet the king. Friends. I
jelve you the good king and I. rave
w.ldler. Ferdinand of Livonia."
They atood up to drink it, and even
1'i-py had a glass.
Ferdinand Wllllaui Otto win on Ida
feet first. He held his glaaa up In Ida
right hand, and bis eyes shone. He
knew what to do. He had seen the
Icing health drunk any nninoer on
"To Ma majesty. Ferdinand of Li
vonia," be wild solemnly. "Hod keep
the klngT
Over HwHr iflnsses Mrs. Therpe'l
eyes met her hushund's. How they
trained their cbllilren here!
Hut IVrdlnand WinCim t had not
flnlshed. "I give you," be walcl, In bis
clear youag treble, holding bis glass,
"the preshient of the United State
the president!"
"The president !" said Mr. Thorpe.
They drank again, except the Fruu
leln, who disapproved of children be
ing made much of. and only pretended
to lp her wine.
"Hobby," aid hi mother, with n
catch in her voice, "haven l you ome
thing n suggest a t'instV"
Hobby eyes were on the cuke; he
came back with difficulty.
"Well," he meditated, "I guee
would 'home' he III! light 7"
jid. n little slian
rounded hj pomp, ordered by rule ahtl
precedent, hardened by military II
cipiiiio, ami unaoftened by family lovi
nave for the urini affection of the aid
Home !
After all, I'epy's plan went astray
for the I'liiulcln pit the china baby
ami Ferdinand William Otto the Lin
coin penny.
"That,'' said Bobby' father, "is n
Lincoln penny, young man, it bears
the portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Have
yOU ever beard of him'"
The pliuie looked up. Hid he not
Gettysburg addreaa" b
'- '-iSaal aaf Ml
Jim mtMM
tnjmir IbVBbbI bbbbVbTII 1 U WAWMM V
"Vcs, sir," he said. "The IB)
grandfather thinks that President Lin
coin was a very great num."
"One of the world's greatest, I hard
ly thought, over here- " Mr, Thorpe
paused and looked spei ulalU ely at the
hoy. "You'd belter keep thai penny
where you won't lose It," he said sob
erly. "It doesn't hurt us to try to be
good. If you're In trouble, think of
the difficulties Abraham Lincoln ur
tnounteil. If you want to he great
think how arent he was." He was a
trifle ashamed Of his own earnestness
"All that for a penny, young man!"
The festivities were taking n serious
turn. There wns u little packet at
each plate, nnd now Hobby's inotbei
reached over mid opened hers.
"Ob!" she said, and exhibited B
gaudy tissue paper bonnet Breryhodj
hud one. Mr. Thorpe's was a dunce's
cap. ami I laulcins a giddy Pierrette
of black ami while. Hobby had a
military cap With eager lingers Fer
dinand William Otto opened Ills; he
bud never lusted this delicious pupcr
cap joy before.
It was a crown, n sturdy bit of (tolil
paper, rnl Into points ami set with
red paste Jewel fl gciu of a crown.
He wns , harmed. He pal II on bis
bead, with the unconsciousness of
childhood, ami nosed dettghtedly.
The I'raulcln looked at Prime Fcr
dliuind William Otto, and slowly tin
'color left her lean lace. Sbe stale. I.
It was be, then, ami none Other.
Kliiphl. not to have known at the be
'.'Inning ! lie. the crown prince, here
III the home of these biubaioii
American, when, by every plan thai
luul been mads, be shoaid now be in
tJb) builds of who would dtOpOM
of him.
"1 give you," sabl Mr. Thorpe, nils
log bis glnss toward bis wife, "the
Klcr of the feust. Hoys, up with
you !"
It was then that the Krauleiu. mak
ing ail excuse, slipped out of the room.
"Home !" they all Ogl
11 v nnd drank to 1ST
Home! To the Thorpes, a little
house on a sbudy atreet In America:
to the I'riiillein, a Ihalched cottage In
the mountains of (iciinan.v nnd an old
mother; to I'cpy, the room III a line
nient ahere she went at nlgbl ; la
Ferdinand William ,",,. " formal
unite of iipiirtuii'nl In the Plh m"'
The King I Dead.
Now at Inst I be old king's hour had
come. Mostly be slept, as though Ids
body, eager for Its long rest, bad al
ready given up the struggle. Stlinu
lants, given by Ids devoted phylclun.
had no effect. Other physicians there
were, a group of them, but It was Doc
tor Weldcrinim who stood by the bed
nnd waited.
Father (iregory. bis friend of tunny
years, hud come iigulu from Ktzel. and
it wns be who bad iidmiulslcred the
Hiicrnmeut. The king bud roused for-l
It, and bad smiled at the father.
"Hoi" be aald, almost lu a whisper.
"you would lend me clean ! It Is bald
to scour an old kettle."
Doctor Welderman bent over Ibe
bed. "Majesty," be Implored. "If there
I anything we cuu do t make you
coinfortuble "
"Olve me Hubert's picture," wild the
king. When Id linger refused to bold
It, Annunclata came forward swlftlj
and held It before him. Hut hi heavy
eye closed. With more Intuition than
I light hnve been expected of her. the
archduchess laid II on the While cover
let, nnd placed her father's baud on
The two sisters of mercy be
side the bed, and looked ilowu at the
Mulct figure.
"I should wish to die o," whispered
the elder. "A long life, filled with
many deeds, and then to sleep away!"
"A long life, full of many sorrows!'
Observed the younger iuie, her eyes
full of tears. "lie bus oulllved nil
thnl he loved."
"Kxeept the Utile Otlo."
Their glances met, for even In r.
here was a ipiesllon.
A If their tboui'lii had penetrnie,
he bBBS which is. perhaps, the mi
it hides from us Ihe gutes of In-an'ii
the old king opened hi eye.
"Olio!" he siild. "I- wish--"
Annuuclnta bent over him. "He I"
coming, futlmr," she told him, with
while Up.
She slipped to her ki s besble tin
bed, mid looked up to Doctor Welder
mmi with appealing eyes.
"I am afraid," she whispered. "Can
you not I"
He shook- IiIm head, She bad Baked
n question In her glance, and be bad
nsweasd. The crown prince va
"A Long Life, Full of Many Sorrow."
pone. Pet haps the search would b
successful. COuld he not be held. then,
until the boy was found And Hoctoi
Welderman had answered "No."
iii the antechamber Ibe council
wailed, standing and without Speech
Hut In an nrincbnlr beside the dooi
to the king's room the chancellor eat
DlS lace burled III Ills biimls. In spllr
of precautions, in spite of erery thing,
Hie blow hud fallen. The crown prl
to hint at once son and sovereign, the
III lie crown prince, was gone. And
bis old friend, his i omnnlc of many
year-, lay nt bis last hour.
Now be waited for the kln's death
Waited numbly. For, with the totting
of Bt. Stefan's bell would rise the cry
for the new king.
And there was no king.
In the little room where the sltei
kept their medicines, so useless now,
Hedwlg knelt at the prle-dleu nnd,,.
The king roused ugalii. "Meltllch?'
he asked.
Tl bier sister tiptoed to the doot
and opened It. The council turned
dread on their rnces. She placed a
hmiil 00 the chancellor's shoulder.
"Ills majesty has asked for you."
When he looked up. dazed, she bent
down nnd took his hand.
Oouragel" she said Quietly,
The chancellor stood a second in
ddo tiie il '. Then he went to the
side or the bed. and knelt, bis Up
to il Id. white hand on the counter
Sue!" he choked. "It Is I Met!
The king looked at him. nnd placed
bis band on the bowed gray neeu.
Tb. ii bis eyes turned to Aiiliuncliitli
and rested there. It was as ir he saw
her. not as the embittered woman of
late years, but as the t bild of the
Will Bail he bad loved.
"A good friend, and a good daugh
ter," be said dearly, "tew men the
so fortunate, and fewer sovereigns."
Ills hand moved from Metlllcli's bead.
and rested on the photograph.
The elder sister leaned forward nnd
touched his wrist. "Doctor!" she said
Doctor Wcldcrintin CBBM first,, the
others follow-In-. They grouped
around the bed. Then the oldest of
them, who bad brought Anuilitclatii
Into the world, touched her oil the
"Madame!" he snld. "Muihime, I
bis mnjesty bn passed away."
M.nlleli siiiin-'crcd to Id feet, nnd
took a long look lit the face of hi old
sovereign and King.
In the meantime, things had been
happening In the MOM where the
council waited. The council free of
the restraint of the chancellor's pres
ence, had fatten tons ksw-eteed con
sultation. What ws to be done?
They knew already the rumor of the
streets, nod were helpless before Ihem.
They had done what they could. But
the tMiy was gone, and flic city rising.
Already the garrison of the fortress
bad been ordered to Ibe palace, bill
it could not arrive before midnight.
FrlcHC had questioned the wisdom of It,
nt that, and was for flight ns soon as
flic king died. Hiiyerl. on the other
hand, urged u Stand, In the hope that
ill,, crown prince would be found.
Their voices, lowered at first, rose
acrimoniously ; almost they penetrated
lo I he silent room beyond. On to the
discussion cuine Nlkky l.iirlsch, cm
ered with dlisl nnd Spotted Willi froth
from Id boms. Be entered without
ceremony, his boyish face drnwii nnd
while, bis cap gone, his eyes atar
Ing. "The clpincellor?" be aid.
Some one pointed to the rnotn be
yond. Nlkky hesitated, Then, being young
,i,l rlniinallc. even In tragedy. In' nil
buckled hi sword hell nnd took It off,
pliu lag It tn Inble.
"Centic nen," he snld, "I have com
o surrender myself."
The council atared,
"For what reason V" ilcinanded Mur
icliall coldly.
"I believe II Is cllllell high l.cnSOIl."
lie IomiI Ills c.M'S for II IIIHIUClll. "Il
is because id my negligence thai this
thing has hlippcneil. lie was In IUJ
charge, ami I left him."
No one said miylliing. The council
looked al a loss, lather like n Itacfc "'
sheep vn! routing otnu atrange aid- "
"I would have UllOi myself," siild
Nlkky Lai Kill, "lull It was too easy."
I lien, lallicr at a loss as to the
pj : , i 1 1 qui " of in resting one' self,
be how. d Hill III t ami walled.
, The door into tic king' In dchamber
opened 'i lie linnet llor en thrnui It,
Ilia lace willing. It Closed behind
"(leiillciaeii of the council ." In said.
it is i u- doty my duty to announce-
Ills voice broke; hi
grlsxled chin quivered; tears rolled
down hN cheeks. "Friends," he sabl
pitifully, "our good king -my Old com
mtde Is dead !"
The hlrl Inlay supper was over. It
had ended wlih mi American Ice cream.
brought it, riiefully by i'cpy. bocBuai
Of lis ex pi a -Ivem ss. They had CUl
the eake Willi "l'.oby" on the lop. and
the crown i rince hod eut D for mori
than was (.-end for him.
lie sat, lingering the Lincoln penny
ami feeling extremely foil and rerj
Then, suddenly, from n fur olT ehurcll
a deep toned bell In gBB tO toll slow
Prince Ferdinand William on
cinighl It. SI. Stefan's hell ! He Bfll
up ami listened. The sound was faint
one tell it rather than heard II. but
the slow booming was unmistakable
He got up and pushed Ills chair back
Other bells had taken II Up, MM
now the whole city seemed alive wlih
bells- hells lhat swung sadly from siih
to side, as If they imld oer and over;
"Alas, iilus!"
Kometblng like panic seized Fenll
nam! William Otto. Sou iluiulty
had happened. Some one was per
baps his grandfather
He turned an appealing face to Mrs
Thorpe. "I must go," be snld. "I d
not wish to appear rude, but some
thing Is wrong. The bell "
I'cpy bad been listening, too. Hat
broad face worked. "They mean inn
thing." she Maid slowly. "I have heard
It said nany times. When SI. SlcfanS
tolls like that the king is deed!"
"No! No!" cried Ferdinand W It
Until Otto nnd ran madly out of tin
While the birthday supper was at
Its height. III the bureau of the fn
cierge sat old AdeTbert, heavy mm
despairing. That very day had h
learned to wha1 use the eommlttei
would put the Information he hi. I
given them, and Ills old heart WW
d I within htm. One may not M
loyal for seventy years, ami then easily
become u traitor.
Then, at seven o'clock, something
The concierge's niece had gone
leaving the supper ready cooked m
the back of the sieve, (lid Adclbcrl
sat alone, ami wati hi J the rt d ban
or the stove lade to black. By thai
time It was done, and be was of tin
damned, The i town prince, who wai
of an age with the American lad np
stairs, the crown prime was In lln
hands of Ills enemies. He. old Adel
bert, bud done It.
And now It was forever ton late
Terrible thoughts tilled his mind. He
could not live thus, yet he could not
die. The daughter must have the n
slon. He must live, a traitor, he on
whose breast the Mug himself hat
pinned n decorntlon.
He wore Ills new uniform, lu honoi
of the day. Suddenly he felt lhat lit
could not wear It any longer. He bud
no right M any uniform. He who bud
sold his country was of no country.
He went slowly out and up the stair
case, drugging bis wooden leg pain
fully from step to step. He beurd Hit
concierge come in below, III heavy
footsteps re-echoed through the build
Ing. Inside the door be called furl
otisly to bis niece. Old Ailelbert henrtl
him strike n mutch to light the gus.
In his room he nt down on n
iii'Mlidi! cbai r Inside the door. um.
Stared ahead. Then, alowly and me
elm ideally, be took off his new uni
form mid donned the old oue. H
would have put on civilian clothe, had
he poNseased any. For by the deedf
of that day be bud forfeited the right
lo the king's garb.
It was there that Block Humbert
hurrying up. found blm. The eon
cierge was livid, hi massive friiim
shook with excitement.
"Quick !" he snld, uud awore n great
oath. "To the simp of the cohblci
Reins, nnd tell blm Ibis word. Bate
In the building Is the boy."
"Wiuit tej r
The concierge closed a great bund
on Ibe veteran's shoulder. "Who but
Ibe crown prince himself !" he Haiti.
"Hut I thoughtbow can be be
"Here Is he, III our very band. It
Is no time to ask question''
"If be Is here "
"He Is wlih Ibe Americans hissed
i lie concierge, the vein on his fore
head swollen with excllemenl. "Now.
go, nnd quickly. 1 shall walch. Kay
that when I have secured Ibe lad. I
mall take him there. Let nil he ready.
An hour ago." be said, raising bis
great fists on high, "and everything
lost. Now hurry, old wooden leg. It
I a great night."
"Hnl I cannot Already I have
done too much. 1 am damned. I have
lost my aoiil. I wbl am stiou to die "
"Vnil will go."
And, at last, be Brant, bubbling down
the staircase recklessly, because the
looming figure at Ibe Stairhead wus
listening, lie reached tha street
There, only a block away, was the cob
bler' shop, lighted, but with the dirty
CUI'tnlni drawn across the window.
(To be continued)
If you just want your car patched up, 'why nuwt
any tinker can satisfy you.
If you want it REPAIRED, remade, built up to
full auto efficiency, bring it to us.
We Don't Have To Do Our Work Twice
-It Sticks
When we give your car the once over and (urn it
out for service, you can bet your life it's "FIT" in
shape to give you satisfactory service.
The longer our work sticks, the bigger adveatise
nient it is for us. That's one reason we take pains.
And then, we like to do the square thing.
VV( "Solicit, Your Patronage
Roy C. Moullen, Mgr..
Repair Department Lampshire'a- Garage
Jhe Brunswick Phonograph
at The
Come in and see them and hear
their beautiful violin like tone
They play any Disc Record made
The price is within the reach of all
On display and being demonstrated at the
I gBgggeBJBBBBJgBBgBggBBVSBgggSiaflgCBggiBBnBBVXBggaa1
Our Specialty Plumbing, Set Metal Work, Repairing
Call and see oil of
Commission Orders oa
or anything in the Hardware line
A Bigger and Better Cream
Separator For The Same Money
Efficiency, Durability, Simplicity
We are Agents
Tcapirarj .arters H warefcwse at rear af tld stoti-Jtam
s 4
We will lo your Job printing.
A car wiih stalled OR a lonely road. No DOOM
within miles, no food in the locker. The baby ty
intf, 'n "every thing!"
Had the driver listened to his better BbHIM,
he would have reached home and its comforts lHr
ago, but he took a chance and did not attend to
he knew ought
to have beea taken care of before he started on Uie
If your car ncds repairing, er looking into,
DO IT TODAY and avoid inconvenience, delay or
Universal Garage Co.