The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 03, 1918, Image 2

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Chine Physician by No Mean All
Ignorant of Fin Point of
Thlr Proflon.
Writing of a recent decree of Hie
Chinese fovernment, permit tln(r an p
leu on the humnn body. Milliard' He
lew (Shanghai) says that It la only
lately that rhlnew doctor dlacovered
that the bodies of Orientals had the
rnnie Internal arrnnRement a thoae of
Occidentals. They had been taught
that the organ were arranged much
hi the milliner of a modern oilier- build
ing with the levator shsfl ss ! "
neclliig medium. Hill It adds :
"It must be admitted. Imwiner. tbnt
the Chinese pniollthmiTs, thfOUgtl
long nrperlehoa and through tii cna
torn of heading down medical ecreta
from one generation to another, i
have minv excellent nti 1 1 remedies,
One Chinese medical treatise InBlcate
no less tnao W dlfferenl type of
pulse, nnd anottaw t'nrin of Ireatment
Is thai of puncturing the body with a
needle. A chart of the human body
contain 7X spots which are Indicated
a the place where It ll s:ife to Insert
a needle without Injuring a vital or
gan. Qnlnlhe us a medicine has long
been known In China, Belief In the
Handily of the human body In rela
tion to future life has up to the last
few years prevented the use and devel
opment of larger."
Play at Something.
Are you one of those who laugh at
those who ride bobbles? Hid you ever
notice that a nian doesn't amount to
much who Isn't a little batty over
something outside of the way he makes
a living.
Look around nt the unusual men
and women you know and see If all
of them haven't sidelines In the way
of work. These queries nre due to a
lory of a Idg man who "clears his
mind" every evening b.v driving a
motorenr through the worst trattlc In
the world, lie could Just as well take
easier routes, hire an expert chauffeur
or not drive at all. but the trip makes
him forget SUCh little thing as money
deals nnd Mg operation
die every day some portions of
yonr hndl other than those with which
you make a living, either mind or
muscle, lu-.t because you're grown la
no reason why yon mould nol play.
Toledo Blade.
Picture Dramas That Have Happy
Ending Can Never Attain Popu
larity in Rush.
Four and the act movie dramas of
the highly emotional and sentimental .
kind are popular In Kussla. Cowboy!
ctlvltles. murders ami burglaries do
not appeal to these audiences. Rough '
comedy Is wasted even on the cheap
est llussiau audience. They do not ,
understand It.
American pictures, a a rule, do not
appeal to the Ilusaian tnsle. They
:nl a drama woven usually annual
the "eternal triangle;" the men must
he ardent lovers, and the women Weak
hut noble.
A meeplng mother or the deathbed
nf beloved father Is always very lin
preaaive. There must be a death In
the drama, preferably the sub hie of
hero or heroine, with the other one
going into the cloister at ti ml. The
Ideal picture play for Russian popular'
audiences must not. under any clrcum- !
stances, have n happy ending,
The Russian use a great deal of de-;
snfptlvs and explanatory material on
Ihe films In showing their own dramas
They depend upon It largely for Lb
"action." They do not care nearly so
much for action In the picture as for
postures Indicating emotions. Ama
tory and deathbed scenea should al
ways he photographed to the Inst de
tail, but nearly everything else may
he written and read.
Do I Look Like a Boy?
.Ssnr- BSk f 2
B& JESm TrL&mfri SSS
Bs Ji BuiHr "-"w
9J mL LWt..MmMk.'s
, sWgfjkhol W m
I - aasl Wg
fJPa'" 'S.-
Ltille Mdry KfAliyter
in'Pjnls nnr
8rvlc. of Cour, Would B Laugh1
at Now, But We Really )
markabl Than.
The pony express, a romantic fea
ture of the Weat of that day, waa part
of a mall line from New York to Ban
Franclaeo. Between Ht. Joseph, Mo.,
the weatern terminus of the railway,
and Sacramento, the distance wa
traversed by horaemen mounted on
awirt and durable ponies, each of
which traveled alxty mile, and then
turned over his mall bags to another.
The weight carried was not to ex-
d ten pounds, and the charge waa
$."S In gold for each quartet of an
A letter or parcel weighing nn ounce.
now carried for 8 centi, cost 20 in the
days of the pony express, lly the aid
of the pony rarrtera the dlafance Be
tween New fork and San I'ranclsco
m Covered In I I 'lays, ii Truly re
niarkahlo performance, considering the
real tllatanC and the character of the
country traversed by the brava rid
ers. 'Plie horienien were In constant
danger In many sections of the route
I'rmn hoatll Indlnns, but they were
well paid, their salary being H.S00 a
month. The pony axpreai lusted two
years, being abandoned when the tele
graph line across the continent wa
How Do Men Break Down?
Re assured Mint there Is no chnnc
of your breaking down although
there will be limes when yon will try'
to fool yourself with this Idea. This
thought of breaking down Indeed Is
one of the Illusions of mediocrity. It
Is the excuse whl'-h every limy man
present! to himself It Is moral iis'.lg
ma 1 1 -an. The grent fact Is that men do
not break down from overwork so
much as la commonly supposed. A
they go upward In the scale of In
creased activity. Inrreased responsi
bility only acts upon them as a natural
stimulant unit carries them along. If
bard work and worry killed men so
easily, ni"st of the successful business
men of America woulc In- (had ill
ready. No! What kills men Is due more
10 what they take Into their stomachs
lather than what they II l(e Into their
minds. Physical Ciil I ure
First American Legitlature.
The Brat colonial assembly to en
.toy the right of Initiating legislatien:
was the Maryland assembly, which
convened In 1830 and was composed of
representatives of the whole people
a purely democratic legislature, In tin
beginning every adull nilile cill.en wan
permitted ho sit in the assembly, hut
with the Increase In population it WM
fOUttd necessary to limit the number
all hough there was still no legal re
strlcllo.i on Ihe number of delegate
the people might send.
t'mler the (baiter Lord Hiilllmnr
hail the power of enacting all neees
sary laws for the colony, "with Ihr
advice, consent ami approbation of tin
freemen of the prmliice." The asseiti
bly demanded the right of Initiating
legislation, however, ami this was
grinded by Lord Hallimore In 10.18
and the following year the assembly
met ami enacted the llrst statutes ot
Maryland. In their law making the i
pioneer Marylander were entirely In-1
dependent f the British parliament
and enjoyed a greater dcert f all
toit-tay than any other Kngllsh colony
aught Cold at Palm Ileal ll
Southern climate ia no protection
agaljiM summer colds. Helen It.
Saunders, 1526 2nd Av., W. Pulin
ROSCh, Kla.. writes; "My severo cold
on tits CBSjSt was relieved by Foley's
Honey und t'ompound." Thia film
old family remedy ran be depended
upon to relieve summer colds, hay
fever, asthma and croup. -Sold by
Heed .'no.
All her life she hed
wanted to have a chance
to wear boy's clothes
and play with other kid
dies; when the golden
opportunity arrived she
grasped it with both
Mary McAlister
August 10
Ills Iteiniirk.ibl.- Medicine Arrom-
pillilng Wonderful llesiills
In Lending Cities
Referring to the visit to Portland
and other weatern cltlea of Mr. L, T.
Cooper, the millionaire phllanthrop
lat and lecturer, who ha command
pllahlng such remarkable results,
ed such wide spread interest In the
Bait with his health theories and
celebrated medicine, Teniae, K. C.
Harris, his representative recently
said III Port land;
"Thousands of the most prom!
neill people of Cinclnnall. CtSVSlsnd,
Denver, Hall I .like Cltv. Detroit,
LoulgVlUe, Dallas, Athinla. Mem
phla, and otlsgr cities, where bis cel
ebrated medicine has been aooom
are even more enthusiastic DVSf
Tnnhic than Mr. Cooper himself.
"As previously stated. Mr. Cooper
contends that nine tenths of tho dis
eases and III health of the average
person Is due lo a catarrhal condi
tion, which produces faulty digestion
and Improper assimilation of the food
"In a recent Interview, Mr. Cooper
was linked If Tanlac would relieve
kidney trouble, liver complaint,
rheumatism, and a dozen other ali
ments, and In this connection, said:
"Aa I have repeatedly aold ; my
medicine acts directly upon the mu
cous membrane, stomach and blood,
expelling from them the Impurities
and tonic poisons, and rendering to
them a strong, healthy condition.
I am convinced that the stomach
regulates the condition of the blood,
and la the fountain head of health or
disease, as tho case may be. My
medicine is Intended primarily for
the regulation of the stomach and
iiilarrhal Inflamatlon. but ll is no
uncommon thing for persona who
have used ll lo (time lo me and ex
plain thai It has relieved them of
rheums ti m and many other ail
ments, not gsnsrsJly roognlssd as
Inning Until origin In stomach
"The Ingredients or medicinal el
ements which iiuike Teniae, come
Horn many rsmots sections ot ti,..' Treasurer, .....Henry Daltot
earth the Alps, the PrrSMSS, Hus- '.Marshal A A. Perry
inn Ants, West Indies, mountain Ceuncilman:
slates near the RoCgy .Mountains, , J- K- I.oggsn, Sam Motherland
Mexbo. and Peru ure among the
points from which Ihe principal parfs
of the preparation ure obtained. In
clency shown by the uiilform prepar
Medlclne Co.. Inc., under the effi
cient direction of a chemist of note,'
those medicinal herns, roota and
harks are assembled In the rough
and painstakingly developed so as to
attain that high standard of -off I
clem y shown h ythe uniform prepar
ation m Tanlac."
Tanlac Is now sold to Burns by J
Reed Bros.
ltussla Is going through the suc
cessive stages of unsuccessful war.
famine dog I lie footsteps of war,
and pssttlsnoS follows famine.
The eagle of victory does nol seem
to care particularly for perching on
the Hun banner. Perhaps the dove
of peace will he more obliging.
Cor Miller and C. Sts
Sunday High Mass at 10:39 o'clock
Week daya Muss at 7 o'clock.
Instructions for children Satur
days at 9 A. M.
Rev. Father Francis. O. F. M.
Have real purrlittHcrs for lmi h an
finiprovsd and unlmprovsd farm, but
unless you urn Hie owner and have
a good buy, do not waste time answ
ring, as I mean businSSt, Stale
prloss, terms, and jiartlculurs In your
first letter. II. C, Irwin, Hlf,-.Sloik
KxchuiiKe HulldiiiK, I'orllund, Oregon.
When you walk into a dependable
hoe store and ask tor a pair or
BucKHBCin' Army Shoes, you
can bt sure
Tint tin , Army Shoe u up
lo sundsrd - it is
mad by workmen who
have turned out mors than
600,000 Army SIiom undo
expert uprrvuioii and that
it ia backed by a record of more than fifty
yean of lioueat (hoc inanufallumig.
Look for our registered trade n.ime
Buck 1 iw iit t,iiuuil on the tole of every
Shoe-for our mutual protection.
At your dealer's or if ha Is nol supplied 6rder
direct from the manufacturers,
Buckingham A Hecht, San Francisco
Our laboratories are surce.-mfully
making many drug and chemicals
which we formerly could procure on
ly from Oermany. And the products
are receiving good American names
bate of Oregon
United State Senaters:
Oeo. E. Chsmberleln.C. I. McNary
W. C. Hawley, N. J. Slsnott, 0. N
Attorney General, George M. Browt
Governor James Wlthycombt
Set rotary of State Hen W. Olcoti
Treasurer .T. B. Kaj
Hupt. Public Instruction J. A. Chur
Htnto Printer John Lawrennt
rtiiprcnie Judges:
K. A. Moore. Geo. H. Burnett, Robt
Rskln, It. S. Bean, Thos. A. McBrlde
Henry I.. Bonson, Lawrence T. liar
Ninth Judicial District
District Judge Dalton Blggi
County Attorney M. A. Blggi
Circuit meets the first Monday it
April, and first Monday in October.
Joint-Senator J. A. Hurlo)
Joint llepreiientallve. C. M. Crandal
County Of Harney
County Judge II. C. Leveni
Clerk Cheater Daltoi
Treasurer Pearl O. Klsi
chool Su pt , . .
J. O. Nicholson
. W. A. Ooodmst
..John Csldwel
. . . France Clarl
.0. W. Clevengei
W. II. Robin, R. L. Has.
County Court meet the first Wed
nesday In January, March, May, July
September and November.
Harney V. S. I and Office
Register V. O. Cozar
Kecelver Kam Mother test
City of Horns
Meetings of the Council every Sn
ond and Fouith Weduesda).
liecorder W. Y. KIni
C. M Salisbury, J. It. Thompson.
Only 54 lemon oil is re
quired by the Grovern
mii t, in genuine lemon
extracl Crescent c n -tiiins
nearly three times
that amount.
No WOnder Crescent Le-
mon goes farther does
not bake out like cheap
er extracts.
It will pay yon always
to iikU for
There's j ust one thing
to remember ask for
the Buckhhcht Army
Shoe by name and be
sure that you get it.
Then you will appre
ciate why it is worn by
thousands or
Office Men Farmer
Attorney OrchardUU
Physicians Motormen
Hikers Conductor
and others in every walk of life.
$fi.50 $7.50
- J SBBT .sSatfflsfe).
.ssWfl w d&m
BsV sJ lifcs. HsW
Wt I ijafi am. JM BSBBfan
I afll m TsVnsm HHUIPJ Ml'- B
bk iJas nki aSJ
.. '.- 'jE-K Si tSfflHKE&SnH I
LbblM. fla
If fl s snSaW """"" H
Hfl "o M..COHAN Wi400
H Sr.vr.N Kiv o Baiomte M tf ' BsffS
-Asrcsor Pictuso- ligB f
Tomorrow night
Perfect Confidence
No other vrOfds OSp describe the relations
that Hiioult, exint between ti Ihink und ii
If you haven't confidence in the soundness of a
bank, you certainly will not trust your money
to it.
This Bank invites inspection of its
financial strength and soui id business methods.
We know they are bow criticism, but the
ooint is, we want you to ki ow it.
When you have learned, then we solicit your
business on our merits.
20,000 Acres
water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company oregon
Bring your ford car to us when it needs
to he "iix d up" or repaired. We guarantee
the moat reliable work; the genuine Ford-made
materials gnd to ask Furd prices. It is our
business to know all about Ford cars. We have
the neoessary equipment and competent work
men to do the work as it should be done and to
give you prompt attention at all times. When
you want to buy a Ford car we earnestly solicit
your order.
For your convenience we keep a supply of
at Narrows, Riley, Alberson, Harney, Drewsey
and Juntura
The Times-Herald
nt the Liberty Thenlro
Prints for Particular Pcop'e