The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 27, 1918, Image 8

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    Notlue Ib hereby given that there
are sufficient funds on hand tojiay
General Fund Countv Warrant real.
STATE OV n" "'
orcu nrinrt-i,rmet Of the Condition of the
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
At the close of business Jane 89, 1918
IiOans and Discounts $518,458.23
U. S. Bonds 105.312.50
Bonds and Securities 27,970:22
Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 3.000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 0.200.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00
CASH 140,494.98
Capital $ 50,000.0
Surplus Fund 60,000.00
Undivided Profits Account 35,018.81
Circulation 50,000.00
BillsJPayable (Liberty Loan Account) 25.000.00
Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 24,800.00
DEPOSITS 572,117.12
FOR HQRjaitJrt
8m J. J. Donegan.
Capital and Surplus
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
The Times-flerald
Has The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
K J. Sizeniore
other day.
wax In town the
Ira Milium
this week.
was a business visitor
Joe Clark wan down from Harney
W'-illli- il.iv .
Mm. J. (). AlberHon
ilurliiK tlie week.
waH In town
. Amliu Electrical Trouble Shooter. !
Tom Allen was In town during the
John Gemherllng Is home from a
short visit to Blue Mt. Springs.
Four-horse power Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine for sale. Call at this of
fice. Forest Supervisor C. J. Bingham
was over from John Day during the
week on official business.
The Burns Cash Store will be open
after six o'clock this Saturday even
ing the same as in the past.
Mrs. Chester Dalton arrived home
the latter part of last week from a
visit to Salt l.uke and other outside
Ambu taken from the name of
the inventor's American Bureau of
Engineering Technical Institute,
Chicago, III.
J. W. Bayer has returned from
Bend where he had been for several
weeks at work assisting In the erec
tion of a big saw mill.
"W. L. Newton was In town this
week from his homestead near Nar
rows. He Is engaged to teach In Cat
tow again the coming school year.
BUI la Ilurko Is going to lie MM al
tin' Liberty Theatro next Wednesday
There is nothing wrong with lther
the morale or the morals of tin- Amor
lean army.
U Damon, of Independence, Is in
this vicinity looking alter some dul
lness lad rests.
Albert Oakerroan and his mother
were In town during the week from
their Riley home.
J. W. Biggs returned from a trip
to his holdings in the Denlo section
last Monday evening.
J. E. Rounseville was a business
visitor from the southern part of the
county during the week.
A. W. Whlsnant and Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde McKay were over from Bend
W. T. Vanderveer was over from
his Pine Creek ranch during the week
He was looking up the food admlnls-1 THK KIRBT NAT.ONAI, BANK OF
the fore part of this week.
Archie McOowan and his son
Burns have been absent for some
time on a vacation trip to the Des
chutes section.
C. C. Page has been absent during
most of the past week visiting Ontar
io and Idaho points looking for
fruits and vegetables for his establishment.
Ambu! What It Is an Instrument
that accurately takes the pulse, tem
perature, blood pressure and dispo
sition of any electrical system used
on automobiles.
trator to get sufficient sugar to can
some fruit.
County Commissioner W. H. Hob
Ins and family have returned from an
extended trip to outside points, dur
ing which they visited their former
home in Wallowa county. Mr. Roti
ins has been attending an adjourned
term of court this week.
MAKKH vorit $ $ HAPN."
Theodore Sprague left yesterduy
morning for Portland to Join his
father who Is working in the ship
yards. We are informed Mr. Spraguo
has bought property In Portland.
FOB SALE Ford car Just over
hauled In good running condition
Raymond Hfstemnrc.
FOB SALE Ford car just over
hauled In good running condition. -Raymond
C. M. Salisbury left Wednesday
morning for outside points to attend
a convention of some character.
Some light rains during the patit
week have cooled things off in this
vicinity and has also helped the
Ambu. See John McOuire for In
romratlon and free demonstration
at the Hums (iarage until further
Miss Pauline Merner, of Portland
arrived hero the first of this week
to take a position with the Fir:'t
National Bank.
James E. Weston and Phil Smith
went to Bend yesterday on a hurried
business trip. They expect to get
back tonight.
By using the "Ambu" I guarantee
to diagnose your electrical trouble
In thirty minutes, without charge
John McOuire.
C. E. Tulloch and Mr. Stuart, one
of the brothers who conduct a gen
eral merchandise store at Rlltzen,
were In from the Catlow country
during the week.
I have three good trades for Har
ney Valley land. Two for NO acre
hay ranches, one I r 160 acre rye
grass ranch. ir Interested write
Josephine county, Oregon.
Jake Welcome weat over to tin,
BlM Mountain Springs last Sunday
taking Mrs. Welcome, Margaret and
Charley to spend a few weeks rusti
cating. He returned home Monday
Warren Porter left yedcrday
morning for Portland uhTe he goon
to take up war work In some cupu
Ity. He expects to return next spilim
ami renew his development work on
his homestead.
Lost A saddle horse estrayad
from Jack Creek tills sprint;. Hay In
color, branded CM on left stifle,
saddle marked, weight aliqjut 900 lbs.
Howard for his recovery or Informa
tion leading to his recovery. M. S.
Davies, Narrows, Oregon.
II. Mechani of Ogden, Utah, has
been In this vicinity for a few days
and has purchased several car loads
of cattle for shipment ont. We art
Informed he purchased the entire
herd of ("has. Wilson which Is one
of the best In this vicinity.
C. T. Miller and his son Howard
were up from the ranch Thursday.
Chas. says he will not have sufficient
hay for his stock during the coming
winter but Is going to lay In a supply
of cottonseed cake as ho Is Informed
by those who have used It that It Is
fine feed. Mutton was In town this week
Roper was In town last Mon-
Cawlfleld was In the city last
If you want your liny Insured see
Win. Kmito.
W. T. Harris was up from Narrows
Oeorge Gates spent
In town this week.
a short time
Prestley Smyth Is In the city from
his Diamond home.
Lady waiter wanted
Restaurant in this city.
at the Star
' Lester Hamilton Is up from
noma near Denlo on business.
rJstflsl h' flDW!iMmi,wrM!M I&
Bwsaamammmmmmmm j
Oranl Reynolds will oil windmill i
after six o'clock any evening.
Html Moss and Joe I, III. ml were
over from Drnwsey last Saturday.
Hobt. Mofflt and wife were among
our visitors during the past week.
Mr. and
over from
this week.
Mrs. Thos. Mutton wero
their home at Wagntlre
Victor Cleveland Is over from his
home near Van a guest of relatives
and friends.
Ralph Weaver, of the Crane State
Hank, and 8. M. Bolton were up
from Crane the fore part of this week
A service pin containing two start
was picked up on the street the first
of this week by Dell Dibble and left
at this office. Owner should call
for It.
It's the Penmen That Count
and Without Them You Can't Have
The Dollars
A penny or two saved a day and
you will be surprised how soon
they turn into dollars. Our little
Home Bank will be a reminder.
Get one and acquire the habit.
TJhit 33anA Wfatntain
Harney Eountg National Bank
Burns, Oregon
3 I
E3 e
Prolonging Human Life!
In the effort to lengthen the span of human ex
istence, every available resource in Nature's store
house is utilized. These must be classified and system
ized and ready for use. This is the work of the
The intelligent handling of this vast store of reme
dies, under the direction of your physician, devolves on
Your Druggist
We employ none but competent graduated pharmacists.
The Rexall Drug Store
REED BROS.. Props.
Mrs. L. M. Hamilton writes from
her farm home at Denlo that her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, are
visiting her and Joe la getting fat on
fish and milk. She advised that the
manager of this great religious come
down and he Is going to do It Just as
soon at he can get away from tlw
Smith Crane started another load
of hogs out this week. He said ho
was really surprised tp find so many
In this country but the short grain
crop Is responsible for so many being
placed on the market lor outside
shipment. Mr. Crane even bought
some hogs from the packing
plant as the firm could not hundle
them for lack of feed.
A. Kgll came over from the ranch
nour Wagontire the fore part of Ibis
week for a short business trip and
also to visit bis daughter, Miss Leila,
who Is In the First National Hank of
mis cny. iwr. was accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Blackmer and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blackmer, were
registered at a local hotel during the
week from Seattle. These young men
were former residents of Sunset.
Notice to parties who have ordered i
wood from me; When you are In need '
of wood please notify me a few days I
in advance and I will take care of I
your wants. B. B. BENNETT.
Homer Reed and family have gone
to Portland and will also visit other
points and the coast before returning
home. During his absence Mr. Heed
will make orders for the fall fend
winter necessities for the drug store.
WANTED: Man and wife for a
responsible position on a large cattle
ranch. Must have had previous ex
pcriem e mid able to give references.
A good place for the right parties.
lniiilre of The Times-Herald.
Nate Franklin lias received letter
from A. Ottlnger In which he states
he Is leaving at once for Washington
to sign up a contract for 300 more
airoplau for his factory In California.
Mis firm had finished one contract
and is now ready for a larger one.
J. R. Jenkins and wife and son im
In town from their home in Happy
Valley. Mr. Jenkins states that the
range Is very short and dry In his
section of the country but he has
sufficient forage to get through with
his flocks during the coming winter.
The door of the treasure chamber
In the Arabian Knights, opened to the
name of the grain "Sesame." The
door of victory for the allies will
open to the words "Wheat, and more
American wheat!"
t.usi; NOTU Rj
Our places of business will be
closed every evening Including Sat
urday, at 6 P. M.
Jsf l1i1311 ' '"
"SkinHcr's Bubble" Essanay
At the Liberty Theatre, Saturday, July 27th
Senator Chamberlain has written
parties In this city In connection with
relief for stock men in the way of
rates for shipment of feed In or stoca
out as the case may be. He is also
Informed as to conditions in Lake
and other counties of Eastern and j
Central Oregon and promises to take j
the matter up with the right official.
Married Monday. July 22, In this
city, Peter Miller and Miss Elvle
Roberts, Rev. Maddox of the Naiar
ne church performing the ceremony
at the Summit hotel. Mr. Miller was
pne of the boys who left Wednesday
morning with the drafted men for
Camp Lewis. He had been working
In the vicinity of Denlo for some time
and there Is where his bride resided.
When he cme up to report for dutv
to the local hoard his sweetheart
came also and they were met by his
mother and sister. Quite a few of his
comrades who went out with him to
do army duty witnessed the marriage
and gave the happy couple a rousing
reception. 1'ete wus born and raised
In this countv and already has one
brother In active service and will
have others follow If the struggle'
i lasts very much longer.
i'he Tlinei
over by his little granddaughter
Mary Kgll, who visited with her lltllo Herald wishes the young couple un
cousin. Vincent Miller, who Is hero
from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sutton will
I leave here next Tuesday for a visit
to Springfield and other points In
Western Oregon where Mr. Sutton
has business interests and also to vis
It tils mother. Mrs. Barbae and hor
little daughter will (company the
Buttons. They go to Portland to
Join Mr. Barbee who is now at work
In that city on a newspaper. Mrs.
I la r bee has boon on the local tel
ephone board during her residence
in this city and she has made many
friends who regret her departure.
The Buttons will be absent soma two
bounded success and that when the
war Is over they will return to Har
ney county and "live happy over af
Notice Is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
the Burns Flour Milling Co. will be
held In the city of Burns on Monday,
August 6, at the hour of 2 o'clock In
the afternoon at Tonawama Mall.
The business usual to the annual
meeting will be transacted and any
other business that may come before
the stockholders at that time.
W. K. HUSTON, Secy.
Tne buying power of The Dollar is
not always in the number of
cents it contains
This grt'iit Family Store makeV a specialty of
inci-fUHing the buying power of your money. Ws
Can 1 thiH because
We Buy For Cash
We have no heavy credit bills to pay, and take ad
vantage of all trade discounts. '
We Sell on Close Margins of Profit
A reasonable per cent for our trouble and investment
is all we ask of our customers.
We Handle High Class Goods
Every article we buy is the best possible to be
for the money.
On thewe three biiHfnesH virtues we base our bid
your trade
Burns Cash Store