The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 27, 1918, Image 5

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    VISIT THIS HKCTION Knoxvlllo. BlrniliiRham. Atlanta. Ltt
' tie Roc, Ihreraport, vicksbuin
T. C(Mper, Noted Philanthropist, Jackson. HkiMnrnta M..,. a J
CTree l-arg Part f Inn to nab. Mchileomery. Mobile, and Au-
Kusta, and itlH .' of the
famous free bread line nt Louisville,
where be distributed SO.000 loaves
Of breadibflolutoly free and without
nuomioii to those In want, proved a
Not In recent years, perhaps, has
i' aiming of any public character
roused such widespread Interest as
hts the proposed visit to Portland revelation to ph.ctiv nri,'. k.
tnd other Western cities of. L. T. In Tact, in practically every city Mr.
Cooper, the Millionaire I'hilanthro-1 Cooper has visited, he has always
purt .shown his great sympathy for the
Mr. Cooper is described as one of poor and unfortunate by performing
America's foremost leaders of ad- some unique act of charity.
wnced thought and Bprang into fame Mr. Cooper contends that nlno-
id fortune through IiIh new health tenths of the disease and in i...h.
gsortM based on what In known as of the present day Americans due to
Hi,. limine ireuimem. tie never faulty ,llKeBtlon and Improper usslm-
ajttea to surprise you with the Infl- llntlon of Ilic food, which finally pro
nit,' arlety Of his knowledge, mid lis .luces u stuffed ftp condition of the
fctoluts OOtTOCtnOM and thorouKh- ital oraaus.
II has been said that Tunlac Ills
celebrated medleioe which Ik now uc
oompllahlng met remarkable results
IhrouKhout I he country not Only
quickly ov,r, omen all calnrrhal In-
nork Is familiar to charity workers ilamatlons of the mucous membrane
Utr (tie entire country, ills south hut a, is directly In the correction of
rrn representative while In Houston stomach liver, kidney and Intestinal
Mas, recently distributed, under disorders.
,l,o personal direction of leading I TnlM has been so convincing
charrlty workers, one thousand nrm,(.M hy tn (llou.umla ,, ,,,,
,, m of excellent quality to poor .,,, wllo ,mvo hldorm.,, , , ft,HO
,,,, and children. In San Ao- J . rsjeongtmottTO tonic Of TMt power
tonlo. the following week he donat- ttnd has been known to entirely re
el another thousand dresses to the eve the moBt obHtiatee coses of
poor of that city, and a few days rheumatism and blood disorders in a
later four hundred of the garments very short time.
.-. i . i-. 1 1 1 . . I l.i I.I... ".... t. '
r.r- ,.... u, ,. ,ur m poor, -.,.. u...
mum ..,,-, i i ,.-, i, t.i, -ii. 1 1
It Is Indeed doubtful If anvtli'ni-
,. . In several of the larger cities.
1p has done a r.teat of relief,
vork among tne poor.
Mr Cooper is a firm believer in
a, n, :ii philanthropy and his reii.
romeu end children of Qalveston.
Ladies prominent Ifl social life and
nany prominent citizens of these
at assisted and cooperated with
llr Cooper's representative in this
rorthy cauee.
QlTM 5(1.000 Loaves of llrcn.l
ever placed on the market In the win
of a medicine has sprung Into such
popular favor In so short a lime.
1'eople everywhere have been quick
to recognize It's wonderful merit.
The demand for It bus been n.iiliiu.;
Similar service was also performed short of phenomenal
i " ;i ' !-,'i.v' I "
"""i .- jjC,hnm.y (,ln, J.,-" ' ' "J '. j
000 bottles were sold and distributed
by Jobber and retailer in eight week
lime, which established a new record
there, and Is unpreeedentod in the
history of the drug business. In
Denver, over 6R.000 bottles were sold
In six months, In Ft. Worth, Texas:
122,204 bottles were sold In twelve
months time, In Atlanta.Ueorgla ov
er 166.000 bottles were unlit in
twelve months time, In Dallas Tex
as, 120,000 bottles were sold in 12
months time, in Knoxvllle, Tenn. the
Kuhlman-Chambliss Co. sold and
distributing 48,326 bottles In nine
months, In Louisville, Ky. the Taylor
Isaacs Company, who operate eight
retail stores in that city sold 32,000
bottles in loss thut ninety days. In
fact every w here Taiilnc bus been 111
traduced Its sale has likewise been
Pheuomlnul and the demand Tor it
is continually Inerotatag, A total of
more than two and a hull million
hot ties of the medicine bus been sold
through the Atlanta office along dur
Ing the past eighteen months, and K
is without douht the most widely
talked of medicine to.iav.
When asked to explain this reeord
breaking demand, Mr. 11. K. Willis.
International distributor of Taiilnc
mid, "There can be only one possible
explanation, and it can be told in one
word merit.' That tells the whole
story. No preparation no matter how
extensively advertised, can possibly
meet with such phenomenal sue, ess
unless It posesses extraordinary cur;
atlve power."
Thousands upon thousands are
testifying dally that they have been
relieved of disease after years of suf
fering by Its use.
Tanlac is sold In Hums by Iteed
Hros. Adv.
LOOmlli wM)i,(.KovM:its ask ;o -KltNMKXT
lOIA'KU, That this Association earn
istly requests the Government of the
United States to Immediately lake
inch steps as may be necessary, look
ing to the furnishing of cottonseeq
cake, or other suitable foddor, in suf
ficient quantities to relieve the Im
pending scarcity, and transportation
of same to central points of distribu
tion throughout the sheepralsing
country; and
That copies of this resolution be
forthwith sent to the Federal Food
Administration for Lake County, Ore
gon, to the Federal Food Administra
tion for Oregon, and to the Senators
and Representatives of Oregon in
Congress, urging upon each of them
the desperate situation In which the
sheepmen find themselves, the very
serious situation Which threatens the
wool Industry particularly (and in
cldently the future mutton supply I,
with its Inevitable effects upon the
military establishment and upon the,
general public, and thai it is imper
ative that they make every effort lo
further the adoption of Immediate
remedial measures upon the part of
the Coverment, while thore is yet
tins." I.ukevlew Examiner.
The Labor Problem
Established thirty-two years Need no Introduction
Through square dealing: have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand ameng: the
solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
mi, i. -
At the Liberty Theatre, Sunday, Jnly 28th
Notary Public, Land Office Practice, Fire
Insurance and Jteal rotate.
Office: Tonawama Building
: :-: OREGON
h t-iMwMB !TM' U' "Wlli'M
l.'aveH BEND ot 7:45 a.m., arrive BURNS 7:00 p.m.
Leave BURNS at 7:00 a. m., arrive BUND 5:00 p.m.
FARE, each way $8.00
fiO Pounds Baggage carried Free. Excess Leper lb.
MrHs all trains In Bend. Passengers Anise a1
Portlaud, from (tarns, in 24 hours, fare $16.05
Prompt attention given aU Kliijiun'ntH in our
Especially Perishable Consignments.
Inland Empire Realty Corapaay, Agents
At a sm'i lul meeting of the Lake
County Woolgrowers' Association,
held ut i.ukevlew. Oregon, on the
:iotb day of June, lit 18, the follow
ing resolution was duly moved, nee
ended and adopted by a illianltnou
rota of those present :
"WHBRBAAj Muring the Winter ol
19171916, the snowfall in the gras
iik diatriete -f tke Nortliwoal was
anuanall) light, and In Lake County,
" jon, Here ai practically no
wiiiw whatever ami
ha) crop in thin county, ami iii the
Northwest generally, Is negligible.
here being scarcely one-fourth of an
iverage crop of natural hay, and
"WHBR1AS. The flookuaatan of
'bis AsHOi'tatlou have made every ef
fort to secure sufficient hay to In
sure the safe wintering of their
breeding sheep but without huccosh.
It being Impossible to procure buy in
uny quantity at any price, and
"WHKukas. Union surrident
fodder can be secured. It will lie not
essury for the sheepmen to sell at
least one-half of their breed Hheep for
mutton, whi, Ii will not only entail a
very considerable loss to the people
generally, and to the Government,
through the shortage of wool which
must ensue, but will also result In
the ruin of the sheep Industry In this
.unity, and In the Northwest gener
ally where mob conditions obtain,
'WHKUKAS. The seriousness of
the situation cannot be over-estlm.i
ted; there is little water on the
range (cattle In great numbers are
dying for lack of feed and water).
and even the summer range Is dan
gerously short aid the sheep win be
in poor condition 111 Fall to come
llirougli the Winter on short feed.
u nd
"WHEREAS, The Government has
deemed it advisable and necessary lo
the public interest to assume a DOT
tain meusiire of control over the
bOOP Industry, through the fixing of
the price Of wool, and It Is only Just j
ami proper that some assistant'
should be rendered i In- sleep men at
this crlthal time, in order that the
.vliole.ale catastrophe which threat
ens to cripple the industry may bo
averted, and
"WHKUKAS, In mere self protec
tion, the (iovurnmeut is vitally inter
ested In this mailer, when it is ap
preciated that, In Lake, and the ad
joining county of Harney and Klam
ath (which are similarly affected)
there are upwards of half a million
sheep on the range, and
"WHKUKAS, It is possible to re
trieve the situation if sufficient quan
tities of cottonseed cake can be se
cured and transported to the sheen
raising districts to be fed to the
sheep during the coming Winter
along wllh such hay hh may be avail
able, sin Ii cake having been used by
: lieepmeu in this district, with cou
itdi rable success, during tho past two
Winters, and
"WHEREAS, The cost of such
i ake. with the added transportation,
Is prohibitive, and renders it out of
the question tor sheepmen, unaided,
lo make the necessary arrangements
in provide a sufficient sunph .
Notice Is hereby given that tho
County Court of Harney County will
recolve bids up to 12 o'clock A. M.
September 4, 1818, for 35 cords of
first quality mahogany wood to
be delivered at tho Court house and
High School in Burns, Oregon on or
before October 15, 1818. The County
Court reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. Bids should be address
ed, sealed, to the undersigned and
marked "Bids for Wood".
County Clerk
The slock market at tho North
Portland Btock Yards opened for. tin
week In a very firm and satisfactory
( oudlllon prices were well maintain
ed through out (he day In all division-
'the ofl'erlngs of cattle run
prices urn holding I Inn. 1'rl
steers ?n T6-lS.t6; flood to choice
htecrs I10.76-11.7S; Medium lo
medium steers ss.&; Common
to fair steers ir,..r,0 S.f,0 ; Choice COWS
& heifers $8.0U-H.r,U; Medium to
good cows iV heifers $fi.0D-7 r.ti;
i'air to medium cows heifers $5.00
tied; Cannon 11.00 I 00; Bulls
ItOckers ft feeders ii.00-8.00.
There Is a large decrease in the
run of pigs which would Indicate the
farmers are bidding tam with the
Intention of finishing them for pert:
Violations are: Prime mixed )17.8i
18.00; Medium mixed $17.65-17.85;
Rough heavies I19.1C-16.8I; I'igs; Bulk $17.75-17.85.
The sheep market is showing con
siderable activity and clearances un
complete quotations are: Kast of the
Mt. lambs 13.75-14.25; Valley lambs
$13.50-14.00; Yearlings I9.80-10.I6;
Live stock receipts of this week to
date are Cattle 14.10 hogs 1110,
SI p 8110.
At present one of the most esteem
ed ornaments of a home is a preserve
closet full of home-canned vegetables
and fruit.
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of tho farm labor problem
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you, Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the gee-whiz to the farm tractor, we have all
the new labor-saving machinery. We want to show you
how easily you can not only keep up your regular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.
I That Fall Suit! I
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later.
Call and See Our Samples and Styles
Clothing Company
Keep the I II on, I Steam Pure
Rheumatic pains, backache, swol
len joints and sore muscles often arc
the result of Impurities in the blood
gathering In the region affected, a
result of failure cf the kidneys to e
llmluate waste products from the
blond stream, Foley Pldney Pills
lieal. strengthen and invigorate wean
diseased kidneys and bladder. W.
11 11111. Justice of the Peace, lie
troll, Tex., writes: "I used Foley
Kidney Pills and say unhesitatingly
that of all 1 have used lliey ure the
best, and have done the work where
the res, faded." Sold everywhere.
fTntAWTeftiowV fatty
u (ttMW(.'.. 'I
Liberty Theatre Wednesday
July 31st
You must have it if you keep up
with the present big drive
You get Huh if you buy and cut our
Fresh, Pure, Full-strength
E very thing in our store is bought with an
eye to securing the utmost value that money can
At prenent prices of groceries, you can't
afford to accept inferior articles.
Our splendid, carefully selected stock insures you
against this
Farmers Exchange
4- W