The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 27, 1918, Image 2

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How She Banished Backache
Supreme Sacrifice for Country
Made Willingly.
pirtt of American Woman Manifested
in Statement of One Who Had Bean
Called On to Qlva Up All
f She Had.
It was In a Red Crow workroom
Somewhere In New Vork City. The
Limelight wniiiiin moved around aiming
the workers nnd tnlked Incessantly.
"My hoy hns gone to Frnnee," she
raid monriifutly. "I cnn't get recnn
eflad, it doaant aara right for n
mother to devote years to the raising
of n hoy only to hnve him .snatched
awny in the twinkling ir an eye. i nm
patriotic CBOdgb, gnnilucs Knows f nm
willing to give everything, within ren
aoa, to toy country, hut t enn't help
hilt he thankful that we were nlile to
get our other two hoys exempted. I
think nil mothcra feel Hint wny, don't
yon. Mrs. Smith? It's the mother In
fhe wiped nwny some tears nnd
niowiy rotted n bandaga,
"It Is easy enough for those who
tuive no sons to preach these high
hieriis," answers! Mrs. South in ym-
pnthy. "I ntn renlly not dependent
upon my son, hnt If I enn keep him
from going hy (Pitting In claim, 1
rertnlnly shnll do It. I thlnl; it Is ev
ery mother's right to stive her son for
herself If she enn. Iton't think I'm not
pjitriotle. t nm working every minute
In some sort of wnr relief work. In
deed I hnve no use for these unpatri
otic women. What do you think, Miss
frail little womnn In u ehnlr hy the
window looked up from her work with
plowing eyes.
"My hoy Is In Frnnee, nnd I nm glnd
of It." she mid simply.
"Your hoy?" emne In voices In uni
son. "Yes. my hoy. Mv sister died when
Jack eraa two weeks old. nnd I hnve
had him ever since. He wns such n
dear little fellow, such n dependable
liny ns ti.. arew older, nnd such a com
fort wii !i h reached his manhood.
. . . He hns I n to 111" what
sweetheart, hnwband and Children have
heen to yon. We were Just beginning
to feel life v : -. ensier v hen mir
country entered the wnr. i'nr three
evenings alter the president's war mes
sage he sat without talking. I knew ,
whnt wns on his mind, so the fourth
evening T told him not to think about
It nny more, hut Just go. Me aaldi
'But you. auntie, yon deserve some
ense now. You hnve done ho much for I
me. nnd you hnve had such n hard
fight to make both ends meet.' I said.
Nonsense, the fight never hurt me.
Whnt If the mothers of Washington '
nnd Ornnt luid wept and willed ami I
kept them nt home? No, my hoy. I i
want you always to do n man's pnrt. I
no matter where It takes you or where
it leaves you.' Me hns gone, and I nm I
glad that he has. I couldn't hear to
have some other woman's hoy protect
tag me. If Jack does not come hack.
I shnll still he glad he went for I '
didn't loan my hoy to my country. I !
gave him."
There was silence In the workroom.
The Limetlght woman was st:uing
straight ahead of her. Mrs. Smith hesi
tated for a moment, then leaned In.--ward
and tenderly patted the work' ,
Men Who Have Accomplished Great
Things Cannot Afford to Rest on
Their Laurels.
"Wc were tn Iking nhout n young man
here In New York. Snld ene: 'I'll (ell
yon why thot chap Is such a wonder.
The minute he winds up one big Job
he goes nfter nnofher. He wastes no
time patting himself on the back for
past achievements. When he finishes
putting something orer he turns
around and aays In regard to bis own
performance 'Oh, that wasn't much.
I hare got tn bent that. Now I must
get to work nnd renlly do something.'
Then he pitches Into n fresh Job lis If
he had never accomplished n thing In
Ills life.
"In other words, you hnve not only
got to do good work, hut you hnve got
to repeat and keep on repenting If yon
want the world to continue to respect
"The oilier day n famous author was
Idling mi- Iutw he felt when his llrsf
story was accepted. He said that with
in a few minutes the thought Unshed
through his mind that he could not
stop hut must' go on. One good story
must he followed hy nnofher nnd an
other nnd another else his reputntlon
would die ami he would he humiliated.
He said that Hie feeling was not exact
ly comfortable that the prospect wns
In a way terrible. 'Helng successful.'
he said. Is not easy. The successful
man advertises to flic world that he
can do certnln things well nnd he
must go on making good or hack off
the map. It's n great sensation, a
great experience worth almost any
thing hut It Isn't a snnp.'
"It Is the same way In business. The
salesman who sets a high mark has to
go right out nnd beat tliut ninrk or suf
fer by comparison with his own record,
tie cnn't sit down In n rocking chair
and devote the rest of his life to re
ceiving eongra filiations.
"Have you ever sat in a restaurant
and compared your Job with that of n
waiter. Try It sometime. No matter
whnt your work Is I am sure you will
see the point If you watch the waiter
and think how exactly his work typi
fies yours. Take, for example, my Job
that of an editor. An editor's oh Is
exactly like Hint of a waiter. Re litis
to go and get something good a;id
bring it In. And after he has brought
It in he has to go righl out and get
something more and bring that In. The
minute he sits down or stops to talk
unnecessarily with the guests, he
ceases to give as good service as he
fore. Then the guests who praised him
a moment ago begin to growl. And so,
almost Immediately, tie bus turned
from a good servant Into n poor one.
"This fits nny line of human activity.
A continuous performance Is what Is
wanted. Nothing else counts." Sid In
American Magazine.
Chanoea Once Taken by Clowns, Har
lequins and Pantaloonee-ClocU-work
Precision Was Necessity.
In speaking of his connection wlih
the Fog American pantomimes, the
late F. W. Ilofele, once malinger of the
Old liowery theater, told me that the
making of these many mechanical
tricks consumed much time, "T. W.
W." writes In the New Tork Sun.
Many skilled workmen were employed,
as these devlcea had to work perfect
ly and not get stuck when In use. The
duties of the stsge manager were
arduous Indeed. From the time the
stage manager tinkled his little hell
for the rise of the curtain to his sig
nal to ring down the net drop he was
ns busy n ninn ns could be found nny
where In nny capacity on earth.
Everything had hj he done when the
order was given tn do It or everything
would be Instantly thrown mil of trim.
with the result, of a confusion gone
mail. Serious accident are likely to
happen to performers if tiie greatest
Bare Is not OXerCtaad, Take the work
of Harlequin, flint merry fellow with
the magic sword, who Is always danc
ing an I gliding nhout with his lovely
olnmblne, what n nassrdous part
he plays, fie Is perpetually taking a
leap In the dark, trusting to sheer tuck
as to whether he will do that leap
snfoly or not. I snw Paul Mnrtlncttl
come up through the star trap In the
usual way on one occasion, hut In
stead of leaving the trap In Its place
he took It up with til in. The points
of (he star were sticking In his neck
nnd Hie square framework wns rest
ing on his shoulders. When he land
ed on the floor he staggered n few
steps, (hen righted himself and ran off
the stage. Am he continued his part
he could not have been Injured grent
ly. I think he was lucky not to have
hrokcu his collar hone.
Ws will do your Jon prltitinH.
o '
Hoys It Acted Like A Charm
Sixty-nine Malheur county boys
will entrain at Ontario next. Wednes
day for Camp Lewis, American Lake,
Washington. To complete (his list
and care for the vacancies the draft
board this week aent out a call for
the last six men In class one.
Just how many men will entrain
here from Harney county Is not
known, but there will be approxl
mtely SB if the ratio of previous
quotas is maintained, so that Ontario
will have an opportunity to bid fare
well to mors than 100 men.
Such a large number will not bo
permitted to leave Ontario without h
fitting farewell To that end a meet
ing Is to be held this afternoon to
prepare plans for the OCCaston nnd
also to arrange for u permanent com-j Have real purchasers for both an
mlttne (o have charge of similar func-1 improved nnd unimproved farm, but
Coughs or colds which persist at
this season usually are of obstinate
nature. All the more reason for lin
ing a reliable remedy, Mrs. Margaret
Smale, Bishop Calif., writes: "Foleys
Honey and Tar Compound Is a grand
remedy. Suffered from a cold last
weak, used the medicine and It acted
like a charm." Sold by Reed Bros.
"Ileyond the Alps lies Italy." The
Austrian are willing to take this
statement on trust. They do not caro
to Investigate further.
Mrs. Effle R. Kleppe, Averlll, Minn
writes: "I was at a sanitarium thraj
week at one time, two weeks another
time, for rheumatism and kldne
trouble and got no relief. Oo my re.
turn began using Foley Kidney Pnii
found immediate relief; half bottle
completed the curs. Always ase whet
I feel pala la my back." Sold r
ileed Bros.
tloiiB, Ontario Argus.
Fresh, clean eggs, property pre
served, can he used satisfactorily Tor
all purposes In cooking and for the
Liable. When un eg preserved In
water glass Is to ho boiled, a small
hole should he made In the hIicII with
a pin at Hie large end before placing
It lu I ho water. This is done to allow
the air In the egg to escape when
heated and prevent cracking.
roughened fingers which stitched so
"Thnnk you." was all she said.
Ships Must Have Wireless.
Kvery ocean Steamer that leaves nn
American port la required by law to
have wireless telegraph apparatus and
operators. An act of congress, passed
in HMO, made It unlawful for any
ocean-going steamer carrying passen
gers to leave or attempt to leave nny
JHirt of the United Stales without he
lng equipped with an etllclent appa
ratus for radio communication, n good
working order, In charge of a person
skilled in the use of such apparatus,
which apparatus is capable of trans
mitting and receiving messages over u
distance of nt least one hundred miles,
night or day. Alter the Titanic dis
aster, In 11)12, this act was amended
by providing that "the radio equipment
must be lu charge of two or more per
sons skilled lu the use of sin h appara
tus, one or the oil, i r of whom shall be
on duty at all times while the vessel Is
being navigated." The provision for
two skilled operators was to cover the
possibility of one helng overworked.
Oldest Living Woman.
Tn the city of Posen, In the Oormnn
province Of the same name, the oldest
woman In the world Is about to enter
upon her one hundred thirty-fourth
vear of her life, unless death hns over
come her since the receipt of the latest
news from that part of F.uropo. Sin
Is Fran Oretchen Putklcwltz. and she
has spent practically nil her life In
Posen, She was a young woman when
Napoleon and his legions swept like
a conflagration orer F.uropo, nnd has
lived to see n slinllnr catastrophe en
gulf almost the entire civilized world.
Frederick the flrcnf was stll' alive
when Frnu DdtkteWitS was horn and
only u few years before Voltaire had
gone to his rest. The German empire
of today WU then an aggregation of
petty, warring states, and the Ameri
can I'nlon had Just heen born out of
the travail of revolution. These cen
turies the eighteenth, the nine
teenth and the twentieth this woman
has seen, and within the compass of
her lifetime a new civilization has
sprung up in Kurnpe ami America, a
civilization now lu the balance, and
threatened by the land' which gave her
birth. New York World.
Bronte Piece, Work of Leopsrdl,
Cause of Quarrel Resulting in Ik:
Being Badly Disfigured.
Another statue Hint has Ueen con
rayed hy son and landed safely In
Rome Is the (real equestrian one of
the famous Ceneral 1'nlleonl. irlilr'i
stood on its lofty pedestal In the Com
po of ss. Giovanni s Paolo. Ruskln
-ays of It : "I do not believe then- Is
a more glor'oiis work of sculpture es
Isttng In the world." This statue is
of course, of bronae, ami was mod
eled hy tiie Florentine sculptor ami
painter Andrea Verrocchlo In 1 1, as
slated by his mora famous pupil. Leon
ardo dn Vlnel. Itev. Alexander Rob
sstsou writes in the Christian Herald
After Verrocchlo's death. It was cast
III hrouze by Leopard).
There Is a story told to llv effect
that when Leopard! had finished his
work, he quarreled with the repuhllc
over It. As he could not Pome to a
settlement he knocked off the horse's
head and escaped to Florence. The
repuhllc ordered him to return, hut
he refused, saying- "I have knocked
off the horse's head. It Is trite. !nit 1
can put It on again: hut If I come
to Venice and you take off my head,
you could not put It on again. " The'
repuhllc forgave him. assured him of
his life and reward, and he returned
and finished Ids work.
Always a Way.
Some small girls were skipping rope
on an East side street yesterday after
ooon. The children skipped and twist
ed in turn, while little mother, with
aleeplng baby in her arms, looked on
wistfully. There s neil no place to
lay the baby, and the other little girls
were far too thrilled lo think of otter
ing to relieve her to her charge while
she trh-d her prowess. Finally she
could stand II no longer. Casting
round In desperation she spied one
ef the Iron barrels provided by (he city
for refuse paper, and (hereby solved
lier problem. Quickly the barrel was
turned on Its side, the papers pulled
toward (he fop to make a soft bed, and
the baby deposited therein, Gently It
rocked In its Improvised cradle, sleep
ing peacefully on. New York Times.
Fearless Cooks.
M. Paul I'.lraults, editor of the r.ul
letin ilcs Artaeea de la Repnbltquo,
who recently returned to Paris from a
visit to the Uritlsh front. Is a man of
I discernment Tly day nfter be bad
I witnessed a battle, seeing It all "from
the artillery preparation up to the
wave of assault." lie was asked, at the
generals lame, una! till r I luipri "i
him most. He promptly replied : "The
kitchens of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
Amongst all those soldiers," he added,
"who rivaled each other In courage,
those who seemed to me the finest were
the cooks, who, unarmed, under the
shell fire, polished up their pots and
pans as If their kitchen on wheels were
appearing In a review." Anyone might
have notice It, of course; but then
most people. In all probability, would
Not Easy to "Get Off the Earth."
So great Is the power of gravitation
that mgtt Is practically n prisoner upon
the earth's surface, even the aviator
Who temporarily escapes to a height of
30,000 feet or more. Vet a human he
lug might leave It forever, If he made
Ills departure at sulllilent speed fo
overcome the weight of the ball upon
which wa live. T.iHKliHHi.iNMi.imiiiHK),.
IHMMMMI (oils.
The muz.le velocity of a shell from
the most powerful cannon Is nhout 3,
000 feet per second, bill this projectile
will fall to the ground after traversing
a few miles, so Its speed would have
to be greatly exceeded by the liullvlilu
nl desiring to penetrate Into space.
If a projectile could be fired at a
rale of SUNK) feet per second, writes
Charles Kevers (tohnss in Popular Sci
ence Monthly, it would probably never
fall to the surface.
When science makes possible an Ini
tial velocity of .'(".(KM) fee! a second,
about seven miles, then a projectile
Would burst through Ihe attraction of
our planet and rush on Into truckles-,
After the Wedding.
Bridegroom I haven't seen anything
of (hat $1,000 CjMCh from your father."
Bride You see, dear, papa beard
Hint your lather had already given us
one nnd be knew we wouldn't want
nny duplicate gifts, so bo's going to
Mend HI a allvjr tray.
Hence His Wall.
"Why so unhappy, my man?"
"I've Just been caught embezzling
funds of the company."
"Well, cheer up. Now Hint you have
confessed pcsjiups they won't prose
cute you."
"Oh, It Isn't that. I've paid back the
money and they've agreed not to send
DM to Jail."
"Then why so dismal now?"
"They won't let me keep my Job, too,
nnd It was such u soft snap." Itcho
both Sunday Herald.
Women Pay on the Dot.
The purchasing power of Hie British
Isles has passed into the hands of
women to an unprecedented extent as
a result of the Kuiopeau war. One re
sist of this change In conditions, land
lords say, l.i that they ure rcc-lvlng
their rent more regularly.
Set Your Aim High.
The harder Ihe tasks you voluntarily
accomplish the greater Is Ihe reserve
you are storing for the future. To
doubt Is to piirnlyze progress. To face
the problems obstructing your path
way with a courageous smile and de
termined face will help you and others
to remove them. W) you are used
to milking big demands you won't he
afraid of big Jobs. They are a com
pliment to your ability. RecoflM rec
ognized victor in one thing nnd the
WQrid will BUpply Ihe future with op
porlunltles for ihe egerefae of the pow
er you on low It comes from Ihe prop
er self estimate, s
Phy leal Courage.
Physical courage Is a common at
tribute of the male sex, In men and
animals. It is displayed to Ihe highest
degree in the mother defending bar
young, when "the female of her spe
cles Is more deadly than the inale."
i'lsysicni cowardice is uncommon,
Physical courage depends much on
the size of the heart, therefore Is not
within the control of a person.
Moral courage Is superior lo physi
cal courage although a man may
have both, Often, It needs more cour
age for a young man to say "No I"
than for him to charge a trench.
Is John Barleycorn an alien en
emy? He scorns likely to be interned
for the 1 1 1 1 r .- tn. n of the war.
itev. J. Stewart Maddox, Pastor.
A cordial Invitation is extended
to you to attend our services . The
hours of the service on the Sabbatb
are as follews:
unions you are the owner and have
a good buy, do not waste time answ
ering, ns I mean business. State
prices, terms, nnd pnrtlculars In your
first letter. H. 0. Irwin, 31fi-8tock
Kxchaiigo Building, Portland, Oregon.
Too much truth telling cost Von
Kiieiilmann his Job. Truth, like
many other commodities, Is strictly
conserved In Oermony.
Neglected constlpatloa ansy
Piles, nleeration of the bowels, up.
pendicltia, nervous prostration, pert,
lysis. Don't dnlay treatment. Best
remedy In Foley Cathartic Tablet.
Do their work surely, easily, sentiv
without lnjur to stomach or intei.
tln'il lining. Contain no habit-fort).
lug drugs. Fine for fat folks Sold
by lieed Bros.
Reward: Kst rayed from my
ranch, one pair rather light Bey
Mares one weighing around 1300, the
other 12&0; brapded with Ijizy K on
right stifle; should have colts by
them now; forcfops have been roach
cd and grown oat about three or four
Inches. Will pay $26.00 to finder of
Malheur City, Ore.
$350,000 worth of chewing gum
r7, 000,000 pieces-- has been ordered
of a New York fir. a for the ime of
British soldiers In Trance. "Chtv
when the dawn is I leaking, chew
when the shadows fgil."
Bad Kidneys la.!, I Him I p
a slight kidney impairment mty
lead to dropsy or Brlght'a dinette.
Don't neglect It. Frank Miller.
Bingham, Utah, writes: "I was trou
bled with my kindneys so bad I could
not work. Tried many kinds of medi
cine which did me no good. Then I
tried Foley Kidney Pills; new feel-
log as good as I ever did before."
Sild by Reed Bros.
at 10 A.
A. M.
at 6:45
Sabbath School
Preaching at 1 1
Young Peoples'
Song service nt
Preaching at g
Prayer meeting rVednsaday at 7: so
: 'to P,
P. M.
Cor Miller and C. 8ts.
Sunday High Mass at 10:30 o'clock
Week days Mass at 7 o'clock.
Instructions for children Satur
days at 9 A. M.
Itev. Father Francis, O. F. M.
A really 'good breakfast needs a
fragrant cup of Crercent 99 Coffee
to be complete and satisfying.
Your grocer sells it, 25c for a pound,
which mnkes forty pr more cups of
fine coffee.
Allen Shoe Co., Inc.
Successor to Newton.
Style Show
at the
Levens Hotel
With a Full Line of
Fall and Winter
Shoes and Hosiery
-.-. -z. J MaW 'rrr. ..- . .. . . :.-.ttJg-f 1 Laaaaaaaaaaal J-:-J-.-.-.J - "- I I - x.rrt . ..aar:
Sample Room Open 9 a. m. to 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Beginning July 30th