The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 13, 1918, Image 8

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See J. J.
err adjoining
Lady waiter wanted
Restaurant In this cltv.
at the star
Statement Of the Condition of the
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
At the close of business Jane 39, 1918
Loans and Discounts $618,458.23
U. S. Bonds 105,312.50
Bonds and Securities 27,970.22
Stock, Federal ReserveBank 3,000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9.200.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00
CASH 140.491.98
Capital $ 50,000.00
Surplus Fund 50,000.00
Undivided Profits Account 35.0J8.81
Circulation 50,000.00
BillstPayable (Liberty Loan Account) 25.000.00
Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 24.800.00
DEPOSITS 572,117.12
Capital and Surplus
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
The Times-Jierald
Has The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Ed Springer win in town Thurs
day. Mm. Myrtle Haines was In town
Thursday on business.
Bert Bower was in town Thursday.
Carroll Cecil and his son 1'at were
over from Silver Creek Tuesday.
A. I. Johnaon was over from his
' home abbvc Drewsey tho oilier (lay.
Mrs. Chester 1 in lion and Utile son
are absent on a visit to outside
Mrs. Chas. M. Faulkner and the
children are home from an extended
visit with relatives and friends in
Lake county.
A. 10. Hrown and daughter, MIf:i
Ethel, were In from their home on
Lloyd Jonnson was uj irom ois , Crane Creek the other day. They
ranch near Lawen Wednesday. '. were up on some laud business.
D. R. Thorn was over from his Sil
ver creek home during the week.
J. K. and C. V. Reed were up from
the Sunset country the other day.
Rodney Cozad has been on the
sic k list we understand but Is better.
Four-horse power Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine for sale. Call at this of
fice. Charley Backus, the stone mason,
was In town the other day from his
farm hpme
6. W. clevengeir went over to Prat
tle City yesterday to Join Mrs. Cler
enger and tho children.
FOR SALE Ford oar Just over
hauled In good running condition.
Raymond Stzemore.
John Borax, an old time employe.
of the P Ranch, has been In town for
several days having his eyes treated.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Leonard left
Thursday morning for ashort visit
with their son who la on army duty
at Fort Canby
James Kendall was In town Wed
nesday making proof on his land.
He was assisted by Elmer James as
one of his witnesses.
Paul Bloom was In town the other
day. lie Is becoming almost a stran
ger to his old time friends as he :. I
iloni conies down from the mountain.
III "HNS. CAPITAL AND st lil'l.l v
$100,000. "THE HANK THAT
James E. Weston will sell season
tickets good for the remainder of the
, season for bathing privileges at his
plunge at the Warm Springs for $6
Mr. Jones, the driller at the Swan
Island oil well, was in town the other
day. He Is very optimistic respecting
Hie prospects of all In commerce;
(iiiniiiiies in that vicinity,
J. R. Jenkins was a business visi
tor to our city during the week. He
informs The Times-Herald that the
family is out from Boise to remain
during the vacation period.
Rodney Davis left some time dur
ing the present week but did not give
many of his friends a chance to say
goodbye. We understand he stated
he was going to work In the ship
Capt. A. W. Qowan arrived homo
J Wednesday evening from Portland
after an absence of several weeks
1 during which he was confined In a
; hospital but returns much Improve 1
In health.
Mrs. M. V. Dodge, who was out for
a short tour with Misses Kathleen
Jordan, Miriam McCounell and Car-
roll Jordan, has returned with the
children. They had i u i t :n axttnd
;d concert tour.
Prolonging Human Life!
In the effort to lengthen the span human ex
istance, every available resource In Nature'" rore is utilized. These mual be cl issifled and y tem
zed and ready for use. This is the work ot the
Thv intelligent handling of this vael store of rem
die i, under the direction Ian, devolves on
Your Druggist
We employ none but cornpetenl graduated pharmaci
The ilexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
Ralph Beery was a business visitor
during tho fore purl of this week.
Mrs. O. W. ('lovengcr Is lit I'ralnu
City where hor mother is very 111.
Roy Buchanan was In the city
from the station during the week.
FOR SALE Ford car Just over
hauled In good running condition.
Raymond Blcemore.
Ono. Simmons was up from the
Narrows section the first of the week
on business and to visit with rela
tives and fiends.
J. La Oault relumed home Thurs
day evening from Portland where lie
had been on business, lie returned
In company with A . K. itlchardson In
a new car.
Link and Titos Mutton were In
town this week from thetr homes in
tho Wagontlre country. Link told the
paper man that he had sufficient hay
to feed his stock through the winter.
Mrs. Fred Cllngan and the child
ren are home from their visit to hor
sister. Mrs. Frank P. Qowan, at Palo
Alto, California. She reports a fine,
trip and an enjoyable vacation visit.
Thos. Cleveland came over from
his home near Van this week with a
load of hogs for the loin I packing
plant. He reports the best crop he
has itad since he started farming
over there.
M. J. Nash, who formerly resided
lit the Sunset country but has been
making his home at Juntura for the
past few years, is In the city greeting
old time friends and looking after
business affairs.
Lost A saddle horse estrayed
from Jack Creek this spring, Bay in
color, branded CB on left stifle,
saddle marked, weight about 900 lbs.
Reward for his recovery or Informa
tion leading to his recovery. M. 8.
Davies, Narrows. Oregon.
Win Karre arrived home Wcdm",
day eveuing from Portland where he
had been as a witness before the Fed
eral court, lie states Mrs. Karre and
Kathrlne left Portland last Motulav
evening for Baker where they woul 1
visit for a short lime, coming later to
Canyon City and finally on over
R. H. ('reason, of Mayfieid. Ken
tucky, was a visitor to our city dur
ing the week In company with T. C.
Albrltton. Mr. Creason is a boyhood
friend of Mr. Albrltton and Is here
ou a visit with him and to look after
some business affairs.
Mrs. Ed. McCoy, formerly Jeanette
Gowan. arrived here from Spokane
the first part of the week to visit at
the home of her parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. A. W. Oowan. and with other
relatives. Mrs. Mi Coy Is well known
to the people of this city where she
resided during her girlhood.
Supt. J. H. Martin of 'the Exper'
iiient Station Is enjoying a visit from
his father and other members of tho
family, who are out from CorvallN.
M. Martin says he has been exceji
llonally busy out there the past few
weeks, since Mr. Thompson, his assis
tant, was called by the war board for
duty. His parents will remain for an
Indefinite time with Inm.
REWARD .V-To party find
ing pair of father light bay Mares,
ona weighing about 1300. the other
1 250; branded with lazy K on right
stifle; foretops have been roached
but grown out five of six Inches;
should have colts with them. Phono
or wire me, collect, Payett, Idaho.
Sheriff Payette County.
'I. Wolnsteln and his two sons wore
up from Lawen yesterday.
This warm weather mnkes every
body want to g off and fish or camp
in the shade but the hay must bo har
veted. Mr. and Mrs. Bchad took their de
parture yesterday morning for Bend
where Mr. Bchad Is going to take up
work In a drug store.
M. A. Splcer Is homo from an ex
tended visit to outside points during
which he visited several places of
Interest id tho northwest.
For Halo Horses, saddle and work
animals, also Jersey cow and calf and
Jersey heifers, at bedrock prices.
Mrs. 10. J. Xcwell. Narrows, Oregon.
James K. We don will sell reason
tickets good for the remainder of the
season for bathing privileges at his
plunge at the Warm Springs for $5
It Is hoped that tho matter of an
Irrigation district may soon be
brought to a realization. We need
the Irrigation and If this is the pro
per method of getting it lets get bu.i.v.
WANTED:- Man and wife for a
responsible position on a large cattle
ranch. Must have had previous ex
perience and able to give references.
A good place for the right parties.
Imiulre of The Times-Herald.
Found A 22-cullhrn Winchester
rifle. In the sage brush back of tho ;
public school building. Owner may
have same by coming to this office,
proving the property und paying for
this notice.
'XMteofts I t'fTTTPnniiimmirTinninronJTffrinrrnmTiTiiJLTO! ppnnun
F? 1 BhsBBBHvVBBHsBflBBfl Uush StS BB
II -liij
Could You Use Several Hundred
Dollars to Advantage
Right Now?
If you had Btarted ton year aco to save
$1.00 a week and placed that Dollar in the
vank each week, you would now have $65.(0
$5.00 a week would now have amounted to
$3,262 by this time.
It's impossible to dispute the earninc
power of a dollar. The only way to profit
by this power is to save your dollars and put
them on interest.
Ijis SRank 9ar'ntatns
Harney County National Bank
j Burns, Oregon
qimimiiiifii EammiimniTnn
The Times-Herald is Informed that
Silver Lake and Summer Lake over
in Lake county have gone dry and
that the beds are being farmed. This
is the second time this has happened
homo the other day In company with,,., .-I,.- ,,. ,..., .(....ration ac
cording to those familiar with that
Mrs. Archie McOowan returned
Jay liouiii end family have been
visiting with Mrs. Gould's pareni,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hill, or Denio.
The returned home this VMS and
Mrs. Hill acconipani.d them for a UIJ,1 most enjoyable visit
visit. While at lienlo Mm. GouM uin friends and relative
led a iiilll made by ill" luiKe: ,,
HP the river and donated lo the Hal.v . S'OTICE TO OIK PATRON
i ,.i i , for raffia ami the paopU ol
nemo ci)iiiriiiiii-'M iio.ou, par. i.e.
Mr. and Mrs Xollle Reed. She had
been visiting outside points for a few
weeks. Mrs. McOowan was quite III
for a short time recently but has re-
i overed.
MIhn KIIkii belli Middleton, one of
our successful school teachers and
Who owns land In die vicinity of Sad
dle Battel Is enjoying a visit from
her brother, Dr. 0. W. Middle! on, of
I tali. Dr. Mlddletou is accompanied
by his wife. They were visitors to
our city during tho week.
Clarence Drink water was over from
lirevisev during the week on business.
Ho recently purchased the mercan
tile stock of the Drewsey 'Mercantile
Co., owned by Walton lirown and
his mother. Walton's being called to
war was responsible for the sale. It
will be consolidated with the stock
of the Porter-Site Co., of which
Clarence Is the manager.
Estrayed Two sorrell geldings,
one branded C N on left shoulder, the
other O on right shoulder, the latter
with one eye out. collar marked and
weight about 1200 lbs. Roth are gen
tle aged horses. A suitable reward
will be given for their recovery or for
informal Ion leading to their being
found. Address W. E. Stratton, care
Purington Sawmill, Burns. Oregon.
Joh Lamb was over from Drewsey
this week greeting his old time
friends. Joe Is one of the pioneer
stockmen of this country and savs
this Is a year similar to 1889 and '90,
when It was so very dry and the
hurd wiutvr. He lost practically all
his stock that year and says he could
not be mistaken about the time. Mr.
Lamb Is an optimist, however, and
says he has made several stakes
since that time and lost them and
could do It again, which his present
circumstances prove.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Smith and their
son Curtis and wife, arrived home
Tuesday from an extended visit to
their former home In California.
Chip had to go right to work cutting
meat at the market as the meat cutter
had iult. Curtis fared better as be.
found his hay ail down and in shock
lieiiuise of an Invasion of grasshop-1
pers. He had expected to be home in
time to assist In the harvesting of
the crop. Chip Informs the news
paper mull that they had a fine trip!
with old
Mr. and Mrs. Nollle Reed arriv !
here the fore part of this week from
Beiyl where they had been making
their home. They have dlspoed of
their Interests In the drug store over
there and have returned to Burns to
make their home again much to the
delight of their many friends.
. w' w. JsrTvfw.' ssVA si ""ssswsj"
"ssw ' ssBsasPassSSSSSaSSSHSfc
At the Liberty Theatre, Sunday, July 14th
.i. -;ee holding iiie wlnulng number,
i . wll li
tlii Mm i. . Kl'.i'i
. I, Hi peitl a fats 'lavs III :..,;
Mm', hia frh mi;,. i ,ii, followini
ii Id i"" ' past due aci i - now on the
m m mpntbi und wi ai ., uuUei n uoi before tin 20th i
i' : fall
il 11: !.i: tin i. in, r clln
mil iii . r alttl uda would ha ! i
"lai. it ha al ii i i ii i much lu
d and wliih lie ki. lie ii not
be i)ii t ami look
. ii. late thai the
. g ramli I ltn to provide
ufflch iii ha . for hi i ftoj k i In
'i and I looking Cor more ton
il a I lie driest year In r ex
perienced during tils long residence
'il tills eoiinlrv.
!'.i MILLING i"
Wei ton r
i luring tho month of J uly tie
tor iii b aVay on his vacation, Tha
ragular Sunday School saailon will ie
held at 10 A. M. every Sunday, ami
I lie regular prayer meeting service
every Thursday evening at 8:00 P. M.
Tne buying power of The Dollar is
not always in the number' of
cents it contains
Thin great Family Store mnkes a specialty of
increasing the buying power of your money. We
ciui tio this because
We Buy For Cash
We have no heavy credit hills to pay, and take ad
vanta.uv of all trade discount1-.
We Sel! en Close Margins of Profit
reasonable uj or our trouble nd investment
of our
We Handle High Class Goods
Evi ry i the hi . : hie to be had
for (he money.
( )n t hew i lira
iiess virl 'ies w
DIM I i llih1
huso our bid for
D ourns vasn oiore