MM WARRANT t'AIX. Notire la hereby given that there are sufficient funds on hnnd to pay (Jenernl Fund County Warrants rfljrln-ti-rt'il prior to July ls. 1918. Inter est ceases July l.'lth. 1018. PKAHl, KKKLEU, County Treasurer. NOTICK OK CYINTKHT UNITKD STATES LAND OPTICS Hums, Oregon July 2nd, 1918. To Domingo Krhanls. of Crane Ore gon, Ilarriman, Oregon, P. O. Dis missed and the mail addressed to Harrlman, goes to Crane, Contos tee: You are hereby notified thnt I'tliel L. Thompson who gives Hums, Ore gon, as her post-office address, did on June 19th. 1918. file in this office her duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation Of your Homestead Entry, Serial No. 07222 made February 7th, 1914, for WV4SW4. SK'.SW'i. WVftSEU. Sec. 22. and WfcKHK, SKNW',, of Section 27, Township H2. South, Kange 32 East, Willamette, Meri dian, and as grounds for her contest he alleges that said Domingo Krhan is has wholly abandoned raid entry. that he never established or main tained a residence, or made any im provements thereon, and has absent ed himself, changed his residence therefrom ever since the date of en try; That the entrymans alleged ab sence from the land Is not due to his employment In connection with oper ations in Mexico, or along the borders thereof, or in mobilization camps elsewhere, In the military or naval organizations of the I'nited States or the National Guard of any of the several States or Territories. You are, therefore, further notifi ed that the said allegations will bn taken us confessed, and your said entry will be cancelled without fur ther right to be heard, either before ihis office or on appeal, If you fail to I file In this office within twenty days I after the FOURTH publication of! this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re- ' opondlng to these allegations of con-; test, together with due proof that : you served a copy of your answer on I the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. You should state in your answer FOOD ADMINISTRATION CREDO i t liy willing service of a freo people to do these things: To feed the Allies that lliey may continue to fight. To feed the hungry in Belgium and other lands that they may . rmitiiiue to live. To feed our own soldier over seas that they may want noth ing. To keep prices ateady and the flow of distribution even that the poor at home may be fed. To make everyone's effort count Its utmost for winning the war for freedom. . FOOD CONTROL IN AMERICA I IS OH AND COll Till: PEOPLE t OUR GREAT TASK By Herbert Hoover. Tf you could stand In the middle of Eurepe today and survey the land to Its borders, you would discover Its whole population of 400,000,000 human beings short of food. Millions of peo ple In Poland, Finland, Serbia, Ar menia and Russia are dlug of starva tion and other, millions are suffering from too little food. Our Allies and the neutrals are living ou the barest margins that will support Ufa and strength. This, the most appalling and dread ful thing that has com to humanity since the dawn of civlllcatlbn. la to me the outstanding creation of Car man militarism. The Germans them selves are not the worst sufferers. They are extorting at the cannon's mouth the harvests and cattle of the people they have overrun, leaving them In desolation. If the war were to cease tomorrow, the toll of actual dead from starvation within the Oar man lines would double or treble the 6.000,000 or 6,000.000 of men who have been actually killed by Germany and her allies In arms. The 10,000.000 peo ple In occupied Belgium and Norther France would have died of -starvation bad it not been for us and the Allies. We must build our food resources to stand ready for any demands upon us by the Allies. It Is of no purpose to us to send millions of our best to France If we fall to maintain the strength of their men. women and children on our Unas of communica tion. This United States is the last reservoir of men, the last reservoir of hips, the last reservoir of munitions Edith Cavell, the martyr nurse. The great War has turned many (iitne to her death through the, things end over end and hind sldo treachery of one w:iom she hod bo-' before, Including Austria Hungary, friended. It will 6e welcome news ' which has now become "Hun (airy that the renegade who denounced Auatrlu " her to the Kmnmiiniliiiitiir " ii.iltl O- The war Is making history for ev ery nation hut Russia, and for her stid the last reservoir of food upon the name of the post-office to which ! which the Allied world must depend you desire future notices to be sent to you. V. G. COZAD. Register First publication July 6. 1918. Second publication July 13, 1918. Third publication July 20, 1918. Fourth publication July 27, 1918. if Germany Is to be defeated and If we are to be free men. NOTICE OF CONTEST DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Burns, Oregon, June 28th, 1918. To Newton Hoover, of Burns, Oregon Centestee: You are hereby notified that Char les R. Davlsson who gives Diamond, Oregon, as his post-office address, did on June 28th, 1918, file in this office his duly corroborated appli cation to contest and secure the can cellation of your Homestead Entry Serial No. 08158 made 6-28, 1915, for EHSE, Section 27, NE4, and the NSE4 of Section 34, Town ship 31 South, Range 33, East, Wll- Now is the time to cat and to pre serve home grown products. Perish able fruits are coming on the market, the gardens are making available dally supplies of food that will take the place of the commercial canned ar ticles that are needed for shipment abror-i. Sugar has been made avail able for home canning purposes and the supply is good at the present time. The home garden and the canning or Its products means more this year than It ever did before cause It will play a very important part in keeping the fighting forces supplied with the kind of food they need at the time they need it most. America expects every civilian to to his or her duty in the same spirit as she expects each soldier when the command comes, "TO GO OVER THE TOP" without turning to see If his neighbor had gonefirst. that old your roses while ye may," and we can wll now change It to "gather your vegetables," for by so doing we can accomplish great good. "We stand behind our boys In France and we will not call it a sacri fice but a privilege to do our bit to ward feeding them Over There." Emma V Mllliken. Conserve, reserve and preserve all of these fine fruits and vegetables that are now within your reach; you will need them the coming winter. By eating more perishables here at borne we may save others from per ishing "Over There." The farm as well as the front needs men who see straight and bcot ulralght. U llSVJk nflH nnnta.1 tamette. Meridian, and as mndi I .... . verse, usmer your roses ior nis contest ne alleges that said Newton Hoover has wholly abandon ed said entry, that he never estab lished or maintained a residence, or made any improvements thereon, and has absented himself, changed his re sidence therefrom every since the date of entry; That the entrymans alleged absence from said land Is not due to his employment In connection with operations in military service rendered In connection with opera tions in Mexico, or along the borders thereof, or in mobilization camps elsewhere, in the military or naval organizations of the U. S. or the National Guard of the several States or Territories. You are, therefore, further notifi ed that the said allegations will lie taken as confessed, and your said entry will be cancelled without fur ther right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, If you fall to Jile In this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your ans wer, under oath, specifically res ponding to these allegations of con test, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your ans wer on the said contestant either In person or by registered mall. You should state In your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. V. G. COZAD, Register. First Publication July 6th 1918. Second Publication July 13th, 1918. Third Publication July 20th, 1918. Fourth Publication July 27th, 1918. o Why shouldn't we be proud of our ninety new sblpsT American enter prise built them for American uses. I War is OUR BUSINESS; we can't win by carrying it as a side line. BEAT GERMANY fwrrert jsvsmr flaw that ppeofeevfsissuesti rt lysw fc.4 Flgjrterr weed SCM YymrreU mttUiit WATTE NOTHINO A 2&Z the penalty of his crime at the hands of a single-minded Helglnn patriot, Louis Brll, who however died before It has made chaos. a German firing squad for his Just act. Not however, til the soil of As detailed reports of the battles Belgium Is swept free from the Hun come In, how the gay high courage pestilence and the very air fumigated of our boys at the front thrills the will this foul crime be half avenged. . nation. We will do your Job printings o- - Hays U Acted Like A Charm Don't rage at the German Ameri can who throws a monkey wrench Into the machinery In our munition factories, If you throw bread crusts tt"1 "h H" ,," ,n" Karbago can coughs or colds which persist at You may rat bars reaJlaed it. but ,,,,, HPason ,IMllnlIv aro of 0)S,)nil,r such an act puts you in the same ,lnUm,, A ,,, B0 rf.aH0M for ,,. class. 'THINK!" Ing a ri'lliil.le n mcly. Mrs. Margtirct Smale, Bishop Calif., writes; "Foley Was It not wasted effort for Anier- HolK,v all( Tal. ,lllI1nin,i ft grand can to spend time Inventing the sub- raWoy, suiT.r.d from a cold last marine and then to spend moro time W(.,.k, U(4(,(1 ,ll(J mm,(.no Blu u ,rted Inventing the submarine destroyer? I ,ke a .hurra." Sold by Reed Bros. Meat Must Be Sold Fresh meat is perishable. It must be sold within about two weeks for whatever it will bring. A certain amount of beef is frozen for foreign shipment, but domestic markets demand fresh, chilled, unfrozen beef. Swift & Company can not increase prices by withholding meat, be cause it will not keep fresh and salable for more than a few days after it reaches the market. Swift & Company cannot tell at the time of purchasing cattle, what price fresh meat will bring when put on sale. If between purchase and sale, market con ditions change, the price of meat must also change. The Pood Administration limits our profit to 9 per cent on capital invested in the meat departments. This is about 2 cents per dollar of sales. No profit is guaranteed, and the risk of loss is not eliminated As a matter of fact, meat is often sold at a loss because of the need of selling it before it spoils. Swift & Company, U.S. A. Talking to You! You ninn with a i()) Car ydu want to keep it rood' flout .you? The way to Ho that in uIwhvh to give ft the attention it mwdrt AT THK TIME IT IS NEEDED. We nre ready ut all timet dny or nijfht to attend to yonr Deeds. We hate the most competent mechanics to be secured, and guarantee that your cur will never be "butchered." Supplies and Accessories for All The Popular Makes. The upkeep of your cur will not he mich n burden if you will let us keep it up to its work. Universal Garage Co. CRANE STATE BANK (.'RANK, OREGON It is our aim and effort to give such service to our patrons that they profit by our dealings and recom mend us to their friends. We Pay Interest em Time Deposits DIRECTORS Curleton 15. Swift J. R. Weaver . Win. H. Oaven S. N. Bolton Tom Allen 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company obegon BUCKHECMT SftiCS. U. ii. SAT. OF. ARMY 3 When you walk into a dependable shoe store and ask tor a pair of Buckhecht Army Shoes, you can be sure That this Army Shoe u up to itandard that it is mads by workmen who liavs turned out more than 600,000 Army ShoM under expert upervuion -and that it it backed by a record of more than fifty yean of huncit ahoe manufacturing. Look for our reentered trad name BucKHHCHT etamped on the sole of every Shoe far our mutual protection. fcl m 1 aSl S9v ' jf There 's just one thing to remember ask for the Hue Mucin Army Shoe by name and be sure that you get it. Then you will appre ciate why it it worn by thousands of Office Men Farmers Attorneys Orcha.rdi.te Phy.ician. Motonmen Hikers Conductors Hunters and others in every walk o( life. THE UNIVERSAL CAP Brinp; your Ford car to us when it needs to be "fixed up" or repaired. We guarantee the most reliable work; the srenuine Ford-made materials and to ask Ford prices. It is our business to know all about Ford cars. We have the necessary equipment and competent work men to do the work as it bhould be done and to krive you prompt attention at all times. When you want to buy, a Ford car we earnestly solicit your order. BURNS GARAGE BURNS AND CRANE For your convenience we keep a supply of FORI) REPAIRS and oils at Narrows, Riley, Alberson, Harney, Drewsey and Juntura I .u' ' '