The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 13, 1918, Image 5

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Grant Crltchfield In in rrom Cat
lew. William Stirling took IiIh dcpari
ure this morning for Portland on
short business trip.
Scott and Pete Haley are up Trom
i heir home near Malheur Lake Scott
suys they had a hard rain down there
the fore part of the week.
Mr. and Mri. Lold Crandall are
. pected here from Vale this evening
to visit for a few days with relative i
aud friends. Mra. Crandall was for
merly Chespa King.
Hurry and Koaa Spry are here from
N'.mipa where they have been living.
i ir the past several month. Tbov
are here on some business ami e
pi t tO return to Iiluhii In few dayi
Mrs. K. J. .Newell (ailed nt tliis
in- this m rultig. She stated tbev
had disposed of what per-onnl pro-
rty tbey desired to sell ami aha
and Mr. Newell expect to leave to
morroW for Montour, hiaho. whore
tbey will make their home on a ranch
:.i( h they recently purchased.
Several of the boys are under the
impression that the sage ben season
ii, ens next Monday but this ia a mis
time. A special law governing this
Bl 1 two adjoining counties prevent!
oar shooting chickens before the
urst of August, according to the dis
trict attorney.
Frank Kenny was In town the
other day from his flocks and
W. T. Lester arrived home yes
terday afternoon from Portland
where be had been a witness in
('. S. Green, In charge of the aheep
of the Kastern Oregon Live 8tock
Co., with headquartera in the Cat low
country, was in the city yesterday.
Kverythlng a newapaper man has
to buy la higher than ever. before and
yet he has to get out the same size
paper for the same money and la ex
pected to give his apace freely to all
causes for war or otherwise. This
last week the postage rates on sec
ond olaM matter was raised and this
Is an additional burden that must be
loaded onto hint. It might be well to
consider an nrtvame in subscription
uiid advertising rates.
Harney' count ii not "over the to
vet on War Saving Stamps. We must
all bustle to niuUe our itintu. It Is
going to take the stipulated amount
from each of us and then some t
britiK Harney countv up to I Oh per
cent. Many of our citizens are not
able to subscribe for the limit uud
then too, so many are gone away to
war, the ship yards, the harvest
fields on the outside where tbey have
crops, that it Is a hard Job for us to
pull through. We must keep dig-King.
Movie Spectators Were Treated
to Two Shows.
tBfwSp??vY '" " mffTW ..nap tv ' :". T gjgoyr' " ;
ft LaaaaaaaaaavtaaaaaaaaL .: tv BflJBTjilVBHBjBH
I Iff!
At the Liberty Theatre, Wednesday, Jnly 17th
Notary Public, Land Office Practice, Fire
Insiiiiiiicc and Kcul Kstatc
Office: Tonawama Building
One Amonj the Audience Might At
meet B Called a Comedy, Unleaa
One Had te Pay for Cruehad
My aent was directly behind those
occupied by the trio who figured In a
serio-comic accident that convulsed
nearby spectator In a Broadway mov
ing picture theater the other after
noon. I therefore tt in able to tell Just
what happened and Klve details that
must have puzzled persons silting a
little further away.
The two women were loaded down
with parcels ami small package when
righl In the middle of a thrilling drama
tbey sluvvly and caiillously titled tlmm
sehes into two orchestra chain near
the middle aisle.
It nun a ilL'ht fit. rVr neither of the
ladles could be described as syipbiike
In form, and the armfuls of purchased
trundle contributed In no way to fa
cilitate adjustment of the generous
cargo nature previously entrusted to
each. Parcels of various sizes slid from
their knees Into recesses under the
seats In front and slopped Into the
aisle from the lap of one who sat near
est n It.
The theater was In sctnldarkncs,
and It was only by the groping of
ninny bands. In response to whispered
appeals, that the troubles of diligent
hours spent In shopping were returned
to them. They then apparently for the
first time discovered t tin t the adjoining
sent third from the side was unoc
cupied, ami Into It they dumped their
bundles and their bats.
filler In the Immediate vicinity bad
scarcely been restored whao stout!
middle aired man arrived with coupon
calling for the sent they bad Jus! con
verted Into a eOfl of fainllv catrb-all.
RecardJeea of their exclamations of
despair he Inched Ills way In, while
they with frantic baste struggled to
Clear off the place upon which he was
to sit.
Pei Anally d sceodad again upon
the neighborhood, and we had given
u. up to dbdlsturbed
concerning Hie fate of the Dim heroine
should the villain penetrate het dis
guise as a French artillery
when one of the package-laden women
said to tl i hei :
"Mercy' 1 promised to lie h me hy
five o'clock, l.iiey 1- going :! and I
forgot all about It."
While the speaker, wlm ant nearest
file nlsle. arranged bee bat and pierced
it with a ( fd of pins, her compan-
Ion struggled to convert the fruits of
their Shopping Into two portable p rn
ndds. Smldeiilv she uttered
scream, and then whispered
friend In nwe-strlckcn tones,
find my hat. I believe that
sitting on It."
"Ornclous goodness," said the other.
"Ask him"
"I cant do II," said her friend. "You
ask him."
Thus appealed to, the holder of the
IWO turned to the man, who appeared
to have beard nolblng of their conver
sation, and '-aid:
"I think you are sitting on this lady's
"I am not doing nnythlng of the sort;
why should I?" was the amazing reply
She received.
"Sit down." cried several Tolces to
the hatted and listless opes, from
whose arms bundles again began to
"I am not sitting on your bat.
ma'am," said ths BUSDOCtOd male, "hut
If It will do you tiny good, I'll prove
Then he nrme. rind from under Id
ponderous body the bntless woman re
moved what had once been a towering
millinery creation, with twin pinnacles
soaring nloft, but which was now only
pancake of cloth and feathers
A wave of mingled applause ami pro
testation swept that part of the the
ater, as the shoppers departed, paus
ing every few feet to recapture MOM
meandering parcel. Madge Arthur, In
P.iilTalo Courier.
a little
to her
"i caul
man Is
Leaves BEND ot 7:5 a.m., arrive BURNS 7:00 p. in.
Leave BURNS at 7s00 a. m.. arrive BKND 5:00 p.m.
FARE, each way $8.00
50 pounds Baggage carried rree. Excess leper lb.
Meets ;ill trains in Bend, Passengers Arrive at
Portland, from Burns, in 21 hours. fare $16.05
Prompt attention given all shipments in our care,
Ivspeeially I'erishahle Consignment).
Inland Empire Realty Company, Agents
B. C. 55.
"The next morning, ns treacherous
I and hypocritical as ever, a large emu
puny of Germans, which Included all
i the principal and senior men. came to
his quarters with a double object to
clear themselves (so they alleged) for
engaging In n battle the day before
contrary to the agreement and to their
own request therein, and also by de-
I celt to get what they could In respect
j of the truce." This Is not an extract
, from an account of current happenings
In Russia between that country and
i Germany. It Is from Caesar's history
of hla dealings with certain German
trlbea In the year n!S B. C. Replying
to the spokesman of these Germans
(who had crossed the Rhine to Invade
Gaul) the narrative reatls: "To this
Caesar replied as seemed good ; but
I the conclusion of hla speech was as
follews: He could have no friendship
with them If they remained In Gaul."
These extracts from a famous book
, are commended to the attention of
I powers that he. From the Outlook.
Famous London Meeting Place.
Before the war Trafalgar square,
London, was the favorite meeting
place of the NiiffrugettcH. The lions at
the column's foot were frequently the
platform from which Mra. Pankhurst
and her daughter addressed the Lon
don crowd. The shops along the
Strand were often given the attention
if militant women, with the result
that for a long while moet of their
window were boarded uud barred.
No. 2M.
ttilinrt of till) eiiiulllleii of ths
In Hie sunn nl Oregon, m thn t loan of l"i.l
lll-M, Jt.tiotfi HUM. '
iisnssad Pleasants.. vnwa
Notes tad bills rcitlicuuoted
(ottiar thsa hank tooept-
tuocssnlil) W.SO0 1)0 fU8,0M2S
t'. S. Bono's iiittuM than Liberty
H.indi nl 10)17) :
P. S. limn 1ttposltd to Mcurs clrsu-
latlon Mi.onooo
t'.S Ilomla and crtlfle'r
nl ladsbtsdnssa pltdsjeU to
(cars U.S. Pspotlta ZA.ere St
0 S Bonds snd Bsrtlflotist
ot Indi'litrrini'tj pled(d to
spurs i'osttl Havings Ke-
l'li l.OOUOO
II I, Honda intern I firm..-, of
ladeblsdaeka ownsil and
au pledged
Total i'. I, Bonds :ii,coooo
Liberty loan lioiiila, an
pledHid SCO 01)
Libert) iima goods pledged
I,. leSSTS I . g, ili.'ioalt 1.000 00
I lliuity I.ohii BoOdS, I'li'iluii
to saears ttnta or other
depostn or i.i t ta paytble Ht.OMW
I'nviiii atsaetaally niadeon
r4 pei i sot beads i. IUSS
Hmiiia seeailtleSi rtc,
l la oili, 'i than C S bOBdi
pledged Hi airure poalal
ist log deposits l.uuuoo
seeurlttej stbei than i; h
iMiiiilaowin il UOgledaed it.mi sn i'.HHIHh
stmk of Kiartvr lisak S.UUOia)
vaiui'of feaagiag bouts 4,soooo
Kiirnltiira tint lUtiuva, 4.4UUUU
Ltwful rvaorvu vtltb Kedvrtl Iteatrre
lltnk . fatpwl H'
Caah III vault and net amount due
from attlonal btnk'a W.tffiOU
Net amount dna irnta banks ami
btiikrra.tnd tcual i OntOBBaSB other
than lui'luilvd In Ital three Iteint I.JU'ii.'
I'lieika on other btnka III ttie aatae
city or town aa reportliiK bank vol,.'
iottl of leal live Items flOit.itw .1
I'lo-i-kaon banka loi ateil DUtBtdeof
city or tow n of ri'uori Iiik bank tint
Otoer enli ili-ma
Keileu.i i.,n finol Kb I I 'lrtaaur-
er and .inn from i'. a. Treasurer
Total rut
I laBIUTiaS.
Capital slock paid m gini
lorplus 'O
i ndlvldsd proflta : .,uis si
I i uiri'iit ix pent eS.
i In nutrias n.,ii a outstaadb t i
iouoi das to Kal lontl t inn k . . .
'i iiIkI ill ItWI ' '
li.'ii'ioni deposlti an mim s .
. loal dvpoaii aub)ei I to I
i tsb "
i oial demand deposits
lubjaei ut it.erv.
ii ,-ui , o i i., gesi i
i , 'i. ' ties "' di posll i '
I'oaitl avliia desoelta
Fetal O'ui' ,;,-;.ut. 'lbji i t o
gotsrri tiuf.ij: m
United at, -a Depesits:
vai eaa deposit aeo'i i.,,couw
War savtags deaoslt ssr-
lltli aiiaaud tlolli stamps
t'nilril Stalea li'iolla, lll-
iniiiiK deposits "I Ci -
Sbttiuraln ofniira s, :ii aa,
Sills psgable, wiib seders! Re-
asrrS Hank
i'ah letters of credit or Trsvslets
( he. Laoutatainliiu I
Established thirty-two years Need no introduction
Through square dealing have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand among the
solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
The Labor Problem
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of the farm labor problem
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you. Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the firee-whiz to the farm tractor, we have all
the new labor-savinjr machinery. We want to show you
how easily you can not only keep up your regular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.
i. noli !-' I
'' --aJ
I That Fall Suit! I
SM I . , :
-j ii
i in..
.'il.l 7-
1100 Oil
,ir.'7 1
MaMlltlva tor rediSOOBnt, thole of
ib Paderal Ksssrvs lank, '.'i.hooiki
Total coallngSBl llabtlliiia .... VI souiHi
-I V ! I nr OBROON.I
i oi srv ot II SNr.v,i ""
I.J.I. Imlllt. tanliltT of the aUoe nalneil
nttik. do aoliMtmly asear that the above stale
mil I in Cue to tin' beat of 111) kllovvli'ilve ami
j. I. Iiai it, laabler.
Correct- Atteat
U. T Hi UHirr
Pliei lora
-u! .i rlbi'd and awnrii U n.lnre me tbtaiith
.la) of JlllT, 1VIH
J. r-. (ihik, Notary Public
K i oiunilaMim e..lrea Jui.s .:i, lir.'O
Hums. Oregon, July 11. 191S.
Nutlet) Is hereby given that Charles
Ward, of Fifo. Orogon, who. on Sei
tonilmr a, 19i:i, mads lloniesteail
HJiitry, No. 06999, for S ',4 Suction 4,
Township 21 8.. Kangu 24 B., Wil
lani'lle Merlillitn, has flloil notice of
Intent ion tu iimlttt final throo-year
I'nii.r. tu establish claim to the land
gkova dasorlbsd before Ohas. A 8he---iikiii.
v. s. Commlssionsr, at hla of
fice, ul Fife. Oregon, on lht 14th
ilu. of August, 1918.
t'laltuiitit uuiuea us witnesses:
B, J. l.ituKhlln. Junius l'urklns
I'atil Warner all of Fife, Oregon.
Henry Street of Suntex, Oregon.
V. O. COZAD. Register
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always' busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later.
Call and See Our Samples and Styles
Clothing Company
In the matter ot the estate of
Anioi Oldfleld, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned administrator has filed
his final account In the abovo en
titled cause and the County Judgo
has set Monday, the 12th day ot
August, 191S, at ten o'clock A. M. ut
the office of the County Judge In
Hums, llurnoy County, Oregon, as
the time and pluce for hearing ob
jections thereto.
Administrator of the estate
of Amos Oldfleld, deceased.
We will do your Job printing:.
You must have it if you keep up
with the present big drive
Yon gvt this if you buy and out our
Fresh. Pure, Fiill-strength
Brtrytbing in our tor ii bought with an
eye to wearing fo utmost value that money ran
At present prices of groceries, you can't
afford to accept inferior articles.
Our splendid, carefully selected stock insures y
against uns
Farmers Exchange
A. OTT1NGER, Prop.
KLIN, Mngr.