The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 13, 1918, Image 4

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. .7
Aetered mt the Pout Office at Burnt.
Oragon. as Second Class Matter.
What would have been Incon
ceivable In 1910, Iuih become an as
toandliig fact In 1918. King
Gtaorxp and the people of Greet have actually t'olebrated our
Krmtest holiday. Independence day
Mm -onimemorutlnx the severain Of
cubtion with the mother country.
w 1EsSsasBB
BMMM of oppressions by one George borrow the forms of the Hrltlsh mon
f Hanover, the third of the German archy for our Infant government Ills
Ceorjpss. It Is hut right that this most zealous supporter was Itlcbard
Khouhl have been don, for our ouar- . Henry Lee of Virginia. Mnclay and
ej in 177.r was not a quarrel with
the Kngllsh people, nor the BlittsO
parliament cither, in spite of the fool
fand overbearing leglafattre aeta
Ifcey passed at George's Insistence,
hot Willi the narrow inlndid. doml-
near in v. Mtotiatlcal Hun. then on tle
throne of Brltlan ur quarrel then
as now was with riic German idea,
IheGerinau at atl Itude
rays. "I aa . U refoi h la io."
1 want tin.-. inj acl that
peweenra u fo mi . la r:hi " We
foaght tola Idea victoriously then,
and we shall fr,'it it victoriously
nw. It is an idea that .should have,
lied tuck in the dark age, an
thai, by God's help, shall die in this
BP. that eiviliaiion muy k on. Unit
peace and justice, love and truih muy
develop and prow into the lull
flower or it's beauty. Muy this graal
ag anniversary ol the Declaration of
ledepcndeiii ". ( anient into perma
nent oneness the liberty and Justice
'.-vim; peoples of Britain and h.-r
Warily independent child, who left
the borne authority long ago for a
principle, the principle that both
roother and child are fighting for.
We by fcle, and shoulder to shoulder.
Cernuin prisoners Interned at Hot
3?rta,v. N. c. , have amused them
dws by constructing out of odd
avul ti1s of wood and metal a i y pl
an i Oerman rlllag of utile pleasure
boaiu.. with tiny paths and gardana
vrhk-v they una during the day time
Jw tin- government has ordered the
reutnval if the internment camp to
ofi Ogelthorpa. and the poisoner
mr.M leave behind their laliorlously
snaOe Ikttt village, if their kinsmen
Is Oar many bad built villas itead
H tlaetroylng them. It would have
Asc-ii better for the world, and infin
flril safer for democrai y.
No Wasted
There is
no waste in
v t
a ,-t
It does not destroy
flour nor does it die out
after ond spasmodic et
tort to raise the dough
its action is steady and
aanre you can depend
ujpon Crescent to raise
far end, cakes, etc.
thoroughly and make
them light and whole
some. And your grocer.
v v
Many Would Have Had Washing
ton Addressed as Monarch.
Intereitlna Jutt Now to Recall How
Fond of HlghSoundlnn. Appella
tions Were the Founders of
This Great Republic.
In view of the widespread approral
of the Chamberlain hill, making It pos
slble for our soldiers to wear medals
conferred by the French, It Ih Interest
hikr lii be reminded that, nltlintiKli the
Constitution forbad all thoM in the
service of the I'nlted States l accept
titles or decorations from foreign
riders, a BtroBff, pnrly In oir first scn
Mlc v Islteil to bestow alioosl royal title
upon government Official.
A serious debate arose over lite
Manner In which Washington should
he addressed, anil on April 'j.'l. iti.
II cotiindltee VII appointed to consider
the matter. Among the titles urged
were "Mis Highness, the President of
the ('lilted States of Aiitcrlcu and I'ro
tOCtor of the RJghta of the Same," "IIIh
Rlectlve Rlgbnoaa," etc.. and a cano
pleil throne was to be erected for Ids
use In the senate. Minders of that body
were to be "Your 1 Ugliness of the
Senate," the sergeant at arms was t"
be nchrlMtcned the "Usher of the
lllnck Hod," and representatives "Your
Hlghueaa of the Lower House."
John Adams, we are told In the .Tour
mil of William Maclny, led the so-
called "Court niirtv." Which wished to
Robert Morris were the first senator.!
from I'ennaj Ivanla.
The matter rested until after the
forinalltles of Washington's Innui'ura-
boo. were settled, Under the flrat plan
i forgy cotlld attend only as spec-
tutors, hut lids was llnnlk overruled
on :i Itrong protest from the ministers
of New Fork. An Interesting sidelight
on the times is Ken by John Randolph
of Virginia. Who IIS ll hoy witnessed
the Inauguration of Adami ns vie
controversy over the title came
to n head on May 1 whin the c li
the .senate began to read the rain
"His Grncloui speci ii." he
referring to Washington' Inaugural
address. Blank surprise showed in the
eyes nf many of the senators, Jeffei
son, the great champion of democracy,
was absent In Europe. Maday ro to
bis loot
"i'lie words prefixed to the presi
dents sp h are the HUM that are
usually placed before the speech or hi
Britannic majesty," be said. "I i nan
they will give offense. I consider them
Improper. I therefore, move that the
be (truck out and that it stand sim
ply address or speech, as may be ad
judged most tollable."
The report of the committee on lilies
was rejected May 1 by u vole of 111 to i
8, but In a half-hi ailed ay. The rec
ord showed ihat "for the present" the
subject would he droppi d, but the
wording clearly Indicated that titles
were favored.
Barrle'a Hat.
lain reminded ihat the sill; hat worn
by Sir James M. Harris at the rehcars
nla of his early plays, which I iiicn
tlonetl the other day, was in all prob
ability the one which was acquired In
tllt earlier year with the Intention of
Impressing Frederick Greenwood. The
story Of this tall lull was related nl
the i leinornble dinner given to Green
wood in 100B, with John Moricy, then
quite untitled. In the chair. "I bought
i.y lirst silk but. to Impress him. the
day I came to Iaidon," said the dis
tinguished pilgrim from Thrums. "I
never wore It except when I made pe
riodic advances on the SI. James's Ga
zette. I liked to think that It had Its
effect upon him." The hat would nat
urally be treasured on grounds other
than those which would Suggest them
selves til the ordinary tbrllly Scot It
had opened out to him a gran.1 llter
ary career, and It might be expected to
have ii natural beneficent Influence on
the play, W'esllnlnsler (Egg.) Ga
zette. Someth'nfj to Worry About.
A If, h bavi n'i all eadj enough t
ke p our minds busy, with war and the
bigb cosi of living! And our friends,
the learned aatronomera, who study
the heiiveus Just ns carefully as the
average fellow does the Innermost re-
ccsses of his pneketbook day before
pay, are Intent upon adding to our load
of worry burdens. They some of
them believe the huii Is going to ex
plode. Dm- of (hem, writing In Popu
lar Astronomy, points to the fact that
our sun Is of advanced age, and pre
dicts its finish as the leading figure
In any solar system, lie finds that our
sun bus contracted 92,000,000 miles
from each side, (bus giving Its hot cen
ter 180,000,000 miles less of room. So
you see the sun's center Is rather
crowded for space. Something like
the Ihree-room-apiirtiiicnt couple when
visiting relatives begin their summer
vacation drives. Hyrucuse Journal.
Harold And why must we always
be kind to the poor?
liorls Because then- may be u sud
den change, ami we don't know how
soon they may become itch.
Righteous Indignation.
Mrs. Jones I wonder wlml makes
baby so wakeful,
Jones (savagely) Why, It's hercdl-
tury, of course. Thai's what s of
your silting up nights waiting for me.
Danish Critic Interestingly 8uma Up
Joy and Sorrow of Many Char
acter of Noted Writer.
An Interesting commentary upon the
nvuncn of Shakespeare has been com
piled by Dr. George Itrandes. the Ian
Ish critic. He sums up their Joy and
i sorrows, their virtue and fralltlea, a
! follow :
Katharine, "Taming of the Shrew:"
High spirited, self-willed, but lovable.
I Beatrice, "Mufh Ado About Nothing:"
, High Intellect, combative, energetic,
daringly witty. Rosalind, "A You
t.lke It:" Gay without a sting, aensl-
live and Intelligent ; loving passion
utely and being passionately loved.
Viola, "Twelfth Wight l" Sound of un
derataadlng, emotional, deep and pn
'lent, Willi great power of passive hive.
I Lady Macbeth. "Macbeth:" Wicked
veil to the point of hniti'llty under
stress of passionate love and great am
Mllon. Portia. ".Merchant of Vcnl-e :"
rhoroughlr genuine, almost masculine,
let most womanly In power of self
urrciider. Ilelenil, "Love's I.ahor
LoSl :" llluh-souled type of loving ami
cruelly maltreated wouuin.
Tainorn, '"Hlus Amlroiilcus :" rower
fid Intellect, defiant of morality. Juliet,
'RomeO nod Jullel :" Passionate love,
yet under control of principle. Cor
delia. "King Lear:" Filial love, kind
ness of heart. Cleopatra. "Anthony and
Cleopatra :" Qiilntessentlally erotic
emotion chemical!) free from all other
element, Mariana. "Perclt;s :" No
hlllty of character. Isnbell, "Measure
for Measure:" Spotless purity of soul.
Imogen, "CymhoRBo :" Ban for happi
ness, Inureil to suffering, calm, col
lected, Ilenulone, "Winter's Tale:"
Majestically lovable, grand and gra
"lous simplicity. Ophelia, "Hamlet:"
t'uohtruslve affection, devotion even to
Insanity. Miranda, "Tempest :" All
.'lull Is admirable In woman, maidenly.
Immaculate, Desdemona. "iitheiio:"
victim of lealousy.
Ninety Degrees Below Zero Is Record
for the Whole World -Eighty
Above In Summer Time.
Turn np your collar, thrual your
hand ; to the bottom of your nae
and rend abonl the "cold pile" of
northei n Blbi rln h the nnth -
speak patmntslngly ahool Qreenlantl'i
Icj mountain and other rach relative
lv hahiiv resnets, . Ihs town of Vcrk
oyansk which would probably never
have had am Inhabitants if the I ile
czar's government bad not sen)
caatonnl hatches of axllea thither says
Popular Scii i Monthly, His temper-
aiuic hus l. ei 11 known to drop to '"'
degree below zero, which I a "rec
ord'' for He wlioie world.
While the region about the north
and south poles of the earth are cold
all the time, the Blberlan cold pole
give its Inhabitants a comfortable let-
op lii rammer
w hen the thermometer
above zen
climb up Into the gO
During the brief summer
seas in the life .'U In- la,' of the UO.
Which remains aboul the borl.on day
sml nielli for some time during the
height Of the season, exert an intense
ly stliiiiilatin- intiiieVcc upon the veg
etation, and I he ground I-. covered
Willi llowers.
Imitation Leather.
Unseed oil. certain paints, rosin
gum, ami a chemical treatment and
we win have a compound us tough end
as durabls ns leather! Bach are the
Wonders of model n chemistry! from
substancet Inelastic and useless of
theuiseii -. valuable eojnmerdal arti
cles ni'e being mole, lays the Popu
lar Science Monthly.
The process for producing this lad
tutlon leather I based upon one ills
covered so long g" a isoi. At this
time Frederick Walton found out how
a durable and sanllary Moor covering
COUld he made. This covering the
forerunner of our modern linoleum
consisted of itrong canvas doth cov
ered wllh an oll-and rosin compound
heated end hardened while expmed to
the air. A iiioililicallon gives patent
Modesty Before Royalty.
William llei-ihel "explorer of the
heavens," discovered the planet lira
nus 187 year asoi At flrsl he wa ool
'erttiln Unit the strange star was a
planet hill subsequent oil tin at l His I
himself and other astronomers proved
thai such was the case. Ile'schel car
lied on his astronomical labors under
the patronage of George III nnd named
the planet Geoi'glum Bldi in honor of
the Kngllsh monarch, HI her Kngllsh
astronomer-, refused to accept this des
ignation, and culled the planet lief
chel. lifter Die discoverer. ( oiitlnentul
scientists Insisted that the old myth
ological ytm should be followed.
and this plan was adopted, the mime
Uranus, suggested by Bodo, being now
accepted by all the scienllllc world.
The planet Neptune wus discovered in
Power of Mind Over Body.
The true physician will u'ilize pow
r of the mind over the body. August
('unite has said that doctors who hear
In mind only the animal side of hu
man nature should routine then prat
Has to animal they should become
veterinary surgeons. At the same
time, let us avoid falling lulu the othei
extreme. To say Ihat "all I mind"
Is ns wrong as to deny the Influence
Of Ibe mind over the body. Man has
both body ami mind brain nnd brawn us reeognlaa and utilise both, In
striving to achieve a high grade of ef
llcleiicy, for In no Other way may Ibis
In- done. In short, let us avoid ex
tremes. That seems, for many, to b
the most dilllctilt of all things.
The recent Auatrlan retreat was a
treat to Italy'.
L, M. Tudor In down from his Cow
Creek ranch today.
Mrs. C. A. Haines and son Wilbur
are In from Diamond today.
We wonder who or what will mo
nopolize the front page next year.
Buy war saving stamps. They will
help you on your record for saving.
Mra. William Foren ia over from
Band on a vtalt with relatives and
The man who fights weeds and po
tato bugs In standing hack of the man
who fights the Bodies.
I". P Kane, F. T. Ountlier. J B
Norls, I). Jones and K. Wiltshire were
an auto parly from I.akevlew during
the week.
The young man of twenty-ouo
lined to look forward to casting his
first vote. Now he anticipates a
march and a bat He.
Miss Jocelyn Burke Is going to give
an entertainment the first week In
August at the Liberty Theatre for the
benefit or the Belgians. The little
lady will dance and will be assisted
In the entertainment by local talent.
Particulars will be given Inter.
J each running Without Sugur.
To encourage the suvlng of fruit
and vegetables at a time when tin
apply of sugar Is limited n progrum
for canning without sug. r Is Being
curried out this season by the lulled
states Department of Agriculture and
the state agricultural college ihr'
the boys' and girls' cluba of the
Northern and Western Slates. Fruits
an- put up in boiling water Instead of
Imp; unsweetened products are
canned for pie filling; fruits aft
up, w hl h ran be
in many In pi of iugar; and
fruit juices a. i- all o i by
m to he a M i1 lat I I IT
i g jell! and marina-
The ."
rooking ami for
making beverages. Sugar baei club
have ..lii,. i among t ha boj i
and girls In mattj localities, and in
: mi l.'ons are to be given In the
ig and ii" of homemade su-
IJfti Notice Is hereby given that the an
i.iiai meeting ol the itookholder o;
the Hums flour Milling Co, will be
hi id in the iit oi Bunt on Monday,
August . at the hour irt o'clock In
the afteruooo nl Tonawama Hall
I'm- liusinis, usual to the annual
nig will be transacted ami any
other business that may come before
the stockholder at that time.
W. K HI'STOX. S, y
Page's Sweet Shop
Cigars, Cigaretles and Tobacco,
Confectionery and Ice Cream
You will alwnvM find at our atore the purest of
confectioner j aud t he beat grade) of ice cream.
('lean tull'H and clean gluHHeH we outer to par
ticular people.
We Carry the Only Stock of FRESH FRUITS and
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
Walk Over Shoes
H Burns,
Fa OBIT K"4ls advertised uii
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Building and Farm Loans Made Direct
Farms and Ranches
Fire Insurance
Office Phone B-llO
Agents for WRAY'S STAGE
Members Burns Commercial Club
Sur day, July 14th
"The Mysterious
Mr. Tiller"
A Good Comedy
Wednesday, July 17th
Mary Pickford
i lie favorite, in
' 'Rebecca
of Sunnybrook
This is tlif Hrr-t of the mnv I'ninnioiint-Art-
ciiii't program! which are coming to the Liberty
under the new management.
COMING The Big Special Production
Geraldine Farrar,
"Jean, The Woman"
Stetson Hats
Bon Ton Corsets
'I'' "Home I'n ilui I - I'ajje"
Life Insurance
Resident Fhoivis G-Q and C-43