The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 13, 1918, Image 1

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The Tlmea-Hrrald goes re
gularly to more homes in Ilnr
iii') County than any other
newspaper. If you t I v I to
reach th people use those col
umn for yonr advertisement.
The Times-Herald I an
cstahllslted friend of the peopin
il H,cncy County where H haw
1m-.', a weekly visitor for thirty
yearn. It's Joh department fcs
equipped to nerve your ueoAa.
NO. 37
Board Includes
Each from The War Department
Department of Agriculture, Rail
road Administration, War Indus
tries and Fuel Administration.
All functions of Government agen-I
tfe relating to s(roo( and highways
jjreafter are to be coordinated In a ,
fcgly called the United States High- Hon of lis control or many of tne ma
wayn Council, composed of one repre- terlala entering Into highway ron
Isntative each from the War Depart- structlon and maintenance, and Its
Bnt. the Department of Agriculture,
ftae rutted States Kailroad Adminis
tration, the War Industries Board,
laml the Fuel Administration.
Membership of the board fallews:
War Department, Lieut. Col. W. D.
Oiler. Fuel Administration, C. G.
Sheffield; War Industries Board
Richard L. Humphry; Department of
Km ul lure, L. W. Page; Railroad
(ministration, G. W. Kirtley.
These representatives on June 8
I elected Logan Waller Page, Director
of th office of Public Roads. Depart-
I merit of Agriculture, as chairman.
and J. K. Penny barker, chief of man-
lirement of that office, as secretary.
The council was formed primarily
to prevent delays, financial loss, and
uncertainty incident to the method of
taking up each hlRhway problem In
Ui turn with a separate und distinct
Government agency. It utilizes the
organizations of 48 state highway
departments with their trained per
sonnel and their knowledge of local
dominions and provides a single
agency where all highway project.
calling for governmental action of
any character, whether it be a ques-
.m of finance, of materials, trans
portation, or of war necessity or de
sirability, may he dealt with. All
the Government agencies represent
ed are concerned in highway matters.
The War Department constructs
hundreds of miles of roads In canton
ments and posts and is frequently in
terested in highways connecting
them with cities and shipping points.
It is also interested In the through
highways over which Government
truck trains are operated and any
other highway affecting war activi
ties. The Department of Agriculture Is
Intrusted with the administration of
tie Federal aid road act, which car
ries an appropriation of $85,000,000
during a five year period, and calls
for an expenditure of at least an
equal amount by the states In con
junction with the Federal appropria
tion The Office of Public Roads
also expends a number of smaller ap
propriations nnder authority to
make scientific investigations and to
five out information concerning high
gways. In this educational work. It
II In constant touch with the high-
way departments of the 4 states.
The Railroad Administration can
ttlurnre vitally the construction and
apkeep of public highways, as vast
quantities of crushed stone, gravel,
and, cement, brick, reinforced and
structural steel, bituminous material
re required to be transported by rail.
Shortage of open-top car equipment
Ibmaase of need for shipment of coal.
coke, and ore has made it seem noc-
Mary that less Important work may
postponed. This has resulted in I
in order by the car service section of
tin Railroad Administration tirovld-
i appeal to rh" Director of the
H ,i pablU Roads through tbe
itittr! .in
tho I
' ' ' .'III
. I ,1,
II .
icted to ei purpu
i oil for war
tone, Hi' imi'
i inly on a , i
I I ! . I li'.' Fuel Ailniitiiitl r.t
i n :ioi, :i i-i i urn in
a ' on i e Of"
' "i Public Roadl and the Oil I)1
fbtlon of the Fuel Administration.
One Representative
thin committee forming part of the
United States Highways Council.
The War Indusrles Board, by rea-
power to establish priorities, allocate
materials, and fix prices, enters pro
minently Into tbe field of highway
The Capital Issues Committee,
while not represented In the council,
still it Interested In 'highway ron
st ruction iu that It Is required to pass
upon bond issues Involving $100,000
or more. Hundreds of mlllons of
dollars have been vetted annually and
sold for highway and street purposes.
The Highways Council has provid
ed a definite form on which applica
tion to it for relief may be made, and
has placed a supply of these forms
with the state highway departments
through which all applications must
come. The council emphasizes the
great need of conserving money,
transportation, labor and material.)
by restricting highway and strett
work to the most essential needs. It
considers the maintenance of existing
streets and highways logically should
rank first In Importance and that
the construction of 'these sections of
improved highways and streets which
have become too defective for main
tenance should next receive attention.
New construction is held to he Justi
fied only where the highways are
vitally Important toward winning th"
war or for the movement of essontoal
The time of cutting hay la of Im
portance to dairymen. The common
rule Is to cut In the early bloom.
points out K. B. Tltts, associate pro
fessor of dairy and animal husband-
ry In the Oregon Agricultural Col-
lege. At this stage the protein con
tent is high and the palatablllty near
Its maximum. Some variations from
the rule, however, must bo made
with different crops. Alfalfa should
be cut when the new sprouts near the
ground are well started, clover when
In full blossom, -and vetch when the
the first pods are about half formed
Some hay plants rapidly lose
palatlhllity when nearing maturity
rye grass. Johnson -grass and mes-
quite are examples. These shoul'l
he cut when or sown after the heads
or blossoms appear. Cutting hay
crops when nearing maturity, which
means when seeds are nearly ripe.
results In a loss of digestible protein
of palatlbllity and of .ne finer and
more valuable parts of the plant.
"Do not mow when the crop is wet
with rain or dew," wa nti Professor
Fitts. "The- moisture will dry off
much faster while the plants are still
standing. 'Cut In the morning as
soon as the plant i tire dry. If the
rnp Is heavy, stirring with a ii-ddc
or otherwise wMI aid In getting the
curing process under way Hake 'is
soon as bay la thoroughly willed and
wring wall started. Complete the
curing In windrow or cock.
oh ' t lohable
" the licM roornln
and i
i ' '
If cut ai on l
in i he who
i ii i he hig dollar be got
with ami tin miibI! parcel! he 1,1 inc.
(Boise Statesman)
WASHINGTON (AP) hi response
to a request for postponement of the
July draft cull in tbe northwest.
where wheat is ready for harvest,
hits informed the department of ngrt
culture that the military program
will not permit of delay infilling t ii -monthly
demand for drafted men.
Whon Assistant Secretary Ousley
took up the question with Genetil
Crowder he found that the situation
hud been eanvassed thoroughly before
the July call was placed, and that to
relieve conditions In the spring wheat
states as far as poaatble entrain men t
in that section was ordered to begin
July 22 Instead of July 5 and 16 as
elsewhere. More than this It was
stated, the needs of the army would
not allow.
"Farmers confronted with th"
problem of harvesting wheat when
some of their heln will be called t
the colors should receive inspiration
from the wheat growers of the cen
tral states," said Mr. Ousley Thurs
day. "In June the farmers of that
section faced th same situation, yet
every acre of grain was cut and shock
ed. The dry people with farm ex
perience responded to the call for
help and were organized into shock
troops' and went into the harvest
fields. From Ohio to Iowa, boys 're
sponded loyally and farmer found
them willing and valuable helpers"
Ariordlng to Information received
by the Local Draft Board, the young
men who registered on June 5 of this
year may be called upon to fill tn
quotas of August as Class 1 men have
been exhuuHteil. Th i instructions
were to give out the numbers of the
hoys as they stand In liability and to
notify them to appear for physical
examination as soon as classified
The order of registration follews:
10 Paul H. Krueger, Buchanan
29 Harold L C.awlflcld, Van
17 Linns S. Gleeson. La wen
4 Henry Schwanzara, Burns
28 Norman E Upson, Drewsey
.12 Walter W. McLeod, Catlow
16 Ernest II. Beckley, Beckley
33 Fritz Wlckert, Catlow
13 Floyd Jones, Narrows
3 Byron A. Bennett, Harney
11 Floyd H. Baker. Burns
18 Pete Win. Grace, Diamond
30 Jack Clcer, Crane
25 Wm H. Caldwell, Andrews
12 Paul D. Strange, Burns
34 Gerardo Orbe, Crane
2 Samuel O. Slater. Usimi
Melville A. Gibson, Burns
Robt I. Drlnkwater, Harney
Alonzo C. Ward, Drewsey
Fred W. Smyth, Diamond
William K. Crozier, Bnrns
Kills F. (iaria, Albemon
Alonzo D. Pease, Narrows
James H. Oard, La wen
Ira O. Williams, Lawen
26 Lester A. Mllllgnn, Payette
31 Aaron F. Morris, Denlo
23 Ray F. Culp, Lawen
22 Simon Aranburn, Venator
9 Herbert Lupton, Burns
20 Wm. I. Watson, Diamond
6 Albert A. Tucker, Suplee
Those who from Inadequate Infor
mation or some other reason or near
reason, object to universal military
training for the youth of our nation,
cannot, If they think a moment, op
pose the proposition of compulsory
physical training for the manhood
(und womanhood too) of the country
Such a regime would entail no hard
. -hiii nor Inconvenience upon any.
save the sloths, would add lmnieas
Miirablv lo the health, spirits and
democratic unity of the men of the
country, ami wou'd, in th event of I, miiii training merely mill
In ry milter, requiring much less tiim-
9 . i, Ri use of 1 1"' pii
:i ml 0 l.'rtm
the ' If li'.ilmil. "C.'i
1011 full lated b
"I'lll'll V I .1.1
; Of J
land ate Bu il i with
time :i
i c A. hut id proiiou
then ' bn . r a 1
ilv r 1 1 mllltai y training,
d milio'i whi
hihllloii are all knocking al Dm Con-
grtaaiongl 'lour. Which of the ti,
ilo you think will be let la first?
By Edward C. Croasman, In tbe Aug
ust Popular Mechanics Magaclne
In the hands of the chap in the
sloppy greenish-gray uniform, watch
fully waging In the trench across the
way, thine Is a rifle with higher ve)
ocity than ours, wlth nearly a foot
greater subbing length, when th"
bayonet Is fixed, and with a better
stock, making snap-shooting ami
shooting l night more certain.
The rifln of a nation that has spi--clallsed
on War and Its tools, the Ger
man Mauser In some rcsperta offers
serious advantage to its user over
the new Springfield of the American
forces. The weak point la the man
behind. It gives unquestionable ad
vantage in bayonet fighting but the
Hun doesn't like the bayonet, and
therefore gets licked In spite of his
superiority in weapon. It gives high
er speed to Its bullet but the Ger
man soldier Is usually a poor shot,
! nnd even "UI'- ""liquated, patch
ed-iip, short Lee-Kllfield of England
proved too much for the better Mau
ser, because It was in tho hands of
better man and better rifle shots.
'I'll- k-li better than the stock on
either Mr Springfield or our newer
Ml 17, modified Enfield, but the
bot la so clumsy that the superior
speed of tire of the American rifle
neutralises this advantage and give
us a toMbtfMo the bargain.
ConsM-r Mauser ride No 2668.
captured at the Homme, and made in
the year .1916 at tbe German works
of Oherndorf. where Paul Mauser de
veloped the great rifle that bears
his name. It Was taken by the Bng
ish tn tho year In which It was made
but as it lias before me It looks the
part of battle-scarred veteran. The
woodArf the stock is chewed up an 1
scarronTttnd full of dents, as if it had
been used on harlnil wire. Hut the
bore Is still clean and bright, testi
fying to the Uerman efficiency, and
the fear of the consequences that
(impelled its owner to keep It clean
In spite of "hell and high water."
Tligtk is 13 in. long, or one
fourihaflre than the Springfield. It
is far better shaped, with its neat
pistol grip, and seml-shotguu line-.
aud It Is butter shaped than" the stoi k
of the Ml 91 7. because It fits the
shoulder and aids to line up the rifle.
In mechanism the rifle is practically
tbe same as the new Springfield and
the Ml 91 7 which arc both modified
We tried It out one day at Camp
Kearney, Major White and I, and a
lieutenant with a very Teutonic ac
cent, a man who had doubtless served
tils tlaoe. with some other army re
gardless of his love for America now.
The African big-game hunter, snap
ping off his shots In the short time
of 1 3-5 seconds per shot, from a po
sition below the elbow to the report
of the title, using only this square
of light for a rear sight, made bull's
eyes on the little 8-ln. black spot nt
100 yd., or else "fours" close up to
tbe black spot. The lieutenant did
nearly as well.
We tried out the Hun rifle at long
range, 800 yd., and then some groups
at 650. U was accurate enough for
righting it bit the 3-ft. black spot
eight times out of ten shots at 800
yd., with the other two shots not fai
off. At 55 yd.. It put five shots Into
a space smaller than a man's chest,
but not into so small a space as would
the two American rifles.
But with all the Mauser's good
points, it has a point so bad that our
Yankee rifles far outclass it in the
sort of fighting now done on the
fields of Europe. This is that the
American rifle, in the hands of skill
ed American riflemen, will fire, I
should say, three or four sbols (o on
l two shots lor the Hun rifle
The sole difference lies in the silly
a '.I i-1 u in. ibapi ol the Man " r boll
le lit" only weak point in the
or, tin the fatal and tie
com " , don i ) he roughhuni
i Iter I
i i .
nt erf
ol I lie Old '
aUOUl I hem si! i
oul oo .i 'id ut 800
ill u!
pi nd i
v Hi . ow nil: i' i It now
i :. i man mttisi ot I .'i i
know 1 1"' m.M
vi in spile ol one!
superiority ol tbe iLm rifle, ami in
' 01 the better stock, and 111 spite
of the li'L'fcor loi I Of Hie German
Legal Qualifications of Petitioners to
be Determined by Further Evi
dence. Case Appealed by The
William Hanley Company From
County Court.
bullet, our new rifle makes two bul
lets fly where but one bullet has
flown before and bullets are what
are going to end the war.
A very serious situation confronts
(he people of this section. It has had
the attention of some of our men
who look Into the future. This Is a
year of drought so far as this section
is concerned, the most serious ever
experienced. From Inquiry It la
found that crops are not more than 30
per cent of normal and in addition
to this discouraging condition tho
grasshoppers have taken vast quan
tities In addition to being responsi
ble for harvesting crops that wero
not mature In order to "beat 'etn to
Men of influence hare already tak
en the matter up with authorities to
ascertain if it is possible to get re
lief. Stock must either be shipped
out or feed shipped in and It is up to
the government to give aid under
such circumstances. In either case
it is a big sacrifice but the stock of
this country is far too Important to
allow it to die from starvation and it
is usklng too much to expect the
stoikmeu to make all the sacrifices
toward saving this meat supply for
the use of borne people and the arnn .
Fall rains may help to some extent.
but not sufficient to make it safe to
atempt to put stock through the win
ter on pasture and range.
The United States Customs officials
believed that Ramon Mordant had
smuggled the Golconda necklace into
this country after he had stolen them
In Paris. To fix this belief iu certain
ty the best efforts of the Secret Ser
vice was being directed to locating
Mordant and "getting the goods on
him." Crafty and inventive, tbe most
notorious criminal in Europe. Mo
dant had come to the United States
to brazenly defy detection.
Whether or not Prentice Tiller
knew of the farts remain to he sen.
but coincidence played a remarkable
part tn the final apprehension of Mor
dant when Tiller meandered down
Lester street at midnight. When an
explosion lltterally blew Clara Haw
thorne through the door and down'
the steps of No. 218 (here began a
series of mystifying Incidents that
baffled explanation and kept life for
"The Mysterious Mr. Tiller" pulsat
ing with excitement for many day-i
Miss Hawthorn gave an explana
tion that did not "explain" when
Tiller tried to get from her the story
of her unusual adventure. Despite
her evident refinement Tiller, in
shadowing her, found her companions
to be the worst class of crooks. Most
astonishing, too, were her social con
nections for Miss Hawthorn was a
society belle, much sought, beautiful
and accomplished. And when (he
poli ,', in ting on secret advice, pounc-
ed Upon tbe guests at Miss Haw
thorn's reception and made arrests
; 'ii' led lo i ne unngaklug ol i lie Ool
i mond (bievi i, Mr, TI I r be
i that in- bad reached ; ' i Until
tore in i.i i i.i
photop !
Ill Mr. Tlllei ," . 'Ill Itit
.1 .'.. ii lynl I: III li i .
lit n "Bluebird Da ' i lb
niil.iy night Lon
stlonal gnd
.iii nil win their fill
opporl unit - in pre
Al Cote was iu town (his week.
C. B. McConnell had a report fr
Judge Dalton Biggs this week ts
iug that he bad found for tbe irriga
tion district In the appeal niaxle r
the William Hanley interests roeut
ly. Last season a petition wae dtmm
lated asking for the formation of m
irrigation district just east of this
city. The matter came before the
county court and was passed fawn
bly but the Hanley Company took -ceptlons
and appealed to the circait
court. The case was argued
Judge Biggs rendered his decision
chambers. As to the legality of U
petitioners Judge Biggs states (t I
be necessary that evidence be
nulled to enable him to push ui
that part of the contention, or
late. He shows that Mr. Hanley
take other action to withdraw hlx
lauds should he see fit, from the pro
posed district.
President W. P. Davidson of tan
Oregon ft Western Colonization Co.
was here this week from St. Paul in
company with his local repreawata
tlve, Frank Johnson. They had tour
ed the grant lauds from the Prim
vlile country through to this uo.iu
and during the few days l bey had
been in the field there had Jbeu
many acres, mostly range landflUto
tracted for. In fact the total for tho
trip 38,203 acres disposed of.
The exceeding dry season has
caused the stock men to realize as
never before the Importance of hav
ing a permanent range and one (hat
can be relied upon. By purcba4B
the land at reasonable figures: with
attractive terms, they are able tn
fence It If they desire and thus pro
tect themselves. As it is stockmen L
not know whether lo cut down thetr
flocks and herds or whether Um-v aru
i,i.i.i i
building them iu. Br
owll,nR thelr rall(;e ,hev kllow jlMt
what ,. h , au run UI1(l tfcent.
fore are in u Ion to continne
heir business on a basis that Is aavfe.
This puts the stock business where
it should be and wives it stability.
The forset reserves are open to a
liin'ied number of stock and under
conditions that do not permit a mis
adding to his stock to any great sn
I tent, especially as each year there
are certain restrictions and rurtalt-
. menlH HIul tlUH OIie , not cuio.
The man who owns his range land
reckons with absolute safety.
Following are recent safes ruudf-
C. R. ft M. M. Stewart
J. N. ft 8. V. Williamson
Fairvlew Slock Farm. .
8. T. Andrus
James Wes(on
W. D. Elliott
O. B. Gray
J. R. Ilreese .
8. W. Yancey
Sagardoy ft O bisque
4. fit
i: in
Foster & Led ford
Th()K a(, j0mmm ,
,.,, j( -pinion
(, ( ,.(,rsl)1
IMTCn .' i r.i ti II
During the I ri ,
Of the rat. im IU ' trti '' I '
oration we In tov n m
up a oontrai ( II i i he new ami
incut or the Libert ''' ( l:.l
service In future aud the firal pt -gram
i expi ci tt Wediu
n.' when Mar. Plckfprd will '
in "Itil Suunjrbt
iiinu". Thta will be followed bv
ol hi r in odttctions of like
Including sui li tars ih (! . aiuin
it, Fairbanks, Hat
Aline, patrova, dtrguerita Ciavkt,
i Bulla Burke, Julian Bltiage, lack
j I'U lu'ord, etc.