Statement Of the Condition of the First National Bank Burns, Oregon At the Jlee of hnolnoos June 29, IBIS RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $618,458.23 U. S. Bonds 105,312.60 Bonds and Securities 27,970.22 Stock. Federal Reserve Bank 3.000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9,200.00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,600.00 CASH 140,494.98 Kmory Hill I In (own. P. to. Weittenhlller wis In the city Wednesday on bualnesa. 3 ?g-fHWBT Lady waiter wanted at the Star Restaurant In thla city. 1806,935.93 LIABILITIES Capital $ 60,000.00 Surplus Fund 50,000.00 Undivided Profits Account 35.038.8l Circulation 50,000.00 Bills Payable (Liberty Loan Account) 25, 000. 00 Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 24,800.00 DEPOSITS 572,117.12 Capital and Surplus $806,935.93 $100,000.00 United States Depository Oregon State Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED There la to be a Orange picnic In the mountains tomorrow. Dave Craddock and family were down from Bllvlea today. For Bala 4 nru adjoining Buraa. Baa J. J. Donag-aa. Commissioner R. V. Haaa left tbla morning for Seattle where he goea ou buHlnoaa. . KOR BALK -Ford car Just over hauled In good running condition.- Raymond HUemore. Mr. and Mra. Hank Ketton and the children left Wedneaday for the, Mc- Dade & Hlgga ranch near Denlo where they will make their home. AuHtln Goodman la called to Port land us a wltneaa In a caae before the Federal court. He leaven tomorrow morning accompanied by J. 1,. liault. Mr. and Mra. ICdward Houthworth were over from their Hear Valley home today on Home business before the land office afternoon. Hen. Cawlfleld and family apent aeveral daya In our city during the week, coming up for tho celebration and remaining In town. Ralph Weaver and wife, Mr. and Mra. Flaer and Mlaa F.thnl Turner were among our celebration visitors from Crane. Dick Rail had the llglxaenta of bla leg badly torn laat Tueaday erenlng In a run-away. He waa working for I'hll Smith at the time of the acci dent. Jamea B. VVeaton will anil season tlcketa good for the remainder of the aeaaon for bathing prlvllegea at hla plunge at the Warm Spring for $S i'iiiIi. FOR BALK Four H. P. Gas En gine and Centrifugal I'ump and pipe at h bargain If taken at once. K. MIDDLKTON, Saddle Butte, Ore. SBSSSBSSSBSSBSSSSSia I' f Tfir:'3s1 1 I p,, BMMWMMIIIIIIII Ill i - nr B Albert Oakerman and family and hla mother were over from their Riley home thla week taking in the They returned thla pioneer reunion and attending to aomo builneaa affalra. The Times-J-Ierald 41a The Large! Circulation Of Any Newspaper la Harney County. SATURDAY. JULY 7. lata Local News. Mr. and Mra. John Hunter are down from their mountain ranch today. Four-borae power Fairbanks-Morse gaa engine for aale. Call at this of fice. Mr. and Mra. Jerry Merrltt were among our pioneer celebration visi tors from a distance. ; John Wit eel la in town today. A list of the pioneer Is published , K- H. Drown and John Hohh nre elsewhere in this Issue. , over from the Diamond country to day. B. B. Clark, owner of the Riddle' ranch In Happy Valley, was a cele- THE FIHHT NATIONAL HANK OK bration visitor. i STOUTS. CAPITAL AMD Hl'ltl'Ll's f lOO.OOO. "THE HANK THAI FOR SALE Ford car just over- MAKKB YOUR SAFnV hauled in good running condition ACCOUNT INVITED. Raymond Sizemore. Jnraes K. Weaton will sail wmoa Jack Craddock and family were ; tlcketa good for the remainder of the down from their Silvlei hoxe for a I season for bathing privileges at bla portion of thla week. plunge at the Warm Spring for : Mrs. Anna Haines and her child ren were accompanied over from 1 their Diamond home for the celebra-! Hon by J. B, Jenkins' daughter. each. Beginning yesterday we were per- milled to get wheat flour again for the first time In many weeks. One I can get 60-50 now and it is reported James K. Weaton will sell season that later we may use all the white tlcketa good for the remainder of the i Hour we desire, aeaaon for bathing privileges at hla i plunge at the Warm Springs for $5 I Mr8 J V w,tera has returned each, rrom Willamette Valley to her home at Harney. We do not know whether J. M. McOade, the extensive stock- she intends to remain In this section man with whom J. W. Biggs Is asso- permanently or return to her pro elated In the IJenlo section was a , perty near Kugene. buslneas visitor during the week, I leaving for hla home on the after-1 Jm E. Johnson writes thU office noon of the 3rd. from Portland that be la off for a 1 training camp to take part in the C. T. Lillard waa over from hla war and aa soon aa he baa located ranch home above Dreweey the first he will give ua aome more news. Jim of thla week. Mr. Lillard reports an J is above draft age but has managed excellent crop on his place this sea- j to get In. aon. even better than laat year. The ' Lillard ranch is known aa "The Val- Mr ana Mr"' w- A- Robertson and ley of the moon," having been given , daulter were over from their home that title from Jack London's book. ! near Drewey N n Part of the celebration. Will has been a resident REWARD $25.04 To party find- in thla county almost all his life and ing pair of rather light bay Mares, I therefore one of Ita ploneera. Hla one weighing about 1300, the other j mother, Mrs. Joaeph Robertson, waa 1260; branded with lazy K on right , the oldest pioneer lady. In point of stifle; foretopa have been reached . residence, present at the reunion but grown out five of six Inches; here this week. Mrs. Robertson who should have colta with them. Rhone had beeu visiting with her daughter, or wire me, collect, Payett. Idaho. j Mrs Eunice Thompson, for several J. H. HANIGAN, ! wet.ka, . accompanied the family on Sheriff Payette County. ' their return home. Wm. Parre,.J. L. Vault and W. T. Lester expect to leave tomorrow row morning via Bend for Portland where they are called as wltneaaes in a Federal court caae. Dr. Smith made a professional trip to Juntura on the day of the 4th to aee a sick child. He made Ihe trip In his car and took R. D. Cooper along to tell him atorlea on the way. James and John Uearhart were over from their home near Van oarlv thla week on business. These are pio neer boys but they were too busy to remain for the reunion. THE FIHHT NATIONAL HANK OK III lts. CAPITAL AND MUltPLI'N tlOO.OOO. "THE HANK THAT MAKKH YOLK $ a $ HAKE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. John McLean and family were up from their home near Fields for a few days thla week. They came up to have some dental work done for their little girl and took In the pio neer reunion before returning home. Lost A saddle horse estrayed from Juck Creek thla spring, Hay in color, branded OB on left atlfie, suddle marked, weight about 900 lbs. Reward for bis recovery or informa tion leading to his recovery.--M. S. Davles, Narrows, Oregon. R. T Yokes and wife are here from Seattle on a visit with former friends. They formerly lived In the Lawen country and are quite well known to many of that vicinity. While here they were gueata at the home of Mr. and Mra. Ted Hayes. The Misses Agnes and Nettle Stirling arrived home thla week from Portland where they had been en gaged In library study and work. The young ladies will spend a vacation period with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stirling, at the Bell A Ranch. Netice: All persons knowing them selves Indebted to I. Bchwartz, are requested to aettle their accounts before June lat. On that date all unpaid accounts will be given to a collector. C. B. Mc council arrived home last Wednesday night. He had been out nil hilslitcss fnr a few wenlm vlnftlnir Salem, Portland and other pointa. He bad been In Boise for a few daya and waa accompanied in by his fami ly who had apent the school year in the Idaho metropolis. Materials already cut out for 100 Comfort Kits bus been received at the Red Cross work rooms and only two i weeks have been allowed the local workers to finish them and get them - -1 - . f i - i i I l A Teacher of Economy A savings account enables you to look upon the rst with satisfaction; the present Rives you contentment; the future appears brighter. Will you add these things to your every-day life? The account in itself will help you to save; the interest we pay you on each dollar increases your income. 77 St SSmnk 9a,nta,n, A NATIONAL SAVINGS DFPARTMEN1 Harney EqubIij National Bank Jf- Burns .Oregon "YOUR HOME institution" iiaiiiiiiiniiiaiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiirfliiMiiiii!iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiflinniiiniiii(miiiiiaiiii iii!Miiniiiiiiii!:iiiii;iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinjiiLiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiii0inii Mrs Frank Dibble waa In town the fore part of thla week. Vienna bread ia In great demand In the Auatrlan capital. Eternal vigilance ia the price of' conservation. It Is now reported also that His- , denburg is in an Imam- asylum. Planning the war required a maritni-i Mr. and Mra. A. A. Tipton apent a ,, (14rrylng It out made a lunatic, few days In our city (hla week. From a study of the kaiwri When the Germans attempt a raid speeches and actions alienists affirm back to headquarters. The ladles are " American troops they are mon- that he has long been insaiw. urged to come to the rooms and give k,,yln" w,,n ,re "ml ct've bu"" "Wnon ,he wl"h '" 'W aa much assistance in this work aa . "nw poasible Estrayed -Two sorrell geldings. they first made mad. A bar pin with the Initials O. V. 8. I Tne B'rl who rarrMl "' "oldler. was lost at the Commercial Club ,n u-esslon and secured n allot- gnne Into Wall St. She has all th makings of a high financier. one branded C N on left shoulder, the rooms on Pioneer day. Finder please nienl from ean ot thm "noul1 h other O on right shoulder, tho latter! leave at this office. with one eye nut. collar marked and I weight about 1200 lbs. Hot h are gen- j For Sale Horse, saddle and work tie aged horses. A suitable reward 'animals, also Jersey cow and calf and will be given for their recovery or for Jersey heifers, at bedrock prices. - information leading to their being found. Addresa W. E Stratton, care Puriugton Sawmill, Burns. Oregon. Mrs. B, J. Newell, Narrows, Oregon. The man who loves liberty belt and would do his utmost for it is the one who Is most willing to have tt government tell him what he shi'! WANTED:- Man and wife for a eRt now lon nl" roat sna" be B responsible position on a large cattle uow n,a"' Pockets he may have af- Itev W. F. Bhlelda took his tie- I ranch. Must have had previous ex- " " hoparture Thursday afternoon for perlence and able to give references, j Crane en route to Boise and other i A good place for the rlahl uartlea. Inquire of The Timea-Herald. I Weston F. Shields, pastor I'nund A 22-calibre Winchester During the month of July the pan- PREBBYTKRIAN CHKRCH pointa in Idaho for a ahort vacation vlait. He expects to be absent aome ten daya when he will return and pre pare for a trip to Eugene where he goea to attend the 8ynod. Mr Shields waa accompanied out by Margaret Irwin who goes to visit relatives In Idaho for a time. rifle. In the aage bruah back of the tor will be away on his vacation Tin public school building. Owner may regular Sunday School session will b have aame by coming to thla office, held at 10 A. M. every Sunday, an' proving the property and paying for the regular prayer meeting scrvir thla notice. every Thursday evening at fc:00 P. M. Roe Buchanan and family have gone to 1'ortliinit where Roe oxpecta to engage In war work, likely In the shipyards. Mr. Buchanan was form erly a deputy In the county clerk's office and the vacancy has been filled by the appointment of Mra. Blanche Roblnaou. C. A. McMahau was down from Rack Creek last Monday. He la farm- , . Ing the McOowan place this aeaaon ! and while weather conditions have ' been unfavorable he atatea he will I have fair cropa provided the aage i rata don't take it all. Mac aaya these' pests are "something fierce" and, in I common with other tanners, aug- I nests steps be taken toward a syate- malic curapalgn to deatroy them. T. O. Howaer and family are over from Ontario on a visit to home folka. They arrived at Harney a few Mlaa l.ols Sweek came down from i ''" a'to and came on over to thla the mountains the fore part of the itv to attend the Pioneer reunion week to take In the celebration but an'1 have ",nce be' gueata of rela- waa taken ill with an attack of ton allltla. However, ahe haa recovered and returned today to reaume her Uvea and friends In thla city. The Howaera went to Ontario laat fall and are pleased with that section of the I Prnlnnorinor Human T.iffK duties aa lookout at a ranger station I "ountry. They will return there soon during the dry period. and may purchase property tome- ...-. '. where along the Snake river for a Jack McOulre. who recently loat ' permanent home, his garage by fire In this city, left i the first part of this week for Port-j M- Frank Trlska arrived home land to secure a complete equipment ; tne fore I"1" ' this week from including an oxy-acetelyne welding American Hake where she bad been plant. He will also bring back two wltn ner husband since the cloae of more Hupmoblle cars. He have not MKh " bool. Mrs. Trlska informs learned where Mr. MeUuIrn will "'' 'fines-Herald that Frank left house hla plant. w''h other troops on Wednesday of . I"1 week for Ihe Eastern coast en The people of Ihe Sagehcn neigh- rou(e lo Krance. Mrs. Trlska return- ooiuooii Kuinereo ai the liosniluble ,l i,ur. home of Mr. and Mrs. Hert SI In the effort to lengthen the span of human ex istence, every available resource in Nature's store house is utilized. These must be classified and systom ized and ready for use. This is the work of the chemist. The intelligent handling of this vast store of reme dies, under the direction of your phvsician, devolves on Your Druggist We employ none but competent graduated pharmacist. The Rexall Drug Store BU2JE.1 BHUN., to await the return of her mmons husband, she Ims ' ,. I....I .,...,.... laat Sunday and sp most en- In the UkI. school tor the past three Jovable day with a pfentc dinner on H.rM uml , ,,,,. lor ,hl. ,,. w. i aw. wnt.e .. whs near the Ing year in the same Institution. i Nat all day and the good things to eat j wore in keeping with a celebration ,)r- " Horlon returned from .there were no patriotic addresses ",nul lu' night on the Wray stage. given but every Individual present " nal k'"' ovtr there for several was a loyal patriot. days. Dr. Horton and hla aon Mervlu have purchased the interest of the Thoa. McKlnnon. aon of It. J Mc- Heed Brothera in tile drug alore In Klnnon, ia at hla fathera home. He Bend and he la here to arrauge af-1 arrived In II,., vlplndw 11... !..,.... ... . . " "" nausi yon intra preparatory to going over to of May but did not come within the look after the business personally writer's vision until laat Wedneaday. ior the time being aa Mervin will Tom hud been living In the Wlllam- volunteer for war service aa aoon aa etle Valley near Beaverton for some the bualneaa la in shape for him to Hrae but Is here to remain with his eave. Nolle Heed, who haa been father for an Indefinite time. He la with the store at Bend, ia going to well kWn to the old time resident, return to thla city and again take up of thla section who welcome hla re-1 bla dutlaa In the Rexall with hla iwu- v brother Homer. THE BUYING POWER Tne buying power of The Dollar is not always in the number of cents it contains Thin givat Faniilv Store ninken h Hrwcialtv of inoTOoVsing ths buying power of row money. We can tlo this lreeanse W R..V Fnr r..k We have no heavy credit bills to pay, and take ad antagc of all trade discount?. We Sell on Cloae Margins of Profit A reasonable per tent for our trouble and investment is all we ask of our customers. We Handle High Class Goods Every article we buy is the best possible to be had for the money. On these three btiafoBBB virtues we hBB our bid for your trade 3 Burns Cash Store ;