The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 07, 1918, Image 5

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    IN THR llti I IT idiut of THKied
ihc matter of the lvtltlon for
.111 Order Authorising 'ho Ap
pointment of some persou to
Uecute a Mortgage for Geer
gia McKinnon, an lusaue per- .
von, binding her inchoate dow
i right.
( untlnulnit and AIImn Oiilrr
The petition in the above-entitled
, r iceedlng having been filed on the
Sind day of April 1918 and the
i urt by ltn order dated May 31,
. s 1 8 having appointed the 2nd day
, July 1918 at the hour of two
i lork P. M. an the time and the
i ircult Court 1 too hi lit the Court
House In Burns. Oregon u the place
pointed to show cause, If any
re be, why the huIU iiiortKuge
mid not be directed to be made by J law required ;
li court, uu'i it appearing by a now. THBARFORS, Id ol xttni m
-iMueut petition, for an alius, or-1 to the commands Of --aid Writ ami hy
filed on July 15, 1918, that aer-1 authority thereof. I have levied upon
e bus not been had. on Oeorgla the Interests of said Defendants in
.. . Kir.non. Ellen Claybrook. and M. and to the aboved-descrlbcd preni
lligg. guardian for said Georgia : iaoa; and will on Monday the rili day
I, Klnuon. tin im-ompeteiit person, by of AugUHt, 1918. at the hour of 10:00
tonal service; and aald aupplu- o'clock a. m. of said day at the court
; utal petition asking for u poBt-j house door In the City ol Hums.
lemeiit or continuance of the said j County of Iiarney. State of Oregon,
irlng for the purpose of allowing
vice ou the hereinabove persens:
Now It appearing to the Judge of
above-named Court that It Is nec-
ury to such incompetent person,
orgla McKinnon, that a mortgage parcel mereoi, logemer wan an aim
Kllng her dower right In the real singular the tenements, heredlta
ate named in the original petition j merits and appurtenances thereunto
uld be executed, and that It would , belonging or In anywise appertaining,
t be detrimental to said Georgia I to satisfy said Judgment, accruing
Kinnen: nterest, coats and disbursements,
t is therefore ordered and direct- subject to the Right of Redemption
I 'and the Confirmation of this Court.
That the hearing in this pro-1
ding be continued to the 30th day
July 1918 at the hour of two
, lock P. M. at the Circuit Court
in in the Court lloust in Bums,
i -egon, and that the persons named
'lie original order herein who have
.ii already served b notified of the
itlnuanca of the hearing.
That Georniu M Kinnoii. resld
. al Klrksvllle. Missouri, an ln om
lenl person; Ellen Cloybrook, re-
ling at Greencastiu. Missouri;
J Claybrook residing at Green-
tle, Missouri; und If. A. HIkks,
aiding al Hums. Oregon, and
iiik the guardian appointed for
is proceeding for said Oeorglu M
.union; and euch of them are here
directed to uppeur before the Clr
. Court of Harney County. Oregov
tha Circuit Court Room, in Hums,
agon, on the liOth day of July 1918
the hour of two o clock P. M., to
- 0W cause if any there be. why the
irtgage described in the origlna.
tition filed herein should not be
Iractad by this Court to be made:
irtliermore. the said Georglu Me-
union being outside of the State of
regon it is further ordered that a
i py of tne Herein oroer iu ,i'i""e
cl show cause, a copy of the orlgl
1 order to appear and show cause,
well as a copy of the original pe-
lition filed herein be personally ser-
d on the said incompetent person.
eoraia McKinnon, on her guardian
A Biggs, and on Ellen Claybrook
id W. J. Claybrook at least ten day
I fore the said 30th day of July H'lh.
id furihermore. that a copy of the
rein order to show cause be puh-
i-hed for a period of three conse-
jtlve weeks, four publications, In
he Times-Herald, a weekly newa-
per printed and published In Burns,
arney County, Oregon, and that a
py of this notice, as published, be
posited in the United States pest
flee at Burns, Oregon, addressed to
k h of the persons named In this
ira graph and addressed to their re-
leuces as herein stated, each to be
i aled envelopes bearing first class
Dated July 2nd. 1918.
Circuit Judge.
Irst Publication July . 1'JlS.
ast Publication July 27th, 1918.
HOLLOWAY, Defendants.
vii ERE AH. on the 10th day of April,
1918, in the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
larney, a Judgment was duly made
and entered In favor of the above
umed Plaintiff. Cornello Baraba,
gainst the above-named Defendants,
'red Holloway and Clara Holloway,
or the sum of $696.10, and Interest
hereon at 8 per cent per annum from
August 10, 1914, and for the cost
mil disbursements taxed at $60.00;
hlch ald Judgment was duly enroll-
-a j ... ..-..! Mm. Mm .fflnu tt I In
.1 ami iiocaeicu ... . ...., -. ...
unity Clerk of said
liuruey rouniy,
- .
)regon, on
the 10th day of April,
91$; And,
WHEnEA3,,rtwas further prder -
1 "' .' "" H.
and Adjudged by the Court In tha
;ihr,vv entitled cause that certain pro-
perty, theretofore
attached In aald
cause, to-wlt:
HK4SW. S8G4 of Sec. 2;
KViNWVi. NHNKV; of Bee. 32;
NMiSK,, SWVNre4, 9K4NW of
See. 34; Blsa NW y4 NW of Sea. 34;
NEKNK of See. 33 all in Twjk
40 Mth Rang 3t, E. W. M. iiarney
County, Oregon. Alao the KHWVk
of Sec. 38 in Twp. 40 south Range 37
K. W. M. Harney County, Oregon,
be Mold, a provided by law, to- satls
fy aald Judgment, Interest, cost and
disbursements accruing eewi and ea
pensos of sale, and that Execution
Issue therein; Ami.
WHEREAS, on the 2nd dy of
July. 1918. an Mxecutlon wan duly
issued by the Clerk of said Court,
coiumaniling me, I he 1'nderslgnod,
Sheriff to Hell the snld property us by
offer for sale to the highest bidder
inr cash all the right title and Inter
est of said Defendants, or either of
them, In and to the said above den
crlbed premises, and every part and
w. a. uuoiiMAe.,
Sheriff of Harney County. Oregon.
By P. T. RANDALL. Deputy
Dated this 2nd day of July. 1918.
First Publicatien: July f. 1918.
Last Publicatien: August B, ID 18.
Ncilal No. IIH770
iintest No. 819
Burns. Oregon. July 2nd. 191K.
To Benito Echanls of unknown ad
dress. Cenleslee:
You are hereby notified that John
Hraudlium who gives Diamond. Ore
On, as his post-office address, did
in July 2nd. 1918. file In this office
his duly corroborated application to
oiitest and secure the cancellation
af your Homestead Entry, Serial No
I8770 made June 2:!rd. 191. for
;V',. Sec. 2fi, N'A8E4 and 8
NE4. Section 26. Township 22 S.,
Range .12 94 E., Willamette Merldaan.
mil as grounds for his contest he al
'eges that said Benito Echanls has
lever established his residence upon
ald land or made any Improvements
thereon whatever, but has wholly
ibandoned said laud ever since date
jf entry and for more I nan six
months lint past, and said alleged
lhaanO. Is not due to his enlistment
n or being engaged In the military
r naval service of Hi- United States
is a private soldier, officer, seaman.
marina, national guardsman or mem
ber of any other organization for of
fense or defense authorized by Con
gress during any war in which the
United States may be engaged, but
he left the United States for Mexico
in order to avoid military service
and now stands delinquent upon the
records of the local Exemption
You are, therefore, further notifi
ed that the aald allegations will be
taken as confessed, and your said
entry will be cancelled without fur
ther right to be heard, either before
this office; or on appeul, If you fall to
file In this office within twenty days
after the FOURTH publication of
til ll notice, as shown below, your
answer, Under oath, specifically re
sponding to these allegations of con
test, together with due proof that
you served a copy of your answer 00
the said contestant either in r
or by registered mail.
You should state in your answer
the name of the post-office to which
you desire future notices to be sent
to you.
V. O. COZAD, Register.
First publication July 6, 191$.
Second publication July 12, 1918.
Third publication July 20, 1918.
Fourth publication July 27, 1918.
Burns, Oregou July 2nd, 1918.
To Domingo Echanls, of Crane Ore
gon, Harrlman, Oregon, P. O. Dls
missed and the mall addressed lo
Harrlman, goes to Crane:. Conies
tee: You are hereby notified that Ethel
i -ci. ,.,.,., ,ii who elves Hums, Ore-
,, a. hbr post-office address, djd
on June 19th, 1918, file In this of He
ul. ....... ., .- - -
i- . x i 1 1 i.. . i,.
in-r duly corroooraieu uipnci.iuii m
content and secure tin
e aucellalloii
of your Hometead Entry, Serial No.
; 07222 made February 7th, 1914, for'
''".! .".'
Sec. 22. and WNKH, HENWK.
of Section 27. Township 32, South,
! Range 32 East, Willamette, Merl-
Man, and as ground! for her content
she alleges that said Domingo Echini
la has wholly abandoned mid entry,
that he never established or main
tained a residence, or made any Im
provements thereon, and has absenl-
ed hlmaelf, changed his residence July eaua, already announced, will oe
therefrom ever since the date of an- allowed to volunteer for this service,
try; That the entryman alleged ab- Volunteer may ha accepted from
seme from the land in not due to his the l18 Class provided tha regls
empiotroumt In connertloa with per- trant waive all time limits for damn
ations In Mvaleo, or aHong the border iflcatlon and examination.
thereof, or In nteo4lrtzetion ramps' Registrants qualified, as prevlous
elsewhere, in the military or naval ly described, will be permitted to vol
organlmttlons ol the C nlted Stales ir Ullteer until July 17th. All Local
the National Guard of anv of the
several Stales or Territories.
You are. therefore, further notifi
ed tlwil the said allegations vlll he
taken as confe'ised, and your said
entry will be cancelled without fur
ther right to lie heard, either In-fore
this office or on appeal, If Miu fall to
file In this Offlea within twenty day
after the FOURTH publication or
this notice, as shown below, your
answer, auder oath, spociricalh re
sponding to these allegations of con
test, together wllh due proof that
ou. served a copy of your answer on
the said contestant either In person
or by registered mall.
You should state In your answer
the name or the post-office to which
you desire future notices to be sent
to you.
V. G. COZAD, Register.
First publication July 6. 1918
Second publication July 13. 1918.
Third publication July 20, 1918.
Fourth publication July 27, 1918.
o -
Notice Is hereby given that then
arc sufficient funds on hand to paj
(leneral Fund County Warrants regis
tered prior to July 1st. 1918. Intor
l i.ases July 13th. 1918.
County Treasurer.
tiiiiiuilssloiiers court convened on
yVtdnaadaj m owing to the pioneer
reunion very little was done on that
late therefore vesterday was the only
aorklng day of the session as Com
missioner Hass left this morning for
icuitie ami Oommtaaionar RoMaa is
out of the county.
Th" following matters were luken
up and disposed ef:
The roads p.'tloned for by Harry
Imlth and Ralph Cutterson were or
lered opened
The U. G Crlle hfleld road ordered
.lew ell
The following resolution was pass
ed In connection with the proposition
or the State Highway Commission to
tet aside an appropriation for the
road between Hums and Crane:
WHEREAS, the State Highway
Commission of the State of Oregon
has set aside the sum of $20,000.00,
and that the Federal Government
has been requested to set aside an
qual amount for the purpose of
building and constructing a Post
Road between Burns, Oregon, and
Crane. Oregon; and.
WHEREAS, the County of Harney
ihall set aside at Toast the sum of
$5000.00. for the purpose of being
used In connection with the above
sums ror tne construction oi me
above mentioned Post Road; and.
WHEREAS, the County Court ror
Harney County. Oregon, considers the
said Post Road between the towns ot
Hums. Oregon and Crane, Oregon, of
great value t6 fhe said county and
the eastern part of the State of Ore
gon, and are willing to co-operate
with the Slate Highway Commission
as far as possible In a financial way;
the County Court for the County of
Harney, Oregon, hereby set aside and
appropriate the sum of $8000.00
faoin the present fund and to pledge
whatever rurther sums shall be avail
able at the time the 1917 taxes shall
be paid into the said County, to be
used in connection with the above
mentioned sums for he purpose of
building the said Poat Road from
Burn, Oregon to Crane, Oregon.
County Judge.
County Commissioner.
The government desires us to con
serve gas and electric light. In the
days when the community still har
bored young men calling on their
best girls with what fervid patriot
ism this request would have been car
ried out.
Secretary McAdoo needs a rest.
Ho Is coining West in the endeavor
I to find a spot where no one has ever
heard of Hie war or the treasury or
.n.,i Tci
i.uirin i ii j in i " (ii tin' i ii 1 1 1 ',.. -. - - -
' "' conipiueu nils resuu no win iiuu i
. . ,, , ,. k i....... ..
climb a mountain alone and hII moi-
.' "" " i'";
A call ha been Issued upon the
State of Oregon for certain skilled
men who are needed In the engineer '
Corps. This call In only for white
men who are physically qualified for
Military Service.
No man. who In needed to fill the
Hoards win report to tins uepan
mem by telegraph on July 17th, the
number of registrants who have pre
sented themselves tor listing under
this call, ir a sufficient number of
volunteers are not secured. Involun
tar Induction will he used.
On July 18th this Department
must wire the Provost Marshal Gen
eral the number ot qualified men
listed lu eaeh of the occupations list
cl below. Upon receipt by the Pro
vost Marshal (leneral or this Informa
tion, definite allotments and com
plete mobilization details will be fur
nished to this ofrice.
The following types of men are de
sired: Auto Repairmen, Axemen, Black
smiths, Boatmen, Bridgecarpenters,
Cabinet Makers, Caulkers, Concrete
Foremen, Concrete Workers, Drafts
men Electricians, Gas Engine men.
Stationary Englnemen. Farriers,
Horse Hhoers, Lithographers. Mach
inists, Huglars, Photographers, Plum
bers, Powdermen, Quarrymen, Rig
gers, Saddlers, Shoemakers. Survey
ors, Tailors, Teamsters, Telephone
Operators. Tlmbermen and Topogra
phers. The Provost Marshal General de
slreH that the aidant publicity be glv
ii lo this call by Local Hoards.
Hoards must understand thorough
ly that registrants listed under this
call are not to be Inducted until or
I. i are received as to allotments
ind that no men it led to fill the
I it 1 calls, alremlv announced, shall
In Miiii!lted to voluilteer.
Volunteers for this service- shall
not be released to the Navy or Marine
Corps, or to with elraw the-lr appltca
Hen prior to August 1st.
Please bear iu mind that this De
part iiie-nt must have a report of all
volunteers by the night of July 17th
so that It's consolidated telegraphic
report to the Provost Marshal Gen
iral may be forwarded on July 18th
Acting Adjutant General
Where Ice Is not obtainable an Ice
loss retrlgeator. homemade, will be a
userul rood keeper and rood saver
this summer. Maintaining a low
temperature through the evaporation
or water rrom its canvas cover, the
loalaaa rerrlgeator will keep meals,
frnllH anil vegetables cool and will
Interned the period for keeping milk
and butter. It run nlso serve as a
cooler for drinking water. This Is
the way to make It:
A wooden frame Is made with di
mensions 42 by 1G by 14 Inches and
covered with screen wire, preferably
the rustless type, which costs little
more than the ordinary kind. The
door is made lo fit closely, and Is
mounted on brass hinges, and can be
fuhteiu-d with a wooden latch. The
bottom Is fitted solid, but the top j
should he covered with jcreen wire.
Adjustable shelves can be made of
solid wood or strips, or sheets or gal
vanized metal. Shelves made of poul
try netting on light wooden frames
are probably the most desirable.
These shelves rest on side braces
placed at desired Intervals. A bread
baking pan, 14 by lb Inches, Is plac
ed on the top and Iheh brame rests lu
a 17 by 18 Inch pan.
Paint Makes Suifacc Attractive
All the woodwork, the shelves, and
the pans should receive two coats of
white paint and one or two coats of
enamel, which will prevent it from
A cover of canton flannel, burlap,
or duck 1 made to fit the frame. Put
I the smooth side out If the canton
flannel la used. It will require about
3 yard of material. This cover i
buttoned around the top of the frame
and down the side on which the door
1 not hinged, using buggy hooks and
yes or large headed tackes and eye
let worked In the material. On the
front side arrange the hooks on the
top of the door instead of on the
frame and also rasten the cover down
the latch side of the door, allowing a
wide hem of the material to overlap
the place where the dodr closes. The
door can then bo opened without un
buttoning the cover. The bottom of
the cover should extend down Into
the lower pan. Four double strips,
which taper to 8 or 10 inches in
width, are sewed to the upper part of
the cover. These strips form wicks
that dip over Into the upper p.m.
The dimensions given make a re
frigerator of very convenient size for
household uiie and one with efficient
evaporating surface, but It la not
necessary to follow alriclly these di
mansions, if a larger capacity Is de
sired, the height of the refrigerator
can be Increaned.
In homes where large quantities
of milk and butter are to be kept it
would be well to have one refrlgeator
for milk and butter and another for
other foods, a milk and butter readi
ly absorb order from other food. It
conl very little to build the refrigera
tor and nothing to operate It. The
operation Is as simple as the cou
struct Ion. The upper pan should be
kttpt filled with water. The water .Is
drawn by caplllury attraction thro
ugh the wicks and saturates the cov-
I er. As evaporation lakes place, heat
Is taken from the Inside or the rr-
rrigeralor, thereby lowering the tern
iperature of the Inside and the eon
I tents. Capillary action starts moret
i re-adiiv ir the oovar is first dampened
by dipping ll In water or throwing
water upon It. The greater the rale
of evaporation the lower the tem
perature which can be secured; there
fore the refrigerator works best when
rapid evaporation takes place.
When the refrigerator is placed In
a shady place In a strong breeze and
the it Ir Is warm and dry, evaporation
takes place continuously and rapidly
and the temperature Inside the re
frigerator Is reduced. Under Ideal
conditions the temperature has been
known to be reduced to 60 degrees
F. When it Is damp and the air Is
full of moisture, the refrlgeator will
not work as well, since there is not
enough evaporation. More water will
find its way to the lower pan, but it
If You Were There Instead of
If vou should see a French child a tiny girl sitting by the
roadside, sobbing quietly because she Is too weak from hunger to
c rv very loud, you would soil your watch to buy her hreakrast.
H you sht-uld hear somewhere- lu the re-stless wards the low
moan of an American soldier, you would gladly sit by him all night,
ir that would save his lUc.
You are not there, hut here, where these sights and sounds are
not brought home to you! But the Red Cross Is there and you can
make it VOI'll representative!
Over there the Prussians are crucifying the Incarnate Liberty of
Man. and they are making the world black for little children!
The monev you give to the Red Cross now will give you the
right, when the Boast Is beaten down, to think. "There are happy
c hlldren, char eyed women, and strong men alive today, because
iv monev wenl across!"
Clothing Company
You must have it if you keep up
with the present big drive
You ovt, thiH if you buy and eat our
Fresh, Pure, Full-strength
Everything in our Htort- is bought with an
eye to securing the utmost value that money cuii
At present prices of groceries, you can't
afford to accopt inferior articles.
Our splendid, carefully selected stock insures you
against this
will be drawn up into the covering
by capillary attraction when the air
again becomes drier.
The refrlgeator should be- regular
ly cleaned and sunned. If the frame
work, shelve, and: pans are white
enameled they can be more easily
kept In a sanitary condition. It fa
well to have two covera, so that a
fresh one can be used1 each, week and
the soiled one waahed'aaiB sunned.
Trap fr Llra
In front of the old baalTlc of Saaaa
Marl In losmedln. at- Rome, ther lav
an enormous block of nwrbl. reaera
bllng huge face with widely gnplng
mouth. It Is ealtafl' the "Voce dell
VerMa" or "Mouth of Truth." In the
dnys of ancient Rome the legend ran
Hint If anyone who had tulct a He
placed his or her hand nlthln that
yawning cavity, the Jaw would de-1
M-cml I cut Ii eff: The stone ham
given Its name to u street r.loae by
but It Is no longer made use of by the
Italian ns n proof of Ibatr integrity.
which. Ill the event of lis retaining It
former power-; shows prudence M their
The Vocen ele-lln Verity Is a large
round Klone of while miiiblc", nboat
five yards In clrCM inference. It Is
pierced with two holes representing
eves, an opening for a month, a slight
ly raised B4fe, and two hicks of hair
are carved ou each aide of the fore
head. The stone Is of praal antiquity
and. according to some, ft was laid on
the altar of Jove, and those sTispected
of per,rnry were led to H and obliged
to (hmVhhs by much the same threat
ss are used to children now.
Oh, Dear.
"Did Reggie hag any game?"
"Oh. clear ns--no Reggie dldnt
hnve his reanlsr hunting togs along
and so bagged nothing but his troU