Lonolive Ike Kino prrK3,- ffl V MpJAHY ROBERTS RINEHART Jt-. cryraMr.wr.rr tttm -pawn v tvsmw C Sk Afafa-WiryAMiftVg MArYAveem avmtma r Knrl ton the llliv( that eVeatat, b rt vlsll murkiMl hj cxlri'inp rm-iiml- uii'l. M Hie kind's liiirt. Iiy Un) ii mid Crunk wnitliij' of oM who near the end und fours nntliltiK l"i( tin Mnnl moment. Kurl round (he ntotlng dapfeaatng, und the klutfl eyea lIlM'OIK't'rtlllK. it will not be cnR.v koIiir for Otto," Wild tlM kliiR, ut l lie end of the short Interview, "I should like to foel thnt ht Interests will be looked nfter, not only here, but by you mid yours. Wa liuM' u rertuln i-lrini-m lierc tliut Is trotlbldMMMa" And Karl, with Hedwlg In his mind, hud promised. "His Interests shall be mine, air,' be had said. lie had bent over the bed then, and raised the thin hand to his lips. The interview was ever. In the anteroom the king's master of the horse, the liiimlierlaln, and a few other gentle men stood wnltlnK. talking together In ion tones. Bnt the elntneellor, wliu hm! Kone in with Karl nud then re in. 'I stood by n window, wlih lil arni'. folded over bis ehest, and waited. lie put resolutely out of bW mind Die ': f the dying mini on his pillows, nil thought only of this thing which he Mottllrh had brought about. There was no yielding In his fnee or in ills heart, no doubt of his eourso. il. saw, lu.-iond of the lovers loitering In the place, a new und greater king lot iiiiurehy held down hy mi nn sliix heel, pence und tile fruits lliere 01 .mill out Of very prosperity the people grew fnt and content. Hi saw a boy kuiL- iroftilly tMgbh crew in!; Into Ma reeyoaaiMlltiea until, Ms with the vision Of the coiiumVh welfare, he thonhl linnlly aaceael tin- Ibrone. II' H the riwr tilled with ihlps, currying ren hondlM ore the 1 nod returtiiii" with the wealth world, Ureal buildings, too, their heads on his kortaon. u ii i dty, with order for dlaarder, Icent instead of Inhabit rati inn :u lust be stirred and otghed, It WHS I iiltse his old frieii-l. ill Ills !'". ii ibe next room, would Bee notli Bg of nil this, .tu: licit he himself lotilil nut hope for mure than the be" f before lib . time nlwt. The first larg-. dinner for months hh given thai ulghi ul the nalace, tu dn King Kari all :ssiiiie honor. The ul. servlca Which bad been presented to the king by the c.j.r ot Uuaala was Wed. The aJMleJlalte) gtOOBl of the couu uus laid nsidi', mid Jevveln brmvlit from vuiilts were worn for she tern time m uiouilw. (Jolforuta ul rarlous sorts, but all gurgJDUOS, touched Hie leiulders, und ciinie a way, lieur mi.: White, jsmtlery truces of the meet ing. I lie greuoltouHes ut the summer ImliK e hud been Backed lor llowers unit miiIv Xhe corridor from the great Niinu to the Uiiniig hull, ulways u uri :" paaaaga), bud iithleiilji become a Hi., ijiiiii of uurlj sjirtng bloom. ftlHU Aliiniueiiitu. UtlUB, now with n. i -, i, jiejirls, her hulr dressed high 'ur ii tima of diuinondH, her cameos Bdiuugaa for iK-iiris, looked royal. rTuvlug oaclusiveiy Hint clutter, us to ill.-- iv entirely u mutter of vulue. Mi.-, iiruiltiuuitc, who hud begun n-i'niiy ui ihiuk u Jislucc Hie dreariest ord Bum in tikt world, mul tiie most coin Bwonlaoa, IouimI the jreiu rut ions nther eiinlug. iieing Hritlsh she di-urlj im,l tlie aristocracy, mid iirugged Uer sitouklers ut uuy family Which took up Unm Uuux a puge lu the Peen.i . .She jvu-ule.i deeply tlie In- inn of the (wnuMiMr lu(4 Uriduti Politics, uud oonsldered Lloyd "I Uisturt und nil iulerioper. l'llut evening niie took 0m trmra priii.,- io se tue ii-jiui uiious tor lU ; hetlvitiea. The flowers annealed to WB, und he aakMl for aiwl secured u pa Milch he held carefully. IliiiUie aiagmiieence of the tjtble only faintly I ,., ft ! ' used lilni, uud ulu-u lu- henril I ..oj punt Mkkv would nol 1m- iii'cM'iil. he ( iinpi w. ..tie wus in son white I chiffons, her linlr and Ifocl, iillUe girl lab mill unpretentious, II. i mother! I COUllag Iiijo her dressing ro IMil eyed her w lilt disfavor. loll look like u Schoolgirl, she snhl mill bad sent for rouge, mid with her own io.miI hands uppiled It. Ile. wig stood silent, and allowed her to have her wuy without protest. I In. I submitted, too, to a diamond pin in bet hnir, and a string of her mother's pearls. "There," snhl Aiinumliitii. standing off mid surveying her. "you look less like n bnby," She did. indeed! It took lledulg quite live minutes to wash (he rouge assvit"irtr' nt interest eiitli-ely. -Will kin 1 1 my grandfather in in a el k Inuuimd. 'Hi Slid. "Hi mi until "Il line. Is too Ul," Hiss JiruituuuJU- II be rather lonely, when they're Hie piulj. Von don't suppose 1 go and sit with lilm, do ouW will be long ufler your bed- km I I'ilue helng Hie one rule which wus P'': liuder ami eiriMinikliiiieeu lii'okeu. Il d not persist. To have 'Insisted Null! ii.ii. e meant live murks off in 'I' ' ' . iiIil.kIi, Iw.oL umi lilu f... ' very good that week. To the elderly ICnglish wouiun und lie In ) went buck Io the school room. Ill1' ' i.nmi'SN I .uselii'L U'iin loot IV-.,, will, ,,.M. . hearl. was eusilv aV linist liesilliriil tit I lix women Hint 'flu A little court paid tribute to ' beauty, and bowed the deeper und t lend the more as she openly '"in. d ami Honied them. Hhe caught "' H linker of adinlrutlon In Kind's '. und altlmuaii her head weut Wh her heart beat stormlly uuder Miu was. like a flower tbat re- "There," Said Annunclata, "You Look Less Like a Baby." off her fnre, mid there wus, one might r,s well confess, u moment when u part of the crown jewels of the kingdom lay in a corner of the room, whence a trembling muld salvaged them, and examined them for damage. The Princeaa Had) wig appeared timi evening without rouge, mid was the only woimin in the room thus un adorned. Also she wore her mining out string of modest pearls und a slightly defiant, somewhat frightened, expres sion. The dinner wus endless, which wus necessnry, since nothing wus to follow hut c..ii creation. There could, under the circumstances, be no dmicing. And the talk ut the table, through course lifter course, was somewhat hectic, even under the constraining presem of King Karl. There were two reasons for this: Karl's presence and his pur pose us yet uiiminoiinced. but sur mised, nud even known and the sit uation In the city. That wus bud. The papers bud been ed to make no mention of the occurrence of Hie ul l.-rnoon. but It wu well known. There were many at tin table who felt the whole attempt fool hardy, the setting of u match to In tlmnmuble material. There were others-who resented Kurl's presence In l.lv.iiiln, and nil thnt It Implied. And nerhnriM there were, tisi, among lite Ueorge gneata, one or more who hud but re- .... . ... ...... centiy sin in less uugiisi ami nimi "- fill COll 1 1 III u v Beneath nil the brlllin and chat ter, the sparkle and gnyct.v, there was then, uneasiness, wretchedness, and even treachery. And oulslde the pul- held bark by the guards, there stood n part of the sullen crowd which had watched Hie arrival of the l carriages mid nutomoblles. had craned forward to catch glimpse of uniform or brilliantly shrouded figure entering the palace, and muttered ja it looked Dinner rnajejee at but. Ihi puny 'moved bach to the salon, a vast and rmpt. place, hung with lupeslrles iin.il Vayl.v llgliU'd. ylcrc I he si-lnblance ol gnyetf persisted, and Karl, nITnhlllr) Itself, spoke a few words to each oi the guests. Then It was over. TUe guests left, the members of the conn ell. each with a wife on his ami. frowsy, overdressed women most m them. The council was chosen fia iblllty and not for birth. At last only ihe sulie remained, and constraint vanished. The family withdrew shortly after le a small salon off the large one. And there, at last, Km-I cornered lledwlg and demanded speech. "Where V" she asked, glancing around the crow (led room. "I shall have to leave that to you," he said. "I'nless there is a bul cony." "Hut do you think II Is necessary?" "Why nol?" "Bacnnoe what I have to aay dee "It mutters very much to me replied gravely. Il.dwl): went first, slipping awnv quietly ami nhnotlcett, Knrl ashed tin iirehii'i. in--.' pemtl Ion In follow hei ntid t'otiml her wiiltlng there nli.it. rttlher .1, pi rittelj nil ii iiovl, und -,- lib n I hi I .i.i Id (tor i h Heciii dctd nit I be nit . as Units git, He win it llhei hopei, -sKiy i,:1,i ,,,,,- bard, his Oral -w OJ Mod und gi nnim-, , mid alnio;.i hl'olighl hei- to tears, "Poor little girl P he snldj lie hud dt'opped Hie eurlain bidilml him, nml they slood alone. "Mont." mild lledwlg; "I wnni to be very eiilm, uud I nui'iorry for iriyaetl i.lremly." "Then you think It Is all very ler illde?" Slie did nut reply, ami he drew ii cindr for her td the rail. When she wm seuunl, im took np bis position beside her. one nun against n pillar. "I Wonder, llnlwlj,-." he said, "If It is not terrible because it is new to you. and liiiiiuse ou do not know me verj well. Not," he added hnstlly, "Ibnl I think your knowing me well would ie an advantage I I not so Idiotic. lliil you do not know me nt nil, unit for n good many years I must him stood In the light of un enemy. It Is not easy to readjust such things witness He reception I hud today!" "Why must we talk about It?" lied wig demanded, looking up at him slid ilenl.v with a Hush of her old spirit. "It will not change anything." "Perhaps not. Perhaps yes. You see, I am not quite satisfied. I do nil want you, unless you are willing. Il would be a poor bargain for me, and not ipilte fair." A new turn, this, wlih a vengeance! lledwlg staled up with startled eyes. It wns not enough to be sacrificed Ami as she realised all Ibnl hung on Ihe situation, the very life of the king dom, perhaps the safety of her family. everything, sin- closed her ayes for fear he might see the fright in them. Kurl bent over and took one of her Cold hnuds between his two warm ones. "I. Iltl. lledwlg,'' he aald, "I want yon to i'o wiiinigiy iieeanse care n great deal. I would like .miii to care, loo. Don') you think yoU would, after n II ?" "Alter a time!" said lledwlg dieur My. That's what liny all say. After a time It doesn't inalter. Marriage Is always the same after a lime." "Why should marriage be always the same, after u time?" In- Inquired. "This sort of marriage, without love." "It Is hnr.I'y that. Is It? I e you." "I wondei hoe much yon love me." Karl smiled. lie was QBJ his own ground here. The girlish question put him at ense. ' Knoiigh for us both, nt Ill's!," bo said. "Afiei that" "Hut." said lledwlg desperately, "siii.pose i know i shall never cure for you, the wuy you will wanl me to Yon talk of being fair. I want to I... lair to miii. Vou have ii light " She checked herself abruptly, After all. be i might have n right to know about Nlkky l.ariseh. Hut there were others who bad lights, too Otto to his thrmie, her mother and Hilda and all the others, to safety, her griinilfiiih.-i to die In pence, Ihe only gift she could give him. "What I think you waul to tell me. is souiethlng I already know," Karl said gravely. "Suppose I am willing to take that chance? Suppose I am vain enough, or fool enough, to think thai I can make you forget certain things, certain people. Whal then?" "I do not forget easily." "Hul you would try?" "I would try," said lledwlg, ultnosl In a whisper. Karl bent over ami taking her hands, raised her to her feel. "Ihirllng," he said, and suddenly drew her Io him lie covered her with hot kisses, her neck, her fuce, the soft angle below her our. Then he held her received during his Illness. When, Ibnl night, he fell asleep. It was still elnsped in his old I I. and there was ft look ot grim tenderness oil Ihe line on the pillow, liirni d tOWni d h, ad ..n's pj lure, , w r lhe nil ?" aaa? ' Heft nNr "Now," He 8aid, "Have You Forgotten?" Way from him triumphant l. he said, "have you forgot I en V' Hut lledwlg, seui let with faced lilm steadily. "No," she "Now," shame. said. Later lu Ihe evening Ihe old king received a present, u rather wilted rose, to which was pinned a card, with "Heat wishes from Ferdinand William Otto," printed on It in careful letters. It wes Hi seilv '; th kins bd Trouhli d lima t now, with ihe earni ' III oiflj n d.y or two off, mid the shop window ; . w 1 1 ii banners'; with ihe I'omnrltti'e til n n In almost eoustmil Ion, and I llgtl Lu i lies iiiiiiiimtiii.l before It, to i told of i lu- pgsapssji ami the tiling she wiim In do; wllj lli- jld klfig verj eh e to the aped floor, and lledwlg being lilted for her bridal fob and for somber black ai one lining. Troiibh d limes, Indeed. The 'cltj was stuohlei'lng, and from sonic si range si. nice hud come u new rilhmr Nothing less than Hint the royalists beaded by Ilia chancellor, despairing of crowning Hit hoy prince, would, on the lilng'-i death, make away with lilm, thus pnitiii; iiedwig on the Ihroni iiedwig, queen or Karuiu perhaps al ready by recrel marriage, The illy, which adored the hoy, was seething. The rumor bad original ed with Olga l.oschck, who had given II to the committee us u useful weapon, Thus would she have her revenge on I hose of the palace, and at the same time secure her own safety. Ilevenge, Indeed, for she knew Hie way of such rumors, how they fly from house to house, street to street. Mow the In nocent, proclaiming their Innocence, look even the more guilty. When she had placed the scheme be fore the committee of ten, hud seen the eagerness with which they grasped II "in tnis wuy," sue had said. In :ier scornful, Incisive tones, "the onus of Ihe boy Is not on you, tint on l hem. liven those who have no sympathy wlih your movement will burn at such a rumor. The better the citizen, Ihe mora I lOVer af home and order, the more outraged he will be. livery mull In the city with a child of bis own will rise against the palace." "Madame," the leader had said, "you should be of the committee." Hut she hud Ignored (be speech run loinptiiously. ami gone on to oilier things. Now everything was arranged Black Humbert ,ad p. it his niece to work on n carnival drew for a small boy, and bad stayed her curiosity by a hint that it wus for the American bid. "They lire comfortable tenants," he had said. "Not lavish, perluips, as rich Americans should be, but orderly, and pleasant. The boy bus good man ncrs. It would be well Io please 111 In." So the niece, sewing lu the back room, watched BobO in and mil, with pleasant mysteries In her eyes. Novi ami tbeti, in tin- evenings, when the Americana wire asay, umi Hobby was snug In led. wlih I'm kei on ibe tiny feather comfort al his feet, the liaillein would come down stalls and sit in Black Humbert's room, ai such times tlie niece would be scut on nil errand, and the (wo would talk. Tim niece, who. although she hail im loVOT, WBS "ii the lookout for love, suspected n romance or t h, middle aged, and smiled lu the hull darkness of the street ; smiled with a touch of malice, as one who has pierced the armor of the fortress, mid knows its weakness, Hul It wus not love thnt Humbert and the Friililclu talked. Herman Spier was busy In those days and making plans. Thus, day by day. he dined In the restaurant where Ihe little .Marie, now weary of her husband, sal In Idle Intervals behind the cashier's desk, und watched (be grass III the place emerge from Its winter hiding place. When she turned her eyes to Ihe room, frequently aha encountered thuee of Herman spier, pule yet b irning, IImiI on ln-r. And nt lust, one day when her liuslnind lay lame with sciatica, she left the desk uud paused bj Herman's tabic. "Yon come frequently now," she nv Served, "it is i In, you Ilka us here, or Hun .miii have risen in the shop?" "I lane left Hi,, shop," said Mcminn, staling at her. Flesh, In a moderate ameUUt, suited Iter well. lie liked plump women. They were, If you pleuse, un Ml infill. "And 1 come to see you." "Left the shop !" Marie exclaimed. "Ami Peter Nlbnrg- ha has left also? I never see lilm." "No." said Herman noneoatuBlttally. "He Is III, perhaps?" "He Is dead," said Herman, devour lug her wlih his eyes. "Dead:" She put u hand Io her plump side. "Ave. Shot as a spy." lie took An other piece of the excellent pigeon pie. Marie, meantime, lost nil ber looks, grew pasty w III!,'. . "Of the- the terrorists?" she de manded, in a whisper. Terrorists! No. (if Km ilia. He wns mi patriot." So Ihe'lltlle Marie went buck to ber desk, and Io her staring out over the place In "Intervals of business. And what she though! of no one enn know. Hul thnt filght, uud thereafter, she was very lender to her spouse, uud put cloths soaked in hot turpentine water on his uchlug I high. till the surface things went on us usual ut Ihe palllcc. Karl's visit hud been but for u day or two. lie bud III el the council In session, and had had, because of their growing alarm rather his own way wlih them. Hut although he hud pointed to the king's condition and theirs as an argument for Immediate marriage he fulled. The thing would be doae, but properly and In good llnie. Kurl left (hem In a bad temper, well concealed and had the pleasure of being biased through Ihe ktrecle. (To be continued) OUR WORK STICKS If you just wanl your car palcln d ui,,,hy most any tinker can satisfy you. , If you want it REPAIRED, remade, built full auto efficiency, brine It to us. , ";:.'; tb We Don't Have To Do Our Work Twice -It Sticks When we n;ive your car the once over and turn it out for service, you can bet your life it's "FIT" in shape to give you satisfactory service. The longer our work sticks, the bigger adveatise ment it is for us. That's one reason we take pains. And then, we like to do the square thing. We'Solicifc Your Patronage Roy C. 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YOUNG, Proprietor , Ageneiee in Harney County for tlio following will known, reliable, ami, value received linos ol Automobiles and Trucks Hudson Super Six Velie Franklin Oakland Republic and Service Trucks HeudnnartHHatVALK, - Branoh at ONTARIO mm Ike sea. Only bar mm was set PWgsf .- y. !