The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 07, 1918, Image 2

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Hoover's Hopes Aro Exceeded
abls Results at End of Food
Administration's First Yaar Proves
Votaatary System Waa No MlsUks
Caatldanca That ople Will Con
fJassa Pstriotls Conservation EfforU
to Fait at Washington.
W. B Aysr. Federal Food Adminis
trator lor Oregon, earnestly directs
autantton to some excerpts from a re
caat orflrlal summary, at the nd of
tta first year's wcrk, ot the United
States Food Administration's alms,
seihods and results. These oxoerpts
sum Riven belew:
"Wbsii the i.' S. Food Administra
tion undertook the work of conserving
and mobilizing America's food re
sources, there waro three taothods of
apprtwuti possible In handllnK the
pi-obiem. tbaaa methods at control he
snx rationing, high prices and volun
tary filler! .
The Three Systems.
"Tlie lntimlnctlon of rationing Into
Cais oDantn would have resulted In
an inevltntiic reaction. It vvmilil also
BKn e. tremsndous szpsndlturs. On
tke basis of the rationing 3.vstem
adopted by European aountrles for
certain staple foods, It would require
JM.ssWiiOO a year for the printing of
sjm nwessary ration cards; it would
Jt and one official for every LOW
ftunlllea to take oare cf distribution
auiuer this system; in fact, on the
Xurope&n basis, about $46,000,000 a
ytr would be required to administer
fee rationing system in this country.
"Control Of consumption by high
mT'xvis was ohvlously too unfair tr
merit consideration In such a OOMtrj
ata ours, meaning as it must, conserva
tion for the rich at tho expense of tuo
"The voluntary lysttm, based upon
ad.uiatlun and publicity (tke third al-
eruiiiive). was latitat because of
the moderate expense Involved
eeause of the opporttlnlt) it uffonlcil
to live the print i' ire of loyal Amer
icana to serve their COUH
Results tnormouv
I "The resu'iR of the voluntary control
as? fond hare he, mi enornot Tho sur
plus of t!i I !!H7 1'. u-heal crop, based
on normal COnSUmpMOB, Would have
Been 2(.cnu.u00 buslvls. If the present
tat of Having by the American people
SMMiliniics, we shall be able to deliver
to oar Allies from this crop possibly
slD.OW.nno bushels of wheat, of which
SM.O00.000 will represent the volun
tary savings of the American people
Tats delivery of wheat has enabled the
Alltea to meet the more immediate
pressing bread needs of their peo
and to keep up the bread ration
erf their soldiers.
"As to our exports of meut. the re
avlts of conservation are even more
Sfemark.ible" The analysis of figures
la regard to hogs Indicates that
tars arising from the war, and we feel
It our duty to Impress upon the Amer
ican people the fact that they should
endeavor to conserve food In a larger
measure, that we may supply tho pen
pie of the Allied countries with I he
things necessary to their sustenance.
There Is no doubt that the people of
Great Britain and the Allied countries
are making untold sacrifices, more
than America realises.'
Wheat and Meat Abroad.
"In 1914 France produced It per
cant of her normal consumption of
wheat. In 191T her production waa
only 46 per cent. After deducting the
amount necessary for seed. It was es
timated that the 1917 production would
be hut one-third of France's needs. It
must be remembered, too, that France
Una always figured her needs on a
different basis than oura. The French
people have never wasted food, conse
quently France's normal consumption
has been practical!) Identical with Uor
BCtUtl necessities. The ration of the
Tench soldlari hat twice been cut
and the soldier's ration Is Btvor low
red until the danger at hone from
fund Shortage Is critical. Curtain re
ports have blot) brought to this coun
try that there is plenty of meat In
France. Thssa reports originated in
tho fact that at one time It una ne es
try, became ol f 1 1 lack of foads, Id
slaughter largo, quantities of her dairy
cattle. The Immediate result us a
temporary glut of meat, hut the final
result Is that today France Is on a
meat ration of one pound a week, In
cluding horse flesh."
Cor Miller and C. Sta.
Sunday High Mass at 19:30 o'clock
Week days Maes at 7 o'clock .
Instructions for children Satur
days at I A. M.
Rot. Father Francis, o. F. M.
It's Up to Us.
"Oerman) I war of starvation Is a
challenge most or all to America,"
says r Food Administration Bulletin,
"Against Germany's lust for dominion,
and America's purpOSO la to establish the
society of nations. Against destruc
tion, America's aim Is beating; tgaihal
mattery, America's ideal is
"We a: ri"' surpass the steadfast
Data of Mr, tain, tiie courage of Italy,
tho exaltation of France,
"We cannot excel the Allies III hero
ism. In endurance, in fortitude, ur
force In battle, though it may be de
' clslve. will not he as gnat us tlp'lrs
"We can hope to contribute umsl to
I the common cause from our larger
I resources. To relieve desperate pri
vation. America can supply food
"Giving up v. heat Is a little thliiK
compared to their death struggle- In
which our soldiers are splendidly
"A little thing yet we can do It
with greatness of spirit. Supporting
our army and adding whole hearted
service to humanity, it Is In America's
power to defeat forever the passion of
we i conquest.
were f.OOO.OOO to 7,000,000 hogs short
ke the conservation campaign was
tarted Before the war, the average
monthly export of hog products was
about 60.000,000 pounds. In March.
391. we exported 300,000. 000 pounds
and ran see our way clear, with the
li'oaeni saving and production, to go
t ... rd .' t t i rate f'ir a-i Indefinite
e.-iod. Before 1914, we were export
fug from 1,000,000 to. 6,000. 004 pounds
mt beef ppr month. After the Euro
pc war began, there was an In
rase to about 2.1,000.000 per month.
Ktiw, we are exporting at the rate of
130,00b. 000 pounds of beef per month
out. with the continuation of Molar
alto u and production, there Is no
season to anticipate a material reduc
fJon to these figures.
Great Offenaive Needed.
"The winning of the war depends
ajjua the development of great offen
rive strength on th" part of the (Jolted
fc'ste This offensive must Include
ahips. men, supplies and food. With
the increase In the size of our Army,
there in a necessary decrease In our
productive capaHty Ma-vests are
h-ur,j to vary with seasonal condl
"The only safe procedure for us and
9r the Allies is to provide enormous
iesTve Stocks of staple foods, both
ftere and in Europe, to nice! any enter
,--ni- which may arise. In a later
Jrixul of the war. to have to stop in
a critical phase of it In order to put
vnnsitul emphssls upon agricultural
production, might be fatal to our final
"There must be no letdown In the
ajfirogram ' C01 lervatlon until the w-v,
harvest. Heartened by our success
and by the spirit of devotion and self
aar.rlfice shown by the American poo
pie, we must g ahead more than ever
convinced of ot " responsibility to
those wtio fight v. ith us and to those
wnfnrtiuiate peoples who look to us
j the one soiree of the food supply
aeoessary to keap them from destruc
In Fr.rce and England.
"The Ameriiau Labor Mission Just
9otnc from London, waa appointed by
Pra-aldent Wilson to make a study ol
covJiiloiiH in England and France or
li a'metffen members, nine are from
lite, Axaerlcau Federal Ion of Labor,
twa jf whom are women. TIic otheri
jrearosftnt every social element of tiie
Ameer lean people. This mission uiaoo
m ciiHippiheiislve study ol conditions
In the Allied countries, and before
serving London for America, issued
Che following statement regarding
Sod condl I ions
""Since lauding in Fngland. all mom
toa of tbo committee have visited ,i
aaaaber of cities und lnterv.ewed a
lares number of ptople regarding Hid
smb4 situation, a well as irther mat
'Now Is the hour of testing
a the test."
Give the Children Milk.
Milk Is one of the most important
food sourci s the human race pos
sesses. For the proper nourishment
of the child. It Is absolutely Indispeu
Safest and its use should be kept up In
the die) aa long mh possible Not only
does It contain all the euent ,ii food
elements in II, I most auilah'e form
for ready digestion, but the recent
scientific discoveries show it to be n
peoially rich In certain peculiar prop-rtie-i
ti:at alone render growth pot
It Is not enough to take off your hat
to the flag take off our coat arid
roll up your sleeves and having made '
i those preparations, do something use
ful for America and her cause.
r-H-'; !
Preliminary Work Began May
19, 1917.
Food Control Act paeaed August
10, 1917.
WIIKAT KXl'OUTS (effect July
Uallmated surplus for exporh
20,000,000 bushels.
Actual shlpiiieiils to June, 1U0,
uoo.uoo bushels,
Ordinary r;ite one to two mil
lion poun 1 l monthly.
Largest single month this year,
87,000.000 lbs.
Ordinary rate, 60,000,000 lbs.
, monthly.
Largest month this year, 308,
000,000 lbs.
1-ltK'W OF FLOUR (Minneapo
lis): One year ago, $16.76 a barrel
I'resent price, 19.80 per barrel.
BRICK MARGIN" (between farm
er's wheat and flour made
from It) :
One year ago the difference
was $6.68.
I'resent date the difference Is
64 cents.
IN GKNKRAL: To the farmer
going to market, it per cent
more than last summer; to
the housewife buying In mar
ket, 1 '. pur cent less than last
And the Allies have been sus-
tslnsd. jt
We will do your job printing.
Rev. Lyman Brough, raster.
A cordial Invitation is extended
to you to attend our services . The
hours of the service qn the Sabbath
are as follews:
Breaching at 11 A. M,
Sabbath School at II A. M.
Young r copies' meeting at 1:41
P. M.
Song aervlce at 7:31 P. M.
Breaching at : P. M.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 : SI
P. M.
ot Constipation
Neglected constipation may cause
Biles, ulceration of the bowels, ap
pendicitis, nervous prostration, para
lysis. Don't delay treatment. Best
remedy la Foley Cathartic Tablets,
Do their work surely, ci.sily, gently,
without injury to stomach or Intes
tinal lining. Contain no habit-forming
drugs. Fine for fat folks. Bold
by Reed Bros.
Ba fCJaways lasM Him Up
A slight kidney impairment may
lead to dropsy or Brlght's dlsenst,
Don't neglect It. Frank Miller,
Bingham, utan, writes: t was trou
bled with my klndneys so bad I coakj
not work. Tried many kinds of m..i.
clue which did me no good. Tn n I
tried Foley Kidney Fills; bow fec.
log aa food aa I ever did before -Bold
by Reed Bros.
It is our aim and effort to
give such service to our
patrons that they profit by
our dealings and recom
mend us to their friends.
We Pay Interest on Time Deposits
Carietori B
Swift J. U. Weaver
II. Craven B. N. Bolton
Tom Allen
Unavoidable Conditions!
uinr to the fuel thai the war ha brought
aboul ninny changes In the Imsinuss worltl, we are
compelled to adjusl our butslneiMi accordingly.
The government la regulating. the prices on many
articles which we have to sell, these prices are ii"r
mvtl on n fash basis, therefore, tli manufacturer
is holding 1 he jobber 1 t cash or a ten day term,
likew ise t he jobber is demanding casli from the re
tail merchant, now it is down i the point where
the retail merchant must get the cash for bis
goods or go broke, Therefore from this date we
will confine onr terms of credit to strictly thirty
diiys. Goods are hard to get, help is scarce, ex
penses leaping upward, and we are forced t iMs
very much against pur desire. IVe bops our
frinds will looVat this as an unavoidable circum
stance over which we havfiio font rol.
Burns Department Store
u XAuru;.. dmion ,v company
' 1 fchTl JaBBBBaKnaf fiBWb
Leaves, arrive BURNS 7:00 p.m.
Leave BURNS at 7:00 a. m., arrive BEND 5:00p.m.
FARE, each way $8.0O
."() Pounds Bnggugt carried Free. Bxeees ! er lb.
Meets nil trnins in Bend. PiisSfiigrs Anive at
Portland, from Hums, in 24 hours, fare $16.05
Prompt attention given all
Especially Perishabl
Inhiixi Empire Realty
shipments In our care
i' Consignments.
Company, Agents
Talking to You!
Vou man with ;i
keep it good' don't yon"
( i( t I Car vou want to
The way to do that is always to ,iiivt ft the
attention It needs AT THE TIME IT IS NEEDED.
We are ready at all times day or night to
attend to your needs. We have the most competent
mechanics to be secured, and guarantee that yonr
ear will never be "butchered."
Supplies and Accessories for All The
Popular Makes.
The upkeep of your car will not he such a
burden if 't mi will let us keep it up to its work.
Universal Garage Co.
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company oregon
Brown s Satisfactory Store
Walk Over Shoes
Stetson Hats
Bon Ton Corsets
Wr carrj kimmN sdvartlaed n tlir
'11 Mae I'roducts I'uw"
Why accept an in
ferior Army Shoe
when you can get
the standard article
at the same price or
less? Ask for the
Shoe and get what
you ask for.
Then you're sure
to I ii- satisfied !
Look lor die name
stamped on rite sole
of every Shoe- for our
mutual protection.
Built sturdy and
serviceable for
Office Men
and others
every walk ot
The Labor Problem
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of the farm labor problem
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you. Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the Ree-whiz to the farm tractor, we have all
the new labor-saving machinery. We want to show you
how easily you can not only keep up your regular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.