The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 07, 1918, Image 1

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The Times-Herald
The Times-Herald la ait aM
established friend of Uie people
of Hr.rnejr County where It haa
her. i a weekly visitor for thirty
years. It'N Job department la
giilnrly to more homes In Har
ney Oeunty than any other
iicspnter. If yoa wish to
reach the people una these col
umnn for your advertisement.
equipped to nerve your m
j i
NO. 36
" " fyi fc , , , , L i , , . i i ,
President Wilson Says a Reign of Law
Sustained by Opinion of Mankind
Will be Outcome of War. Makes
Fourth of July Address at Mount
Vernon Summarizing War Objects
(Associated Press Dispatch In Boise
President Wilson has answered all
feelers for a compromise peace, with
, new and unqualified consecration
nf America to the struggle for clean
ing military autocracy from the
At an Independence Day gathering
on the gentle slope of Mount Vernon,
home and tomb of George Washing
ton, and surrounded by scenes which
looked upon the creation of this na
tion, the president addressed a small
gathering of officials and of diplo
mats of the allied nations.
But he spoke to the world and he
spoke the logical sequel to his "force
without stint or limit" declaration
if several weeks ago.
Unreservedly, the president de
.larod that there could be no thought
of a peace which did not mean the
destruction of military autocracy or
it reduction to virtual Impotence.
"A reign of law, based on the con
sent of the governed and sustained
by the organised opinion of man
kind" was the way he summarized In
single sentence the objects of hu
n tj in the world war.
Whether the president was ad
ilraeshu his remarks directly to the
recent speech of German Foreign let -i.
tary von Kuehlniann, or to the fore
shadows of a renewed German peace
offensive, or whether be merely took
the occasion of the relebratton of
American Independence to emphasize
to the world the war aims of the na
tion, can only be divined.
He did not deal with the progress
of the war or any particular phase
of It, but he spoke eloquently of
America's attitude toward Germany's
so-called peace treaties In the east by
grouping the people of Russia "for
the moment unorganized and help
less" among the peoples of the world
ntanding against the enemies of lib
erty. "The past aud the present are In
deadly grapple and the peoples of the
world are being done to death be
tween them,' said President Wilson.
"There can be but one Issue. The
settlement must be final. There can
he no compromise. No half-way deci
sion will be tolerable. No halfway de
rision Is conceivable. These are the
ends for which the associated peo
ples of the world are fighting and
which must be conceded them before
there can be peace:
"First The destruction of every
arbitrary power anywhere that can
separately, secretly, and of its single
choice, disturb the peace of the
world; or. If It cannot be presently
destroyed, at the least Its reduction
i virtual impotence.
"Second The settlement of every
question, whether of territory, of sov
ereignty, of economic arrangement or
or political relationship, upon the
hasls of the free acceptance of that
settlement by the people immediate
ly concerned, and not upon the basis
of the material interest or advantage
of any other nation of peoples which
may desire a different settlement for
i ho sake of its own exterior inflnenee
or mastery.
"Third The consent of all nations
lo be governed in their conduel to
words each other by the samo prin-
iplcs of honor and of respect for the
-.111111011 law of civilized society that
govern the Individual ritizeus of all
modern states In their relations with
one another; to the end that all pro
mises and covenants may be sacred
ly observed, no private plots or con
Juries wrought with Impunity, and a
Hpiracles may be set up, no selfish In
mutual trust established upon the
handsome foundation of a mutual re
Mjiert for right.
"Fourth The establishment of an
organization of peace which hall
make It certaia that the combined
power of free nations will check
every Invasion of right and serve to
mako peace aud Justice the more se
cure by affording a definite tribunal
of opinion to which all must submit
and by which every International
readjustment that cannot be amicable
agreed upon by the peoples directly
concerned shall be sanctioned.
"These great objects can be put
Into a single sentence. What we seek
Is the reign of law, based upon the
consent of the governed and sustain
ed by the organized opinion of man
kind." a
The Ked Cross party at "The Val
ley of the Moon." Friday night, was
a success both socially and financial
ly. Several articles were sold; a collar
and cuff net for $12.7.r. went to Mrs.
George Kile) , a live turkey for
$12.fi0. to Miss Crowell. from Texas;
a crocheted yoke for' $18.50, to Mrs.
Llllard; Mr. Anderson sold the cap
from bis head for Ma; a Ued Cross
guessing COBteet brought SIS. (;.'., and
the prize, a large cake, was won by
Mrs. Tlllotson; the supper yielded
$78.25; and a donation of f from
Mr. Clayton Davidson, made the totul
receipts i the evening t 14006.
This was the first public entertain
ment given by the Dorcas auxlllirv
aud they are much grotiried with tin
If patriotic eiitliusl-..nn runs as
high all over the country as in ibis
community, Kalserlsm Is surely
Miss Kathleen Jordan, 14 years of
age; Master Carl Jordan and Miss
Marian McConnell, members of the
Sagebrush symphony orchestra of
Burns, surprised their director and
manager. Mrs. M. V. Dodge, and
pleased a large audience by putting
on an attraction at the Liberty the
atre last night, In which they were
heartily encored.
The company, with Mrs. Dodge as
manager, was scheduled to appear In
Bend last Thursday night, hut on ac
count of a breakdown was delayed
in reaching here until Friday after
noon, when Mrs. Dodge was compell
ed to return to Burns. She left the
three children In care of friends In
this city and made the return trip
During her absence the children on
their own initiative booked them
selves to appear at the Liberty the
atre last night. They arranged their
own program and made the necessary
arrangements for an accompanist on
the piano owing to the absence of
their manager.
Mrs. Dodge returned to Bend late
In the evening and learned of the ar
rangements made by the children.
Not letting them know she was in the
city she remained under cover until
after the show bud started and then
took a seat In the audience back tar
enough so she could not be seen by
the youngsters as they were taking
part In their act. She stated today
that i heir success surprised her, as
they carried out their program as
well as If under her Instructions, and
the rendition was made with just as
great accuracy as when she is guid
ing them.
Another program will be given at
the Liberty tonight, after which the
company will leave for I'rlneville,
where they are booked to appear on
July 'l and I, and then at Warm
Springs o:i the 4th mid .'.Hi. Bend
The war bills of Kuglaud and
America are met by appropriations
made by Parliament and Congress
respectively. But the American
soldiers are preparing to pay Ger
many.s War BUI in full for all his
Citizens of Burn Hosts to Large
Gathering of People During
Celebration of Fourth of July.
I patriotic Programs, Sport a, etc.
Although no great preparations
I were made for celebration of the 4th
'as It was not expected there would be
many people have the time or Incli
nation to celebrate, nevertheless
Burns drew a much larger crowd
than was expected and the visitors
were well entertained. The first day
was devoted to the pioneers and this
has been given mention in another
column. The day of the fourth was
devoted to sports and patriotic enter
tainment. In the forenoon a pro
gram was arranged In the Commer
cial Club rooms where the Sage
brush Orchestra rendered some mu
sic, Charles W. Ellis delivered a pa
triotic address and the audience Join
ed in singing national songs. During
the afternoon a base ball game was
played at the fair grounds in which
the white boys played against the
Indians. It was a well fought game
with the white boys winners by only
two points, the score being 4 to 6.
There were several good horse
races during the afternoon and also
a tug of war between men on saddle
horses, potato race, boys foot races
and other sports.
One interesting feature of the after
noon was an economy race for autos
to see which car would go the longest
distance on a pint of gas. The writer
did not witness this test and there
fore cannot give details but the Ford
was driven a greater distance than
the Chevrolet, but we understand
there wus a difference In the method
of l ling the gas, therefore cannot
say as to the real merit of the test:
During the evening the people were
entertained at the picture house
where an excellent war program bad
been arranged and later there was a
dance that was well attended.
Taken In all It was a good celebra
tion and most satisfactory.
The decbree has gone forth
"work or fight." It is well as far
as It geos. But, limited to subjects
of the selective draft, 11 doesn't be
gin to reach far enough. It should
be made to reach all classes and con
ditions of American life; from the
hodo by the roadside to the million
aire In bis limousine. "No drones In
America should be the watch-cry till
the great conflict is won.
America expects every man to do
his duty. Will public sentiment see
that he does it? Giving is not
enough, though give to his last mile.
Money can not win this war; but that
which money can buy -the fruits
of toll can and will win. The mil
lionaire gives hundreds or thousands
to buy cannons Mil if cannons are
not made, the gift Is abortive.
It Is labor that is needed now
Intelligent, persistent, Increasing la
bor, that shall go to furnish and cre
atre those vital sinews of war with
out which our great armies will be
Bar the sluggard. I'lace him un
der the ban of a supreme public con
tempt. It matters not his poverty
or his millions, demand that he work
and at some needful occupation.
I -a hot Is king, and roust hold the
throne until It has made the world
safe for all peaceful peoples.
Because the supply of poison had
all been used up the work of destroy
ing the grasshoppers was discontinu
ed for u lime, but a new supply has
been received and even though the
Insects have acquired wings and are
Hying In myrulds and swarms, this
method of destroying them seeniH
even more effective than earlier In
the season. This was demonstrated
the first of this eeek at the Phil
Smith hone ranch. The Insects lltler
ally covered a portion of the mea
dow and the hay was being cut in
order lo save It from the vorlclous
pests. An application of the poison
bait was given the Infected district
one morning and the following day
millions or them were found dead.
Men are still at the work of destroy
ing tbem being employed today In
sewing it on section 29.
An Entertaining Vaudeville Pro
gram end Dance at Tonawama
Also Hot teases at a Dinner for
Drafted Boys Leaving for War
On the night of the 3rd the Honor
Guard Oila of this city staged a
vaudeville performance followed by
a dance at Tonawama that proved a
pleasing feature of the celebration.
Conflicting attractions and the
failure of the electric lights to come
on early on that night caused a de
lay In the program but finally It was
produced to a packed house und each
number received generous applause.
The program was opened by the
singing of the "Star Spangled Ban
ner" which was followed by the ren
dition of the War Call by Drusllla
Fry. The sketch. "The Homance of
the Scare Crow," which was a panto
mime affair. w interrupted by the
lights going off and It was never
completed although It had pro. ced
ed far enough to elicit roars of laugh
ter from the audience.
A male quartet rendered "There's
a I-ong. Long Trail" and Hie dancing
of Miss Jocelyn Burke was a most
enjoyable feature. The graceful little
lady captivated her audience with
her beautiful dancing and she was
repeatedly encored. The Times-Herald
has heard it rumored that the
people of Burns may see this charm
lug little dancer again before she re
turns lo her home In Portland.
The vocal solos of Miss Annette
Leonard were well rendered and
proved most enjoyable. Miss Agnes
Foley rendered several violin solos
during the evening which showed
marked improvement since she last
appeared before a Burns audience.
A very attractive series of tab
leaux closed the performance in
which Miss Druau Dodson showed
her ability to stage such events and
gave her an opportunity to bring her
readings out to an advantage. These
tableaux were patriotic in churatter.
the rirst displaying the Goddess of
Liberty inpersonatod by Miss Geor
gia Fry; The Spirit of the Revolution
was dwelcted la proper costume by
Mfsses"lHetnSayer and Zelm Bard
well; the Spirit of the Civil War. by
Misses Violet Hlchurdson and Helen
Purington; the 8plrlt of the Present
Time by Miss Elleu Geer and Mrs.
Bertha Smith. At the close of this
series the young ladles taking part
were In front of the Goddess of Lib
erty and had formed the Ked. White
and Blue In order.
The dance that followed was en
Joyed by a largo crowd. It was start
ed off by the pioneers with old time
music. Deil Dibble playing the fiddle
and J. K. Loggan and wife leading
the grand march.
The following afternoon the Honor
Guards entertained the drafted boys
at a six o'clock dinner at the borne of
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Mrs. C. H. Leonard.
This was a most enjoyable affair and
one much appreciated by the boys.
The hospitable home was appropriate
ly decorated and the entire affair
taken charge of by the Honor Guards
and they are very grateful to the
Leonards for the use of their home
for this purpose.
Following the dinner the boys
were the guests of the Liberty Thea
tre which Is conducted by Honor
Gua-d Girls and later they were
honored guests at the dance at Tona
wama where they were entertained
until time to leave to catch the train
out of Craue.
The lulled States navy has tri
umphantly demonstrated Its high ef
ficiency, and has removed one cause
of tear from the minds of the Ameri
can neoule. It has been proven that
?we can transport troops to France
with no great danger from the Ger
man submarines. Though there was
no doubt Germany was fully Inform
ed of the movement or the transports,
all were landed In sarety.
No sensible person can iloubl that
had Germany seen the talntest
chance lo sink our troops ships she
would have been quick to avail her
self of the opportunity, thus striking
terror to our people at the outset.
That only tentative efforts were
made is proof that she realised the
hopelessness of the undertaking.
Thus does this country again dem
onstrate Its ability to meet auy emergency.
Many Old Time People Guests of Our
City at Reunion. Take Part in a
Program and Enjoy Picnic Dinner
Elect Officers and Vote the Next
Annual Meeting in Burns July 319
Congressman Nick Slnnott will
bold competatlve examinations open
in VfrvllltilA hnv In Kiwrniri Opa-
r...... .. .w.. or... o-.. mo.
ruii trim lit i, iui tin- nun1, i trim, mu-
tary and Annapolis Naval Academy
on October 10, 1918. I had been expected at first and the
The examinations, which will be celebration was a success,
given for the congressman by the I Although there were but 144 pfo
Cnlted States Civil Service Commls- j neers registered this year as against
sloti, will be held slmulatenously In 241 last year, It was a gathering oC
the following eight cities: : much good cheer even though tesn-
Klamath Falls, Ontario. Baker pored with a touch of sadness, an Uie.
Pendleton, Lakevlew, Bend. I.-! WRr na8 brought saddening thoughts
Grande. The Dalles. to the older ones and the service flag
Those candidates standing highest 0r the association showed 38 atara
in each examination will be ap-1 with one gold one among them In
pointed as principals and alternates j dlcating that one son of a pioneer
In order of standing to fill the one . i,.,,) made the supreme sacrifice. An
vacancy in West Point and one in other sobering feature was that the
Such successful candidates will take
the official examinations In the
spring of 1919 and If successful in
same will enter the academies In
Candidates to be eligible must he
bona fide residents of the Second
Oregon District; and if trying for the
West Point cadetshlp must be be-
tween 17 and 22 years Of age on the,
date of admission; and if for appoint-,
ment as midshipman at Annapolis
between the ages of 16 and 20 at date
or official examination.
Those interested should write at
once to Hon. N. J. Slnnott. Koom
242 House of Representatives, Wash
ington. D. C, stating whether they
prefer the naval of military academy
and requesting copy of booklet giv
ing full information and sample
An account of how soldiers are .'ed
at sea is given In the dally news
paper published on a trenspert:
"Outside of providing 210.000
meals at sea. the mess officer of Un
ship has very little to do. Very little.
"Ho is only called upon to provide,
by the regulations. 1 Ml different var
ieties of food. That's all. Kver try to
order 180 different things to eat?
Yet this is the authentic list.
"The food needed to feed several
thousand men at sea ranges beyond
the glutton's dreams. You get the
answer In tbe ship down below the
water line, where 7,290 loaves ot
bread have been baked in one day,
and where you stumble over every
variety, trom 60,000 pounds or beer
to 132,000 eggs, or a compartment of
brick Ice cream In a 10-degree-above-sero
And if it doesn't suit, you can
bump along Into 49,324 pounds of
poiaiurn, I.IVV jiiiuimn w. .in ii ,,.,.,
bacon, 7,800 pounds of butter, 9.200
pounds or sugar, and 61,500 pounds
or Hour.
"If you can't get a meal out of this
you can still rail back on 4.600
pounds or sausage. 3,400 pounds or
sauerkraut, US, 000 pounds of apples.
- - T inn nt u ... u , ,1
19,800 pounds of oranges, and 4,200
pounds of onions. Am" this leaves
out 1,600 pounds of Jam and M00
pounds of lima and navy beans. "
General Pershing says that the
clean life and high Ideals or the
American soldiers are due to the in
Huence of the American mother. Do
not be surprised ir mother puts on
airs fw a while. Who could blame
her after such a tribute.
Officers of the American regiments printed and bronzed for this oecasloa
In France are not allowed to have J and bore the legend that the reeipl
wine served at their mess tublea un-j euts were the oldest, in point of re
less a Frenchman or a guest is pres-1 sidence. present at the reunlou of
siderlug the advisability ot hiring a this lte.
ent. Some of the officers are con- The service flag had been made
Frenchman to be permanently at- y Mrs. A. 8. Swain, another old pio
tached to the regiment. (Coutinued ou page four)
The annual reunion of the Harney
county pioneers and the celebrattoa
In Burns was all that was expected
and then some. Considering the fact
that the bayng BeaBOn had begm
" M is a busy time there
mny mn visitors to our city tl
records disclosed nine pioneers
been laid to rest In the cemetery
since tbe last gathering. However.
it was a gathering of stalwortti and
loyal citizens, such as pioneers are
, made of that met and discussed old
' times and the future.
The basinets meeting of Um iio-
n,.ers Association was presided over
By Mrs. T?d HayK In the abt-non of
the president and this meeting wan
,a.,i to order In the forenoon ot the
rird at the Commercial Club rooms,
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read aud approved, the necefw
ary committees appointed for resolu
tions, etc., and then followed tbe
election of officers. Kobt. Driukwa
ter was chosen president without op
position; A. W. Howser was maln
vice president in the same manner an
was Ella Lu key gee retary und U, M.
Brewa treasurer.
The matter of the next meeting
place was ne't in order and it wus
unanimously tarried that the next
annual meeting should he held in
Burns on July 3.1919.
A picnic dinner was provided for
1 o'clock and was served In the
Club rooms by ladies secured by the
Commercial Club to serve It, assialexl
by Honor Guard Girls. This dinner
was not conllned to pioneers alone
but shared with all visitors.
Following the dinner a program
was given out In front of the Uufldint;
where a platform had been erected:
Mrs. A. S. Swain offered an Invo
cation. Although Mrs. Dodge was gone
some of her pupils or the Sagebrush
orchestra got together, secured au
accompanist and gave some music
for the occasion.
C. F. McKinney was the bearer of
the flag and this was presented and
duly saluted.
The entire audience joined In sing
ing the "Star Spangled Banner."
Kobt. Drlnkwater and Sheriff
Goodman played the violin and with
an old timer at the piano, gave some
pioneer music like we had In the old
days before the finished musician
came. This music proved so alluring
that A. W. Howser, over 80 ream
old, got up and gave a jig.
James K. Weston welcomed the
pioneers us president of the C.imiuer-
(.jai club ami (J. A. Sweek re-ponded.
j This was followed by more music
1 by the pioneers.
Grandma Hayes, tTie Mother Queen,
hud previously been secorted to the
platform by Mrs. D N. Catterson ami
A. W. Howser ami there she m
greeted by Mrs. C. A. Sweek.
Geo. S. Slzeuiore presented special
badges to the oldest lady and gentle
man pioneers present. They being
Mrs. Joseph Robertson and Doug.
Baker. These badges were specially