The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 29, 1918, Image 8

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'.St1 '". T
miikc it in
willi nil the
isc mid none
r'JiLttlWdMUii' -
with Destiny
SpeUfling1 your income h you
simply gambling wilh destiny and
odds niiiiiiiKt vou. Von stand nil to I
to gain.
Systematic Saving
oven though small, if coiisisinni, eliminates tin
element of ohatKM and establishes y out future on a
basis of certainty,
This bank desires to co-operate wilh you in
building on this basis.
We have unusual facilities for promottog the
interest of our customers.
First National Bank
Barns, Oregon
5V'--fflnfei,ea. tCary and family were
over from Crane1 Cre.ifc Tlritfrtda'y.
Poi in iwiv'i mljolulur
Burns. Bee J. J. i tin
Albert OflWerinnn and wife
over from Wiry yesterday,
I.udy waiter santod
Rei tauntnl in this rill
at Hie Star
Clius. Moore was over (ton his
home ni liiuinond llio liis I of tills
Jnke Sevclk nnd Jack Hoblnson
woro In town from the (.'lover Swain
unction Thursday.
.1 M l,it. liuiivlllit Annul ui.vcta.u1
Mrs. JnmnH F. Malum and her ....
, , ,, nivs ncre irnm inn Hoiimnrn pari ol
daughter, Mth, Claud Smyth, worn . , ... .
.1 B. Walker win up rri Mm
l.invclt unci Ion Oil bllillll'Vt Wndnnii
Ooo Cawlfleld wan among our vis
itors from Narrows the fom pari Of
the week. l
Capital and Surplus
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
The Times-Jlerald
Hu The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Local News.
Ralph Rimer was In town Wednes
day. Two AJax Ford tires new, for sale
at a bargain.- KarrnerB Exchange.
Fat Donegal) wan over from the P
Hunch during the week on some busi
ness. Regular customers desired for milk
and cream. Fhone John Caldwell
J. W. Biggs arrived home Wndnes- '
day evening from a business trip to
Jim Shepard Is putting up tho
walls on the Neil Smith stone busi
ness structure rapidly.
Fred Otley and Scott Hayes came
up from the Lawen section yesterday.
from the Lawen section yesterday
Mr. Otley says hay Is going to be
scarce on some of his places.
Leon M. Brown and family left
Thursday morning for California
where they will spend their vacation.
This Is their usual custom and they
drive through in their car each sum
mer. Many of our ranchers have been
haying, some because of the grass
hoppers and others because of the
dry season making the haying earli
er than usual. The hay crop Is going
to be short.
H. M. Morion left for Bend Wed
nesday morning to remain at least
until after the 4th of July. His son
Mervln, who Is interested In the
drug business over there with Nol
lle Reed, has-been placed In class 1
of the army draft and Dr. Morion Is
going to help him get the business in
shape for his departure for the war
James Oanl was up fiom his home
near Malheur Lake Wednesday.
Four-horse power Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine for sale. Call at this of
fice. .M.i n in Hunk anil wife were in I he
city during the week. Mrs Buck Is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs tieo. Cobb
of this city.
The hearing of the adjudli atlon
proceedings of the Silvles River has
been postponed by Judge Biggs until
July ..'9.
August Muller, one of the pioneer
ranchers of the Drewsey country,
was a business visitor to our city
Wednesday, lie was here on land
VIA K US VOIR 9 Mire."
Bill Could and Bill Farre made up
a team of Bills to go out on War
Stamp work this week. They look
In the Diamond territory and Inter
mediate points.
Elder D. Quiet and his son Hurley
Roy I). Coleman and It. C. Day were
In town Wednesday on land business.
Klder Quier told the writer that he
had canvassed his neighborhood for
War Saving Stamps this week and
met with good results.
RFWARD 925.0O To party find
ing pair of rather light bay Mares,
one weighing about 1300, the other
1260; branded with lazy K on right
stifle; foretops have been roached
but grown out five of six inches;
should have colts with them. Phone
or wire me, collect, Payett, Idaho.
Sheriff I'uvette County.
J. L. Sltz and family arrived here
Wednesday from Ashland where they
had been living during the past
school year. They were on their way
to the ranch in the Drewsey section
for a short stay. Mrs. Sltz stales
they found good roads from Klamath
to this place by the way of Bend.
The family may return to Ashland
for the coming school year.
Prolonging Human Life!
In the effort to lengthen the span of human ex
istance. every availab'e resource in Nature's store
house is utilized. These must be classified and syHtem
lzed and ready for use. This is the work of the
The intelligent handling of this vast store of reme
dies, under the direction of your physician, devolves on
Your Druggist
We employ none but competent graduated pharmacist.
The Rexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
Visitors lo our city this week.
B. J Noble was ovr from Cfene
Creek the other day, having come
over In company with John Cury and
Fred (loyt, of the Universal Curuge
look his departure Wednesday morn
ing lor Portland on a short business
W. M. Sutton and 0. F. McKlnney
spent a few days over on Silver creek
this week Jo the interest of the War
Saving Stamp campaign.
W. B. Johnson was over from Sil
ver Creek Wednesday and stated his
crops did not look as well as he
would like, for lack of moisture.
Lost- Between Lawen and Crane,
a checkered overcoat, with a pair of
white silk socks In one pocket, also
a lot of matches. J. E. Walker.
J. I). Larson has been here from
Bend for the past several days In
connection with the transfer of the
steam laundry to T. K. Jenkins. He
has the transaction closed.
Miss Kdllh Katun, hook keeper
and stenographer at the Harney
County National Bank, arrived home
the first of this week from her vac
ation trip and has resumed her po
sition In the Hank
Joe 1. 1 1 lard came over from the
ranrh near Drewsey yesterday. He
brought over Home finished work for
the Red Cross that had been com
pleted by the auxiliary In the neigh
horhood of bis home. Joe says they
will have u fine crop this season.
Lost A saddle horse extruded
from Jack Creek this spring, Bay In
color, branded CH on left stifle,
saddle marked, weight about BOO lbs.
Reward for his recovery or Informa
tion leading to his recovery. M. S.
Davies, Narrows, Oregon.
Chester Smith, who has been con
ducting the Liberty Theatre since It
was finished, has gone to Portland to
engage In some war work. possibly in
the ship yards. He left Thursday
morning. His wife remained In this
city until he gets permanently locat
ed and in position lo send for her.
Mrs. K. Mustek and Mrs. J. L.
Uaull took their departure Wednes
day morning for Portland, being
driven down In the latler's new
Bulck by A. K. Richardson. The
trip is to be made the entire distance
In the car. Mrs. Mustek will visit
for a time we understand, and Mrs.
Uault will remain for quite a while.
Mrs. Kvelyn L. Walker, one of the
high school Instructors, who had
been conducting a summer normal
course since the close of the high
school, has finished her labors In
that connection and after a short reat
with friends In this city expects to
go to Salt Lake for a time and may
later go to the University of Wash
ington for some special instruction
before the opening of tho fall school
Friends In this city have received
the announcement of the marriage
of Arthur 8. Whitney, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Whitney of this sec
tion, to Miss Mary Mcllvaln, on June
10, at I'ecoH, Texas. The announce
ment gives the information that Mr.
and Mrs Whitney will be at home
u( Burns, Oregon uftor July 1st. Tho
young man Is quite well known in
this city where he resided lor several
years and he will find a hearty wel-
the county during this Week
Mr. and Mrs. (J I, llm hannii
were In the city dining Hie weel,
guests of re)hUIat and friends.
Karl Blllotl was up front Narrows
vVednetdi , having brought one ol
his children up for medical attention.
John Kuhn and one of hW sons.
and Alex Delore were In town this
week on business before the laud
J. II. Anderson was over from hts
ranrh near Van the other lay but
we didn't get a chance to learn his
Judge and Mrs. Dalton Biggs, Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Biggs of Rums,
Mrs. Hugh Allen and Miss Rena
Biggs motored to Boise today. On
tario Argus.
Netice: All persons knowing them
selves Indebted to I. Schwartz, are
requested to settle their accounts
before June 1st. On that date all
unpaid accounts will be given to a
Mrf O. A. Kembold arrived home
last Wednesday evening. She bad
been away since early in the winter
sp ling a portion of the time In
Cortland and later going to Califor
nia for several weeks. She says she
Is gltul to be at home again among
her friends and expects to remain
here for the season.
School Supt. Clark has been con
din ling an examination for certifi
cates to teach during the week. The
examination opened last Wednesday
morning and several applicants are
writing, among them being those who
attended Ute summer normal urn
dinted since the close of high school
by Mrs. Kvelyn Walker.
strayed Two lorrejl geldings.
one branded C N-on left shoulder, the
other 0 mi right shoulder, the latter
with one eye out. collar marked and
weight about 1200 lbs. Both aro gen
tle aged horses. A suitable rewurd
will he given for their recovery or for
information leading to their being
found. Address W. K Stratton, care
Purlngton Sawmill, Burns. Oregon.
Mrs. C. I.. V. Heel,,- of '111. I III.-.
and Mrs. I). L. Davis of Burns ar
rhod In Vale Thursday to visit at the
home of their slst. r, Mrs. Loyd Cran
dull Mr and Mrs. Beebe motored
from 1 tli 'llllln jnil liava I....... ulul. I
ing friends In the Burns section for
the past several days. Mr. Davis
expects lo Join the party at Vale for
a few duys visit. Vale K liter prise
S. Alberson came over from An
drews this week. He was acconi
"i id In by Mrs. Eva Kivetle. who
Is a teacher in that neighborhood,
and came In to take the teachers'
examination, and Miss Booze, the
latter a clerk In the store at An
drews, and here to have some den
tal work done. Mr. Alberson reports
Mrs. Alberson enjoying good health
since her operation of several weeks
Cecil A. Thompson, who was an
assistant at the Experiment Station
under Mr. Martin, took bis depar
ture Monday morning for Benton
county. He Is In the list of boys
drawn In the selective draft from
his home county on July 3 and goes
homo to visit for a time with his
people heinre going to the camp as
signed him. Mr. Thompson has tried
almost every branch of the service as
a volunteer but has been turned
down each time because of his vis
ion, therefore it is not likely that he
w.ll )e accepted upon examination,
even though he Is anxious to go.
m 'ti
. - i warn
WssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBP! . 4bbbbbV T. I ..J
fcj B BsMBaVwef.g'
rainiiDnnriiiiin.'raiDiV'1 ;
mmniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiinnrnTiminHii'n " i :
esISMiM jmiiaiiuuiiiiimiiiins M.aiaw ,
Every Individual-
I sB
win. fliif num. woman. bov or
jjirl, snould have a Sank Ac
count. There is n close per
Homiliiy about in tuat remains
faithful io every signal of distress.
Harngy Eounig National Bank
,5 Burns, Clregnn
n mmum
Miss Ruth Miller was in townr-this
week the guest of friends.
For HaleComplete well drlllng
outfit. For particulars inquire of
Geo. Cobb, Burns, Oregon.
Thos. Bain and his son Ralph were
In the city the fore part of this week
on business.
W. H. Keeler Is here on a vhjlt
with his wife and little daughter.
Mrs. Byron Terrlll and her daugh
ter. Miss Violet, expect to leave Mon
day for Bend where they go for t
few weeks visit.
Mrs. Willis Barber and her llttl
,1... i. I. .. I...1-. 1. ...... tilultliis sextet !,,.
iiiUK'nri ii aw irrn v inn uif, n nil nrr
Mrs. William Hanley came home sister. Mrs. Albert Swain. In this
from Portland last Wednesday even- "y 'or the past week. She leave
Ing after an absence of several ' ",' for Bend where she goes to
weeks. Join her husband who is working h.
the mills of that place.
Fouml A 22-callbre Winchester
rifle, in the sage brush back of the. M. S. Davies was in town yesterday
public school building. Owner may OB some business. He stated he ij
have same by coming to this of flee, j pectod to go to McDermitt for the
proving the property und paying for celebration this year, as lie hud some
thiH notice.
Mrs. W. K Sullivan, formerly An
nuhel Faulkes, has been u guest of
Miss Mamie Winters and other
friends in this city for the past sev
eral days. She Is up for a short visit
from Portland where she has a posl- J work.
Hon with a firm for wham she work- ' make
parties In that section lie desired to
see on some business and he won!
"kill two birds with one stone.''
James lUchurdson arrived hone
Thursday evening from Portland
where he and his wife had been at
Jim says he believes he can
mere money and save it li
ed before her marriage. She told the working for wuges In Harney county
newspaper man she could stay but a than he can at the shipyards or -ira-short
time as she had left Walter Bar war work in Portland. He say.
down there In the company with the wages are high but that the sjej
Mustek and she really couldn't allow of llvliig and rent are still higher
such a combination to go unrestrlct- His wife came back but stopped over
ed for any length of time, therefore on Sliver Creek tor a visit with lt
would return In about a week. latives and friends.
Tne buying power of The Dollar is
not always in the number of
cents it contains
Tli is great Family Store iiinkes n specialty of
increasing the buying power of your money.
run do 1 liis becaui
John Cury and wife were over
frinn Iw.tit.. .... '.-.. .... fhul
come for himself and bride upon bis Th .,,. . . . .
, . Thursday. John says he has spent a
arrival home. . , ., '
good many dollars for poison to de-
Oeo. Baker came over from Drew-' Btrov rats this year but they are
sey Wednesday bringing Lou 0. """ H0 ,l,lo, ll'Hl " la a gamble
Bradfleld In for medical attention. A Mea Is going to have the best of
wild horse became mad In a close tne ('rl'. he or the rats. Mr. Cary
corral where Lou was working with "uv" "'"V rt' real pest and that
stock at the Lamb ranch and attack-1 """' M,,'l,M should bo taken toward a
ed him quite viciously. The animal I systematic destruction of them. When
rushed at Mr. Bradfleld and knocked ( " waH suggested that a move has
him down, running over him and
kicking him before the unfortunate
man could get out of the way. His
physician has taken an X-Ray picture
of his hip and at the time this Is
been made looking to (he government
to take active charge or a wholesale
poisoning crusade he said It was a
good move but should be made com
pulsory as otherwise it would be of
We Buy For Cash
Wo have no heavy credit bills to pay, and take ad-
antage of all trade discount?.
We Sell on Close Margins of Profit
A reasonable per sent for our trouble and investment
is all we ask of our customers.
We Handle High Class Goods
Every article we buy ii the best possible to be had
for the money. '
On these three buefneat virtues we bust" our bid for
veur trade
written had not had It developed but I "ul" benefit. One mau may poison
Indications are that Lou has a dis
located blp. At any rate he has a
mighty sore leg end H likely to be
the rats on his place but they'll come
from a neighbor and eat him out sp
the neighbor should ha mmi. . imt.
Burns Cash Store
f sen its ruts as well. BA
ite p for a wane.