THE END HAS COME! Your Last Chance! CALL! m m , ,. s M I For The Complete Disposal And Closing Out of Schwartz's Entire Stock DON'T MISS THE LAST AND BEST DAVS OF THIS MIGHTY SALE NOTICE li.ui't ronfuse I hi'. with tin' 111:111 so-called ipntlwl sales to unload, ml so mon ey or reduce stocks. TIM 111 health of Mr. Schwartz, com pels us (o make this desper ate .111.I finnl effort to close out our stock, and if peo ple could onl realize what the lire going I"" com pelled to puv for merchan dlse net Season, they would appreciate the Im-poitani-c of this sali- for we TO actually selling every (lay need- and neeessjlies of life for less than the pre seut wholesale or market alue today. Albirs genuine wheat flake. it-Kiil'ir price BOe, on sulc to close out per package We have been with you many years and have stood the acid test. Every word, every statement and every pro mise we have made during our business career has been lived up to to the last syllable we shall follow the same pol icy, the same business principles, until we close our doors for good. We are now negotiating for the sale of this entire stock to other parties, but before making the deal we decided to give the people of this vicinity one more chance to buy not only present, but future needs, at prices less than you will ever be able to buy at again. If we tell you the end of this sale is going to be one of the greatest and mightiest merchandise slaughters you have ever witnessed, you know what to expect, for it is positively a SACRIFICE, positively a cutting and slashing of prices unprecedented in the history of Burns, and right now at the time when merchandise of all kinds, especially 9 SHOES, FURNISHINGS, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, are going up sky-high in price, so you may go as far as your imagination will carry you, then come to this store and sale during our last days and be sure of not being dis appointed. We say it is not only the duty of every man and woman to come to this sale, but that one would actually be committing a crime against himself and family by neglecting this wonderful opportunity. Think of this great sale, coming as it does during a time of war, when everyone is urged to economize and save you can positively purchase groceries and every day needs here for less than present wholesale value THINK IT OVER. Think of the savings, then you will realize the great importance of this sale, which is absolutely and positively the end of I. Schwartz's store. 37c Men's hlghct grudc bib overalls, waist 42 to 4(1 are Mg dosed out ut per pull' $1.98 I .urge cans of Hattsfu tion Tobacco are being closed out ut per can 65c. The best parlor inatilie-, while our stock lasts, will be closi d out at per bOS 6c. .Men's highest grudc bib overalls, waist :ts to 40 arc hclug closed out at per pair $1 85 The famous Arrow and Hall Maik dress shirts values to KS.OO are being closed out ut $1.18. One large lot of Men's felt hats, worth to over $;1.7.", choice to close out ut $2.49 Kvtra special, the best out lug flannel, worlh our :) wholesale today. I being closed out at 26c. 1. 111.i1 10 yls. to customer) Men's $I.2."5 genuine pig skin gloves now on sale to close out, per pair 67c. A I hers genuine IVnils of Wheat, USe values, now 011 sale per pin kng" 18c. 1 Men's Tour In Hund neck ties fl.V values, to close out 48c, Men's Hport shirts, all, values to 2.50, are being closed dut ut $1.48. EXTRA! EXTRA! We have on hand a large stock of choice quality dried fruits which we are selling at greatly reduced prices; in fact, so low it makes competition impossible. People should hurry and take advantage of this sale, as it cannot last forever for just as soon as our purpose has been accomplished we will sell the balance of this stock in bulk and close our doors for good. One big lot of Men's felt huts, values to over s.i.v.,, choice to close out at $2.69 Men's dress shoes, Kngllsh last, worth over S.V.IO today, on snle to close out per pair $4 25 on can bttj the best mm tr oul at this (losing out sale per package 10c. One lot of Men's medium weight underwear, small sizes, worth M.2.T, choice lo close out lit 69c. We are closing out the soda crackers during sale at 1 pound best this I7c. t'rystul white Laundry Soap, while it lasts, will be sold ut per bar 5c. (Limit 'JO bars to customer) The best mid genuine Shus tu Jelly, assorted flavors, on sale per tumbler 14c. EXTRA SPECIAL! l'. cry thing you eat Ls go ing higher and higher in price, and right here at this store and sale you will find thousands of dollars worth of staple groceries being sacrificed at less than whole sale cost in almost every instance and with few ex ceptions, there is no limit to the amount you can buy. We will consider bids from merchants for any or all of this stock of groceries. Women's large size straw huts, regular He values, now on sule at 1 26c. Choice tomatoes, the Tip Top brand, will lie closed out ut per can ISo. (by the case ttf.ftO) Here are only a few of the Many Bargain Prices Every Article in This Immense Stock Sacrificed I Please Read and Remember: We are positively retiring and quitting business for good. This is the last and final call for this stock must and will be sold and the affairs of I. Schwartz settled and closed forever. Because of the ill health of Mr: Schwartz all speed possible must be made in the fi nal closing out of this stock and there will be no let up to the cutting and slashing of prices until every dollar's worth of merchandise is sold. Nothing will be saved. There will be no dilly-dallying about this greatest of all closing out sales. Everything must go and go quickly regardless of cost or present value of merchandise. Please bear in mind this is the last and final drive and remember it is a mat ter of only a few weeks when we close our doors for good; so by all rncftlM take advantage of this last and wonderful opportunity to save, for the great world's war is not only sending prices up in leaps and bounds, merchandise is going to be scarce, hard to get and of an in ferior quality. So let this last call be a good warning. The More You Buy, The More You Save I. SCHWARTZ'S STORE Burns, Oregon Going Out of Business Men's large straw huts, reg ular He values, ure being closed oul at 26c. We are not only selling all of our shoes ut old prices, we ure muking a special dis count to close them out at I -5 off .Men's best grade waist over alls, sizes ;IH to III now on sale mt pulr $1.65 John li. .Stetson huts for men, former .price $5. no, now (sti.oo, choice to close oul ut $3.65 The famous Arrow brand collars for men that sell every place for 20r, choice to close out at 121-2c. One lot of Men's spoil shirts small sixes, values to 93S.OO, choice to close out at 98c. Due lot of men's raps, val ues to 91.2.1 are being clos ed out at 49c. Men's solid leather work shoes, worth over $,YOO, nrc being closed out at per pulr $3.59 Men's best grude waist ovcr ulls 42 to 4(i now on sale per pair $1.85 EXTRA! EXTRA! Every man, every woman, every child should take advantage of this opportunity and buy shoes for many months to come. We are actually selling shoes at this sale in many cases for less than half the present wholesale cost and in almost every instance less than any merchant can buy the same goods for at wholesale today. We are selling men's bib overalls in regular sizes for $1.85 per pair, and they cost wholesale $2.50 today. Think what all this means, then make out a list of your present and future needs and buy as you never bought before. This Advertisement Will Never Appear Again! i