The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 29, 1918, Image 4

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MOW now
uii.i, KMduci: THE LAW
-5. me accepting the nomlttation fori
asnarIMS Office al the recent primary,
I iiave been asked to make myself
ptein with reference to then admlnta-
tralin and conduct of I In- office. If
v. if. i to servo the people! I will cur
rjr out Uh duties with out fear or
ftwir. not overlooking economy with
tendency. I'urticiilarly do I make
i.vmk plain on the Prohibition law.
for itif reason thai I have bean asked
laan.T times concerning my stum!
wtfh n vnicl to sunie. "I will enforce
itu Proiiihition law with the lane
(UteHty thai 1 would any other law
tit the stjite or Oregon." i firmly in-
lhtwr iJial no man lias a rlKht to make
m liting i breaking the law of the
. and would n ie BYery means at
! command of the office to place
jMK-li offenders where they belong.
The Timrtj Herald had n lei '
from I'rlin intil liusil B R i Ion Oil
' i Wednesday morning in vvlili h
be ir'kH that we tend i hla greal r
ligkrasly weekly i hii Portland ad
i res, lie hiIiIh
"i urn living an otcevdtngly busy
life bb a slilphhullder and fiiu' llm'
It agrees with me. now that the pre
liminary Horeneee of musrli1 la '"Tear
ing off.
"Munlek and Sullvaii 'i wall M
young Allen (Fredl are cnKUK"(l In
the same line of work an I am and
the work Is roIuk very rapidly now
that all of uh ar" on the job. Pott-
i land Is thoroughly busy for the first
time In lis history, and there are
more Jobs than there are men to fill
them. Cost of living bus none up In a
marked extent Inn wages bave kept
up pretty well with the advance."
. ti. tiark. the Home Industrie
preacher, who was bars last Hut iinhi v
anil BUUday lending his aid toward
Helling thing! lined up for War Sin
lugs Stamp Pledge Day, is an old
time friend of Clias T I.llhird. Mr
J Clark wanted to go out to Charley's
place to have a little fishing and
hooting but found it was too far to
i walk out before breakfast and as he
wanted to go on over to Bend 00
Honda morning ho couldn't make
Connections. He had t0 DO contented
.with going out with the manager of
I this great religious weekly for a
short time during the afternoon and
I put Mime pasta III the nature of rah
i bits and sage rats out of the wav.
1 Me did It too
" ' I'mei
WANT KM.- Man and wife fur a
veegtonslblo position on a large cattle
nmh Musi have had previoni es
pvt)- I able to give references
a good place for the rlghl parties
Inquire of The Times Hero 111
Jmnei Do began and Tom Allen left
Teasrariny afternoon for a trip to the
-.oelhern part or the county in the
taerr-'ir 'or the War Raving Stamp
I'nlled States deputy marshal was
here this week serving aubpoenai 09
witnesses to appear in the federal
court at Portland on July Mb
Walter Cray Is In town today from
I awen, He states he is preparing to
go to outside points for a few months
i to engage In work.
C C, I'age lias moved bis .Sweet
Shop from the old stand where Mrs.
Qlbba eras located across the street
in the Kry building adjoining the
Wei .une Pharmacy.
Miaa Malvina Mnrcott
M. i ol nurlng helpoi i tn ha '
re i the wheal and frull crops in the
Northwoatern Btatei have been trorh
afl oui ii : a tneotlng in Portland,
Oregon, which was the second of a
sarins of farm labor meetings culled
by the i'nlled States Department of
Agriculture. The meeting was at
tended by representatives of the
State Councils of Defense, State De
partments of Labor and various city
organizations Prof. O. I. Christie,
Assistant to the Secretary, and Dr. E.
V. Wilcox, of the Office of Farm
Management, were the representa
tives of the Department of Agrioul
ture. I'lans were made whereby city
organizations will secure lists of city
residents who have had Isrin ex
parlance and who are wining to do
vole at lead a putt of their vacations
to farm labor when they are needed.
The "light or work' program Is he
lug curried out in the Northwest.
Peel rooms have beep closed and all
idlers and persons doing unimportant
work are being set al userul occupy
tlonSi Mm. i relieving the labor hllua
lion I. mli In cities and rural districts.
or did Rnf in oi old, for the
,,, riii lad t fair, bra i a moi da n-
II counters Mian did John
winton iii i attempts to rescue
from peril i thai beset her tin- hue
ly girl who mysteriously came Into
his life one stormy knlte and refus
ed thereafter to leave him undis
turbed. Prom peril to peril he per
ued her, always releasing her from
the menace of her Immediate danger,
but never being able to quite come
even with her In the mystery chase
that led through exciting episodes
galore. Finally determined to have
an end to matters, Winton applied
his Ingenuity, forced the issue and
i'Ih si, maied his elusive iiurry.
Then the trulh uinc about and the
mystery explained the gri wanted
to bo rare that the man who became
her bUSbftlld curried no "yellow
streak." There Is much of the
novelty in the presentation of "A
Stormy Knight," the Bluebird photo
play to be exhibited al the Liberty
Theatre en Sunday. June Iioth. with
Frniikhn Faruiim and llrownle Ver
nun Mie stair.. The outline of It
Header. I'litterson. N. J,: War
; bread Is nol tew I bier ; i. i
r .in It, i f v . I Ioa ard B. (Iro
i ho r B Poo i v t alnl I ra i Ion, points
i Hi the lai l thai thO children nl
il, m hi n i hay defended J ru sb fn
agalnsl siege, were advised by Ezek
lei to utilize means or supplementing
their wheat supply. That whs 2,400
years ago. Kzek. 4:9 tells us ho; tin'
prophet said to the defenders of, the
city: "Take thuju also unt Mice
wlteat, and barley, and bcun. and
lentlles, and millet and ritchjaf. and
and put them In one veaael, and make
thee bread thereof, accord I inresxagte
number of the days that thou shalt
lie upon thy side, three hm lr-d and
ninety days shalt thou eat thereof."
Ills Instructions were In effect that)
dining the siege they were no longer
to ho aide, to make the bread with
pure wheat, hut would have to mis it
with nil kinds or grains and v. gej
ble . Which are not ordliiarllv utllag
in making flou In
ue need. Eseklel, In ; J
i til) furnished a ri I
afar braid. Which la pretty n I
oide i in tance or the u imi 1 1,
knows or.
Tipton Is In town todn.
From thla date all account!. wi
the Burns Flour Mill, also the liurnr
Meat Market must be paid the rtret
or the month following purchase.
past due accounts now on the hooka
not settled bofore the ZOth of Jnty
will he placed :, the hands ol n coU
Lhc-Stnck Healer
Licenses Iteipilreil for Slocknnls nnd PlOl glTO but a mild bleu or its sur-
I prising details, and the cloud or
n ti ry Mint ohrottdl the various ex-j
, citing open (Ions lend an item of sus
I penee thai makes for the best ot on
a rederal license by every commor
ciai atockyard In the country which
is to continue In hostages after July
16, I IMS, and by all commission mer
chants ami o.alers In live stock In
connection with stockyards, Is requir
ed by a proclamation issued by the
Preeldenl The licensing proclama
tion Ii one of a BOrlea Issued by the
I'roHldent. under authority of the
Pood-COntro Ad or lust August,
bringing the dealing In necessities
under the control of the Federal Mov
ri;isiivi,.i;n mm im ii
Is expected
to arriv troui Portland next Monde)
io take a position as bookkeeper In
the ! . -t National Hank
Joe Morris Is up from Narrows r
. 00 business. HO slates his DOlgh-
( liorhood is cheerfully complying With
the food administration request In
re pot t to wheal flour
Itov C Moullen has recently taken
charge of the repolr department of
the Lanipshlre Murage and that shop
is a scene of activity. Mr. Shin-man
j has retired troin the business
of home
ft 4. 4. 4-ZZZZZft
! Sustaining
You must have it if you keep up
with the present big drive
You i't this if you Imiv antl put oui
Fresh, Pure, Full-strength
eyo l M.srcui'iii;
nig im our si ore
nit' initio il value
A I ii'csi'jit prices of grocsries,
afford to accept inferior articles.
Our splendid, carefully selected stock insures
osrainst tltis
Farmers Exchange
Mel down to ii .
canned prod mn
a row of filled i e ion ins. jar i
i good defen e again -1 m Inter
sii rllised, aenled, ! the c n
"S's'' of borne
S. 0. 8 Sterilize on w .!
other way ol aaytng "boll th
Jam or imit i and i gi I ibli they
will keep perfect I
The useful life ot preaerrlng
Jar filled In siinimer, ready by fall,
emptied In winter hungry to
more food nexl spring and summer
A wooilen false bottom In a bome
i mining outfit is a raft that keep Iota
of perishable rood rrom helm: lost.
An all-round good thing for the
Nation a rubber ring on a gUSOI I
Ing Jar.
A fourth Moor apartment i a fine
puce to produce a canned garden
Pereons of orery level should oan, j
the family In the top flat us well as
the dweller III the bungalow.
Vou don't need even a foot r
earrn to ra se a conned garden in
ruct the leea dirt the better in home
The colors or tlio a lara ot canned
ami preserved prodneta pul o aerrloe
emblem In your kitchen.
Brighten the corner In thai kitchen
l u-.ih canned beana, fruit i,
Wuston I-'. Shields, pastor.
Preaohlng at it a. m. Bobjecti
liilngs That Try Our Calth "
Sunday school al 10 a. m.
Preachlna at 8:10 a. m. al Mm
homo of Mr Croea In the Hllvles Val
ley, ami us a coiiseiiuen, e no preach
ing ill Mie evening lore
I'rayenii.etlni: at sen P M eery
On nexl Sunday morning, June ::n.
tin re will lie baptl n .ii at rvi i , All
parenta who desire to present iheir
chlbllen for bspl I 01 DM do SO a I
thi., aervlcs
Page 's Sweet Sh op
Cigars, Cigarettes ai d Tobacco,
Confectionery and Ice Cr am
Vou will ulwa.vH Bud Al onr store the purest c
confectionery and the i)est grades of ice cream;,
Clean tallies and lean I aste? .we CUter lo jmi
1 ieulai people.
We Carry the Only Stock of FRESH FRUITS and
VEGETABLl S in town
M.tKKKT i 1 I i i :
The cini) Cafe, Lee'a place, i go
ing to tune int.. the rooma waeated
by Pagl I Bweel Shop next to Craw
I'or Sale Morses, saddle ani work
aiilmuis, also Jersey cow and calf and
Jersey betters, ut bedrock prices.
Mrs. K. J. Newell, Narrows, Oregon.
i une 25, i ! 1 1
I '.v.'ii a Ugh I i im ol cattle tot
bead . and a omi aral Irelj i gbl
run on Monday of lunu beal the
market is abowlag on Iderablo llfo,
i.nrythiiig told readily yesterday,
the mark't closed In a st.-..i heal
thy conditions Quotatiens: it, me
steers III. 00 111.09; Mood to choice
ateera 111. 09-111.00; Uedluni to
good steers $ ! till (l.(j ; Kair to
in- i'uiii si.-,.r-i S.909.90; Common
to fair steers $r,.oti lg.90; Choice
ledws S heif.Ts 18.60-99.09; Medium
to good cows i heifers $ti 0091 B0;
I'air 10 medium cows S heifers t fl
19.69; Ciinners 99.00-94. SO; Hulls
l 99 l "ii. calve, tM ?l 1.69;
Stoekeri and feodera 17.09-19.90,
Hog recelpta yesterday il'co. today
Jen The quality of hogs coming to
market al this time Is averaging
good to i holoe and are in good ile
maud, everything helling n mllly al
teed) prices. Quotatiens: Prime
... 1. ...1 Oil A 0 1,' .-... I I ,
.,,. .. .i-i.i.i-f, i,.iumi ni-avii
Ir6.g0-918.T6; ligs 16.69-16.76;
Hulk 119.60.
i he slu ep market Im ...,.., :,, ,.,
ing a lower i,.,. i conform IMi
the g moral run or lummer prlcee,
and al Mils time all , offerings are
eady, Recelpta yeeterdai 1900, tot
day I97S, Quotatiens: Fast of thai
.Mountains lambs 19, (0-114. 00; Val-'
ley laintis iii.00-lg.60; Yearlings
17.60-IS.OO; Wethers 7. 00-17.60;
Kwoh $5.00-17.00.
fr fit v ' 8lv
- iHlll-illl Willi Mb Ms ,l -r-fL fggggl ' iggr 4LV
CS m, If I ' n i ear i ' . '. 0M TA
I Hill llioiiev eilll fW JP iLr tCTMci Iryu'l 4
VOU fan t WZ flJtl ijiftgLi Jk a&BSKBxBBBE& ii
9 n gm y.
,, m laBBLUEBlPL.Ofirs Ii
mj brownie'vernon B
l Wll m CTftHMV KNIfaUfl 11
a .
Sunday Night's Feature at The Liberty. Theatre.
w. T. LIS I KM
Inland Empii e Realty Co.
Building and Farm jLoans Made Direct
Farms and Ranches
Fire Insurance
OIBce Phone 8-1 IO
Life Insurance
Resident Phone G-90 and G-43
Agents for WRAY'S STAGE
Members Barns Commercial Club
Sunday, June 30th
Bluebird Feature
'Stormy Knight'
Usual Nestor Comedy
S; H ciul lei t ii'i- ft r
'ior.eer Day, July 3rd .
"Battle of Gettysburg"
Big Double Feature July 4th
'In The Wake of The Hun '
"Stars and Stripes in