Live LOQO TMKMq 4Da4RY ROBERTS I3NEHTfo - -.--''avrTrsZ&Y TTftf (MM'WVi- c -ii.Htfl MlAlUVKbt cvrvtrs&r.i tvurr returns AVHtAtrr nc lender rntiii. li.v chance," Mild the ooncrrR ililn this hrnvi- veteran" he glanced iitemptnotMljr m tba hwiiiiiii Bgnra iliu chair- "has cuuia aeroaa an "ill iisnge, iin' one which rumor im said ) undtr Hi.- city wall, nml fur which hav ul dUtemil times Instituted .ll'l'll." ll' PQUMd to i'.i' III" worth wclirht. 'Hint they wi'i-i' of rapragM Interest r.miil in- mill by tin of i In- committee. "The entrance is concealed nt the I iae of the old Onto of the Moon. Our ''.iiid here follow oil It. nml reiinrls fit In pood condition. For u nillo or ilierOnhnuts It follows l he litn- of the destroytd wnll. Then It Igoea to the palace Itself." "Into the palace?" "By a flight of stairs. wnll, to a door In the roof which was locked carried bom with turns mid Inside the This door. i he opened. having him. The door he WIIH hut describee as In the tower. As it : --lit, he could not see clearly, the roof nt that point h flat." "Stand up, Adelbert." said the lender Kluirply. "This that our comrade tells i- Hue?" "ii is true, excellency." "Shown a dhiKniui of the palace, could yon locate this iloorV" nlil Adelbert stared arm. til him I . Ti.'hssiy, it wjis done now. Not li ng thai he COtlld say or refuse to my would change that, lie nodded. When, toon after,-a chart of the palace m placed on the table, he in- II'1 I '. 1 -" 4 ' iicrc." lie olisi'i ,cil, 'In,, there are lew i lump's." "We have built no ureal bulldtaga," -n iii Uettllch iiiuiuiy. "Wins iuiM ii ii us no inoney. laajesty, for building!" That being a closed mail, on to peak, Karl tried another. "The crown prince motl bo quite n lad," ha experimented. "He was a babe in arms, then, but frail, I thought" "He Is sturdy now." The chancellor erantkg forward ; relapsed Into watchfulness. "Before 1 see the Prtnceaa iirdwic." Karl niade another attempt, "it mlghi be will to tell tile bow she feels nIh.iii thing. I would like to reel that the irosiect Is at least not tllsngrccnhlc to her." The chancellor was not listening. There was trouble iihead. It had come, then, after all. He muttered sonic- hlnc behind his gray tnustnehe. Ths horses stopped, as the crowd suddenl) closed In front of them. "Drive on!" he said angrily, and the conchmnn touched his whip to the horses. Hut they only reared, to he Kin sped at the bridles by hostile hands ahead. Karl half rose from his seat. "Sit still, majesty," said the chancel lor. "It Is the student.". They will talk, that Is all." But It came perilously near to lin ing a riot. I. id by some students, pushed by others the crowd sur rounded the two oarriagee, first mut tering, then yelling. A stone was hurled, mid etrucll one of the horses. Another dented the body of the car riage Itself. A man with a handker chief tied over the lower half of his face mounted the shoulders of twi companions, and harangued the crowd. They wanted no friendship with Knr nla. Were they to lose their national existence? He evborteil them mn.'lx through the handkerchief. A babel of his hand lo her, touched it lightly with her lips. They were ipille cold, l-'or .lust an Instant their eyes mei. li was, on the suilaee. all unliable and uiiiii I. a party. llcilwlg had taken up her position by n window, and was i tin pit itoui Ij silent, Behind her were (He sol i rtng nf stiver ngnth! i china, i1 iintcaa' gtty tones, Karl's sunva on.s. nssuinlng gravity, as he luipilreii asi to his majesty's health; il.o Ar. lulii.'li.'ts Anliuiit lain pretend ing n Kollellude she did not feel. Ami all forced, all artificial. "(irauduiotlier," lledwig whispered from her window to the austere old bronze Bgurc, in the jilnec, "wna It like this Wflth you, at lll'sl? Old you shiver win ii he touched your hand? Viol tioean't n mailer, after a year?" "Very feeble," said the arcliiluchcNs' oi, e, behind liei . "bin s.. brave i ..ii o i s all " "lie bus Im.l ii long mid conspicuous iii er," Km i ubaerved. "ii is nd, but e 111 US) nil come to II. I hope he will ne able lo see me." "Hedwlgl" said her mother, nhar ly, "your tea Is getting old." Hedwlg turned toward the room. I.lsilossiiess gave her an added dignity, a new charm. Karl's eyes flamed as he watched her. Been her coldness appealed to hint. He had a feeling that the coldness wns only a young gill's armor, that under ll was n deep ly passionate woman. The thought of Being her coma to deep, vibrant life In bis anus t In llletl lilui. When he carried her ten to her, ha bent over her. "House 1" he said. "Try to like me. I " "I'm sorry." Hedwlg said quickly. "Mother lias forgotten the lemon." Knrl soiled and, shrugging his shoulders, fetched the lemon. "Bight, now?" he inquired. "And aren't we going to have a talk together?" "If you ,m-i it, I dare say we shall." ".Majesty, ' said Hilda, frowning Into her teacup, "I see a nuirrlage for you." She Ignored her mother's scowl. and tilted her cup to examine It. "A marriage I" Karl joined bar, and peered With mock anxiety at the tea grouuda, "Strange thai my fate should be confined Iii so small a com- A bnpl'.N marriage? Which am Yes, be It looks rather It There," He Said Thickly. I'li'iited the locution of the door with a trembling forefinger. "It is there," he l thickly. "And' may Hod forgive .' for the thing I have done!" CHAPTER XV. King Karl. "They love us dearly!" said King il. I The chancellor, who sat beside him ; in the royal carrlas:e. shrugged his sli'Hiblers. "They have had little rea son to love. In the past, majesty," he kald briefly. Karl luughed, and watched the ' crowd. He and the chancellor rode alone, Karl's entourage, a very modest one, following In another carriage, j 'I here was no military escort, no isuup. Ii laid been felt unwise. Karl, (taylug : i.Hi'iislhly a visit of syinalhy, liud nine unottlclally. The chancellor was not so cnltn as hi appeared. He had lined the route : li'.ui the station to the online with hlv n ; hud prepared for every eontiu icy so far as he could without cull- , out the guard. Ah the carriage. li.iwn by Its four chestnut horses. M'd slowly along (be streets, his l under their overhanging Ihalch '.re w niching ahead, searching the uif for symptoms of unrest. Anger he saw In plenty, and -plclou. Scowling faces ami frown i.g blows. Hut us yet there was no order. He sut with folded arms. ngnlficenl in his uniform beside Karl. Iio wore civilian dress and looked ess royal than perhaps he felt. And Karl, too, watched the crowd, ling Its temper mid feigning uu in ifferencfl he did not feel. Olga Loa- ii.k had been right. He did not want rouble. More than that, he was of a age now to crave popularity. Many f the measures which had made him loved in his own land bad no higher in pose than this, the smiles of the owd. Ho be watched and talked of different tiling. "It Is leu yvura atpaa I have bean i A Babel of Babel Noise, of Swinging Back and Forth. noise, of swinging hack and forth, of mounted police pushing, through lo surround the carriage, of cries and the dominating voices of the student demagogues. Then at last a semblance of order, low muttering, an escort of police with drUHii revolvers around the carriage, and It moved abend. Through It all the chancellor had sat with folded arms. Only bis livid face told of his fury. Karl, too, had sat Im passive, picking at bis small mustache. Hut, as the carriage moved on, he Bald: "A few moments ago 1 observed that there hud been few changes. liut there has been, I perceive, after all, a great change." "One cannot Judge the many by the few, majesty." Hut Karl only raised his eyebrows. In bis rooms, removing the dust of his Journey, broken by the automobile trip across the mountains where the two railroads would some da meet, Karl collect e.l on the situation. A dual monarchy, one portion of it restless and revolutionary, was less desirable than the present pcucc mid prosperll) of Kamle. And unrest was contagious. He might tin. I himself In u difficult loslllon. He glanced about his rooms, in one of them I'rluce Hubert bad met bla ib'aili. Il was well enough for Melt llch to say the few could not speak for the many. It took but one man to do a murder, Karl reflected grimly. Hut when he arrived for tea in the archduchess' white drawing room be was urbane and smiling. He kissed the hand of Hie archduchess and bent over lied wig's with a Hash of while teeth. Then be saw Olga Loschnk, and bis sniUa,. stiffened. The countess came 'orwerd. epetated. aud a b etnd4i I hiss ; IV" "The long yellow leaf. happy. I'M you may shocked w Inn I tell you." "Shocked V" "I think." said Hilda, grinning, "that you are going to marry me." "IMightful!" "And we are going to have" "Hilda!" cried the archduchess fret fully, "Iio stop that nonsense and let us talk. I was trying to recall. Ibis morning," she said to Karl, "when you lust rlSlted Us." She l.n.w II quite well, hut she preferred having Karl think she had forgotten. "It wus, 1 believe, Just before Hubert " "Yes," said Karl gravely, "Just be-' fori .'' "' ntii was a baby then." "A very small . Iill.l. I remember' that I was ii fin ill to handle him." "lie Is a curious boy, old beyond his years. Bather a little prig. I think, lb bus an English governess, and she has Bade him quite a little woman." Karl laughed, but lledwig Hushed.; "lie Is not (hat sort at all." she lie- I dared stoutly. "He Is lonel and- and rather pathetic. The truth Is that no "lie really cares for him. except " "Except Captain Lariacbl" said the archduchess smoothly. "You and he, Hedwlg, have done JPOOf best by him, surely." The hit of byplay was not lost on Karl the sudil'li stiffening of Hed wlg's back, Olga's narrowed eyes. Olga had been right, then. Trust her for knowing fuels when they were dis. agreeable. Ills eyes I.e. nine set and watchful, lima, too. had any noticed. Then' were ways to deal with such a situation, of course. They were giv ing 10 in this girl to secure their own safely, and she knew It. Had he not bciii so uind about her he might luue pitied her, hut he felt no pity, only a deep and resentful deteruiluation to get rid of Nikky, mid then to warm her by bis own lire, lie might have to break her Ilrst. After that manner had many queens of Karula come to the throat, He smiled behind his small mustache. When tea was almost over, the crown prince wna announced. He came In, rather nervously, with bis bunds thrust In his trousers pockets. He was very shiny with soap and water and bis hair was still damp from parting. In bis tailless black Jacket, his long gray trouse B, and his round Kton collar, be looked like a very anxious little schoolboy, and not royal nt all. Graftings over, and having re quested thai his tea he half milk, with four lumps of sugar, he curried his -up over beside Hedwla;, and sat down on II chall Followed a short silence with the archduchess busy with the tea tilings Olga Lnschck watching Karl, and Karl Intently surveying the erown prince. 1'erillmiud William otto, who disliked a silence, broke II Ilrst. "I've Just taken aft my winter linn nets," he observed. "I feel very m.M.ili and nice underneath." I lil. in giggled, hul lledwig reached over aud stroked his arm. "Of course vou do," she said gently. "Nikkj." continued I'rluce William nt... stirring his tea, "does not wear any llaiiuels. Miss Ilrultbwalle thinks Ue Is very careleas." King Karl's eyes gleiuned with iiiiiiseinciit. He saw the Infuriated 'ace of the archduchess, and henl toward the crown prince with enrueat neaa. "Am a matter of fact," be said, "rtnec vou hsve Mentioned til sub- (To be continued) Between the requirements of more wheat for the allies and more money to support the army Uncle 8am must continua to tighten bis belt and loosen the straps of bis pocketbook. Jecl, I do not fcenr any either, Your 'Nlkky' and I seem most surprisingly to have the snine tastes ah. ml various thing.." "io you like dogs?" Inquired the crown prince, much Interested, "lings! Why, yes. I lime quite a number of doj ." "I should think It would be ii'ivr lo have ii' I one dog. ami he very fond of II. Hut I suppose l hey would cat a great deal. Do you believe in love ni Aral night t" "Olio!" Mid the archduchess, ex tremely shocked. lie tattled to her apologetically. "I was only trying m tin. I out how many things he mid Nlkky agreed ulioul," he explained. "Nlkky believes In love at first sight. He sayn II Is Hie only real kind of love, because hie Isn't a tiling you think mil. You only feel it." The nrc'idti. boss met Karl's eyi.s. "You nee; she said. "Hut It Is sound doctrine," Karl ob served, bending forward it iii I with n slanting glance at lledwig. "I quite agree with him again. And this friend of .oiirs, he thinks love Is the only thing lu the world, I dare say?" "Well, he lldliks u great deal of It. Hut be sayn Unit love of country cornea Ilrst. before anything else." The archduchess glanced at Hedwlg furiously. 'The girl had closed her eyes, and was sitting detached nnd pale. She would have liked to box her ears. Karl was no fool, and there was talk enough. He would hear It, of course. "Tell us about your pilgrimage, Otto." she suggested. "Well, I went," said the erown prince reflectively. 'We walked a long time, and It wns very warm. I have .quite a large hllsler. and the arch bishop had to lake his shoes off and walk lu his stockings, because his feet burl. No one saw. It was on a coun try lane. Hut I'm afraid It didn't do very much good.' lie drew u long breath. "No?" Karl Inquired. Slid. leiily the boy s chin quivered. He was terribly afraid he was going to cry Blgl look a large sip of lea, which chared his voice. "My grandfather is not any better," he said. "IVrhaps some one else should have gone I am not very good," he explained m Karl. "It ought lo be a vciy good person. He Is very sick." "Perhaps," suggested Karl mocking ly, with a glance at Hedwlg, "they should have sent this 'Nlkky' of yours." Aniiunclata stirred restlessly. She consuiereii tins ( ,,i Mkky in ex. i i able taste. "lie is not portlcularlj good." "h. so he Is not particularly good?" "Well, he thinks he Isn't. IP- says he do. slit Hud 1 1 easy to love Ills 'country more than anything m the world, for one Hung. And he .-mokes a great iiuiuy cigarettes." "Another taste In common I" Jeered Karl, lu his smooth, carefully ironic tones. Aliliiiuclala was in the last BtagSB of Irritation. There was no mistaking the sneer in Karl's olce. Ills smile wns forced. She guessed that he had heard of Nlkky LarlSCfa before, that, tnd I, he knew probably more than she did. Just what, she wondered, was there to know? A great deal. It one could Judge by lledwlg's face. "I hope yon are working hard nt your lessons. Otto," aha said, lu the severe lone which Otto had learned that most people use whin they refer lo lessons. j "I'm afraid I'm not doing very well, I Xante, Bui lvu learned the 'dotty j burg address.' Shall I say it?" "Heavens, no!" she protested. She ; had not the faintest Idea what the I "Gettysburg address'' wus. She I suspected Mr. (ihiilstoiie. The countess hint relapsed Into sil ence. A little hack from the family circle, she had watched the whole scene stonily, and knowing Karl M only a woman who loves sincerely nnd long can know a man, she knew the inner workings of bis mind. She aaw anger In the very turn of bis bend and sel of bis Jaw. Hut she saw more, Jealousy, and was herself hall mud with It. She knew him well. Slo- had her self, for years, held him by holding herself dear, by Hie very difficulty of attaining her. And now this ludlffer ent, white-faced girl, who might be his, Indeed, for the Inking, but who would offer or promise no love, was rousing him to the Instinct or posses sion by her very Indifference. He hud told her the truth, that night In the mountain l.n, It was Hedwlg he wauled. Hedv Ig herself, her heart, all of her. And, If she knew Karl, he would move heaven and earth to get I he thing he wanted. She surveyed the group. How little they knew what was In store for them! She, Olga Loschek, by the lining of a linger, could turn their smug superl orlty Into tears and despair, could ruin them and send lliein flying for sheltii to the very ends of the earth. Hut when she looked ut the lltlli crown prince, legs dangling, en 'lug his thin bread aud butler us ouly i hun gry small boy can eat, she shivered. Hy what means must she do nil this' By what unspeakable means 1 ' OUR WORK STICKS If you just want your car patched up. why most any tinker can satisfy you. If you want it REPAIRED, remade, built up to full auto efficiency, brintc it to us. We Don't Have To Do Our Work Twice -It Sticks When we give your car the once over and turn it out for service, you can bet your life it's ' "FIT" in shape to ";ive you satisfactory service. The longer our work sticks, the bigger adveatise mont it is for us. That's one reason we take pains. And then, we like to do the square thing. WVSolicit Your Patronage Roy C. 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