The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 29, 1918, Image 2

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    in nmroRMANca or ihtv
Mow many honi(s In this rountry
have alrendy becomi1 sadly familiar
Wliiwl flour nniHt ho navixl nnl
ninny of tlif RUbll(uli Mourn arn high
with thla phroH.-: It Hfoma to he hurl- , . . f,
d at them In a cold and unfeeling: ()mo and ,t h ju-t M UMtfu wheRt
manner by the military authorities
It la the sot phrase used In ainoun
.Ing the death. In the field of battle,
of a brave American boy who has
sailed three thousand miles at the
vail of "duty."
"Your ran died In the performance
of hla duty."
Mothers, lathers, do yon get only
sorrow from the message? Do you
not rather gather the aadly sweet
conviction that all Is well with the
brave soul who saw his duty and
went bravely to meet It played the
MAN to the end of the glorious. If
brief chapter?
And what shall we Hay of our
silvcs, we who wore not called to go
"over, there," yd wore culled to an
equally honored tank here al home''
Have we not "ditd" hut LIVID In
the performance of cltiM '.'" The boj
gvn all he bad his life. Ha pave
It like tho hero that he was. Are
we giving LIPB?
Think soberly for a moment. What
iloes It mean to give life for country?
It doesn't moan n dollar or two to
the Itod Cross and an auto for a
daughter. It doesn't moan five dollars
to the V. M. (. A. and a sealsklmoat
Of a diamond for mother. It doesn't
moan a fifty dollar liberty bond,
while wo buy another farm. What
DOBS, It moan'
"Ho DIK1) in he performance of
aubatltute aa many of the more ex
pensive commercial flours.
In addition to saving flour It saves
potatoes that might otherwise be
wasted. Potatoes do not keep Indef
initely, and annually many old pota
toes are allowed to sprout In the cel
lars and are ultimately thrown away.
The potato flour which can be made
from them keeps well, so by taking
time by the forelock and making tho
surplus stock of old potatoes Into
flour before tliey spoil you avoid the
waste of valuable food material.
How to Make Potato I'lour
It Is easy to make tho potato flour.
Wash Hie potatoes, boll until tender,
and remove the skins. Force, while
still hot, through a potato rlcer on to
drying trays. These trays may be
inaile of slats of wood covered with
cloth or wire screening hold in wood
en frames; Indeed. uii tray that will
let the air circulate Ireelv from iiii
(lerinalli gl well uh around the tray
may ho used. Clean cheesecloth
should he spread over It before rlclng '
the potatoes on the tray. Place the
loaded trays In tho hlust of air from
an electric fan, If you have one, or
In a warm oven with tho door ajur.
When completely dry. grind to the
desired fineness In u hand mill such
M is found In many hour's for grind
lug homegrown grain. A dotted mill
may ho u. d. or a foil lio;iiir, nsint;
the nut knife. If those .do rot yrlnrl
fine enough, rolling will: u rolling
. . I pin and sifting several tlOUH w IM I
It takes throe pounds of impeded
Official from Adjutant Ceneral's potato to make u little over hulf a
orfico 650 Morgan Building Port- .pound Of potato f!, so If you have
land, Oregon, ,,, ,1U ,,tlt..-K roe should reckon
All persons who can give coats careful tr. If von have ootatoea
tion In regard to any draft registrant llln, wm K l() .,,,, ,,(,rw,H(., nT,
unose status is effected bj the work then In the form of potato flour.
or light regulations, which become foo can use either the commercial
..e juij .. are par. .cuarty re ,,,, f!tlr r ,,. ,,m,.m; pro.
i.iested by the war Department to duet to greatly reduce the use of
" irbaat flour In cakee, cookies, and,
In fact, the regulations make It hrc-nd... a few recipes for the use of !
the duty of all cittaoDJ to report at I potato flour are given l.elow
once all facts which may come to
their knowledge concerning regis
trants who are Idle, or who are en
gaged In a non-productive occupation
or employment. This report should
be made to the nearest local draft
Persons writing or giving this la-1
formation in person need have no
I'-ar their names will be revealed,
tor the information will ho regarded
In this sense as strictly confidential.
Under the head of 'Idler,' who
v. Ill receive scant consideration from
the local hoards in their ro-classlfl-:
ution of such registrants who de- j
line to enter a useful occupation or
employment, the Government lists
such occupations as "gamblers of all
escriptlon and employes of race1
Battel and Poi.tto-rioiii' Muffin,.
I COD milk.
1 egg.
1 tablespoon shortening.
I tablespoon corn sirup
i cups barter flour.
It OOP potato flour.
1 teaspoon salt.
4 teaspoons haklng powder.
Chocolate Cuke.
"i cup fat.
" tablespoons sugar
1 cup corn sirup.
1 squares chocolate
Vi cup milk.
- eggs.
1 Mi rape potato flour.
4 teaspoons baking powder.
Ms teaspoon salt.
Cream fat and sugar; beat In corn
iraoaa ami nucKei snops. and for- rilI,, mt(.( chocolate, and volk of ,
tune tell, r,. clairvoyant . palmists ,.. slr, ,lry irctlcnts together J
i""1 th" l,h' und add alternately with the milk. '
And here are the regulations d- Fold In stiffly beaten white. Bake1
fining non-productive occupant! or in iaI or In utyere,
employment; Tll(. ,,.,, Kroull(l fl(Mir Bak- h.
"The employmenl or engagement I beet prodnet. potato atarra may he'
Ol any able-bodied registrant of mlH-J USe( j iu,.e f poUta riour, If one!
tary age in any of the following OO-jprefefO.
upatioiis or employments Is not suf
ilclently effective, in the prosent
iuergency, to Justify the postpone
ment of his call into military service, '
l otwlthstandlng he may have a late
order number and notwithstanding '
he may have been placed in Diana II,
III or IV on the ground of depend-
Sponge Cake
4 eggs.
9i cup sugar.
1 tablespoon lemon Juice.
Kill)- Of "2 lemon.
' teaspoon salt.
1 teaspoon bftktag powder.
rap potato flour. .
lient yolkos until light ami lemon
If America could have foreseen the
consequences she would never have
invented the submarine.
ncyjand all registrants engaged ai
. 1 1 1 1 . n- -ii-i. tr. Iti. anrn !--- - i... a 1 .
,nwHwaMnnirHau (oiored; add sugar graduallv and
and district bourds as engaged In continue heating. Add lemon
on productive occupations or em-, rlne, and whiles of eggs Helen until'
1 '"'me,lt: I stlfr. Pold In flour that has been lft-
l-ersons engaged in Die serving d with the salt Hake In a loaf 'or a
Of food and drink, or either, in pub- pan with u stem, for one hour In a
places, inc ludlng hotels ami social '' slow oven
"Passenger elevator operators ami
ttendtnts; tod door men, footmen,
irriage openers and other atten
dants in clubs, hotels, stores, upurt
ilent houses, office building! unci
bath ho nana;
"I'ersons, Including ushers and
Other attendants, engaged and occu
pied in and In connection with games,
-ports, and amusements, excepting
actual performers In legitimate con
i erts, operas, or theatrical perform
in ces;
"Persons employed in domestic
"Hales clerics and other clerks em
doyed lu stores and other mercan
tile, establishments."
The United States has made won
lorful advances in the dye Industy
' urlng the past year, ancHs mak
ing many dyes that were formerly
rocurecl from Germany. The Oer
nans, on the other hand, huve been
industriously dying lately.
o 1
The fact that a new star found am-
I de space and opportunity to appear
Huong the others and outshine muny
f them goes to prove that there is
always plenty of room at the top.
Rev. Lyman Brough, Pastor.
A eordlal invitation Is extended
to you to attend our services . The
hours of the service on the Sabbath
are as follews:
Preaching at 1 1 A. M.
Sabbath School at 10 A. M.
Young Peoples' meeting at 6:46
P. M.
Song service at 7:30 P. M.
Preaching at 8:00 P. M.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30
P. M.
Cor Miller and C. Sis.
Sunday High Mass at 10:30 o'clock
Week day Mass at 7 o'clock.
Instructions for children Satur
days at A. M.
Itev. Father Francis, O. F. M.
Tho truly patriotic family is cheer- A mother in Chicago had her son
fully raising a war garden and joy- arrested for evading the draft. She
fully canning tho products, didn't raise her boy to be a slacker.
o o
If you want results, get the mar- i Beans and onions and cabbage are
ine after the submarines. I allies of the Allies.
The Packer's Bill
for Live Stock
For the first six months of our operations
under the Food Administration, ending
April 30, 1918, Swift & Company paid for
live stock - 1,558,600,000 $323,800,000
For the same
period in 1917 1338300.000 $210,400,000
Increase in
Weight l6Vz 220300,000
in cost 54 - - - $113,400,000
The Consumer's
Bill for Meat
must necessarily have increased
correspondingly, as Live Stock
prices and meat prices fluctuate
When the producer gets high
prices for his live stock, the con
sumer's meat bill must neces
sarily be larger.
Itaegere of Constipation
Neglected constipation may cause
Piles, ulceration of the bowels, ap
pendicitis, nervous prostration, para
lysis. Don't delay treatment. Heat
remedy In Foley Cathartic Tablets
Do their work anrely, eeally, gently,
without Injury to atomach or Intea
tlnal lining. Contain no habit-forming
draga. Pine for fat folks. Sold
by Ileed Bros.
Had KMneya Laid Mian i ,.
A slight kidney Impairment mty
lead to dropsy or Brlght's ill neaaJ
Don't neglect It. Frank Miliar,
Bingham, Utah, writes: "I wa- troa.
bice" with my kindaeys so bad i Mini
not work. Tried many kinds oi medi.
cine which did see no good. Then
tried Foley Kidney Pills; now tt.
Ing aa good aa I ever did before."..
gold by Reed Broa.
Leaves BEND ot 7:46 a.m., arrive I'TUNS 7:00 p.m.
Leave BURNS at 7:00 a. m.. arrive BENI 5:00 p in,
FARE, each way $8X0
"o Pounds Baggage carried Free. Excess le per lb.
MetH all tniiiiH in Bend. Passengers Arrive ;it
Portland, from Hums, in 24 hours. Ian $16.05
Prompt attention given all sliipmeuts in our care,
Especially Perishable Consignments.
Inland Empire Realty Company, Agents
r i
Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts aent on request.
Address Swift St Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
Talking to You!
VoU man with a (iOoi) Car von want to
keep it good' tltiii'l you'.'
The way to do that is always t give ft the
attention it needs AT THE TIME IT IS NEEDED.
We are ready at all iim'K day r night to
attend to your needs. We have the most competent
mechanics to he secured, and guarantee that your
ear will never he "butchered."
Supplies and Accessories for All The
Popular Makes.
The upkeep of your car will not he such a
burden if yon will let us keep it up to its work.
Universal Garage Co.
. ,
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company oregon
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
Walk Over Shoes
Stetson Hats
Bon Ton Corsets
Wc c n rr goods advertise! cm tin. "Moane I'mductK !'"
Acknowledged the standard Army Shoe
on the Coast and small wonder :
"Extra Service Every Sttp
Comfort Every Minute"
That's why it is being worn by
thousands of men in all walks of
OH ice Men Hikers Motormen
Attorneys Farmers Conductors
Physicians Orclisrditts Hunters
Look for the name Buochivht
stamped on the sole of every Shoe
The Labor Problem
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of the farm labor problem
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you. Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the gee-whiz to the -farm tractor, we have all
the new labor-saving machinery. We want to show you
how easily you can not only keep up your regular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.
1 1