iPuHWiilUflWWWN BMoVggMgaHMswMgBlMggnlSMHBi V... Gambling with Destiny Spending your income us you imply gambling with destiny ami odds against you. to train. make it is with nil the Yon stand nil to lose mid none Systematic Saving even though small, if ooneietnnt, eliminate the element of chanco aud establishes your future on h basis ol certainty. This bauk desires to co-operate with voir in building on this basis. VVe have unusunl facilities for promoting the interest of our customers, First National Bank Burns, Oregon Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED The Times-JIerald Hat The Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. SATURDAY, JUNE 22. 191S Local IvT(w ." (tins Slzemore wan In town Thurs day on business. Four-horse power KiilrbankM-Morse gas engine for sale. Call at this of-lie. Dewey Iv'iiIiIiisiiii Iiiim returned home, from Portland where he had been attending school the past your. Frank Clerf la In (own on business. Ilitrrv nml .link Wither were In (own vcHicnliiy for a short (line. Mr. nml Mrs. It Malum "r" I" town Iumi .Mi'n. fin'' I'"., mn ;. ('. B. Hunii was over ftom Silver I'lfi'k for ii short visit during Mm week. (leu. linker anil ('hurley I.utton were over from Drewsjjy lad MOD day. Clarence Cnry was over from hi Inline on ('rune Creek the fore pint of IIiIh week. For Halo IQO ocres of uruln liny. Cnnie a once anil Me Mrs. K. J. Nmv ell. Several of our local boj coi tt w piaie votnntooring for army service in the near future, .FnnicM Yoiiiik 'i i n i J. w Deris ire in the i it on some inmi but! These gentlemen arc Iwn 0( our suh i lam la I sheep growers. "ClOOOd on account of sickness" Is a sign observed on a CIiIchko drug at ore. We hud always HUipoHed Hint sickness waa the very lliiiiK thai kept the drug stores open. James I'aul and family and italph Weaver, cashier of the Crane Stale Bank, were In the city yesterday look- I tin; after some business affairs and visitliiK with rrleiidH. thk ratST NATIONAL hank ok BURNS. CAPITAL AM) HI'HPl.l'H glOO.OWt. "THK HANK THAT MAKKrt VOlll $ S S KAFK." ACCOlNTH INVITKI). Dun Jordan, who formerly reoldod In the Luwen country, hut now u re- Hldent of Malheur County, was In IIiIh city Thursday on business anil greeting former friend. Frank JoIiiihoii wa. here ii part of this week. making IIiIh his head ijiiiutiT.-i while looking :iftcr bttOlMM for the Orcgor & Western Coloniza tion Co. lie has gone bt'.ck to Prlne vllle. Mrs. TIioh. Cleveland and her son Victor were over from their home near Van the fore part of this week. rin visited Mrs. Cleveland's father. It. J. Mi KIiiiioii. and also with roll lives .mil friends in this i Ity, Lester Hamilton Is tip ranch home mar lienlo. from his HIUIIIUUboj' b Lady waiter wanted at the star Restaurant in t n in city. ltiiriuinii Clay was iip from, crane lay. MrH. LIomI Johnson and her dan ghlors were in town TuoHiliiy. For Huriis. Sale- 40 Hen J. J, acres adjoining Dnucgail. Wm. Dunn and his noil town Thursday on buainea were In Two Ajax Ford tires new, for sale at a bargain. Farmers Exchange. M. H. Smith and family spent a few days at Juntura the fore part of thin week. Regular customers desired for milk and cream. l'hone John Caldwell residence. Remember the men in our Army and Navy do not expect luxuries Should we at home expect them? liny necessities and War Savings Stamps. For Hale 8eed wheat, Early Baart or Little Club. DO day oats. All tanned and ready to seed. P. 8. Welttenhlller. Mrs. Allen Jones returned this week from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Malum, at her Anderson Valley home. Hank Felton and family will take their departure next week for the big Trout Creek ranch of McDade lllggs, near Denlo, where they make their home. Albert Altuow alid famllv were "' r "'"" ,h"lr """" "" " rrH',k ! .i- rurgu took his departure .luring this week, guest, a. th bona ,.,..,.,,., v ,.,,. f()r portUnd and "r lll,,,lllM- I other outside poinis. lie will join ins ianiii ai i i. time (jrove ror a sin. . I visit before engaging actively ill some ..ii- work. II. J. Williams was among our visitors from Silver Creek during the week. For Hale- Complete well drlllng DUtflt. For particulars Inquire of io. Cobb, Hums, Oregon. Seth iHxnn. a retired stockman or Crook County, was In ihls city for a short visit during tha week. I ii ei grlei and enduring pridl tor N nirli .i n li'iniei with the i usual- ly lists. Mrs. W. K. Huston retiirneil home i nth in, in a visit with relative.! and friends in Boise and Welser. Mrs. J. L. (iault expei ts to leave the first of next week for I'm Hand to visit for a short time and take a rest. Do not forget that War Savings Stamps are .not for the children only. Most of the squandering Is done by Ihe grown-ups. There Is a meeting of the farmer and stockmen at the Commercial Club this afternoon to dicuns muliml bona filial subjects. When von buy Wur Savings Stamps vou do not give your inoiiev. yon loan It at 4 per lent, compounded quarter ly. You help your Cioveriimeiit. hut you help yourself even more. Sum Mothereuaod was oloctad director In the Burns school district at the annual election held Monday and W B. Ilusion Clerk. Both suc ceed thoouwlvoa. Netice: All persons knowing them selves Indebted to I. Schwartz, are requested to settle their accounts heforc June 1st on that date all unpaid in i minis win i,e given to a colli i lor. niinirann!' 1 liL - .t jajgyiv- '" '" "' f'liiiitiiwiiumiimysaaaajajMM '1 , it. a flMMagWiwnrwmiMHHiiwiwmnTn.qin in; ji ,t mB m m Is HI WE SELL War Savings Stamps Save and Serve United States Depositary Harney County National Bank jy Burns, Oregon YOUR HOME INSTITUTION ii Morn Wednesday, June 19, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mrasswell, a sori. O. B, Thompson was In town Wed nesday on business. J. W. Iluihanan was In town the other day. Keceut rains In the mountain re-' gioua will Improve the range condi tions very much. Scott and Potfl Haley were up from their Ik. me near Malheur Iake Thursday. n.i-asionul showers are most Wei-i Tom Allen was In town for a te dajn this week. I). It. Thorn was over from Sll Creek Thursday. Starr Huckland and family n town Thursday for a hort tlnv re id Jack Craddock Is greeting his man old time friends in this city. Mrs. David Craddock Is in Hi today from her Sllvies florae. nty ' nine and they at Unisphere even If help crops much. least cool the at not sufficient to THK FIHHY NATIONAL HANK OF III ltS. CAPITAL AND HI lll'l.t H IUKMM0. "TIIK HANK III At MAKLK VOI K s s . HAI ::." ACCOI.N1H IXVITKIt. America Is thrilled by the exploits, of her troops on the Murne. she will keep her enthusiastic feelings, and after the war Is over will tell them to the marines. i Your common sense will loll you that you cannot buy now all the things you bought before we had a war to win. Your buying must be restricted and your savings Invested In War Savings Stamps. Ri Moullen I i arrylng one . in .i ling, lie rut i uiiicth'iiK In it the ' i other ,i.i, ui'd it becoma Inflamed t Povad 13caHbre WlBchoator uch an extent that ho found It nacaa- rifle, In taojwet bnuh bach of tha r It 10 protOJt It from; public icbOOl bitildlng. Owner may "'' "Kht. I have -,iine bj coining to this offioo, proving the property and paying for Mr. and Mrs. (laud Hrown have moved to the C C- Lundy residence near the river where they will re side during the summer months. Mr. I.unilv and family are going to make an extended tour during the warm months. Lost A saddle horse est rayed from Jack Creek (his spring. Hay in color, branded ( It on left stifle, saddle marked, weight about 900 lbs. Howard for his recovery or informa tion leading to his recovery. M. S. Davies, Narrows. Oregon. W Ii. Morrison WM semi nit the i this morning and said we were a little partial with our rain as It failed in reach his place Ha n i got some .of It thai s coming' t Ills alter I noil. C B Tulloi h whs over from Cut low tba other daj making proof on his laud He was assisted bv W. It this notice, I'nti.s eoning up from the Potior Swamp section yesterday afternoon following the rain state that It was more than a passing shower In that pari Of Ihe country It was slmlpy a torrent. This harder rain storm pre vailed on to the east of this city and Van Kmbree and his mother are uj from Sunset today. Judge J. I'. Kector. who was an1 inmate of the Haines hospital h i his City for the greater part of tin- win ter, is aide to he nut on the thaae days conversing with his friends. Jndge Hector has hud tron- hle wiih an old hurt on his lee, but is Improving and glad to be out a are his old time "Cronies." to have him. A girl friend of Hill Young, sun of Mr. and Mrs. (leo. W. Young of tliit illy, has Just received a card from him stating that he is In service, lim ing enlisted from l'luinas County; California. He Is in a cavalry ion- pany stationed at Monterey, but he had heard ft intimated they would Ilyrum who stat hat Tullocfa had I1"0 to ""' "or,n- " " ,,,4 rtallv oeul1 DO moved to the Mexican border soon. C. A. Harlan and family arrived home last Saturday evening from an extended visit to 1'ortland and Wil lamette Valley points. Since his re turn Cy has taken a position with Hie Inter-Mountain Tel. ft Tel. Co. as bookkeeper. KFAVAItl) S2A.OO To party find ing pair of rather light bay Mares, one weighing about 1300, the other 1 2 50 ; branded with laity K on right Walton Brown was over from tlfle; foretops have been roached Drewaey the other day. We are In-j but Krown 0ut five of six Inches; formed that this young man Is among I should have colts with them. Phone those called In the next draft and Is making necessary changes In his business affairs to enable him to go when called. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Miller are here from Medford guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson. Frank owns one of the best producing farms welcome. or wire me, collect, Payett, Idaho. J. H. HANIOAN. Sheriff Payette County. Thus Hprague took his departure Tuesday for Portland where he hopes to secure employment either In the j ship yards or on contract work. Tom is a good uiei lianlc and will make good wherever he Is placed on wood work. Mrs. Hprague remained at the home in this city. Miss Martha Hanley arrived home from Portland last Saturday after noon after an extended visit In that city and other points In Western and Southern Oregon. She was accompa nied by Miss Jocelyn Burke, who will spend an Indefinite time with Miss Hanley and other friends In Ihls county during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith hoper oned Blanch Ooodman, Marjorle and Gladys Byrd on a trip to Myrtle Park for a few days this week to enjoy the fishing. Harry has been assisting in I H. H. Thompson, of Hardin, Mon tana, was In to see us this morning. He and Mrs. Thompson have driven through from Montana lii their in this neighborhood but depends on i the N. Brown A Son store but as he rrB,"l,m ,ar "" B,p ' uie to Prill, l.i I I,, iuh,.a tl..... I....... . ...... ...... Home one else to do the work on will have to take charge of his mall mmw " mmwm i""- It. He comes In to see his friends I contract the first of next month he i almost every year and he Is always decided to take a short vacation be fore beginning his new duties. Prolonging Human Life! In the effort to lengthen the span of human ex istence, every availab'e resoutc? in Nature's store house is utilized. These must be classified and system ized and ready for use. This is the work of the chemist. The intelligent handling of this vat store of reme dies, under the direction of your physician, devolves on Your Druggist We employ none but competent graduated pharmacists. The Rexall Drug Store REEJ BROS., Props. I i prayed for another rain and It ar rived hut was ao little that It did no good. Joe .Martin, an uncle of Archie Mc- ' I (iowan. formerly a resident of this section, was here for a short visit the I other day while en route through In company with his son Louis. Mrs Savldge of Crane, is a daughter to Mr. Martin. J. W. Biggs and Water Master ' Foley returned Saturday night from 0 trip to the southern part of the county, i In former on business In 1 mine, tion with Ills land and stock Interests in that vicinity, the latter on official duties In connection with the use of water. F.st rayed Two sorrell geldings, one branded 0 N on left shoulder, the other O on right shoulder, the latter with one eye out, collar marked and weight about 1200 lbs. Both are gen tle aged horses. A suitable reward will be given for their recovery or for Information leading to their being found. Address W. K. Stratton, care Ptirington Sawmill, Burns, Oregon. Dot I'avis end family came over from Riverside Wednesday after the sheep shearing plant had closed down. After a short visit with home folks they left Friday morning In a Ford car for Idaho points where they will loin Mr. and Mrs. Heche anil the and Kvelyn llyrd arrived no Tues- i , fo,KH w, ,.,,,, to ,,,. un. day evening rrom Seattle where they had been In school. Miss Agnes was a benefit to the crops. Hill Is well kiiowg here perty Interests. He Is a former ac iiiuiuianoc of J. K Weston, who used to live In that part of the country. The Misses Jean Cook, Agues Foley Bone and Brawn You can't build and keep up the bodily powers witnout the most nourishing foods. Frtr the worker, in whatever Ifne, nothing t'gtu excel one of our InxciooH, juicy Hums, Sh;uluVrn, r u savory strip of Breakfast Bacon. Greatest Reduction In Fancy Meats Ever Offered The followinj I undent at the Holy Names Acade i ray, the other two young ladles at- tending the slate 1'nlveralty. Char I ley Foley and Newton llotchklss ! brought them In from Bend, having left here Sunday morning In the Fol ey car for that purpose. til the dose of the season. They ex pect to wind up their activities In Montana and will then tour the Yellow Stone Park before returning to these parts. It.v. W. F. Shields and School Supt. Frances Clark made a trip to the i)eulo county thlo week, the for mer to sneak at a community nlriiic Mrs. Frank Sheehan has gone to at the Catlow ranch on Tuesday after-j prices are available for a Limited Time ONLY Premium Bacon, per lb. Shield Bacon, per lb. Oxfords Bacon, per lb. Hams, per pound 45c 45c 38c 36c nun rrauclsco to on her hiii,umi who was with a recent contingent of draft boys to leave this county for an army camp. He Is located at the Presidio. Mrs. Sheehan was accom panied by Miss Ksther Hug hot who goes to spend a few weeks with rela tives and friends lit California but expects later to prepare herself for duty Ik the army or ggvy. noon, and the latter In her capacity as chairman of the War Savings Stamp committee In a campaign of ' education leading lo the pledge day. j Uev. Shields preached In Catlow Val ley upon his return and Mrs. Clark talked Thrift. Both state the trip was quite successful and satisfactory al to results. Burns Cash Store