OltUMl TO SHOW rAINK in nil olhor iK'xt of kin If any nurh ' to untrt minor children, thiit It l BM there be, and to nil pomoim Inter-' nniiry and H)MHMl iilnl would 1" IN TllK COUNTY COURT OF TH1C 1TAT1 QF ORMON, COUWT1 OF IIAKNKV. in the natter ol the Guardianship of Viva Oarrett and Nova Oarrttt, Minors. To J. v. Oarrett, Mutiio Norrle, Murv T. White. Theododa Cave. Laura McLaln, Florence HcrunK " eeted or ( lalinlng to bo latere itart In the entitle ol' mnli minor child ran; IN TllK NAMK OK THU STTK dl' ORBOON ; When an, II has I beneficial to laid Minor Children i iint iu ii real proper! r i hould be Hold ; IT tl I'lllll .l:, .H!'l !M il Ol .11. Ill lnforr thin conri on Moudaj Hi'' NOTH'K OF Ol AltlHANH IALI OW ItK.AI, PBOPHRTt 111:1.11' in ainioar to the Court from H, I'elltlon of J. W. OAltUKIX 1yf July, MUX, at Hie hour Of Guardian Of Vita Garret) and Neva 1 0a o'clock a. jn lathe court room Garrett, Minor Children, filed 4erelii ol HiIm Court at Hie eourl liou In I t( i mil day of JunufHHU. and the City of llumn, Hartley i ouiity, I ' . .. a a . a . a. and Nannie Hunt. heli.K nil of the prnyltiK therein for 4l Order kIvIuk urefQB, iui.i men nu mar im next of Kin of Viva (inrrett and and Knintl.iK Mid Guardian Llrenia 'ne. If any there be, why thin Nevu Qarott, Minor Chlldr and to ell certalfi real eatate hetenglBI Court ihoild not arant nald Cuar (linn a Decline for the ciile of mi'di r Unavoidable Conditions! Owitig to tli I'iici that the war 1ms brought about many changes in the business world, we are com pelted to adjust our business aeoordlng;ly. The govorumenl is regulating the prices on many articles which we have bo seU, these prices arc ii' tired on a cash basis, therefore, the manufacturer is holding the jobber to a cash or a ten lny term, likewise the jobber is demanding cash from the re tail merchant, now it is down to the point where the retail merchant mus pt the cash for his goods or go broke, Therefore from thin ante we will confine OUr terms of credit to strictly thirty days. Goods are hard to get, help is scarce, ex penses leaping upward, and wean forced to this very much against our desire. We hope our friends will look at this as an unavoidable cireuni stnnce over Which we have no control. Burns Department Store LUNABURO, DALTON A COMPANY Notice Ii hereby liven ihnt by vir tue of an order in i entered In THERBFORJb, ounKRBD the County court or the itata of for llaniev County, on Hie 6th day of Mnv, I!) Is. IIcciinIiik. empowering and directing the un derslgfted, an guardian ol the pereoni and eatatei or Francli Adrian and ' I I 1 I I It A ill-lull Mllllllfkl 11 I t I 1 t II II ' I I . I I I I . I 1 r I I 1 1 I , I I 1 I I i I : , III rill I ' real property belonging to the ) tain of Maid Dfinore, I will, from and after the : 7 1 h day of .inly, Itli, proceed to hcII at private Hnle the following described real property, to wit ; ..', taction 18; v-sw, and B' WV, Me. 'Ion 17; SK'XK', and NC.si: . leetlon is. T if B. it. ::v i ! lv, Or Oil, real property, m i H tlio ap earing from mi!i I'elltlon that all of the BOX) of liln ild minor children and nil : Intereated in their mid entato, re- aide out of tbla County and SUte, IT B. '' M Rarnay ' is, THEREFORE, riTtTlli:i( tutu rontalftrnj BRED Thai a oy of thin Order he 'I ItfM 0( Mid tale will be a I published ut leant fOUT (41 nice. !'' "lent "' "t HMMl MOOO.OQ caeh In live weeki before said day of bearing bud, with hioHkhkc by purehannr in the "Timet Herald ', a oewepaper on Hi. promise drawing s per cant published printed and circulating In Internal per annum, for balance of wild Harney County the flrnt publl purchase price, or mnli other and CWtlon to he niinle on the ISnd day different termn an Midi guardian June. 1 0 1 S. and Hi.' last publication shall deem to the best Int. roil of the to he made on tlio 20th day of July. I aetata, 1918. Any and all pernonn Interested In ' The real properly above referred anld nale may leave hldn wltb or con to and for which a Idcenne to sell In ! null my Hltornev J. I, Cook of Ilurnn, prayed for In described an follewa: "An undivided one eighth Interest ill and to the Kant half of the South west quarter, and the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, and the Southeast pilar tor of Section i'i. and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the West half of the Southwest quar ter, and the Nortbweni quarter of Hie Northwest quarter of S. c- tiou It, and th.- West half of the Southwest QUartaf of Section S6, and the North half of the Northwest quarter, ami the southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the Baal half Of Hie Southwest quarter. of tectlon ." Oregon, with reference thereto. ALICE SWANSON, guardian. Itewanl: Knt rayed from my much, one pair ratlur light Ilay Mares one wclKhlng around 1 :!00, the other lr0; branded With Lazy K on right stifle; should have colts by thelii now; foretops have heeu roach ed and grown out about three or four Inches. Will pa) !6. OS to finder of t.aui. J w CARTWRIOHT, Malheur city, ore if yon rannol tel you favorite all In Township brand of lobio-o. Junt think how South, Range - Hast of the u ' it in rit those war-worn boys In the trenches ette Meridian, Harney County, tire are enjoying Ita flavor. If You Were There Instead of Here! If you should ki e a Preach child a liny girl - sitting bv the roadside, sobbing quietly hecau too weak from bURgOT to cry very loud, you would sell your watch to buy her bre.iU.asi if yon ehonld hear aomawnere in the reatleaa vardi the low moan of an American Midler, you would Kindly alt by him all eight, it tli.it would save his lite. You are not there, hut here, where these sights and sounds are not brought homo to you! Hut the Red Crogs In there and you 'in make it yoik repreMniattve! Ov.r there the Prussians are crucifying the Incarnate Liberty of Man, and they are making the world black for little children! The moil,;, vi.u io to the Red Cro.'.s now will give you the right, when the Meant is beaten down, to think. "There are happy children, clear eed women, and slronn men alive today, because my money wenl across!" WHAT AICK YOI (JOINt; TO IH ABOUT IT?. W i lliams-Z oglma it n Clothing Company Kim; and also Lots I, ( and !, and t in- Southeast quarter of the North west quarter of Section Z, Township II south. Range tl Baal of the Wil lamette .Meridian. Harney Couiiiv, Oregon." ii. c i.kvkns. Judge Din.-, i this totfa iav of June, I tit, A War BaTingl Stamp a monjli will give the KaUer a bump, Km) It Acted Like A Charm The German generals have often set dates whan thai wfll dine in Paris. lint It In not reported that the Paris restaurants are laving in any sup ply of naunagen or suuerkraut. HurliiK the Inst two weeks the col lejre graduate in his commencement addres, has been huy Informing the world how campaign should be .on .in. i".i ami how government! ebould I..' I mail. ed. Coughs or colds Which persist at this aaaaon usually are of obstinate nature. All the more r ason for un- me .. reliable remedy, Mrs. Margaret male, Blahop Calif,, wrltMi "Poleys Hone and 'i'ar Compound a grand remedy. Buffered from ;i col,! week, ii.-ed the un di. in.- and II like a ,lii, rill."- gold b) Weed Ilros., 'I i lln-r day the onian'-t - Ul tragi queetton bobbed up Mrenely aKaln In ibe Seiial". It lUbmergl for long period and then surprises every one h inning to the suri.i.e Hut Hie American craft has never carried explosives on board. Pioneers' Day JULY 3, 1918 Speaking, Music, and Amusement through out the entire day. Pioneer's Banquet 6:30 P. M. Given by the Gitizens of Burns to the Harney County Pioneer Dancing in the Evening I MKAN Bl'BlXBSS ii, 've real purchaeen for both an improved and iinltupio . d farm, hut unless you are the owner and have a good buy, do not waste time answ ering, as I mean business. State prices, termn. and particulars In your first letter, ii. c. Irwin, UMUaeh Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon, JULY 4th General Entertainment Throughout the Day Sports, Speaking and Music Everybody Cordially Invited JULY 3rd and 4th $6.50 :Mr m I fir I Ind.ft !. ' ,B Calf or HUcli B I (.u. M.I.I jfF f& To walk into a store and say, "I want a pair of Army Shoes" is ali right as far as it goes. Hut only when you insist on the BUCKHECHT Rto. u. s. pat. orr. ARMY SHOE arc you sure of Retting the most for yotll money the meet comfort, the moat serv ice, the most value. For practical, everyday wear for looting comfort you can't heat the Bin n1u-i lit Army Shoe. Made on the Mon-on hast specified by the U, S. Army worn by all of our eldiert and thousand of men in civil life. Look for our reaiitrred trade mark lilt KlICCH 1 tumped on vary pair to protect you. Buckingham & Hecht M.buI., lurera Saa FrancUca Vuu can gat the Huckhacht Army Shoa in your town. If youi dealer 4ei aot carry it, mute ul direct. WILLIAM FARRE Nullify Public, L:iimI Office Practice, Fin liiHiinmci' fiiul Kfiil lOhtnlc. Office: Tonawama Bulldintc BURNS a OREG01 A pound of Crescent makes more than forty cups of as fine a coftee as you ever served. At all grocers m I Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for U.S.Marine Corps recruits. Join Now! WOeaatt'J'IKHam TgUeBXAueer4 INOCN MOICANI ION, CO APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE for SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM ewN Men JuBOSn- emblem WlH; d arc lr u.s. t5 MARINES CRANE STATE BANK CRANE. 0BEG0N It is our aim and effort to give such service to our patrons that they profit by our dealings and recom mend us to their friends. We Pay latfereat on Time Depalt DIRECTORS Carleton I'.. Swift .1. R. Weaver Win. 11. Craven B, N. Bolton Tom Allen THE UNIVERSAL CAR Brinar your Ford car to us when it needs to be "fixed up" or repaired. We guarantee the most reliable work; the genuine Ford-made materials and to iek Ford rices. It is our business to know all about Ford cars. We have the necessary equipment and competent work men to do the work as it should be done and to give you prompt attention at all times. When you want to buy a Ford car we earnestly solicit your order. BURNS GARAGE BURNS AND CRANE For your convenience we keep a supply of FORD REPAIRS un.l OILS at Narrows, Riley, Alberson, Harney, Drewsey and Juntura Kfizza saufts-iuviia