(Ehr itar5-$trrRfd JULIAN ISYRO - Manager SATURDAY, JUNE 22. ISIS SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oi Yr MmiIm IkM MmiIm $2.00 1.00 .Ti 1 ' i MAY THKRG BE NONi; l i:l,IST 1.1) o THAT 1.W! President Wilton, in ills statenienl caJllng upon ever man, woman, and hiiii in pledge tii. 'ins, He on or be tore Juiir l's to save constantly and to buy regularly the seourltles ol the Government, says. "May there be none nnenllstsd on that day!" As the Pltaldtnt points out "This war Is one of nations not of armies be economically and Industrially adjusted to war conditions if this Na tion la to play it full i;iri In (ha t in file! Our Nation, HO) our Arniv ami Nai ' onh . is at war, And that n that all ol us not intuilllv fiffhtlng mo,! ! ur nart. Thai pari consists in giving the Army and Navy all the support of which we are capable. To do that each oue of us must first of all be a producer to our maximum ability and a consumer of necessities only, for every bit of man power and every particle of material Is necessary for the use of the Army and Navy and for (he making of the things essential (o our citizens. As a maximum producer and as a consumer of necessities only, each one ol us will l nil accumulator of sav ing. And these saving can he In- root 'i in War Savings stamps with beneftl both to the Government and nui I he I, o- Owing to misunderstanding many people call up "central' and ask tot ":ir news. While we wish to ,io all in our power for the conven ience ol our patrons they must re member thai under existing state ami Federal laws "central" i not allow ed tO dlrulgO the contents of uny telegrams or messages received over our lines At the present I line WS re- celre no war news except the dta patchOI addressed to the Harney County Trlliuno and we SOgfOSl that ail parties desiring this Information phone the Trlhune office. later-Mountain Tel. & Tal. Co, James B Weston. Beoy, & Oen, Mr. 20,000 Acres SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon " 'w.'i lt)HTI,.M MAN IMMiSTINil ROME cnoni'cf. To Make ni r l'ny Rolls. - A. (I. Clark Miuiager Of the Home industry League, Portland Chamber of Commerce in In Uums as special representative of State Director of War Savings Stamp. For the pro sent Mr. Clark says, that War Stamps occupy the center of the Stage and Home Industries are simply a side line. Oregon's practice has been to de vote all attention to marketing the raw products of the State and too little effort mads building up pay rolls For in i hi. ( iregon Is in the column oi woo producing States out oi every 100 pounds of wool sent to the Atlantic seaboard, it r. pounds Is sand and pi bit ii means using car space paying freight on thai much useless material to land 81 pounds Of MTOOi, Carrying oul the inconsistent fur thai tin- On gon wool is made up in to yarn i, in brie (. i lothing ate . and i shipped i. .11 ii to us for home con ii nipt ion. The far BWIV Kusleru state profits In Hie upbuilding of its factories and payrolls and Oregon Is the power thut makes t be COndll Ion poet ible Lumber 1 1 another item, one -fifth of the standing timber of the C. B, is in Oregon, and yet only a very small portion I mide up '" finished 'inducts, we cut the logs Hiid lumber and bt other slates reap the big gOSt purl of the benefit. Lumber, Mr. Clark mi's. g to him, no more u finished prod UCta, than is shoot steel s finished ship. Last roar Oregon ftn lories made and marketed only 4 million dollar, in furniture while the Pacltfa coast alone buys - million dollars worth annually. Think Ol thS vast wealth going awaj Barer to return thai ought to stay in Oregon,, Mr lis i i hat i be print business oi . ., rj , ni, en right noo : helping to win the .u And i one i an da s part bj bu) ing borne product because i neb- Bam asks ths people Oi tie- Nation to "u lot al products ' and MV0 iir BpOOS Therefore era can be patriotic ami help Oregon's factories to increase thOir out put and payrolls al the same I line .ir Clark is on the last leg of i journey through Union, Wallowa, Bgker, Malheur ami Harnoj Coun ties lii connection Willi the War Stamp DriVO, He leaves Hums for Portland Ma Mend Monday morning RAT POISONING SCCCBtt it. v .i K ft . pre '' ni i I tbo College, ha I been i i lied tO I 'iilinee go on the i rltical food ill u i war emergency roll i n haVg (idled iieinv other members of the faculty away, K. I), dossier, In charge or the sum mer sessions has recently been made dean of the newly-created school of Voeatlonal Education. Several mem bers of the faculty hare been pro moted since the last meeting of the Board of Kegents. Rail b ii'iin Is In the city A. A Tipton was In on bu du rim: i w A HI'CCKHHtTI. I'IC.MC The picnic at Uenio on the tallow Raneh was pronouneod n very sno cessful event by all who attended, Dento Valle) is not rerj densely pop U la ted, and Hils season ol the vear a jm iv one, ret there were about seventy five at the picnic The or i be rails) bad pi spared i be bt i ol ret reshmenti . and ti m iiiltl it arnn bud done all Ibis tor the enjoyment of young ,n ii old in the sports and pleasures oi the day, A short and bights '" joyed religions service win. conduct ed by ROT, tV. I Shields of the 1'res b.vtenan t'bunh of llurns. whli h was followed by thS discussion of Coin muntty Interests Mrs francos Clark, the Harney Count) Superintendent of Bt boole, spoka ol the school, school consolidation, W, s. s. and the de mands of the War In general. So WOll pleased wire the people with the day and Hie results thut tBOJ planned for another such a time on the i;th of October. Inirliig the afternoon the people of the Vallev were cheered by a re freshing shower of mi abundance ol aiu. DoniO Valley ha i a great future. and some of the most substantial people of the slate are looatod there ViBITOR, II I Maildox Is here to be supply pastor of the Tho beautiful cap which the I church during the uniiiner. He will awarded t.o i m- .mcrican winner soon be joined by his wile Ills jaibl rm-e "Jus turned OUl 10 O I not gold but pewter, lllo ;,U RAIN WORTH MAW liol.l.XHH prizes with which he dazzles tin ,.,-J i of the Herman people will all prod A soaking ralu here latt night has done much good to grojring i crops. It should have come earjflr In the season to bare been ot greater to be equally deceptive. - Uk. H. Martin, National Bas examiner, Is in the city on oiricli business. A war savings stamp Is the ooj thing you can buy with the mi. benefit but even now it has apsured a much better crop of hay as it help ed the meadows. The range, was much benefitted and the new alfalfa '-'V "' " w" be "" " Is sure to .i.ne on fine following the1 vearB thBn " WH the day yOU ,,ou soaking It r Ived, Oraln crops were1 " suffering from lurk of moister and Frm i 0 r Is over from 1 ihls bai given new life and made the Cr "k He reports a good rah ori crop safer. there last nil B mmmm Sr s 8 ; SPECIAL! THIS WEEK Swift's Premium HAM and Swift's Oxford BACON Only 35 Cents A Pound Farmers Exchange BURNS, OREGON A. OTTINGER, Prop. N. FRANKLIN, Mn,r. i lie sag rat drive ill Crook and llesclllltes COttntieS is meeting with phenomenal lucoaso Never in the bietory of rodent poisoning have such largo kills boon made a during the past week Iteporls received from Huplee. i'auliiia, Crooked River, I'r.iicvllle. Redmond and () Nell show thai better than 10,000 sage rats were poisoned during tho week ol June and to Mb The hlghct kills paff quart Of poisoned grain were re polled as 216 per quart, at Huplee. 14 al Crooked River, and Bt at l"aul Ina The ,.uni , Agent s OffloS ba- distributed 1600 quarts or poisoned grain and l0 ounces of strychnine tbu far in the drive. Count) agoai K. A. Wade is holding meetings and poisoning demonstrations this week at Harne.i and Hear Creek in Crook County. Rstlmatlng thO damage done to grain, alfalfa fields ami ditch banks at 11.00 per sage nil per roar, which experience shows Is Conservative, the work of the past week saved Crook and DOSChUteS Counties $20,000 worth lu crops. As over flftj per cent of the rais die In their burrow ' ami are noror counted, the actual ' 'InR ext eeilH I his amount i rim villi- Knlci pi ic Ralph Irving of llurns is attending I In- O A. C. summer :( Imol lie ha registered in new:, wilting and SOOdS the follow news: Hummer school opened Juno 10 witli a registration of 117 teachers the first half day. Fifteen or 20 of the women registered for a course in food conservatalon which will fit them lor home demonstration work. Also a spec.al course in canning will be given by Miss Miriam Ulrdseye. of Hie l H. Department of" Agriculture. On Tuesdav Captain Walter I. Too.e and starf arrived to Inspect the College facilities' tor military drill and mechanical training and tomor row 2G0 soldiers rrom California will arrive. Hul unlay tho campus will hum witli soldier activity, A number of summer hi ln.nl male attendants will avail themselves of the oppor (unity to drill with the army con tlngcnt. The College i anipn will be invaded Honda) by the gin ami bo) t bampl on:! ivbo won prlssi nf free trips lo the Hlale College and Klate fulrs and will stay for I weeks of Intensive training In Agriculture and home making. MAW TAKE ADVANTAGE l I KDHHAI. I HM Lows One oi the gi it boon to the n during tl .(, i i.i. i i , tho . '. ; i ' i ions w lib b (liable men ere i h.. means whoreb) they! can produce more and place their holdings on a paying busls through long time loans. Tiiis organisation is working to an advantage In this OOUnty where several have been able to get funds with which to make their land more productive either In the .a-, of forage for their ItOCl or grain Thi government Is doing its pari lu this respect to give every far mer a ( hance to assist lu the winning ot the war and at the same time help himself. (4AHOUKK TO AOVANCH IN I'HICK A Peal d-aier Informs The Times Herald that In all probabilities car, owners lu this county will face an ad . vance In prices within the next few' dayS An Increase of p,.r cent In I freight rutis Is effective on .lun, . Hid ibis together with the uniioiin cement that gasoline had advanced l' i ..lion in Portland within the past few das. would indicate that ami kindred sproducts will like!) ".ni 4 cents per gallon higher in this section. PRUNRTTKRIAN 111 It I) Wi'.ilmi I'. Shields, Pastor Next Sunday morning the sermon Is to the Summer Normal School now In session lu our City. The subject. "Christ The lireut Teai her" will be full ot Interest to all. Bpaelel mush will lie a feature of thS service. All are most cordially Invited. The hour Is I I a in Krvening servioos at I.OO p m, Bob led, "The Trend of Religious Tb.ui gbls lu Kngluil." Bunda) School at 1 1 a m. 'rayer a Una . 7;fl p n, every I bur dav. I' ssfitjBBSBsaasjjj' W-' Tsl k,Oa W I 7iw42aswnfl JO. I.lltNitTY SINHAY NIGHT JUNIC Bfl Page 's Swest Shop Cigars, Cigareties and Tobacco, Confectionery and Ice Cream Yon will uIwhvm liinl at onr -iiff ilc purpart f con ft 'tt lonery and th bent grades nf let? cream. PUREST FRUIT JUICES Clean lulil ami clean gltieeee we eater 1 par ticular i - "j)l-. We Carry the Only Stock of FRESK FRUITS and VEGETABLES in town 1 VV. T. LESTER A. A. TRAlW.il I I Inland Empire Realty Co. Building and Farm Loans Made Direct Farms and Ranches Homesteads mi Blueprints ESTATE Fire Insurance Ofllcc Phone H-l to Life Insurance Resident Phonts G-6 and G-43 Agents for WRAY'S STAGE Members Burns Commercial Club LIBERTY THEATRE Sunday, June 23rd The Dainty Child Impersonator ELLA HALL In (he Clever Comedy-Draraa THE CHARMER' Wiiii 'ii by S. (iltl BU ALEXANDER Scenario l.v FltF.l) MVTON Produced under DireVtfou of JACK CONWAY The Story of a Little Orphan who Won Her Way to Happiness Through a Lucky Turn of the Wheel of Fortune A. G. Clark will gfive ii Hliort talk on WAR SAVINGS STAMPS HI I J