DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Hums, Oregon MSto and residence, Geo. Young house Phone No. U83 CARL C. GRIFFITH Physician aud Hnrgeoti RITRNS. ORKOON. J. U.1. CHARY Physician and Surgeon. Rurus, - - - Oregon. i .1 i. - in. i.. i.i r uii srrouu n'Kir loimnumn nogi 'Phone Main 86. DESMAN & DEriMHN. Physicians and Surgeons '.ii I inWWWI promptly night or ln Thone liurriman. Harriman, Oregon Or- Minnie Hand ysician and Surgeon Direct Telephone Connection Albritton. Ore. h. E. HIBBflRD Ofliee first door east photo gallery Borns, Oregon. BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law nnd Ulrice rraciice Land Scrip for Sale Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law I. O. O. F. Bid., Burn. Oregon HERMAN VON SCHMALZ Attorney at Law ontests and practice before V . . Land OfSee a specialty pSice: Fry Bldg. nest door to poet othc Barns. Oregon i, - CHARLES W. EUlilS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practices in the State Courts and be- I..,.- the U.S. l.au.l Ofice. Chas. II. Leonard. Attoknky- at-i.aw. L riful attention given to Collec tions and Real hetate matte. Pire Insurance. Notary Public Burns. Orkoon. LONE RESTAURANT OEORQe FOON Pi op.' Meals At All Hours. Short Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rates Give Me A Call Opposite Times-Herald BalMlaar eeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeee lake This Bring That job to The ' W n 5eH-BSs33m1 - 1 J HERBERT A. POAGE ARCHITECT Plan and Specification! Prepared for Building! of Any CUi. Orfteai-Raeia , Odd FaNowa RulUin, Barns, Oregon F. C. Diixasd A. O. Faolknbk rormerljr Awl. EogltiMr Formerly Cklef KB la U. 8 Reclaaalloa avr- Idni ol Sol vice. Western Ky. Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND MlltiATNM ENGINEERS Bams, OrtKM JOHN (IKMHKKI.IMi. ""-A , fM Joweler. Optlciuu tenimiver. Fine Watch Repairing A cialty. and Spe TO. ffoJfA Lovv CuArvuMv y- owvu vumA. n CAvarvvtQ, In eUMA4, GGma, rotnXiM o OatolotLo. XaaXUw owvcL -OMrvicc. )evwtA -Cairtacu); $1500 Reward! The urrnoB, (al tlornlsaau Nevada Livestock frot.c Hon Aaatx-latlanof which the under lined In msDiUrr III flra II.UOO DO reward tor eft deuce iesdlna to Hi- arresi sad rou viviiuii of as par lyer partial sival ii'K kureea. ratUi or mulr lieloucliif U aor "I Its laeia kers lasddltiOD to Iks aUtva. tke anderslgoed uSers tke aesae ovadltlou IWV.W for all koraea krssded korse-skttd bar oa kutk er sltksr Jaw. draad recorded Id eight cusutlea Haul Harney. I.akv and ( ruuk rvuullM. Iluraea eated wbesaoid. Noes nut grows kvrsfs sold ssd ealj la iarge kuackea. W. w.bkows rils Oraia. Surapter Valley Railway Ca. Arm al and Departare Of Trams Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrives Baker 1:15A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:15 P. M. Departs No. 1, Baker 8:3 A. M. Sant er 1:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:1 P. M. No. 1 Makes good connection with O.-W. R. & N. Co. No. 4 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:15 P. M., arriving at Baker 7:55 A. M. and No. 17 from east arriv ing Baker 6:50 A. M. No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P. M. which picks up Pullman at Ba er, arriving at Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. 18 at 0:45P. M. fo points East. Room Yours Jtfk ye Whether you are building a brand new home, making additions to the old one or merely repairing; walls, you can have a room like this if you use genuine Beaver Board. Beaver Board walls and ceilings are more handsome, more tubitantial and more sanitary than any other kind. They are the eaiieat walls to build. No Uth or plaster therefore, no litter. Beaver Board always gives satisfac tion. But you can't expect Beaver Beard results unlets this trade-mark is on the back of the board you buy. Burns Hardware Co. Burns, Oregon Times-Herald Off ice I NOTICE KOrt It Hl.lt A I KiN. UNITED STATICS I.ANI) OFFICK IttirtiH. Oregon, June 6, 19 1 H. Not let) Ih hereby given that Rollle A. Vllller, of lillt.i'ii. Oregon, who, on May 18, IBM, made Homestead Kntry No. 07476, for SK'4l Soc. 20 and SW',, Sec. 21. Township 34 8., Range ,11 K., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore C. K. Tulloch. U. S. Commission er, at bis office, at Beckley, Oregon, on the Uth day of July, 1 ft 1 S . Claimant names as witnesses: U. Q. Crltchrield, of Beckley, Ore gon, Isaac N. Stuart, Thomas Q. UlbbH. Wiley It. Uyram, of Blltzen. Oregon. V. (I. t'OZAD, Register. NOTICE I OR I'l'IIH TION fNITBD states LAND office Hums. Oregon. June ."), I '.i I , Notice In hereby given that l'i iirl It. Mil. formerly I'earl M. Miller, or Blltssn, Oregon, who on July 18, 1914. nindu 1 1 inn. v.i. -.i.i Kntry, No. 07619, for KV4. Section I, Township 3S Range 31 E.. Willamette Meri dian, has filed notice of intention to nmke final three-year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before C. B. Tulloch, C. 8. Commissioner, at his office, at Beck ley, Oregon, on the 11th day of July, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Almi.D ('. strain, Isaac N. Stuart. Prank McBuruey, and Ilo Miller all of Blltzen, Oregon. V. O. COZAD. Register NOTICK OP I ll.IXt; OF ADMINIH TKATOKN l-IN.ll. ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby glvtu that Kmma Moomuw, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of M. A. Hembree. Deceased, has filed her final ii'' mini In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Harney County, and said Court has appoint ed the 3rd day of June A D. 1918 at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon thereof to hear th.) same. Ail persons having objections to said fin al account are hereby required to file the same with the County Clerk of said county and state on or before said time set for hearing the said final account or they will be forever barred from being thereafter beard thereon. Dated this 27th day or April A. D. 1918. EMMA MOOMAW. Administrator with the will an nexed, of tke Estate of M. A. Hembree, Deceased. ADMINIHTRATOItH NOTICK Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator or the Estate of Joshua T. Pry, deceased, by order of the County, Court of Harney County Oregon, duly made and entered on the llrd day of April 1918, and has jualiriett as such administrator. All persons having claims ugalnst the aid il'cia.ed or his estate are here by noil! led to present the same, duly verified as by law required, either to the undersigned at his ranch in Sun net Valley, Harney County. Oregon, or to his attorney Charles W. Kills, ut his office in the Masonic Bldg., Hums Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated April 24. 1918. OHARUU V. REKD, Administrator of the estate of Joshua T. Fry, deed. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE. OF ORKOON. FOR HAR NKY COUNTY: CITATION lu the matter of the Estate of Harry H. McClure, Deceased. To (Mora Clyde McClure, Lawrence Chester McClure, Walter Robert Mc Clure, Alberta Marie McClure and Nora Beatrice McClure, Greetings: IN THK NAME OP THK STATE OP ORKOON, you are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court for Harney County, Oregon, ut the County Court Room at the Court House at Burns, Oregon, in the said county and State on the 27th day of May, 1918, at 10:00 o'clock in (he forenoon and then ami there show cause, If any oxists, why the Honorable 11. C. l.evens. Judge of the County Court should not issue an order to sell the following described real property, to-wit: SWViNW',4. 8WV4NKU, NB 4 8WV4, NWVi of SK'4 of Section 22, Township 24 South, Range 34 K. W. M containing 160 acres, more or less, Wltiu-HH the Honorable II. C. Lev eiiH. Judge or Hie County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Harney, with the seul of said Court affixed, this lMtli day of April A. D. 1918. All,-.,t CHF.STER DAITON, Clerk. NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFPICE Hums, Oregon, May 20, 1918. Notice la hereby given that Joseph II. Morton, of Riley, Oregon, who, on October 8, 1(14, made Home stead Entry, No. 07760, for NEK. Section 10. Township 23 8., Range 26 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mske final three-year Proof, to establish claim to ths land above described, before Register snd Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on the 27th day of June, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Rlnehcrd Hlrsch of Riley, Oregon, Walter Kesslnger, Fred Sturges, and William S. (llbsou all of Suntex, Ore gon. V. Q. COZAD, Register. NOTICE POU PCRIiICATlON. UNITED 8TATKS LAND OITIOfl Hum. Oregon, Juno 7, 1918. Notice Ih licreliy given that Jumes K Kendall, of Hums, Oregon, who, on February 2f., 1914, made Home stead Kntry, No. 072B2, for NKVi. Section 6, Township 26 8., Range 31 Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Hums, Ore gon, on the 10th day of July, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Paul Well and Carl Well of Burns, Oregon Elmer James and Arthur I). Jones of Narrows Oregon. V. O. COZAD. Register. NOTICE OF CONTEST UNITED STATES LAND OFFICIO Hums Oregon, June 6, 1918. To Louis Valerdl of address unknown, Coa tests: You are hereby notliied that Peter Ybar who gives Beckley, Oregon, as his post-office address, did on June 5th. t'M'-. file In this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your Homestead Entry. Serial No 08178 made June 4th, 1916, for SW4 NW4, NV48W4, BEKSWVi. Stt U, Sec. 29. and SVbSWH. Section 28, Township 33 8.. Range 33 K , Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said Louis Valerdi has wholly abandoned said land ever since October 1, 1917, and for more than six months last past, and has never resided upon or cultivated said land, and said alleg ed absence is not due to his enlist ment In, or being actually engaged In the military or naval service of the United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman, marine, national guardsman, or member of any other organisation for offence or defense authorised by Congress during any war in which the United States may be engaged. You are, therefore, further notifi ed that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said entry will he cancelled without fur ther right to be heard, either before this of rice or on appeal, if you fall to Hie in HiIh of fhe within twenty days after the FOURTH publication or huh notice, as Known lielow, your answer, under oath, specifically ro h Kind Inn to these allegations of con ic t. together with due proof t hut you served a copy of your answer on the mii Ul contestant either In person or by registered mall. You should state In your answer the name of the post-ofrice to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. , V. O. COZAD, Register. Date 1st publication June 15th, 1918 Date 2nd publication June 22, 1918 Date 3rd publication June 29, 1918 Date 4th publication July 6, 1918 ORDHft IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR HAR NEY COUNTY, lu the Matter of the Petition for an order authorizing the ap pointment of some person to execute a Mortgage for Geo rgia McKlnnon, an Inaane per son binding her Inchoate dow er right, The petition filed In the above-eu-tltled proceeding having been filed on the 22nd day of April, 1918, and pre sented to the Judge of Hie above-en-tltle Court at Ontario, Oregon, with in the Utli Judicial District, durng the April 1918 Term of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Harney County and it appearing to the Judge or said Court that It Is necessary to such Incompetent per son Georgia McKlnnon that a mort gage binding her dower right In Hie real estate named In said petition ShOUld he executed, and that It would not be detrimental to Haid Georgia McKlnnon; It Is therefore ordered and direct ed; 1 That the Bald Georgia McKln non having no guardian and there being no persons Interested lu the real estate described In the said peti tion, other than the next of kin of said Georgia McKlnnon, the next or kin or said Georgia McKlnnon, viz, W. J. Claybrook, residing at Green castle, Missouri, Ellen Claybrook, residing at Green castle Missouri, Jap McKlnnon, residing at Burns, Oregon. James Albert McKlnnon, residing at Barns, Oregon. Kdna Black, residing st Burns, Oregon, Roy McKlnnon, residing at Burns, Oregon, and Julia McKlnnon, residing at Bums, Oregon as well as the guardian ad litem for said Roy McKlnnon and Julia McKlnnon, minors, hereinafter appointed, are hereby directed to ap pear before the Circuit Court of Har ney County, Oregon, at the Circuit Court Room in the Court limine In mild Harney County, on Ihe 2nd day of July 11K. at the hour of two o clock r. M., lue Haiiie being a ilid- not less than four nor more than eight weeks from the time of the making of this order, to show cause, If any there be, why the said mort gage should not be directed to be made by this Ceurt: That the aaid Georgia McKlnnon, residing at 500 West Pierce St., Klrkvllle, Missouri, as well as her guardian hereinafter appointed shall be likewise directed to appear as herein stated: 2 The said Jap McKlnnon. James Albert McKlnnon, Kdna Black, Roy McKlnnon, and Julia McKlnnon, as well as the guar dian ad litem for said Roy McKinuon, and Julia McKlnnon, minors, herein after appointed, residing in Burns, Oregon, and the said W. J. Claybrook and Ellen claybrook. residing at Ore. -nca it If. Missouri, end the said Georgia McKlnnon. being alleged in the petition and having been found by the County Court of Harney Couu- ty to be an insane and Incompetent person, being outside or tbe State of Oregon and residing at 600 West Pierce St Klrksvllle. Missouri. It Is ordered that a copy of the here in order to appear and show cause as well as a copy of the petition here in be personally served on the said Incompetent person her guardian herein after appointed, her next of kin, including the guardian ad litem for the minor' herein named, and furthermore that a copy of the said order to show cause be published 4 successive weeks, being 5 successive publications, in The Times-Herald, a weekly newspaper printed auu pud- llsbed at Hums, Harney County, Ore gon and that a copy of aaid notice, as published, be" forthwith deposited In the United States Post Office at Burns, Oregon, be sent to each of tho persons named in this paragraph, the guardian ad litem, for the minors named. Included, under sealed envel ope bearing first class postage and addressed to them st thler addresses as given In paragraph one herein: 3 That no guardian having ever been appointed for the said Georgia McKlnnon the Court therefore ap points M. A. Biggs, a discreet person of Hums, Harney County, Oregon, as her guardian for the purpose of In quiring Into the propriety, good faith. and necessity or the petition herein, and as such guardian he shall have power to reslat the application and petition and subpoena and take de- positions to disprove or show the Impropriety ot granting the same: That the said M. A. Biggs, as such guardian lor Georgia McKlnnon shall be served both personally and by pub lication with all notices in this pro ceeding, the same as all persons men tioned in paragraph two herein: 4 That It having been made to appear to the Court that Roy McKln non and Julia McKlnnon, both of Burns. Oregon are minors, aged, re spectively 11 and 7 years, and thai a guardian ad litem should bo appoint ed for them, It is therefore ordered that M. A. Biggs, of Burns, Oregon, a discreet person, be and he Is appoint ed their guardian ad litem and as such guardian ad litem he Is to have the same powers to protect their Interests as he has to protect those of said Georgia McKlnnon and given him under paragraph three herein and the law under which this pro ceeding is had; furthermore, he is to be served both personally and by publication with all notices In this proceeding the same as all persons mentioned in paragraph two herein are to be served : 6 The said M. A. Biggs as guard ian for said Georgia McKinuon and as guardian ad litem for said Roy McKinuon aim juna Mcivinnon, mm- ors, Is not to give any bond, but upon his appoint menl herein mude he Is to lake and file his oath that he will support the Constitution of the Unit- ed States and of the State of Oregon 1 and perform his duties us guardian ror said persons faithfully and Im-1 partially and accordng to Ihe duties or his trust Dated May 31, 1918. DALTON BIOGS, Circuit Judge, NOTICK OK CONTEST UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, May II, 1918. To Guy L. McKelvey or Fields, Oregon, Centestee: You are hereby notiried that Jesse Defenbaugh who gives Fields, Oregon as his post office address, did on May 26th, 1918. file In this office his duly corroborated application to con test and secure cancellation of your Homestead Serial No. 08283 made July 20th, 1915. for NEV. Ni8W. 8BKSW. Section 3, NEV48EV4, of Section 4, Tewnablp 40 South, Range 84, Bast Willamette, Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that KHid (Juv L. McKclvev has who! ,y alwndoMd ,,, entry. tnat he never established or maintained a residence or made any improvements thereon, and has absented himself, changed his residence I herefrom ever iiluce Hie date of entry; that the eiitrymaiis alleged gbstaos from the land Ih not due to his employment in ; connoctlon wlth operations in mill- tury service rendered in connection with operations In Mexico along and borders thereof, or In mobiliza tion camps elsewhere, In military or naval organizations of the United States or the national guard of any ot the several States or Territories of the United States. You are, therefore, further notl'fl-, ed that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said en try will be cancelled without further right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, If you fail to file In this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, to gether with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. You should state in your answer the name of the post-office to which i you desire further notices to be sent to you. 1 Date of 1st pub. June 1st 1918. Date of 2nd pub. Juno 8th, 1918. Date or 3rd pub. June 15th 1918. Date or 4th pub. June 22nd 1918. V. G. COZAD. Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, June 12, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Nathan A. Webb, of Beckley, Oregon, who, on January 21, 1914, made Home- 8tead Entry. No.07205, for Lots 1, o numu, s,c. 2; Lot 4. gwu- NWK, NW 8W, 8ec. 1, Twp. 34 S. Range 30 E., 8V4SE, Sec. 36, Township 33 8., Range 80 E.. Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make rinal three-year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before C. E. Tulloch U. 8. Commissioner, at his office, at Beckley, Oregon, on the 17th day of ju)v 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: A. It. Johnson of Sageview Oregon, Chas. Hockley Robert I. Kooutz, and Willis C. Beckley all or Beckley, Ore- gon V. G. COZAD. Register NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Hums, Oregon. June 12, 191S. Notice is hereby given that John , Webb, or Beckley. Oregon, who, on ' January 21. 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 07204, forNEU. NVfcSEVi NK'SWVi. SEV4NW4, Section 35, Township 33 S.. Range 30 E ., Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. E. Tul loch, U. S. Commissioner, at his of fice, at Beckley, Oregon, on the 17th day of July. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: A. It. Johnson of Sageview Oregon. Chas. Beckley Robert L. Kooutz. and Willis C. Beckley all of Heckley, Ore gon. V. G. Cozad, Register o Vigorous steps should be taken to punish any person convicted of ori ginating false rumors of disasters to our troops abroad. The families and friends have enough anxiety to bear, without being made the victims of irresponsible sensation mongers. Become a stockholder in the United States buy War Saving Stamps. How She Hani 'ticil Ilackucbe Mr Kfflt K ,,,,.,,., Averill, Minn. wrB. -, WHB al uiiitarium three week at one time, two weeks another lime, for rheumatism and kidney trouble and got no relief On my re nmi ,. U11K Kolt,y Klailey PillB; foumi immediate relief; half bottle (.on,,,eted the cure .Always use when 1 f,.,,, ,mln ln Illy buck."--Sold hv Iteed Bros. We will do your job prlutlutf.