The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 15, 1918, Image 6

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High Cost of Living Looked at
From New Angle.
Uncle Prleg Gave the Cltlxens of
Bloomfield Something to Think
About When He Bought Hit
Frugal Sunday Dinner.
"1 suppose th folks linck home Mill
awtnane to rpi :i living In anh nf ih-
high cost of It?" snhl Iho ilvvillir III
tin' city to Ms innii i friend hnWn
Rnarrow, who hud rlrlrea in Fran
niooinllrlil ttitll morning,
"Why, V"-" 'i Rerlhea, "tliey nil
si'cin in ,. nin ! in piviiv in 11 h 1 1 1
snnii' oiii wn.v, ur murse i hew is some
Nrnllns ilnwu, Rxtrnvngnni one dp
tiulili-oii' .- up i hit, jiiiiI lllf rlov,. ,
:iro ii little Ihtfe rlnaer .
"Tnke the l.ntiKlp.vs for example. Yon
t;nou how the) ilu'uyi) uswl to tin. .Ilm
would gel hi-- pfty Hntunlny ntght. urn)
then they'd Iwgln to lh i tin, t':it of
lllf IiiihI. Ahout 'I'huivil.iv. fniuls
would i'ie out. nnd then it would he
IHrlllllilK mid mill;, or whntovor thi'V
cnuld puk up, for tin- ro-l of the weeg,
Will, I hey do lust Hint nmiiio wnv now
First of h week I hero's nothing too
nod for them, and price is u ohjefti
Only difference ts that now hard times
'egiii with them 'long about Tuesday
Instead of Thiirvdii.v.
"Then there l Khen THttg, lie irons
on altogether n different principle.
Khen snvs that It iloesn't cost him so
very much more to live than It did five
venrs ago. lie wn Always n (front
flfarer, you know, tie's set what ealla
n fnlr ptlce on ouch of the commodi
ties. Of course he rnn't control the
price, hut he can regulate the (piiintl
iv. so when augar, for example. tnke
ii Jump of ten per Cant he murks ilowti
the amount to he used In Juat the smile
proportion, and so keeps even with the
(..line. You might suppose thnt the
family would he on scant rations hy
this time, hut Khen snys not. Acerinl
InE to his tell, not one of 'eta luis lost
"'tight, and iliey noor were healthier
or happier, lie snvs the generality of
folks eat loo much nnd too expensively
ami that uo never eau know how little
1" enough until v e have put the ipiei-
tton to the teat.
"Hut moat of onr liliiiimHi'liI people
do their fighting of the high cost of liv
ing simply hy word of mouth. Thnt
was what I found n lot of 'em doing
when ". stepped Into Kilns pride's pro
vision store the other night They
weren't giving lh lister n leg to
stand on. They all agreed thai It vvns
nnjuftt ami outrageous and heartrend
ing the way prices were mounting lip:
nnd that (lean and hlood couldn't stand
It much longer. Kilns himself joined
right in with the rest. II.. sMhl it made
Mm fairly etch to hnve to charge such
prices, hut whnt could he do?
"Jut then old Polog lnes enme to
huy his Sunday dinner. I suppose
I'elcg was the only innn there (lint voti
might sny was actually feeling the
pinch of poverty. He's piist work, with
not much to do with, nnd It wa kind
.of pitiful to see him pricing one thing
nfter Hnother nnd then shaking his
liemi. Finally he settled on half a
pound of tripe,
'"A good piece o mpe, property
cooked.' inya he. 'goes about us well
lis anything, this time of year. Some
cnlls It II little tough, hut I toll 'em It's
tougher where there's none.'
"'Hnve to pay pretty high for any
thing we get nowadays, I'ncle I'elcg."
1 aaj s, as in' started lo go.
" 'Vi'S' s:;.s he. 'hut that Nn't s,,ol
by half ns not being able to get it at
ill. Sometime-;.' sa.s he, 'when I'm
etMng down to a good, square meal al
home. I aeeiU to see some of tli. ise
hungry people B( ross tin- water looking
on kind of wishful: and It makes me
feel real guilty, ns If I was getting
more than my share."
"After the old man had gone out,
eoavereatlon seemed to take n differ
ent turn
That Is, If It May Re Admitted That
"War Profiteer!." Are Possessed
of Soula.
An' Inipilrliig ooiTospo'i.o nt asks u-.
tO 'I'l'lli' o "Will' pl'oll'eer, ' I I'lllll I'liS
the Sentinel.
Now. as the soul of a man Is really
the eaaentlnl and dlstltuul- hlng part
of him we mny reneh the reipilred defi
nition hy turning to a Utile NtOJ told
In the preface to thnt Ingenlouli pic
aresque romaBce, "iil Itins," hy the
worshipful Muster Alaln-ltciie Leaage,
one of the first of Kreii'li story tellers,
ii true Improvlsntore, and the lltclnr.v
progenitor of the Rngllah Rtuolletti and
Ralaac and Plaubei I
Once upon ii time JfhBt Is the L'id
old way to begin) there were two
students of Spain lonrneylns tngelhvi
to S.ihiui: R, the M.iill- "i of :i -1 1 !
,t b hall by the rositi Ide thej dla
covered what appeared iii he a grave
stone, with Ihla curious Inscriptien:
"Mere lies Intoned III ill of the
licentiate, Pedro C.'ni'ein--."
Whereat they inarvclcd greatly. r0f
while he hody or corporeal shell of u
man is the frequent aubjecl of Inter
ment nnd of the olllces of the physi
cian's slinrlow, the undertaker, who
ever before heard of the soul of n man
Ix-ln'g thus disposed of hy the grnv
One of the students being of an Impilr
In? mind anil doubtless deslluod for
what In our day Is aleatlcally called
"n-vnrch work," determined to look
Into the mvstery nnd exhiiine vvluil
ever lay heucath the slone. A little
digging ami piylng sulllccd to get It
"Under It be found n purse of leath
er, COatatotag a hundred ducats!','
And thnt was the "soul of the llcen
Hate Padre QaMiaaJNHli soul win in
his purse. And the same may he sold
of tbe "war profiteer," who coins the
necessities of the government nnd Ilie
tuition into the extortioner's or the
graftera dirty protlt.
Portrait Heads Are Being Copied
From Marvelous Work of Art Exe
cuted the First Century.
There have Ih en i . . "d hy Mrs.
Mil : itrel W i" i Kin ne) n sc,i f nor
tnilt heads, i-opleil Innn those ol (tn
siniill Humes which oruiiiinnt ilie oiilei
shell of the cup known ns the lin-nt
Chalice in Aotloch. which Is oHvned hy
KoucluikJI l''reres of New York elty.
It may lie remcnihered thnt thin 'iip
wns dlscovcreil In HMO hy Anihs even
vat lug In the ruins of an curly Chris
tian church, where it had been hurled I
since pmbnhly the fourth century. A. j
D. It conslsiM of two distinct pints. I
nn Inner sliver cup of crude Workman '
ship, I eseinhllng the eouiiiion diloklug
cups o ilie time of the Itoiual m'C
in- Micusiiis mill 'I'lhciliis, and an oil!
ii shell aleo ol silver of exquisite de
sign nnd workmanship of the Brat ecu
iiir.v, The aiosi remarkable featnre of
ihe decoration of Ihla outer cup la a
series of twelve ngurea. which encircle tonally rhlapered, but they win have
Ilie cup in two tenuis. After an, ex
The Car Noted for Its
Beauty, Economy, Endurance GrlXe5lgr3
We Do Your Repairing Right
Expert Flattery Work Oxy-Acetylene Welding
The wi.iii
'leilie dry" al'o oei'ii"
ha native research the fact hns heen
eatabtlahed thai two of these ngurea
represent Christ, tin- one at twelve I
years of age, Ilie other al the lime of;
the ri-Niii tcctlon. 'the other ten tig
ores nre those of apostles, the Iden
llty of whom Is now accurately nf
tinned. The dale unsigned fo this vessel '
seems to have no douht (hilt the sculp
tor wns n coiitemporary of these a
lo la- spoken in thunder tonei before
Hie Dgtlon inn hear tin in.
ItcMHrd: Kstmyed from my
much, one pair rntlwr llaht Buy
Mures one welghlna; nround I :!ilfl, the
other 1 2 f. (I ; branded with laiy K on
right stifle: should Imve colts by
l hem now; foretops have heen roa h-
tli's, and the Indlrldiinllty dlspln.sed In ed and grown mil about three or four
who was Ivlng on a stage In a semi
Conscious condition. This act of hoi
olsm in curled on the Colled Stales
tearoahlp Btandard Arrow. Altmagh
nearly overcome hlnisclf. Chiavetta
managed to secure the youth, O'NeM
and, assisted hy another In-nlec boy,
.1. Doodllch, brought him up to air
O'Neill was revived and blavetta and
(ioodlh'h were given Me, hum ol l the
ship's coinpaiiy and later h ilNpeii
siir iillomlniits. In u report of the
occurrence tie- aaalatanl naval con
tractor in charge writes: -i ttealre
to call attention to the conaiiteunus
heroism ol Chiavetta. lie entered an
unlit, choking and dlllii nil lank and
exhibited the most praiseworthy dc
termination. Judgment and bravery in
finding and bringing out O'Neill. Chia
vetta uas himself under treatment
for ahout an hour afterward and ili.-ti
further dlsliiigiilshed himself hy re
turning to work lic-lde the lank, being
the only driller who so remained on
the Job." He has heen oillliu ndeil by
Secretary Hnnlcls.
Made Brave Rescue of Boy.
With a Hue tied ahout him mid a
lantern In his hand. M. Chlnvcttn, a
driller employed in the New York
navy yard, descended Into a twenty
foot tank and located a beater Isiy f v Crtill" In w hh h the w Ine of lh.
their chariicterl.nlloii points to Ihe
probability of theee being actual por
tralta taken from life.
Becaaee ih ngurea are amall tin j
hi-nds are ahout three eight lis of an '
Inch nnd can only be pfoperly seen
With the aid of a iiiHKnlf.vIng glass a
replica of each one I - to he etched hy I
Mrs. Kinney. Six of these me now
Mulshed, mill reveal not only wonderful
skill in ihe characteriaatlon hut hIso
an accurate correspondence In type to
till that Is recorded of the allrlhutes
of the npovtle represented. Tliil". In
St. Peter me shown the Hery linpelu
petty of the short. Stubby man of ncn
mis, excitnhie temperament, while
Thaddaeua ahowa the reflned inieiii
gence of u man of good education.
'I'liiit the Inner cup Is the iicluiil
Inches. Will pay $25.00 to finder of
lenm. J. W. CAttTWIIKlHT,
Malhnur City, Ore.
When thp world Is to bo saved a
Man of Deatlny always appears. All
oyos ure now turned on (lencral
Koch. Has destiny laid a finger on
his sleeve?
o -
the beat economy in
extracti is found in
Crescent brands
At all grocers
Have' real purchasers for both an
Improved and unimproved farm, but
unless you arc the owner and have
n good huy, do not waste time answ
ering, as 1 mean business. State
prices, teruis. and particulars In your
first letter. II. 0. Irwin. :tU Stock
Salesmen Must Be Healthy.
"The vital action of Ihe lunln de
pends on tie- physical being and ihe
mental BttlibOtea of tnleafolk are Ihe
reeulta of health, Bvery man should
have r ad or a bobby, something thai
will give him eserclae lo proven! t lint
drowsy feeling thai Inactive men in
Variably have. If a man gains weight
titter he is ihirly-tlM- year old be
should become alarmed. The Ural re
qulsltei in make a real inn n la lo give
the hoy a good physical liei, dity."
Theee were some of Ihe statements
made by Dr. M. .1. lilieiu Bl iIk- Sales
manshlp cluh at their noon luncheon
in San Antonio.
last supper was hiesaed Is not actual
Iv a ilii' IhoiiLfh the known fuels
nil point to that assumption, put thnt Kxchauae BoilOiBfi Portland, Oregon.
these portraits are the work rff a con- o
temporary to who,,, ,,e orlglnnls were n.ousand Ameri.;,,. Indians
familiar appears lo he a fnet eslnh- .
Ilshed beyond a doubt This makes I" .1 "cie .Sam a army I l.-ir
the tchlnga of lire. Ki 's axe- aaasstore la their day made America
rated ith faithful adherence to the mlfht) unsafe for elvillaattoa, and
details of the sculpture of thrilling In here an- the deccnil.iiits lielplng to
teral from a IMetOliCal, religious and ,n,,ke the world sufo for democracy.
artistic point of view.
0 i .. -
Tin" other head'' now tlnl In d, he
side Ihe two already mentioned, are
SS. Andrew, .luiiies, l.ukc and Matt
hew. That or SI. Paul Is lo he finish
ed shortly. New fork American,
Siijs it Acted i.ibe Charm
Cornelius vaanerbltt told n eawNr
Huge story ut Ilie Newport Casino.
"At the lira nd Central station," he
said, "one young innn was seeing an
oilier off. when three very pretty girls
got to the Piilln inn.
"Tin- departing rmng man was smit
ten hy the three girls' chaiius. and so 0
be mattered in his friend: ... . , ,, ,
... , Wa know no more of Itussia now-, here lo oIiIIl-c iui voll know
wont you put your Im n at the doer "',nVH ",u" " '' w,'r shrouded
Just iis the train pulls out. nnd shout
Coughs or colds which persist at :
this season usually ure of ohstiuatc
nature All the more reason for us-i
lug a r'dlahlo remedy. Mrs. Margnret
Simile. Mishop Calif., writes: "Koleys
Honey unit Tur Compound Is n grand
remedy. Suffered from a cold last I
week, used Ihe nn dlcllie and It acted
like charm." s'oiii by Heed Bros.
"We ride today when we should
I guess we had all heen re- walk for the exercise," Doctor BlletU
minded Hint there are some things in
tbe world a little more heartrending
than the high cost of living In llloom
He!d. Youth's Companion.
said. "A short system of exercise ev
' ery morning will keep one active In
business and enhance his prospects of
I success." San Antonio Bapreaa,
Motorcycles in War.
From ttie arrival of the British ex
pedltionnrv force In Belgium In the
late summer of 1014 down to the pres
ent time the motorcycle has steadily
gained In Importance In different
branches of the military service. In
use has not hen restricted to the al
lied armies. The best authorities place
the number of motorcycles employed
by the armies of the central powers al
the time of the Battle of the Maine at
18,000. The British hud at least 40.1100
In service In the spring of lOI.'i, while
the French had ahout 11,000. The Itul
lun forces up to presenl have 10,000
according to recent estimates, says
Popular Science Monthly.
It lias been figured that more than
ToO.OOO motorcycles have heen In use
for military purposes by the belliger
ent powers since July 1014. This does
not Include those at present In the
Culled Slates army service, for prior
to our entrance In the great wur Ihe
American army did not have more than
.perhaps loO machines In all.
Cheap Gas Scheme.
Two pom I clad women were pro-
(-ceding homeward lifter Ihe mothers'
meeting, and naturally they discussed
I domestic economy.
"line ye ken," said Mrs. Brown.
; "I'm due go for gas this month, and
i I dliimi ken how I'll get It paid."
"Why not he like me," said Mrs
Creen, "and use the nickel lu-llie-slol
1 meler?"
"But they say. It's Ihe dearest In
I the end. Ye get less gas for your
' nickel, ye ken, than 1 get for mine."
"Aye, but ye see. It's Just this wuy
wl me I never put In line mulr ihan
i a nickel ut a lime, and, ye see, a lot
' o' folk comes tac my house at night,
and whenever Ihe gas begins to go
down I just let on I liiniin got u
i nickel I An' there ts uye somehody
1 ready to stump one up. Oh, yes. It's
i fur cheaper In the end." Kehoholh
Sunday Herald.
In n loud voice. "Then I'll close the
Fifth avenue house, sir, mid store tin-
silver on the yacht.' "
"Th c other i imp agreed lo do this,
and the one smitten with tin girts Ml
mid waited for tin- thing lo come lo
pass, his lived on their pntlv
"Finally Ihe wtdstie blew. The
ohllglng chap outaldo hopped up on
Ihe hack platform, stuck his bead In
ut the door, and yi lied :
"'llcy, you, tell your DOM If thnt
suit of mine ain't home on Salurda.v
night I won't have It ut ail !'
it. II,,. n.-iju , if I list Ml (I . IK- -l I'i-M
ill lM lirisrt " III' ioi'hiiv Ms..
Some dav she may llnd her "pluoe
in tin- Mill "
ItCXlOO always eeeffll lost in tin-discard.
Pleaaant Prospect.
"I say. Brlgga, dine with ina al my
house tonight, will you'"
"With pleasure, old chup but will
your wife expect me?"
"No. tha's the beauty of It. We tiad
a quarrel thU mm sing and I want to
make her mfu. "Boston Transcript.
"I met Mrs. B. tbe other day," sold
n North Alabuiua atrset man. "and she
asked about you."
"How was be dressed?" asked the
j wife.
"I really cannot say, my dear," said
her husband, "there wasn't enough
goods for sample."
First teeater What dees this aav-
""mm mr"'
have te t i
The Proper Spirit,
"fjott't you wish you had your boy
la help you on the farm?"
No." replied Fanner Corntossel ;
'"bat ' wih ' Uat there was some
gsUeff iBsllgaaaaMi thin te sola
Kipling Poem Called Insult.
Canon Knox l.lttle wus an lush
man who had Hie reputation of al
ways saying what he thought and of
saving II In the most forcible manner
isisslhle. It Is related that he once
very uniiilslnkuhly disagreed with
Itudyiird Kipling on the suhjeel of the
Inner s "muddled on fs " mid "Ihiuin-led
fisils," The caiioii happened to have
three sons lighting against the Boors,
and he told Mr. Kipling that his words
were not poetry ut all hut Just mere I
insult. Another line to which the
canon objected, and. as eventr.
1114 have proved, rightly objected,
wlis: "Sons of the sheltered city un
made, nn handled, unmeet." The sons
of Ihe sheltered cities hnve so thor
oughly vindicated themselves ,,s nei
ther in care what poeis have said
iihoul them nor even lo need that
llliy Ulie should lake up ihe cudgels on
their behalf But It Is evident that
even poetry Will huve to sulnnit to
the general revision which Is to mark
the close of i he vv ar.
Indian lb
( .11 or BUck
(. M.t.l
Utilizing Waste Heat of Gas Engine.
For a long time tbe waste sieniu
from steam engines bus been turned
to good ii ccount, hut there have heen
difficulties in ihe way of using tbe ex
haust gases from a gus engine as ihe.v
readily attack the metal of the con
duits. However, Ihe difficulty Is being
overcome, for a New Jersey candy fac
tory bus nn Installation in connect Ion
with a HO horse power engine which Is
used to heat lbs factory. The gases
pass through an economizer made of
cnsiliou. with tbe passages to the
different sections staggered so that all
parts are heated for the whole length.
Wajer eit enisles la Jacket auareiinn1
IJJfAW passsfes.vPeaular Scleare
To walk into a store
and say, "I want a pair,
of Army Shoes is
all light s far as it
got). But only when
you insist on the
are you sure of getting; the
most fr your money-the
most i niiiloit, the most serv
ice, the most value.
For practical, everyday wear
for (gating comfort you can't
beat the UuckhoCht Army
Shoe. Minle on the Munson
Last specified by the U, S.
Army worn by all of our
soldiers and thousand of men
in civil life.
Look for out registered trade mark
BUt'KHKCHT- nemped ob
every psir is protect you.
Buckingham A Hecht
HjiufclMr S FraixUc
Vou can gtt the buck hecht
Army She In your Iowa. H
yeur dealer dnss set carry It,
write us direct.
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
for U.S.Marine Corps recruits.
Join Now!
loll co
fyft Mon
jtJkow who wear
4ZK& thls
lfFJ&S ambler
B1 a i 7
It is our aim and effort to
give such service- to our
patrons that they profit by
our dealings and recom
mend us to their friends.
We Pay Interest on Time Deposits
C, ill. -t. ill P.
Swifl J. I. Weaver
II. Craven s. N. I I t n i
Tutu Allen
Like the regular Ford cars the Ford Model
T One-Ton Truck is a real farm necessity, just
as it is the necessity of the manufacturer, con
tractoa and merchant. There is no question
about it proving a money-saver right from the
staJt. It is flexible, turning in a 46-foot circle;
has 124-inch wheel base; the regular Ford motor
with worm drive -and has proven as economical
la operation and maintenance as the Ford Tour
ing Car. The prise of the truck chassis is $600
f.o.b. Detroit. We urge placing orders without
delay in order lo get reasonable fair delivery.
The demand is big -come in and talk it over.
oat ear erow ,ipi TSSajiV)
Aha a fai wsaalwaatTamwjTBekDBsu
,,-MSAOnBpsavUalli'' -