The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 15, 1918, Image 5

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    ItRWARD (HBft.OO To party find-
iiiK Plr of rather light bay Mams.
oho irtiHuq niioui i.iwu. me outer
li' 50; branded with laiy K on rtRht
-ilfle; foretops havo been roached
bat urown out five of nix (lichen;
iiM have colts with them. T'hone
cr wire me, collect, raven, uiuiio.
Sheriff I'ayette County.
Kd. Springer was In town yester-
Business as usual now may' mean
no business later.
Mrs. Ollle Robinson came In from
clover Swale during the week.
National War Savings Duy In the
at -home's day.
II. S. Commissioner ('. K. Tulloch
tval In town yesterday from Catlow,
J. 11. Brawn was over from Dla
lii mil during the week on business.
Many are giving their lives; you
! asked only to loan your money.
.'arroll Cecil and his son Homer
re In town Thursday.
Dave Craddock was
Slivies Thursday.
down from
Hilly Carroll, of the county Clerk's
office is over fh Catlow on a vaca
tion visit.
Miss Kthel Thompson was in the
ity this week in company with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton were in
town Thursday from their farm
I him.
Dell Dibble says the fire in the Hed
s field has destroyed a lot of grass
i: uppers.
Jess Albersou secured a new Hup
.obile from Jack McGuire at the
s.immit Caragi- the other day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McKinney will
apy the suburban resideuce of
n : lord Keed as soon as their furnl
i .ire arrives
Sheriff Austin Goodman Is home
'mi Lakevlew where he had been
as a witness before the circuit court
.'or the past few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. MeKinley Thompson
were In the city yesterday. They
Made the trip to San Francisco with
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dalton.
Louis Benn. father of Mrs. I). P.
.1 irdan, arrived here last Tuesday
i veiling from Minnesota to visit with
hlf daughter and family for an in
rlnlte time.
The ladies at the Hed Cross work
room have visitors from time to time
in t one visitor during this week was
l ,ost welcome and may be an exam-
! of what others might do. Frances
S rling came to see them the other
l) and left two sweaters which she
had completed.
'i'bos. Spraue contemplate! a trip
to i lie cou.-l in the near future to k-
Una on things and see if lie can I"
any service to iii.i Uncle i-"u:n in
t In- way of aiding the Khipljuildlug
Tom is a good wi'rRinan and
iiady to do ntl part in any wur
v hi k that will help.
U'ray's Auto Stage driver brings
word that there was a big water
lout on the side of Class Hutte the
' that day. The clouds seem to have
-truck that high peak and "spilled"
instead of holding up until It could
be distributed over an area where it
would do some good.
A large number of our citizens
ive gone to the Alvord Ranch to en
ox the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs.
rank Clerf at a big dance and bar
e ue tonight. One feature of the
ntertalnment Is to be automobile
raeei on the big Alvord desert which
la said to be the finest natural auto
,M course in the world.
Did you know that In Europe
ii tiny republic a mile and a half
nuare and containing a population
i :.500 people? Did you know It
lay on the border of Belgium and
Prussia, faur miles southeast of Aix-
la -rbapeile. and that It is known as
Mores or Altenberg? How would
rou like to live In a country Just big
enough to plant a flagstaff In?
Mrs. Frank Dibble was in town
.iterday. She came home last Sal-
inlay from Camp Lews to where
she went in company with her son
Willie, to visit Frank. The later Is
-iigaged In ruulng an auto for hire
in that vicinity and is doing fine
iio well, In fact, that Willie bought
nim a new Cadillac and remained
tor the same purpose. Mrs. Dibble
said she had seen most or the Harney
county boys stationed lliere and thai
they were living good accounts of
themselves. Tha troops were leaving
rapidly during recent weeks, how-
vi"r. and Mrs Dibble slated that it
i lik.lx i, hoys have all le-'ii mov- !
i b) this'. .
W. S. Riddle is in town today.
Back up those who are offering
their all buy War Savings Stamps.
W. M. Robertson waj over from
Drewsey the other day on basinee.
For Snlo .100 acres of grain hay.
Come at once and see Mm. E. J. New
ell. School Supt. Clark went to Port
land .the other day on some business
In connection with the war work.
H. M. llorton returned Thursday
from Bend where he had been to vis
it his son and attend the state bank
ers' convention.
Andrew Irwin, who has been seri
ously 111 at the home of his parents
In this city for the past few weeks,
Is slowly Improving.
Frank Johnson, the Oregon &
Western Colonization Co, man, wai
in and bothered us for an hour this
morning Ufa is an agreeable sort
of a pest though and Is always wel
come. T. 1', McAmlries, Linotype inspect
or, dropped into this orflce this
morning to look over the machine
that turns out the metal lor this
great religious weekly. This Is Mr.
McAndrles first trip Into this terri
tory. Joe Milan! came over from his
home near Drewsey last night and
Joined some of the young people who
went to the Alvord this afternoon.
Joe informs us that the ladies of his
neighborhood gather at the home or
his parents often to do Red Cross
work and that they have arranged
for a Red Cross party there on Fri
day. June 28. People are Invited
from all over the country and know
ing the Llllards as the writurgyloe
he knows that guests are going to
have a great big time and will be
most royally entertained.
ll 'HI VO!
The following ladles were ut fie
Red Cross work rooms during the
Saturday-- Mrs.
Mrs. Brenton In
Mrs. Skiens, Mrs.
Foren, Mrs. A. K.
Julia Smith and
charge. Helpers:
Hotchkiss. Mrs.
Richardson, Mrs.
Tribett, Miss Beatrice Hotchkiss,
Mrs. Black, Mrs. Bertha Smith.
Monday Mrs. Mace in charge.
Helpers: Mrs. DJUard. Mrs. Foren,
Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. Ruth Barron, Mrs.
Sweek, Mrs. SkelUB.
Tuesday Mrs. Eunice Thompson
In charge. Helpers: Mrs. Brenton,
Mrs. Goodman. Mrs. Geary, Mrs. Hor
ton, Mrs. Kgglestou, Mrs. Sterling.
Mrs. Shields. Mrs. Sweek. Mrs. Leo
nard. Mrs. Gault.
Wednesday Mrs. M. Brenton In
charge: Helpers: Mrs. Skeins, Mrs.
McGowau. Mrs. Gould, Mrs. Kuulce
Thompson, Mrs. Moullen, Mrs. Lump
diire, Mrs Neil Smith, Mrs. Foren.
Mrs. Howard, Mrs. O. B. Thompson.
Thursday Mrs. Eunice Thompson
n liiargc. Helpers: Mrs llowa d,
Mr.-,. Goodman, Mrs. Hotchkiss, Mrs.
Moullen, Mrs. liorlon, Mrs. lilack,
!l. Sweek, Mi:. Keed, Mrs. Lamp--dilrc,
Margaret Irwin.
Friday Mrs. Mace uud Mrs. Joe
Thompson In DhjtrgO. Helpers: Mrs.
W. C. McKinney, Mrs. Hotchkiss.
Miss Beatrice Hotchkiss, Mrs. H. K.
Foren, Mrs. A. K. Richr.rdson. Mrs.
Martha Lampshlre, Mm. II. G. Thom
pson, Mrs. Ray Smith. Mrs. Frank
lin, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Julia Smith.
The following young men register
ed for war duties on June I, they
having attained their majority since
the first army draft was made:
Fred Wendell Smyth, Diamond.
Samuel Oscar Slater, Lawen.
Byron Agustus Bennett, Harney
Henry Schwajizara, Burns.
Albert Antbon Tucker, luphM,
William Kenneth Crozler, Burns.
Robert Ingersoll Drlnkwater, Harney.
Melville Anderson Gibson, Burns.
Herbert Lupton, Burns.
I'aul H. Kruger, Buchanan.
"r'a BttKer' Burn"
pa' n rw. Burns,
' K,J JoneH- Narrows,
Alon, D 1ee' Narrows.
I Ira Owen Williams, Lawen
Ernest Howard Beckley, Beckley.
Linus Smith Gleeson. Lawen.
I'ete William Grace, Diamond.
James Henry Oard, Lawen.
William Irvln Watson, Diamond.
Cluudia Muluerza, Venator.
I Simon Aramburn, Venator.
i Ray Franklin Culp, Lawen,
Ellis Franck Garcia, Albersou.
I Williams Jennings Caldwell.
'Lester Alfred Mllligan, Fayette Idaho.
Alon.o Claude Ward, Drewsey.
, Norman Everett 1'pson. Drewsey.
Harold Leland Cawlfleld. Van.
Jack doer, Crane.
Aaron Floyd Morris, Denlo.
Waller William McLnod, Catlow.
Fritz Wickert, Catlow.
IS r.tUFimvn.
County Clerk Chester Dalton and
family returned from a visit to San
Francisco and other California points
the other day. He was accompanied
down by Mrs. Fred Cllngan and tier
children who remained down there
at Palo Alto with her sister, Mrs.
Frank Oowan. The Journey was
made in his touring car and was
quite enjoyable.
While In the vicinity of San Fran
cisco Chester had the pleasure of vis
iting several of our Burns hoys who
have Joined the colors. Among them
were: Ermine Dlllman. who was de
puty In the clerk's office at the time
he volunteered. Ermine Is In the
Yoemnn Brunch of the Navy and ut
present is clerking In a navy Htoro.
Cniiey Poller has rociitl.v been
assigned duty on a sub -marine and is
supremely happy. Frank Thompson
Is In Mm field artillery being assigned
to an anti-aircraft gun. Jeff Wilson,
Charley Cawlfleld and Roy McDuffy
are In the same battery with Frank
Thoiupoii, dies, seeing all of them
except Hoy.
He also saw Lieut. Frank I'. Gow
au who Is iu the Engineering corps,
ulso C. T. Norton, who was a chum of
lllllle Varlen, bofh of whom volun
teered at the name time. dies, start
ed to see Blllie but he was stopped by
a guard and not allowed to enter
the grounds where he was stationed.
dies, says the boys are all looking
fine and were mighty pleased to see
some one from home. Most, if not
all of them ased leave during Mr.
Dalton's stay In the vicinity and had The transfer of the business will be
a good time together. Every moth- completed as soon as the minor mat
er's son of them said that within ten ters can be worked out, and Mr.
days after the Kaiser is whipped they Faulkner furnishes a good and suffl
all expect to be back in Burns which dent bond, this bond will be $9,000
shows loyalty to the old home town. In amount.
The entire bunch wished to be rem- Yours Truly,
embered to home people and given a STOCK GROWERS N. F. L. ASS'N.
hearty good wish, and should any one
from this vicinity visit that part or!
the country they are urged to let !
thom know and come to see them.
i o
i Contributed)
A Red Cross party will be held at
the "Viii.v nt n.i. Mnnn" ih r.ui.
- - - -- . w- - - .. ... ,
dence of Mr. Charles Llllard. on Cal
amity Creek, 16 miles north wet of
Drewsey, Friday evening June 28th.
Refreshment served. Come and en
Joy a pleasant evening aud help the
Red Cross.
"In the Valley of the Moou,
Where I met you, one night In June;
When 1 passed you by,
I thought I heard you sigh.
While the night birds were in tune,
I was lonesome, so were you,
There was nothing for us to do
But to lose our hearts, both you and
In the Valley of the Moon."
Hall or Hums Lodge. No. 97. A. F. &.
A M.
Our circle Is again broken and
there Is another vacant chair The
column or brother James Francis
Million was broken on May SI, liM.N.
We look hack nnd recall the days
when he was among us; our memory POOtglH """" -m POOOdi or coul In-
. . . .. . stead of 1,'JIO pounds. The achl prod-
turns to scenes of Joy, and his ah- ' . . . .
nets from the wood have caused some
seme reminds us how rrall is the ten- MtM )(f ,.orr(lslllll hllt ,,,,
lire by which human life Is held and , , ,,irK,.y overcome by niter
how abrupt Its termination. Dating charges of wood with churges
Deeply nod sincerely we sympath- of coal. In another Swiss city, 37f
ize with the sorrowing ones; with the pounds of sawdust Is mixed with Oft
widow who left desolate and atone, pounds of coal In retorts that usually
and with the children now without a ,!""' im of cool. -Popular Me
. ,. . i i j ChanlCS Magazine.
father s companionship and support. ,
No granite shaft need be erected
to keep the memory of our departed
brother forever green, for he has,
with his own hands, carved uud fash
ioned a more enduring and lasting
monument In the hearts of those
who have felt his brotherly touch.
. , . ,.
Hravtf and tender man who In the1
storms of life was oak and rock and
In the sunshine felt the pains and j
pleasures of his fellow man, has left .
an imprint on souls which shall live
so long as men honor goodness and :
love truth.
Fraternally submitted,
Notary Public, Lund Office Practice, Kir
liisuniHct' mid llnl Kstnl.
Office: Tonawama Building
Dr. Charles L. Chalfsnt, vice presi
dent of the College of Idaho, located
at Caldwell, the Field Secretary Robt.
Ki McCorralck, are In Burns today
arid the, former will make two ad
dresses in the Presbyterian church
tomorrow. They are here in the In
terest of the school and expect to
visit in several localities in this coun
ty before returning home.
O '
Burns. Oregon, June 10, 1918.
Dear Editer:
I submit to you the following lines,
which I hope will pass censorship
and Hud space In the columns or
your paper:
On June 9th there was a business
meeting ot the Board or Directors,
of I he St ink growers National Farm
Loan Association, or Burns, Oregon.
i At which meeting, among oilier
things the following business was
transacted :
in new applicants were admitted
to membership, and increasing the
loans of the associations by $50,000
Three substitute appraisers tor the
south end of the county were ap
pointed to help appraise lands Iu that
section, In order to' reduce the ex
penses to borrowers from that nelg
borhood. The resignation ot C. C. Luudy, as
Secretary-Treasurer, Was accepted at
this meeting, and Chas. M. Faulkner,
was appointed to fill the vacancy.
By C. C. Lundy, Secy-Treas.
Weston F. Shields, Pastor.
Rev. Charles L. Chalfant, I). D.
Vice President of The College of
Idaho, will speak In the Presbyter
Ian Church both morning and even
j ln. next Sunday, June 16th. The
' morning service will be at 11 A. M.,
and the evening service at 8:00 I. M.
It will pay every one to leave off the
auto ride next Sunday and hear Dr.
Chalfant as he comes to us as an
educator, and a man of affairs both
In and out of the church. He will be
accompanied by Mr. McCormlck, the
financial secretary of the College.
All the people of the City of Burns
and the surrounding community are
Invited to hear Dr. Chalfant.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Preaching a Poison Creek at 2
P. M.
Prayerraeetlug on Thursdays at
7:30 P. M.
Mix Wood and Coal in Making Qas.
At various points In Switzerland
nnd France wood and sawdust are be
ing mixed with coal In making gas,
because of the coal shortage. For ex
ample, 10 per cent of sawdust Is lidd
ed to the coal In the vert Icnl liulli re
torts In QenSTa, while as an alterna
tive for the sawdust, logs are some
times used, In such cases the retorts
British Geological Pictures.
A committee of the British Asso
cliitlnn for Hie Advancement of Sci
ence has been engaged for many years
In forming a national collection nf
photographs Illustrating the geology
,,f ""' I!'"ls" IhI,'b' According lo the
last report the collection now Includes
' : , ,V1, , .
upward of 6,600 pictures. More than
IOUKIIn(1 ,.f ,,,,. wr(. tllK(.n ,
vorkshlre. A collection of the same
character has been made by the geo-
logical survey of (Irent Britain, which
has recently published a list of Its
Scottish pictures. Both the B. A. com
mittee and the geological survey offer
prints and lantern slides for sole, and
printed lists of them are available.
The Tunbridge Wells Natural History
society offers prises for photographs
of scenery illustrating geological fea
tures. Scientific American.
The Allies are past masters In the WA1UEACT CAUL
art of retreating In good ordr When NoU, , th(re
they advance it will be In still .better flre HMrf(l!lHnt funh t
lit llet T
: all County Warrants registered prior
Five-ton motor tractors are to be t0 April is it 1918, and all outstand
usod In place of horses for bringing ln Kabblts Bouuty Warrants. Inter
up field artillery. Any method' of e"1 ceases- Miy 20', 1918.
speeding the war Is acceptable. PEARL FISK,
We will oo yur Job prlntlan. I COtmty Troasurar.
If You Were There Instead of
If you should see a French child a tiny girl sitting by the
roadside, sobbing quietly because she Is too weak from hunger to
cry very loud, you would sell your watch to buy her breakfast.
If you should hear somewhere In the restless wards the low
moan of an American soldier, you would gladly sit by Dim all night,
If that would save his life.
You are not there, but luere, where these sights and sounds are
not brought home to you! But the Red Cross Is there and you can
make It YOl'lt representative!
Over there the Prussians are crucifying the incarnate Liberty of
Man, and they are making the world black for little children!
The money you give to the Red Cross now will give you the
right, when (ho Beast Is beaten down, to think. "Theie are happy
children, clear eyed women, and strong men alive today, because
my money went across!"
Clothing Company
Unavoidable Conditions!
Mmmmmmmmmmi9MMm m i
Owing to the foot that the war has brought
about many changes in the huHinH world, we are
compelled to adjust our buwutw accordingly.
The government is regulating the prices on many
articles which we have to sell, these prices lire fig
ured on a chnIi basis, therefore, the manufacturer
is holding the jobber to a cash Off a ten day term,
likewise the jobber is demtunding cash from the re
tail merchant, now it is down to the point where
the retail merchant moat get the cash for his
goods or go broke, Therefore from this date we
will confine our term of. credit to strictly thirty
days, tioods ar hard to get, help is scarce, ex
penses leaping upward, and we are forced to this
very much ugainst our desire. We hope our
friends will look at this a am. unavoidable circum
stance over which we have-no control.
Burns Department Store
With Visible Generous
You are assured of both of these
when you buy your Groceries at
Farmers Exchange
Every article of merchandise put
out by us is guaranteed to be
just as represented.
We have cheap goods for the man
who wants them cheap, and
better ones for those who want
them better.
Of this be absolutely certain
You Get Just What You
Call For and Want
Can't you give us your trade on
this basis?
jjfr mm