The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 15, 1918, Image 3

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    Long Live
i lie iviiio
iniiy. ,i i-odiu. r.nni nf uiil brick,
ni dump, bat with n five circulation
i i :t ir. Old Adelborl stui'cii about him.
us not I'Mtiivu dark, A Mi of
lit entered trotn ill" aperture nt the
'end of the steps, Bj It, even before
I lobby lind lighted hi candle, ii" nv
i'ii' broken chair, the piece of old mr-
i. unit tin- iiiliN iiihI i'ihN the HiiliJ
1 ml brought
nil Adalbert Mi curiously shaken.
"There It Inl" Cr'crl Bobby.
None have Ttatfed this place -luce you
ill: .
have been tine';" In
"I dou't suppose
. i"iii it. lo jniuf
Tliitno who imiii it. penlmp. Hut
i- IHU. TCI-.V lllfl. Il 1- HIMdble "
lii- MiimiI. (out III " ' 'llhltiilll.
Rllh 'I'ril. .Nil. Ilii'l'i' IIIIINI lie nil Uiir I
ni tin' ri'Hiiiiiiiri', or ni' Hit' terror Uiul ; i,
urnve t r in rvlin, I' or, II Hi,' iinr.;
lui iii'iirii. ii in' railed her, i Ik
mn i ii" iii" ihlnu i key find set bur In
do, Knrl musl never kiiuw. Tbul awl
'III' lllllHl (lilt) iiliilli'.
Ki i 'ijihuin bung mi iln' reaull of bei
islt. If Knrl rotated, ii be would
iiHiir.v lied wig in ipltu ui i he troubli
it would i'n Ipltnte, Ihen Indeed h
u- Mm. If, tin tin' iillni' Iniiid. In'
wiis Inclined to peace, u bet story nt
a tottering iiii'uiii' in ill hi-. Imnd, she
, would 'i' ry the couimltti f ten. Karl
i htmaetf would in'ip her in Mcape,
j tinilii Imli'i'il hlili' her. It wmilil not
he fur long, w i ; i ii i ii i Karl's support
tin- i; iinj"'- death would bring the tar
ronsia mni iiuimii. I ney wmilil linve
i'IIiit ihlnga in ')" than to hum hur
inn. Their end would hi- gained with
nut her. Let tbetu steol the crown
(irltK'i', thru. Let Uedwt Bghl fur her
tiii'iuie mni loaa it. Let the street
inn deep wild blood nlnl nil the inuile
iiinnluiii of hell It, nl.
But ii Karl failed ber, Site clinched
her teeth.
The cotenteea lhl not sleep, tJu
wna, villi ever) Bber of her keen bralu
ununoniufl her BtgtWMBta, Ika would
need them, for .he knew none battel
lmw jxhiii ii handicap wns hers
She loved Knrl. mni he knew II. What
inn! awn her itrenglii hnd become bei
I eaknenM,
Vet aha eras' compoaod tuflngh when,
before the aun wae well up, the nm
chine drew up in the village baton
the Inn where Uettllcb had spent in
uneaag hours,
she bad expected to k to the lodge,
but nt nine o'clock Hint bight Knn
came to her. knocking m the door or
her room ami entering without writing
for perrolaafon.
The room was mhuII nml cosy with
firelight, Her scurlel ejoak, Hung ovei
n chair, made n duuli "i brilliant color
Two lighted candles "ii u high e i
chest, nml hot ween iheiii n piaster Hk
lire of the Mother anil I'liihl. n hinll in
it wmiid o,. because ner power over
him Him dead m last.
"V''. I do not know how fur your
arrang it, hftve gone, You have
nt I ens I liren unrtled."
I'm In- ItW, h.Y I he M'l'.s v i . Ii"
i drew liiinxelr up nnd smileil, 'iluii ii"
! under d. Mora than Hint; fie
i doul I h"i ii" ipi. -ilunod wind sin1
1 hud Mild. I li" vei. V I'ni'l llild she bill)
tuid inin imry the truth added to bei
regi ni iiK-jii .
"Vnn a ill see," she snld sullenly.
Been use he ibnugbl he nlrandy sa.w,
nml becausa she had given hint u bud
M "'Ill, Knrl chose lo he ilellherillel.S
"Plil. "I'ei liiipx !" he Mil 1(1. "Hut you
lenve out of iiiis discussion the one
"ii ni ni thai l consider Important,
Uedwlg herself, If lite Princess lied
wt a ere tomorrow to he wiihnui n
i nun i , I - llolllll Nl III hope to IUUI I '
hml l t "II up lo it"v , hnd
ml her temper, bud
inl; ii her cue ; ruin him and been tpilel
nnd poised. Bill moro limn his r -in-
cruel vuiie. Kllk) wBh friendship,
drove her lo the hn nblng point.
Bitterly, and with reckless passion,
she linns, ui him Hmlwlg'i Infatuation
for miiiul I. nn rh. and nropliesled his
disllnllul' ;l I 11 I, Oil III II.
in Mie end sin- crew quiet and sni
looking Into the lire with aye mil of
stony despair, she hnd tried and
railed, There ns one way left, only
I one. mul even Ihul would not bring
111111 lun'K Iii her. I,el lleilg eNi'itpi- vvIjs'h lunrrliigi
I mm marry pussy i.iiriwii- tun where
I Wits she I. el llle lerrorisls Mlrlke
their Mow and steal the crown prince
Again here wiis shtl
Her eiUOtlnn were deiideiieil. nil
ni TO I TrfiTTTwiii on sn.,l m .i
I usk. As fur," she milled, "ns lies In
in.v power, I run only try."
"Thill 1m nil Hie eiilnuillli e eViees,"
he i nld civilly, mul with n i-eilei Hml
M .is ii"f In I I n her. "Willi iiinilnine'.'
' llltellhtelire, In try Is 111 siiee I,".
, Nivill In II I, he left her Wall
Kii'inloii. I: . i n Minn. i, hll,iln olT for
no iM'iihu hour with n vlljiige swoel
In m I, was i . i j 1 1 1 1 1 slindnwed, Be
fore lids, llhi Indies hnd I'lllingtUl glir
iiiiiiis with 'their molds mul escaped
frmii divers iiiipleaSuntnesses,
Al Hie end of Iwo ihi.vs II ouuless
wiih nhle In he up. She moveil
, languidly abanl her room, sun ion
weak io i in i
Ami on the fourth day came the
crown prince or Livonia on n pn
gi Image,
Tim ma ii net , . r his coming was this:
There are more ways ihuti nna of
reaching Ihe hearts of mi uneasy peo
ple, Itenil ii ni taxes is u bad one,
li ni ' stake in the pnst, in ex
noting such lithe, Governments inny
innl.e "iln i . hut imisl mil UCkOOWl
edge iheiii. There is the freeing of
, i"iiii(ii prisoners, hui that, (no, is
dangerous, when such prisoners
breathe sedition to tin very prison
And there Is Ihe appeal to seiillinelil
The government, pliiuinu nil lis hopes
to niie snuill hoy, would further endear
ll I in lo Ihe people. Wily slnloHinnii
Hint he was, the chancellor hud hit
on this o offset Ihe minora of lied
With modern facilities to care
for all Auto ailments
Familiar with all make of Cars
H. C. SHIREMAft, :: Lampshire's Garage
I'M hnd ni in u si,n mi' e of ii i hod with
iiKMilgcwny under Ihe Woll. but III I lnom.
i ('collected nothing clenriy. .i piimkuk
way lending odt beyond the wnii,
ihrottgh Which, In u great stage, I
ii MSigigm1 had been seut Cor help. Hut
Him was passage; wldle ihis was s
The candle was at lost lighted, li
horned ttfsdly, illuminating only a ttnj
.one in the darkiiesM.
"I need n lantern,'' Bobby observed.
There's a draft here. . It comes from
the other gsMing, Howe nine, when
you have time, I'd like io see whatfs
beyond H- 1 was kind oi uervoui
. 'mat going alum ."
It was iIk old pussage, ihrti, oi
ins,., old Adelheii stared as Bobby
nk the candle mid held ll toward a
Ki-eond grated door, like tin first, hut
A close exanjlunflon revealed to old
llierl t'" ihiiiu'-: I'irst, thai
i n i. dined pusxuge, ajiunrentl) In good
repulr, led beyond tin- grating. Bee-
ini. that it hnd been recently put In
rder. No unused pussage ihi., hut
ne kept in order and repair. Kor
ihnt evening Adelheii called to see
Ids friend, the loeksinilh in the unl
' I'sjty place. lie pSSSjaaBSSl, lie sliid,
ii pndloch f which he hnd loat ihe
key, and whleh, lielnc fasiMied lo a
heat, he wiih suable t hrliiK wltli him.
A Utrga and henvy pudloek, perhaps
'he size of Ills palm
When he left, tie carried with him
n bundle of keys, tied In u brown
But he did not buck in bis ehest.
II.- went Instead to the thicket an ill lid
ihe old gate, which wu Mill termed
the "(Jute of the Moon," nnd there,
mated with n lantern, pursued bin in
vstiguHoriH during u portion of Hie
vVkHM he had finished, okl Adelhert,
veteran sag many wars, ono-tlme imiriot
- ml newly turned traitor, held to his
hnkiliK luilids Hie fat of the kintf-
" hlte curiiilus Him n ns 1 1;,
Tin- "iinitess Loscbek wnx on Iff
' ay across the border. The nrrHiige
"nts were not of her making. Her
I Inn. which hnd boon to K afoot
ITOSS tlie iin.iililiiin lo the town (it
Aron-Ar. and Itier- to hire a niolor.
had been altered by the iirrlvul lit the
siie. shortly nfter the permission
'mis given, of u miK-liine.
"Tlie uiulter of (MissporlM for the
border i Hrrsnged, oiadiune," Black
llumhert told her.
"I linve my wwu passports," she said
"They will not be necessury."
"I will have this Interview ut my
destination alone, or not at all."
He drew himself to his great height
urn! regarded her with cold eyes. "As
you wish," he said. "But it is proh
'ably not necessary t remind inndnme
that, whatever Is discussed at tbl
meeting, no word must be uieiitlunMi of
the ceasmlUee, ei I
LT; . '
AUksogb kc.aiVdv aTlkreat, she hss"
Before the open lire Olgn Losehek
sat in her low chair. She Wore sllll
her dark dreaa; gnd u veil-, ready to be
doniied at the summons of a mesMige
from Karl, iriiihd across her knee. In
the tireiiL'iit ska looked very young -young
mul weary. Knrl. who hnd
come hardened to n scene, found nor
appealing, almost pathetic
She rose lit his entrance and, after
n moment of surprise, smiled faintly.
Hut she said unthin-. imr Inl Kuil.
'mill be hml lifted noe of her oh
bunds, and brushed It with his lips.
"Weii:" he said. "Ami again,
Olgn ' '
" nce again."
she looked up nt him. Joe, he was
changed, 'ihe old Karl wonld nave
taken her In his anus. This n,w Karl
was urbane, smiling, nui nay,
"There, o. nothing v.nui;,', Is there?"
I." nhi. "Your note ulunued me. Not
Hie pole, mil your i "inln here."
"i wiis iiiiiniis And Iheiii were
tilings i fell vnn should know,"
"What things?"
"The truth about Hn- king's condi
tion, fnr lie Is dying The bulle
tins lie. He is on lulu i .
"Sii!" siiid Knrl uneasily, "lint Ihe
ohaiieelhu assured me -" lie slopped,
it was lint yet lime lo spenk of the
chancellor's visit,
"The chancellor I lie lies, of course.
How bud thing's are you may Judge
when I tell you thai a bidden passage
from the palace Iiiih been opened and
cleared, rendy for insiiint lllghl."
It was Karl's turn lo be startled.
He rose, mul stood siminK down m her.
"Are you certain of thai V"
"Certain r sin- langtiad bitterly,
"The terrorist -rcvoluHonisiM, they
cull Hieuiselvus are everywhere. They
know everything, see everything.
Meiilieh s ugekta are disappearing one
by one. No cue knows where, hut all
suspect. Student meetings are pro
hibited. The yearly procession of
vetermiH is forbidden, for they trust
none, even their old soldiers. The
council meets day niter day in secret
"But the army "
"They do imi trust the army."
Kail's face wns grave. Something
ot Hie trouble in LiVOUig lie had
known. Hut ibis argued an Immediate
"On lb,- kind's death," the countess
said, "a republic will be declared.
The republic of l.lvnnln I The crown
prince will never reign,"
"So you eiiine today lo (ell me Ibis?"
She Klunced up, and ealchlnu his
eyes, colored faintly. "These lire
things you should know."
lie knew her very well. A Jealous
woman would go far. He knew now
thai she was Jealous. When he Hpoke
it was with calculating brutaUiy. "Ton
menu, In view of my Impending mnr
rlsgs?" So it tins arranged! Finally ar
ranged. Well, she had dose her best.
He. knew the trulb. She had fold II
rsr, K, knewjeg t,
Y w
i ' i
Karl Left Her There at Laat.
Save mie. nnd thai was ber hatred of
Bed wig. The humiliation or that mo
; meat was dm tn in,-. Somehow, some
day, sl"' would I ren wiih Uedwlg,
Knrl left her there at last huddled in
lur chair, h'tt mil of reeeatment, the
sshes of Ills nld hoe mill mid triiv.
There wan little reminder "f the clrl
of the m Nintalnt In the stony-eyed
1 woman be hinl left sagged low liy Ihe
Once nui iii Hi" open air, the kim.'
of Karnin drew a Imiu' breath. The
affair was over. It hud been unpleu
ant. it was always unpleasant to
break wiih a woman. Bui it was ll
He neither loved Iter nor needed her.
I Mindly relations between Ihe tWO
couutrles were established, nnd soon,
very soon, would lie ratified by hi.
It Wiis lot l.f I Hun l,ns,h,l(. hill of
II' duly I l.iil In- thought as Ills cur
Climbed swiftly to the lodge.
be yesjslstsd.
The Crown Prince's Pilgrimage.
The day when olioi l.oschek should
have returned to ihe city found her
too III to trnv'l. No feigned sickness
this, tun real rnoBgh, matter of fever
and burning eyes, and of mul le rings
in troubled sleep.
Minna was iilnrmcd. She was fond
of her mistress, hi spite of her oc
casional cruellies, mid lately Ihe
countess hud been slraiik-ely gentle.
sin- required iiiite attention, wished
i lo hi- alone, nnd lay in her great bed,
I looking out steadily si the hieuk moun
tain tops, lo which spring navel
"She cuts nothing,4' Minna sain
despairingly lo the caretaker, "And
her eves frighten me. They are nl
wnys open, even In the Right, lull I In;,
seem lo see nothing,"
On the day when she should bnve
reluriied. the eounless roused herself
enough to send for Itluck Humbert, j
fretting in Ihe kitchen below. He hud j
hi'licM'd Hint she was inalinueriiiL' mi
til he saw her, but her Hushed nnd
BOllOW cheeks showed her condition, i
"Von imisi ni urn nml explain," she j
Sgld, "I shiill need more time, alter ;
When lie hesllnled, she added . i
'There are plenty lo walcli thai I do
mil escape. I could uol, If I would
I have uol the strength."
"If madams wishes, I can take n let- ,
She pondered over Hull, Interlitclnii
her lingers nervously ns she refected,
"I will send no letter," she decided,
"bul I "III in- you a message, which I
you cuii deliver." '
"Yes, miniums."
"0sy t lip esmjtjltec test I ksre
" " I I " I Sii III 111
"A pilgrimage I" said ihe KIiik. when
the matter was lirnucbeil lo him. "For
what' My recovery 1 Cannot you let
your servant depart la peace?"
Tllgriraagna," obeerved ihe chancel
lor, "have had marvelous rosalts, sfre.
I do not Insist Hint Ihey perform
miracles, as some believe." he smiled
faintly "but as a mutter of public
feeling nml ii remedy for dlOCord, they
are sometimes efflcncloUs."
"I see," said the Mm.' And lay grill,
looking tit Hie celling.
"Can It be done sufelyV" lie iisked
nl Inst.
"The maddest trUltOT would not
threaten the crowa prime mi u pii
grimage. Tin- people would tear him
limb from limb,"
"Nevertheless, I should lake nil pre
cauilniis," said Hie klllg. "A uiaduuiu
might mil recogupni tlie er- religious
nature of tl.e alfnlr."
The sniiie day ih chancellor rtblted
Prince I erdimiml Wlllium OttO, mid
found h I in return d from his drive nml
busy over Hedwtg's photegrapb frame.
"ll Is iilinosl dniie." he sard. "1
-lipped over In one or iwo places, bul
II Is llnl Verj nolo i llhle. is 11 V"
i be chuucj Urn ,'iis, iM d ii Judicially,
and ih' nl, d ilia I the slliiplng over
not noticeable at nil.
"OttO," said Hie i halo ellnr grttVOly.
I "I wnnl Iii talk to you rerj scrioualj
nbOUl si, in I him: I WOUtd like you lo
I do, I'm' your grandfather."
"I'll do an) ihiii- rer him, sir."
"We khan that, i Ma is the point
He has been ill for S long lllile. Very
.,.,... I I. ...I 1.1... .. I.t. .. k-
I oe I."., -hi: i linn ,kii a iiini
bled face, "He looks very thin," be
Isold. "I k''l tilte worried when I sec
"Rxuctlj 'iii have heurd of Klgel?'
Prime I'erililiniid William Ottn'P
reltgl 'iis liisirucilmi was of the beat
He had. Indeed, heard of Btaei He
knew the fnmiuis ptlnriumnes in order,
and could say Iheiii rapidly. Iiitslunlug.
the .Mar nf inn l.nnl :i,, i, ICuiperor
lltlii mid Adelheld. Ills spniise; the
your oi ur Lord liou, LTrlch, Count
of Kllburg ; ami so on.
"When people are III." he suhl sage
y. "ih,y y,, ii, l-li.,-! ,,' hi , meil."
"Precisely. Hut wl.en they cunnSl i;o
they send sum,, m,,. else, lo piny fui
them. Ami sotuetlinea, ll thay uavu
fuitb enough, the bolj n.nn,i, luippuiM
and ih. -y are i ured."
The rhuucellor wns deeply religious,
mul although In- had planned Hie pil
grlmnge for pnlltleul reasons, fur lite
mouniii. in- i, isi sight "f them, Wbut
If, after nil, this leareyed, cleun-
heniled child cinihl hriliK Ibis mirui le
Of the k inn's recovery ' ll wus a
famous shrine, mni stranger things hml
been brought iiboul by less won by
"I thought," lie said, "that if Jrou
would ko lo Ki.i I, into, nnd there pfttj
for jour grandfather's recovery. It
It would he n good IhtUg."
The meiinliiK of such u pIlKrimilKc
dawned snihleiily on the boy. Ills eyes
filled, ami because he considered It mi
manly to weep, he slid from his chair
mid went to Ihe w luilow.
"I'll! afraid lie's uolliK to die," lie
, MM, in a suiolbeieil voice.
The chancellor followed him lo Hie
window, and put an arm around his
shoulders. "Km n that would not lie
so terrible 'Mle" !i" said. "Uenlh.
1 , me mil, is not lernhle. It Is an
open ih sir, III rough which they no glnd-
' l.v, liei-iiiise beeuuse those who have
I gone ahead are. Waiting Just beyond
j It."
"Are my mother and fullier wnlt-
! ingf
"Yes. OtpJ."
He conoid Seed. "And my gianll-
i mother"
"He'll he very glad to see (hem all
again. "
"Very happy, Indeed. But we need
him here, too, fur a while. You need
him ami 1. Sn we will go and pray
to have him wait n little lunger be
fore lie goes awuy. How about It)"
"I'll try. I'm not very good. I do a
goM'l uiuii.v i'iI'iks vou know."
(To be continued)
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Rom Paalor Blokes Is now Hinting
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H. E. YOUNG, Proprietor
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