The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 08, 1918, Image 8

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First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
Burns, Oregon, May 31, 1918
To The Subscribers to
The Third Liberty Loan,
Through The First National Bank, Burns, Ore.
To those who subscribed to (ho Third Liberty Loan
through our bank, under the Government installment plan,
we wish to make the following explanation and statement
We made requisition in early May to the Federal Re
serve Bank for blank notices and franked envelopes so that
each subscriber might be notified of his next payment, the
amount thereof ana when due.
Such supplies not having been received, we finally
wired, inquiring the delay, and were advised that same hag
I em forwarded the day before and they were finally receiv
ed on May 29th, the day after the installment payments had
to be made.
Believing that every subscriber would wish to make
j?ood his obligation, and not allow his initial payment to he
forfeited, we settled on May 28th the 20 per cent install
ment due from every subscriber, and we trust that each sub
scriber will remit us promptly the amount we advanced at
that time.
While this circumstance has made us much additional
work, we appreciate the fact that the Federal authorities
have much to contend with these trying time aand we make
this brief explanation that it may be understood that in not
notifiying subscribers generally we were no way at fault.
J. L. GAULT. Cashier.
Mr. Jennlo Urown waa over frotji ,
Mrewsey the for part of this week ,
.In it i FallOWl rrliirnril here the
fori' 1 1 ii it of tail v.t'1'li He '-; In ' B '
i tt In rrl'i.'v 1 1 1 .
Dr. II. Hetiinuti Wai among our
rtalton from crane laal Tutaday i
lltlclld IllO funeral Of .IHIIK'M Million.
A pood pocket knife was picked up
III Hiirtu recently tlml may be had liy
tlir owner if he win pruve property
ami pay for this local,
Horn Wedneefiay, June B, to Mr.
Mini Mr-. A. M. Hyrd, ill I'rinev ille,
a daughter This is ilio r 1 r - i girl In
Mint family.
.11 m It ". ei kl i I" ;i niiM of lil I win .1
Hi' took (pie family and weni to Cot
too Saturday and told ua ha'd bring
back "Hi'' foot, ilti iiiii nail they
were fine,
For Pal 40 acres adjoining
j Barns, Hen I. j, Doaeteo,
1'or Hale Complete wen driiing
outfit, For particular! Inquire of
tii'o coiib, Burn i, ( iregon.
('. B, Tiillm li wai iii from Callow
Valley tlio oIIht day, having ionic In j
to report mi the n'i cross Drive and
look after other matters.
The regular business meeting of
Mir (US Cross will In' held on next
Tuesday evening at S o'clock at the
Commercial Club rooms.
AIImti i i;il,i riinin came over from
Silver Creek Wednesday night, hrlng
Iiik Mm. Kd. l.oiiglillu mid lor hop,
tin' Initrr to have a broken arm net.
it. It. (lurk, the or. in r or the I 1 1 1
die tench, WO in town !::-i H.iiur
Ida.v. He win accompanied In From
Our llovM nnt gmtr-ilm,' ii,
I heir lives' your democracy, A
safety, yotir tut tire.
Are tin doing mm iinii-li
1 1 ir
The Times-Jierald
Ha The Largt Ciraarietfon Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Locl N t W S.
A. Venator wan among our visitors
rrom a distance during the week.
V. L. Beat spent a few days In the
city from bia Silver Creek home dur
ing the week.
Jeff Cawlfleld came over from his
home mar Van with a load of hog
tor i no racking Plant
Four-home power Fairbanks-Mores
gus engine for Mule. Cull at MiIm of
Carrol Cecil and his son Fat were- flee.
over the other day.
Two Ajax Ford tires new, fer sule
at a bargain. Farmers Kxchange.
Horn Wednesday, June 5, to Mr.
and Mrs. Jumcs 8hepurd. twin Iio.vk.
All concerned aro fiolng fine.
Regular customers desired for milk
and cream. Phone John Caldwell
For Sale Seed wheat, Karly Uaart
or Little Club. 10 day oats. All
fanned and ready to seed. P, B,
Alva and Ed Springer accompanied
by their families were up from their
home near the Lake the fore part of
this week.
The warm sultry weather has had.
u good effect on vegetation where
there was sufficient moisture to give
it a little life to grow
Sioo.nuo. "THK HANK I HA I
MAKES vol it SSsy SAKH.
C.rnnt Cilt. ht'li Id wiii up rrom Cat
low Volley the other dm on one of
his occasional trips, lie s rStlHllUJ a
car between here and thai Voile) and
he la in ami out frequently.
itov Dwyer and family took their
departure yeeterdejr morning fur
Long Heach, Cnlifornin. where they
go to"VIlt his mother for an Indefl
nlte time.
Mrs. Tim Krlhs and children left
Wednesday for Hend where the) KO
to join Tim who has been working In
the mills there for the past several
inontliM. They will make their home
there for the present
mki:s vol It s S S S HAIF."
Horn- This morning, June 8, to
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maltnn. u daugh
ter. This young lady will be telling
her children and grandchildren
l:i that she was bom on the da
that there was a total ci llpnc of the
Mr and Mr. J C. Sevclk were in
from the Clover Swale Itanch for u
few days during the past week, tak
ing out a load of supplies. Jake says
they are going to do some farming
out there this season, hut most of the
work- will lie Tor the purpose of gel
ting Mi" ground In shape for next
,i "ii He i going to take a unrulier
of large draft geldlOga n titl mares
in to Polyoma country to dispose ol
to the- fanners.
Mr. inn! Mrs. Curtis and fBinilv
took their departure Suiulav
morning tot a vacation visit to Port
land and oilier points to the west.
Tlirv made the Journey In their own
car going out by the way of Mend
mid down over the ydumhia Hlgh-
-way.' Mrs Curll has been one of the
'li'liiTK lii the public school of tbil
city ffir the past two years and hi
boeOa elected to the eomlni year
therefore the) win return In time for
the opening ol icftoel.
franc boTiilph Weaver of the l rt
grata Bank!
Mi I, Frtd llaioei and lor ilaugh-
ter, Misi Btheli are home from Coll
fiirnln wnero (hex spent tin. winter.
They were down irom Harney Tues ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Smith are ah
sent In Portland this week. We are
Informed Mr. Smith recently pur!
chased the (ieo. Young residence
where he Is now residing.
Netice: All parsons knowing them
selves Indebted to I Schwartz, are
requested to settle their accounts II
before June 1st On that date all
unpaid accounts will he given to a
Arcvoii Biiviiitf your moneyl
Or. an .yon living in the shiiic c
travagAiil manur in wliich yoB
livcfl liel'ole this Conflict Kt il It if?
)o your hit towafrl li'ipiiirj
1 lie Im1h on thtf other side tii1 irnl
vHils protecting yejnf own futui-pj
Vmir hit just now is to save y n
A dollar isn't iMiicli hnt it
starts m savings account in 'ir.
.NATIONAL Havings Department
"Your Horns Institution"
Harney County National Bank
Burns, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Jutld Wise came In
from the Home Creek ranch in Cal
low Tuesday bringing James Lewis
who had been kicked In the forehead
by a mule and u!ic severely hurt.
His phslrlaii found the skull had
heen sllghllv fractured and as the
blow was almost botWOOB the eyes,
or slightly abovH them. It ha af
footed the young man's sight, but It
In thought poaelhle only temporarily,
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Olsen of the
Island Itanch. left yesterday after
noon to gi I in line with tin , llpse
tills aftenOOn, TbO) VOSl as far as
the afaraden Rooeh In Hear Volley
la -it evening and George ami Mrs.
Horeien aecemoonled taosj today to
a poll. I on a htgb mountiiiii h
Coayoa City vhera they could view
the grOOd sIkIH. It was worth every
effort on the iarl ol those who were
fortunate onnsgh le net la Use with
(lie totality, as It will not incur
again for Ia0 wars according to
scientists and not many of us expert
to live to view- I he next one.
W. H. Robertson was over from
Mrewsey Ibis week, e
Mrs. J. K. Slremore was In the
city during the fore part of this
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heinz were
among those from a distance to at
tend the funeral of James F. Mahon.
I). A. Hrakeman was in towi, u
other day.
Mrs. Grace Lampshlre has a fli
lot of cabbage plants for sale. s. htl
at once.
Leo r iKcncr was up irom rti
during the week. He Informs us hit
wife and little child have gone fj
1 'oft land for an Indefinite visit
Mr. and Mm. C. (1. Smith wltl
Frod Cllngan and Mr. McDonald ,
have returned from Crane where
they erected a large garage for Jack j their son 4'urtia and his wife. It
Klsby. yesterday for a visit In Portland, th
, Willamette Valley and on to Callfo
John Boethoff and his' son. John
Jr., aci ompauleil by Joe Arnsmeh r.
arrived here Thursday from the Dee-
nla To be absent for several week
Curtis expects to be back in time '
assist In harvest.
chutes mi (ion.- Mr. Heethoff ownsi
land adjoltiiug town Just below the Mrs. Win, Farre and Kiel
lair iroonda, Tiey came over for the went out on the Wray Stagi
purpose ot erii'tfug a cottage on this day morning enroute to Portl
place wlil b will be occupied by Mr. where liny will visit for a few la
ind Mrs. ll. Sihmalr. Mrs. Si rt- going later to t orvallis and iiii
inal Is n daughter of Mr. Seelloff. llnir return will come by way
Maker and Canvon City where th
will spend a few week.
Edward Trenton drove through
A. It. Curry, the Ufge contractor
between Crane and Metilo, was a husl
I leitor to our city th
ol this week.
H B. Milliiiau was up from Nar
rows aectlon during the week to see) from Wichita, Kmtaca, fecentl) In an
he wile and new son. While hero he a ulouiohlle. He was accompanied b
fore part Purc"efl some new milk cows from his wife, also his daughter. Mrs Paul
Doug Maker and has taken tliein to llowe and her children They come
the ranch.
W. M Maker In company with Nell
Dawson and bis family, came over
from Mrewsey last Monday and spent
a few hours in this city looking after
BOOM baatneae affairs preparatory to
fOlnf On to Portland where they ex
pect to secure employment In the
ship vanls. Nell stopped at the Hank
Frank elerf was in from his Al-'
v.,rd Ifamh Tu.sdav to pay his last MIM Beatrice Hotcbklaa arrived
respects to his departed friend James llome la"t wp,'k fr," 1!""''' lere
Mahoni f "be had heen leaching during the
Dpeal school year. 'I'lie voung lady
Orover Hudspeath has again taken will spend the vacation visiting with
up hla duties al the Bile branch her family. Mr. and Mrs. II. Ilotch-
store of the Hums Cash Store and Al- kiss. w t -bert
Swain and family are again In
town Mrs. C A Haines and her children
arrived home rrom Portland Thura
J. E. Johnson was over from his day afternoon. Miss Hazel gradual
shearing plant at Klverside to attend ed from St. Helena, Hall this mouth
the funeral of hla late friend James and Is liomu for a vacation. She la
Mahon last Tuesday. Mr. Johnson undecided as to her future plans for
says the bad weather has caused de- school work. They went on over to
lay In shearing operations but now their home at Diamond yesterday
the crews are working full blast.
C. F. McKlnney, president or the
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Urown and two j Harney County National Hank, and
daughters were in Tuseday to attend L. M. Urown, cashier, took their de
the funeral of James Mahon. Mr. I parture Thursday morning for Hend
Urown Informs The Tlmgs-Hcrald l to attend a convention of the bankers
that his other son Harry has volun- 'of this state. They were joined here
teered his services In the war and has by J. It. Hlackaby of the Ontario
gone to a camp. He could not rem- National Hank, who came up on the
ember what part of the service the train, and accompanied these gentle
young man had enlisted In. men over in their car.
I Drug Store Sundries T
In addition to s complete line of Drugs and Pro
prietary Medicines, we carry a full supply of
Rubber Goods of all kinds.
Combs and Brushes, all grades and prices'
All Kinds of Toilet Preparations. .
Pens, Pencils, Ink and Stationery.
Wp will fuiniHh you anything you need for an in
tellighnt care Of thi; health and beauty of your person.
The Rexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
to Join Mr. Howe, who has been Im
proving his farm a short distant
iouth ot the Kxperimenl Station
since his' arrival here a year or so
ago. The Trcntons will remain lore
for a few weeks and expect to extend
their Journey on to the coast before
they retrace (heir stTTis In the east
The long overland trip across the
plains and mountains gave the party
an opportunity of seeing a gret area
of the country.
'Ieo. 8. Sl.eiiioie has taken charge
of the collection for the benefit of
.he Armenians. He accepted the Job
yesterday after consulting with others
and will Immediately take steps to
organize for the purpose. This Is a
move that has been under way for a
long time mid calls tor a free will
contribution from citizens who feel
able and Inclined to give something
for the, relief of a waY stricken coun
try. Tliere Is no time set for this
work to be completed but It will be
under way in this county as soon
as Mr. Sileinore can secure necess
ary aid. He Is promised some good Ho. lull, r liurl i.l I Ii U I ''UShillg
mouth, due notice ol the dates will
be given later.
and bad the savings ,,ont of his rlod and Is now taking a rem
In tie son Withdrawn and placed In
War Stamps the dud adding h littli
tO make things i lime out even. He
said I hat was all lie aotttd do work
in the ship yards. It a Opted, pul bis
wagea into Liberty Bonda and the
"Kid's" into Thrill Stamps. Later
on ir they will take him lies willTng
10 SO "Over" and try to gel a i rack
al the Kaiser's bean.
Miss Fdltli Kaluo, one of the
'auts In the Harney County National j
I!:. i.L t..,,L l,.-r il, . ., . I ,, r.- 'II. ,,r .1 . v T Ii I a ..fTI,... Ima ruimltnil a i-ar,l
' """ '.' '.. ... M. ... ...... . .,..,....,-,.,..-,....,...,..,,,
morning In compntiy wltn C. F. Mr nounclng that Clarence McKinnoeJ
Kinney and L. M. Urown for Hend en u son of H. J. McKinuon. Jr.. oi thttl
route to Portland and other outside city, has enlisted in the army I'lir
points on a vacation vlsijt with rcla cine had been residug In WyiiiiiliigJ
lives and friends. Miss Kaino came for the past few years. It dot - not 1
to the local Hank from Salem and say In what branch of the servnehel
has been very faithful for a long has engaged nor where he is 00 -t-
The following were among the out
of town people to attend the funeral
Mi James Mahon on last Tuesday
afternoen: Judge and Mrs (Irani
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Haiti,
Joe Clark and family. 1. L. I'ouJ&de
and lalully, Mr. and Mrs. Kmory Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. Hobt. in Ink water. Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Vlekers, Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Howser. Urn Lowe and family,
J. W. Huchanan tt family, (ieo Much
aiiau and family. Mr. and Mrs. Win
Catiersoii, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shown,
Oren Thompson and daughter, Miss
Ft he), Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Smyth.
Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Moore, Fred
Haines and family, Mrs. Seth Mower.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cross, Mr. and
Mrs. ("has. Koper, W. H. Morrison.
Mr. and Mr, Henry Jftmlngs, J. U.
Kalk'.tad, Mr. and Mrs. John Cary.
While lu town thrt other day ("has.
Koper and W. H. Morrison were dls-
llie sage rat pest with the I
writer and others. These men say It '
was a mistake to take the bounty oil
Jack rabbits regardless of the iieeis-
Brneal Schapcr was over from the Ion of the supreme court, as tktO
ramlly home in Diamond during the had been reduced Id so few it would
week to have some dental work done.' have been a matter or little expense
The young man Is assltlug bis father, to keep them down, but with ni lu
lu fanning a large tract of land this ducement to hunt or trap thein they i
season, both on the home plan and would again multiply rapidly. Thcv
on the land leased from the Kaslcrn ,,re also of the opinion that there
Oregon Cattle Co. Krm si told tl.e iin.ul.i tie a bounty placed upon the i
writer that they had dlsiovered sov-jiats. However, with the poisoning1
eral deposits or grasshoppers In his met hods MggeatOd by Hie govern
vicinity and in fad right in their incut ami the willingness or the de
grain fields. lie got busy before iiaitinent of Agrlculiurn to assist in
they hag Mine tO scatter nn r S large Iffe eradl.aiion ol such pests It!
area uiui immediately after betehlng should Sot bo inoh ss expense to
I. severed the. ground with ii layer cope with Hum In the future Th a
or straw mid set It on fire. The re oosa with them in the liiinre.
suit was most satisfactory. While count) Ot one teeth of the cost in this
they were not all destroyed it killed 'and Ihe same method applic, to nig."
almost all of them. rats.
Look For An
They Find It Here
Wb cannot offer von cheap tfoods. for there is
no such tiling any more. Kvcrv thing is out
rageously lifgh everywhere now.
lint we ('mm mikI Do offer von (lie Best Goods
OliitiimiMc at the Lowest Prices Oliiuiiinhle, and n
one can lo more (Iimm that verv few do us unicli.
This is exnetl.v wlnit we clnini for it AN
KCNOMK'AL BT0.HK, l'il we never pnietiee econ
omy at I he expense of ((Unlit y ms so ninn.v do.
Yon chii always depend on this: If yon buy
from ns yon will lie paying the MINIMI M PRICK
for your article nml the minimum is the eaonotniral
Burns Cash Store
' "'i'i!v"''
... M'.,''.
' t--iM