The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 08, 1918, Image 5

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Jake Cary and wlfn ar ovrr from
jolr Crane Creek hoiin.
It dlil rain a Utle hut not tMiough
10 do much Reed
Joe Morris waa up from Narnrwa
i attend the funeral of kin frtond
Li. i men Mahon.
J. W. Davtea, M. S. Daviea and A.
A. Tipton, alt aheepmeu, are lu town
Lloyd Johnson and wife were here
losday to attend the funeral of
: mi's Mahon.
r v. Bwopt, n jroaog attorney of
(Uilnnd. i(ontl iiiTht'il in this city
ml is now in the OffloO ol J. V.
us as an assistant.
Archie Mrliowuu anil his son
urns have font to Portland tor a
liort visit anil to attcnil to sonic
I'ltil lli'lishan. i'. S UovtTium-iil
agineer, who has boon in this sci -
Ion ohscrvliiK the water flow of the
HlvlM and other streams, was lu
on n the other ilav
Albert Onkerman br light Mrs. Kd
uijtlilin and her youiiK son over
Ivoni Silver Creek Wednesday night
i liave the hoy's arm set. lie having
ad the misfortune to get it broken.
".c did not learn how the accident
.lames J. Donegal) took his depar-
lure this morning in company with
rank Clerf for an extended business
rip to the neighborhood of the A I
ord and may also go into Nevada
n'lore he returns home. He will be
!i---Mi some time.
Rot ,and Mr. H. A. Hunt are here
cm Missouri. Mrs. Hunt is n sister
o the late John (Jarrett, a former
lonoor of this county who was well
i noun. I hey came out to see some-
:ng about the settlement of the 00
:. of the deceased brother and
lie here Rev. Hunt has been coll
uding a series or meetings at the..'
Baptist Church.
James Young, one of the extensive
Karl Alensen lllbbard ami Ruth
Gray were united In marriage by
Rev. W. r. Shields of the Presbyter-
Let a. have some Ian Church of Burns on Wednesday,
June Mb at 2:00 P. M. The wedding
took place at the Manse and waa wit
nessed by a large number of frfenda
of the bride and groom. The bride
Ik One of Harney County's successful
teachera, coming to that work here
from Nehalem, Oregon, where ahe
waa born And raised. She has been
highly esteemed both as a lady and
teacher In the community that she
lias served. The groom Is well known
In Miiriis ami the county as he has
liecn here for some I line as bonie
stouiltr mill citizen. His two broth
t rs are here In the Harney Vallt
v here tht) li.ive nutilo for themselves
homes. Mr. lllbbard Is one of our
line yoimj! men. ami his many r t-i . i i . t
ulsli for htm and his hrlile success,
joy ami happiness on the voyag ol
life together. These young peoplt
will make their home In our Valley
i her guardian for the purpose of In-
quiring Into the propriety, good faith,
IN TMK CIRCUIT COURT OF THK and necessity of the petition herein,
STATK OF ORKUON, FOR HAH-land as such guardian he shall have
In the Matter of the Petitloa for
an order authorising the ap
pointment of some person to
execute a Mortgage for Geo
rgia McKlnnou, an tasauo per
son binding her Inchoate dow
er right.
i he petition filed In the above-entitled
proceeding having been filed on
the 22nd day of April, I SIX, and pre
power to resist the application and
petition and subpoena and take de
positions to disprove or show the
Impropriety of granting the same:
That the said M. A. Hlggs, ns such
guardian for Georgia McKlnnon shall
be served both personally and by pub
lication with all notices In this pro
ceeding, the same as all persons men
tioned In paragraph two herein:
4 That It having been made to
Is It not strange that the portion
of the Austrian empire, which has the
most food is still Hungary?
sented td the Judge of the above-en- appear to the Court that Roy MuKin
tltle Court at Ontario, Oregon, with-' non and Julia McKlnnon, both of
In the 9th Judicial District, ilurng , Hums, Oregon are minors, aged, re
the April 1918 Term of the Circuit spcctlvely II and 7 years, and that a
Court Of the State of Dregon tOt j OTMdlfcll ad litem should be appolnt
llarncv Cotmtjf and It appearing to ed for them. It Is therefore ordered
Mrs. 0. H. Voegtiy left Thursday
Tor Portland to attend the meeting
of the Grand Lodge 0. B, S. and
other Masonic gatherings' in that city
during the net few duvs.
Warren Porter, a brother to Dale
Porter who formerly worked for I,
Schwartz and who Is now serving his
country in the war. will he appoint
ed city marshal to succeed R. L.
Haines, resigned.
"Wheatless Breads Kasy for House
wife, who cau use Raking Powder
but- Bakers have more difficult prob
lem." says Baking Division Chief.
In response to many Inquiries as
to why bakeries and logging camps,
along with hospitals, are made ex
ceptions lu the agreement which the
Food Administration has asked all
flour dealers to enter Into, discon
tinuing the sale of wheat flour
through the month of June or for
longer periods, Mr. II. II. Ilaynes,
-ep men of the country. Is In the Chief of the Baking Division for
lit v today, having just come in from me roou Administration in Oregon,
lie -hearing plant at Kiverslile explains, Logging camps auu DttK-
lere his flocks have been shorn eries are already under federal li
cense and regulations, which curtail
their use of white fining substantial
My and necessitates the use of a heavv
pi rnPTt0e of substitutes. That 1st
one phase of the matter.
"Now many persous wonder wliv,
if the housewife is expected to mak.'
wheatless breads, the baker Is not
also asked to do so. The answer
' will be obvious te any one who will
Dl ltl; give the matter u little considera
tion Judge of said Court that It Is
neootenry to ineb Incompetent per
son Otoriii MoKtnnon thai mort
gage binding her dower rluht In the
rial estate rained In said petition
should he executed, and thai It would
that M. A. Hlggs. of Burns. Oregi i
dlscnct person, be and he Is appoint
ed their guardian ml litem and U
sip b guardian td litem he is to have
the same powers lo protect their
Interests n lie has to protect those
mil be detrimental to said lieorgia "' Ml1,1 tieorglu McKlnnon and given
It Is therefore ordered and direct
ed 1 That the said Georgia McKln
non having no guurdlan and (hire
being no persons Interested in tho
real estate described in the said peti
tion, other than the next of kin of
said Georgia McKlnnon, the next of
kin of suld Georgia McKlnnon, viz,
W. J. (Hayhrook. residing at Green-
custle, Missouri.
Klleu Claybrook, residing at Green
castle Missouri,
Jap McKlnnon, residing at Bums,
James Albert McKlnnon, residing
at Burns, Oregon.
Kilna Black, residing at Burns.
in in under paragraph three berols
ami the law under which this pro
ceeding is had; furthermore, lie Is
to bo served both personally and by
publication with all notices In llils
proceeding the same us all persons
mentioned In paragraph two herein
are to be served :
5 The said M. A. Hlggs am guurd
lan for suld Georgia McKlnnon and
us guardian ad litem for suld Roy
Mi Ktnnon and Julia McKinnoii, min
ors. Is not to give any bond, hut upon
his appointment herein made he Is
to take and file his oath that he will
support the Constitution of the Unit
ed States aud of the State of Oregon
and perform his duties an guardian
for said persous faithfully and Im
partially and accordng to the duties
Notice ts hereby given that there
are sufficient funds on hand to pay
i all County Warrants registered prior
Khaki aud navy blue are the only , April ut ,,!S alld a ouUtaB-.
wear, aud the road leading east U the Ing Rabbit Bounty Warrants. Inter
traveled way. It Is m long read, for May 20, 1918.
II ends In Merlin 1'KAHL FI8K,
Wo wlU do yuur Jk pricing. County Treasurer.
Roy McKlnnon, residing at Burns. ! of n' trust
nd are now on their way to the sum
ler range. Mr. Young Is making ar
ingements to have his sister and her
iree sons to come over from Scot
ud next month to Join him. The
-ter is widowed by the war, her
.hand being an officer ou onu of
- batteshlps aud lost bis life in an
iagement on the North Sea.
Till WUKK.
The ladies lu charge of the Red
oss work rooms have decided to
P a list of the workers each day
irlng the week and these will be
ibllshed in this paper every Salur-
During ii'.' wools just closed
n cbrd Is:
': day -Mrs. Mine and Mrs. Joe
ii in i barge. Tho
Mr-. Bklona, Mi - ii. g Thomp-
Irs. Tribbet, Mrs, Morion, Mr,.
ird, .Mrs. Oraut 'I bompaon, Mrs.
Mrs. Gilbert, Mr.-. Barron, Mrs.
la 'id.
A'edneadey Mrs. Julia Smith and
Brenton In charge Tin- work
were: Mrs. Foreu, Mrs. Lamp
re, Mrs. Moiillen, Mrs. Goodman,
G. H. Thompson, Mrs. Bhiona,
Gault, Mrs. Sweek, Mrs. Trib-
Mrs. Kuulce Thompson.
Thursday Mm. Kuulce Thomp-
iii charge. The workers were:
Grant Thompson, Mrs. Geary
Moullen. Mrs. Sweek, Mrs. Trlb-
Mth. Kellar.
Friday Mrs. Mace and Mrs.
nlca Thompson lu charge. The
rktn were: Mrs. Grant Thomp-
Mrs. Barron, Mrs. Tribbet, Mrs
tiardson, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. W. C.
Kinney, Mrs. Foren, Mrs. Ray
Hi, Mrs. Gault, Mrs. Chester Mace
I. Joe Thompson, Mrs. Howard,
- Gould, Mrs. Goodman.
fH B
wM Hi
f- Jr. .""
. . . o L-. t trvtwinw gBgagr
tion, and here is another phase of the
"There are many formulas for
quick breads that call for absolutely
no wheul and these are available to
the housewife, whose product Is eaten
hot or at bust while Ire-h. Such
breads are made with biking pow
der or soda But these breads will
not do for I lie who niu.-t pro
mice a loaf that will 'stand up' under
repented handlings, tranaportatlon
to tin retail dealer and deliver) from
ii taiier to consumer, arriving in good
condition and palateable to tho toete
r-.tciisvic experimenta have shown
that baking powder or soda loaves
cannot be depended upon to meet
these difficulties. Therefore we must
make yeast breads, and It Is difficult
to make yeast bread without u con
siderable percentage of wheal flour.
1 l.akers are now making It UCOOOe
lully with tWO-thtrdl thi volume
-made up of substitutes. Some of our
bilkers have produced successful
loaves with a higher substitute con
tent. Our bakers' chemists are con
tinuously experimenting in the effort
to :ill further cut down the win at
Hour percentage and ut the same
time produce an acceptable loaf. The
problem is not an easy one. Our
bakers ure all" (-operating with the
Food Administration l-i a ipfa inlld
spirit and are doing ull that Is prac
ticable to cut down their consump
tion of white flour. Conditions in the
logging camps are similar to those
of the bakeries, and that Is why they
are, with the bakeries and hospitals,
made exceptions In the Food Admin
Miration's request."
Oregon, and
Julia McKlnnon, residing at Burns.
Oregon; as well as the guardian
ad litem for said Roy McKlnnon and
Jullu McKlnnon, minors, hereinafter
appointed, are hereby directed to ap
pear before the Circuit Court of Hur
tle) County. Oregon, at the Circuit
Court Room lu the Court House lu
said Harney county, on the Ind day
of July litis, at the hour of two
o'elock P. M.a the same being u date
not less than four nor more than
eight weeks from the time of the
making of this order, to show 00000,
If any there be. why the said mort
gage should not be directed to be
made by this Ceurt: That the said
Georgiu McKlnnon. residing ut 500
West Pierce St., Kirkvllle. Missouri,
us well as her guardian hereinafter
appointed shall be likewise directed
to appear as herein stated:
I The said Jap McKlnnou.
James Albert McKlnnon, Kdn
Black. Roy McKlnnon, and Julia
M. Kiiiiiou. as well as the guar
Dated May 31,
Circuit Judge.
Burns, Oregon. May 2,r. 1918.
To Guy L. McKelvey of Fields,
or.gou. Contootooi
You are hereby notified that Jesse
Defenbaugb who gives Fields. Oregon
as his post-office address, did on
May loth, 1818. file in this otflee his
duly corroborated application to con
test and secure cancellation of your
Homestead Serial No. 082K3 made
July 20th, 1915. for NK',, N48W4,
SK',SW'4, Section , NE48K4, of
Section 4. Township 40 South. Range
34. East Willamette. Meridian, and
us grounds for his contest he alleges
that said Guy L. McKelvey has whol
ly abandoned said entry; that be
never established or maintained a
residence or made any Improvements
thereon, and has absented himself.
diau ud litem for suld Roy McKlnnon, ! '"hanged his residence therefrom ever
and Julia McKlnnou. minors, herein-' since the date of entry; that the
after appointed, residing In Burns,
Oregon, uml the suld W. J. Claybrook
end Ellen Claybrook, residing ut
Greemastle. Missouri, and the suld,
Georgia McKlnnon, being alleged in i
the petition and having been found
by the County Court or Harney Conn-
t to be an insane ami incompetent
person, being outaide of tin- state
entry mans alleged absence from the
land is not due to bis employment in I
connection with operations In mill ,
tury service rendered lii connection
with operation! In Mexico along
and borders thereof, or lu mobllizu-,
tion camps elsewhere, in military (ir
I organialloii'. of thi United
Btates or the national guard of an
il Oregon end nsiding ai too of ,,1H eeernl states or Territories
u. i Pier, e si . Klrkortlle, Missouri, "f ,l"' United states.
it is ordered that a copv of t hi- In re , Vou are. therefore, furtln'r not ii i
in order to appeur and show cause ' ' thai the suld allegations will be
a i well a i a copy of the petition In re- tdhOO M BOnfl ssed, and our said en
in he personally served on the said ,rv "'"' '"' earn elled without further
Incompetent person her gnnrdlnn r'Kht to ie heard, either before this'
hen in utter appointed, lor next of i o'Wee r on tppeoL If yen tail to file
kin, Including I he gunrdiuu ad litem
for Hie minor hi n In named, and
furthermore that a copy of the said
order lo iihow MUM be published 4
UOCOuItO weeks, being 5 successive
publications, In The Times Herald, u
WOOkly newspaper printed and pah
In tills office within twenty days
after the FOURTH publication of this
notice, us shown below, your answer,
under oath, specifically responding
to these allegations of contest, to
gether with due proof that you have
served a copy of your answer on the
Bums, Oregon, June 7, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that James
E. Kendall, of Burns, Orugon, who,
Ion February 25, 1914, made Home
stead Entry, No. 07252. for NK ', ,
section 6, Township 10 p., Range II
, Willumette Meridian has Hied
notice of Intention tO make final
three-yeur Proof, to establish claim
to tho land above described, before
Register and Receiver, at Burns, Ore
gon, on Hie 10th tiny Of July, 1111
Cialnmul nuun i , witnesses:
I'.iui Wi ii and curl Well of Burns,
ttehed at Burns, Harney County, Ore- mll(l contestant either In person or
gon aud thai a copy of said notice, bV registered mall,
us published, be forthwith deposited ' v," should state in your answer
In the United States Post Office at th8 name of the post-office to which
Burns, Oregon, be sent to each of the I vou desire further notices to be sent
persons named in Ibis paragraph, the '" yu-
guurdlan ad litem, for the minors I r)ate of l8t Pub- June 1st 1918.
named, Included, under sealed envoi-' n,lte f 2"(l I"b. June 8th, 1918.
ope bearing first class postage and Gute of 3rd pub. June 15th 1918.
addressed to them at tbler addresses I ""''' of (h Pub. June 22nd 1918.
as given in paragraph one herein: v' G. COZAD. Register.
3- That no guardian having ever !
been appointed for the said Georgia
McKlnnou the Court therefore ap
points M. A. Biggs, a discreet person
of Burns, Harney County, Oregon, as
If Teddy Roosevelt Is sent to re
organize Russia he will Boon be able
to answer the question that preplex
es us all, "Why Is a Bolshevik?"
. '-n. "i -"c j' ' l' ' U-ittfehV" KV!'--- :"-, ul Arthur .D,J
rty Thentre, Sunday June 9 ,r()M(,H pf-Narrows Oregon. '
Notiiry Public, Land Offlcw Practice
liiMinincr and iJf.-ii Kgtate.
Office: Toiiawama Building;
' ','' ' L '''f-'."! 'i'H' - 14
I MM 4
If You Were There Instead of
U you should e a Frenrh child a Hny girl- sitting by the
roadside, sobbing quietly because she is too weak from hunger to
cry very loud, you would sell your watch, to buy her breakfast.
If you should hear somewhere lu the rOstlOM wurds the low
moan of an American soldier, you would gladly sit by him all night,
if that would save his life.
Vou are not there, but here, where these sights and standi
not brought home to you' But the Red Cross Is there and you can
make It VOI'lt representative'
Dv.r tlnre the Prussians are crucifying the Incarnate Liberty of
Man, and they are makliigsthe world black for little children!
The money you give to the Kcd (rote now Will give you the
right, when the lleast Is beaten down, lo think. "There BH happy
children, clear eyed women, and strong men alive today, because
nn money went across!"
Clothing Company .
Unavoidable Conditions!
Owing to t lie fact that the war lias brought
iitiout many changes in the business worlii. we are
iini'llril to Bdjlltt OOT iMiwinesH accordingly.
The government in regulating the prices on many
articlcM which we have to 10)11, these priees ure h'g
nrM on a cash basis, therefore, the manufacturer
is hold ing the jobber to a cash or a ten day term,
likewise the jobber is demanding eanh from the re
tail merchant) now it is down to the point where
fcha retail merchant must get the cash for his
goods or go broke, Therefore from this date we
will routine our terms of credit to strictly thirty
days. Ooode are hard to get, help in scarce, ex
penses leaping Upward, ami we are forced to this
very much against our desire. We hope our
friends will look at this as an unavoidable circum
stance over which we have no control.
Burns Department Store
With Visible Generous
You are assured of both of these
when you buy your Groceries at
Farmers Exchange
Every article of merchandise put
out by us is guaranteed to be
just as represented.
We have cheap goods for the man
who wants them cheap, and
better ones for those who want
them better.
Of this be absolutely certain
You Get Just What You
Call For and Want
Can't you give us your trade on
this basis?.