The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 08, 1918, Image 4

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    he hnf5-$rra(d
I oo
We hare HiTii tin question of
?s;cht transportation d lac mad in
"rim papers as a most iniportutit out'.
We know theorecticully t hat rude
5io needs every possible cubic foot
I freight car space to corry to the
lilii-jril wheat, sugar, meat, nriuy
ktftilnx. artillery, munitions, and an
iQnile number of essentials. When
"ie railroads have brought these to
xe ftea board, every possible cubic
' of seagoing freighters Is needed
t rarry them abroad for the use of
.jar army and the use of our allies.
.n this we realize, but without the
Bng that It has any personal up
KralJou to ourselves. If we look
ito the matter more closely, how-
tsmr. we find that we ran do a good
.jkl lo help 1'ncle Sam out and lor-
"ixrti liis plans.
All freighter space that we can re
jfrsrwe for our own needs ran be utl
irt directly for the purposes of our
mmmtry. If we can eat foods that are
tronn in our own locality a certain
JTaMiant of our car space Is released.
Tbi 'ti.i be used in carrying com
aaadUies to the seaboard or In bring
aj fuel or material to factories
-durb are doing work for the goveru
rvrvA. If in purchasing we can select
xoculs made in a near locality In ir'
1rmrr to a distant one we are allow
'J4E tle railroads to substitute a short
2xut! for a long one. If we can use
"J!'ts of our own country ustead
a ?m ported products we are releas
rass ship space. An Instance recent
'Sw Klven lo the public will ghow this.
its of candy and Ice cream have
required for some months to
lessen their consumption of sugar
20 per cent. Mr. Hoover tells us that
this reduction has relensed HO.OOO
tons of shipping for the use of the
government. The shipping so freed
has been partly In carrying wheat to
Hclglum and partly in carrying ooal
to New Knglaml factories which pro
duce war goods.
Let it become one of our wartime
principles to use home products and
local products toward your needs
wherever possible. The transporta
tion space saved by an Individual or a
family is necessarily small, hut as In
all kinds of conservation It Is the ag
gregate Mint counts. You will feel
satisfaction in the knowledge that
you are doing your best In your In
iHvldual Capacity toward helping out
the .government and meeting Its
HONOR ;r.m ;iiu,m homitem:
Miss DrUH Dodson culled at this
office the otTler day and stated that
the Honor (Juanl Ulrls of this city,
who had advertised a dance and
vaudeville at Crane for next Siilur
day night, June 16, had postponed , (( acher In the public- tehoett Of this
the afrnlr until the following Satur- J ,.0iiiity before her marriage and was
day hecause of conflicting dates thntBMO deputy county clerk under t'. B.
would Interfere. It seems Kriink j Kenyon. She has many uariii tri-iid-flerf
had arrnnged Tor a big. social among the plone. r people of this
event at his Alvord Hanch for that enmity who will he pleased to note
date and Invited his friends there, her return lo this state to reside.
He was In town the other day and 0
upon learning of the conflicting dute OafftVUfO IH NV ON V.ll fAMV
suggested to the Honor Guard Olrls ! CAMPAIGN
that they postpone ilo-ir affair and
come on over to his home for that1 (Continued from page one
evening where they would be given jp lo the closing of the school In
the privilege of raffles and other Harney County most satisfactory pro
methods or securing some funds for greHH waH made among the school
their exehenuer. This Invitation was , hlldreu In disposing or War Stamps
accepted and the girls will give their ami hou!d be kept before them
(lane nt Crane on the following Sat- during the varatlon period. We must
his health that Mr. McUrath accept
ed the western office.
The absence of the McOrath family
will he keenly felt In Trenton busi
ness and social circles, In which both
Mr. and Mrs. McUrath have long
taken prominent parts. The former
Is at present city treasurer, treasurer
,f the Grundy County Chapter of the
American Hed Cross, treasurer of St.
Philip's Episcopal Church, Ksteemed
Loyal Knight of the Trenton Lodge
No. 801 B. P. O. Klks and until re
cently he has held prominent offices
In a number of local fraternal orga
nizations. He has also an extensive
insurance business which he assumed
at the death of his father a few years
iiko, representing some lines which
tiara bran In the family more than
thirty years, Mrs McGratfa has i a
promlnentl) Identified with the work
of the local Red Croaa, the woman's
Service League, the xrtx Clan and
other organisations for the pnbth up
Announcement aa to Mr Mi )rat ir
luccteeor has not been made by the
farmers' Exchange offi lui. Tran
ton t Mo ) Republican,
Mrs. McOrath was formerly Miss
Itose Hembree, who was a successful
Juno 18th l.i coiumiiully day In
llenlo Valley. The people will meet
at a community picnic for pleasure
and recreation, and to listen to reli
gious and patriotic addresses.- The
place of meeting will be announced
later. All are Invited to be present
A day of real and enjoyment, of rell-
jlous and patriotic Inspiration, will
be for the good of all and give a
new meaning to life In the days that
follow. Singing of religious and pat
riotic songs will bo a feature of the
day. Let everybody take a day off
and meet their neighbors on this the
community clay for Dcnlo Valley.
ROY, W. P. Shields and Hon .1 W
Minus win in- tiie speakers of the day,
i ha meeting win be at 10 A M and
continue for t he day.
Now AT I im KKfGHT.
small loss Incurred through such
tirday night.
make good In our war work and it
is up to eacb Individual to t.,u. an
im. real
Report from the berlff'i offlea Ii
to the effecT that there were II bovs
registered for arm) duty on lust Wed
nesdav These were boys who bad
become 1' I years of age since June I
or last vcar. It.-ports have not be-n
received from the outlying districts,
those reported being rrom Hums.
Announcement or the resignation
Of (ieorge T. McGrath as assistant
cashier or the Farmers' Kxchsuge
Hank or Trenton was made by offici
als of that institution Tuesday Mr
McOrath win leave with his family
the first of next week for linker,
Oregon, where he has accepted a posi
tion us receiving teller of the First Crane and Nurrows.
National Dank of Baker. Having 0
been former If associated In business The local bourcl hns Isued a call
with officials of th- Itukcr bank, for II of the Harney county hois m
their offer comes In recognition of class I to appear for examination at
his excellent worth and his familiar-' once. A Call bus been made Tor 2H of
Ity with the workings of f Inane al In-' them to go to cumps on Juno 25 and
si Muttons or such character. Al- the Grst number was Invited to come
though Mie new position carrleH with to make up for any who may be dls
it an attractive Increase In sulury. II charged for physical reuitons or other
Is purtiully with a view to benefltng wise.
Nearing the End!
Heath oamai Is the leaal known or
the atock-potaonlng plants, ami be
cause sheep are very susceptible to It
l lie losses are sometimes very heavy
in Oregon, And this Is the time of
year when II is most deadly. Just pre
vious to and during the blossoming
stage Losses sometimes go as high
as r,f) per eiit of the bund
"All parts of the plant are poison
oils, especially the flowers unci seed,"
sus Prof, W. B, Lawrence, of O. A.
C. Lambs are more susceptible than
lo f Experiment! seem to show
that for all parts of the plant except
the seed the toxic dOfO Is not far
from Mj pound to every hundred
pounds or live weight of the animal.
Cuttle and horses are susceptible be
cause of their greater weight a larg
er amount of plant Is required lo pro
duce poisoning BeM persons, i spec!
ull children, are reported as having
been poisoned by eating tlr- bulb of
death i amiis, mistaking It for1 blue
flower edible kind.
"The plant is round In Kasteru
and Western Oregon, ranging from
low to high altitudes. It grows in
mol I hut not wet places. Illough
these places may dr out during the
summer aftef the plants die. r
'Although known to surprlsingl)
few stockmen death cumas. Is easily
recognized at riowcrlng time by Its
ream-, whit,- cluster or small flow
an It has an onion like bulb, usu
ally oorared with a block membrane,
by which It may be recogiileil lifter
drying up. during which time It Is
still poisonous
"To eradicate the plant It bus to
he dug up. bulb and nil. if the bulb
is lert It will have enough nourish
ment to send out new leaves aud
riowera the following year. Tins
plant nuiv be noted at blossoming
time and either dug out or the place
marked for late digging Tin bulbs
of small plants near the old plant
ihOUld be destroyed
yin ki;sr ami moht
I'ood Administrator Mays we Must
Cut Down on Meat us Well
A Wheat
How about your meat ration? The
Food Administration wishes to Jog
your memory In case you have for
gotten that you should now he ou a
meat ration of not more than two
pounds per person per week.
"We have abolished all our meat
less and even our porkless days,"
says Assistant federal nbd Admin
i itrator W. K, Newell, "but this was
on tha distinct condition Hint we cut
our consumption of meat to two
pounds per peron per week, If we
are to avoid the re-estiibllshnieiit or
meatless days wt must now eat more
flak and vc gelnbles and go can em
all the inials. Tills Is because our
incut reserve is getting low. For u
time, because of lack ol ships to send
the mint overse-as, uml hceiiuse our
food animals were moving to the
markets In lo-uvy volume, our meal
n serve accumulated; thut wus why
the meatless days were declared of
by the Food Administration. Now
conditions are changing. The foo'
animals, with grazing for feed, arc
not moving so rapidly to the mar
kets, and we are getting more ships
for the export of meat. 8o our re
serve Is geltlug low, Wo must build
U up. Kllmlnnte your steaks am'
roasts and help pile up the meat re
eerre for our armies and our Allies
This should be easy for everyoue at
this time of year, with plenty of fresh
vegetables and a wide variety of fish
Your physician will tell you It will
also be good for your health.
Hecause of these good things you
can save meat without any real sacri
flee. Let no m c fall to do his or Ml
hare towards building up our aa
ti'iiii'l 'ii at r 'serve. H you are no'
ell -nil', on tli,- oil If la I 2 pounds pel
we i ' ration, correct this at once foi
it is very important."
ii..- g race red be nomination t
; the del .ocratle prll tries to run rot
the oft ce or shei , mid after r-
c Ivlng 'hi' urgit-g 0 'iiauy rrlends to
I run. I have l Id. ' to accept the
I nomination of the uocratk raters
The material for a ladles Spring suit v. ill be raffled by the Red
It will be tailored into a made to measure suit for the lady wln-
nlug it.
Bee it displayed In Wllllams-Zcgiemrinn's window.
Chances now on sale at the Rexall Drug Store.
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Building and Farm Loans Made Direct
Farms and Ranches Homesteads
Fire Insurance Life Insurance
OSes Phoas K-llO
Hrteldrnl Ptaoaua G-M and G-43
Agents for WRAY'S STAGE
Members Burns Commercial Club
The Great Closing Out Sale
May Not Last Much Longer
Several Dealers are Negotiating for the
Purchase of
Never again probably will you get such bargains.
Profits Eliminated
and Some Lines are Entirely
, I still have the
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Goods Delivered in Burns, Free of Charge
Better Buy All You Can! Do It Now!
v. r w'mv n malnad over in town
.' ' 'i. .i.i i nt another drlvsi
tit aiiii th stage In order to unit
v. I'll ,.i .". ml to
i i ii Mr. Wruy In
oi :n i Tha Times H niid t tin-
mi ii" i ..' ..- bt II i .i ! .
In former rears bul hopes it win In j
iimc us tin' season adrances. Tha
i i this ht;iKii line- Should be ltie ii
more iii in paeetng conalderatlon by
in buslneaa Interest h nt iiiirnt ns it
is quite aa aoeomodatlon wall aa
iMMili'iu'c to have it ilully hitvIck
lirt we en l Ills il.n i' uml Hind that Is
Willie we hiivi- other im huh of ot- ,
llhK to and from the west ui Inter
rail ho tar as paaaangera re eon
oernede luch serrloa h" sol at ail n-K-
nliir nor Is it iohhII)Ui to kii any
fnlKlit or 1'XiirenH mutlt-r throiiKh
. xci'iil h Mr. Wray's Auto HtaK''
'his feature alone to worth tattah to
our ritli'iiH. In addition to that he
alao hrltiKH us the DSPtfa fr,iiii Tort
liinil In qulekasl jiohhIIiIo time, brliiKH
our fri'Hb fruits and ragttaalQa. flow
its niid other iierlHliablo nierehaiidlsu
nil is altogether a most convenient
and esHeniiiil asset to Hums durlna
the period of the year when so much
business Is done with Portland and
people make frequent trips to and that city. The fact that one
is sure of a conveyance each day to
or from the west should he appreciat
ed hy our rjtliaai and given due con
-Ideratlon as It Ih a time saver since
It Is the most direct und quickest way
Mr. Wray Ih entitled to the patrou-
aga of I he people of this city aa It is
oal J n -e t lo him for his lull Ii I'ulnei.s
in making t regular dully Hcheduli
our convenience. No doulit lie
aakti trips at a ihh iut ilnaa it
inicht he a iniitler of coiiHlderalilc
Importanoa to soma Individual or
n'l im. i come tii, his cars come uml
10 .-I gularly, Bvan ii n Hhouiei qosi
,i ilttla n.i.ic soma timat (o bare aona
particular orati of gooiia to cyme by
thto; route Ona Is jiiHtirjed n r.niiin
ihlpmeni as tfce eonTarilaatJa lo
i pet'ts 'fffwUc . ii)l for any
S mttsy, June Qtlt
i ird Photoplayss, Inc.,
int roduiHW
A N lurlw iiid ( 'oiiifily f Thrills ant Surprises
I'li'Sfllt lllji'
Franklyn Farnum and Brownie Vernon
and A Clever Supporting Oonipany
"Six O'clock TiiiH' to (let I'p"
Time to Laugh. Time for Fun. Time for the Time
of Your liit-. ''L nigh aud the World
Liini'!is it Ii Voii"
Thursday, June 13th
"The Sins of Innocense"
HEARST-PATHA NEWS, war news in
"MESSENGER" a 2-Keel Loneeouie Luke
Sunday, Jane 16th
The Bend of Blood
I'niti's rather and child, ami inukt's the mother,
oruwhed ly tli frip of oircumetancee, give
up llif man hIh' loves, Shi in
The woman of the Mobile Festurae whoae work in
Screen Dramai lias tiiiicd for Her International
I'cmih . The picture in
"One Touch of Sin"
A VigoruiiH I'lay W liifh Touclien tlw Ifeartali-uisrH