THE UNIVERSAL CAR Every Mother's Son should be Fighting in France, or Backing the Boys Up With THEIR MONEY! . Tho Burnt Garage aad amplojMM ars going to suqporl toe Red Cross and help boost tlif fund "Over The Top!" BURNS GARAGE BURNS AND CRANE J Miiny piitrona of hotoln mul reBlua rnntu who frown when tlwy are of fcriul !' tO iil would ninllfi kIi'c fullv If hoy were reciulrril to drink II. it la bard to ortdtl the roporl or t hi IiImIi plot. A (Irrninn iintl mi Irishman oouM not mtw' toaath- it Ioiik (tioiiKh tO ftirniuliitu a plot. Pri'sldcnt Wllaon nayn, "Tho war Ih ktilttltiK Uio country together and l.nlttliiR tlio wiitld toRftlicr " The wniiien who have been working for the Rod f'ronH have hreu lahorlnK under the Impreaalon that they were lining tlml. The nrinv mule In to tie prey. nt. i! rroiu lirnvliiK. Tht can ho accum pllnhed by Hi'verliiR anino BlttOOlM In III lull, hi tho raising of the tall Is an liuli utftciinllilp niconipaiilnicnt to tlio 1 -1 1 . Tfcft renilndH iih of Murk TwhIii'h htory of tho man who tied a Htono to tlio tail of bin neighbor's iiiiiIc ho that be hlnniclf , mild enjoy Home rest at night. I MKAN IJIiHINRHH llnvi' hhI pun h ' li"t li no Improved and vnlnipraved farm, in t Unlets you arc t . - - OWtltr nud I... u- ,1 bo . do nol i ai '' 1 1 11. i nnsw- . :. i i in-i .. bit Inein. Hlato priOtl, I" nun, uiid particulars' In find Idler. II. ('. Irwin, I It-Mock iiikc JIullilliiK. I'ortlund, Oii'Koii. Wo Will do your Job printing. L' B.11L' ' ' L"BI ' --' "'""" Iiwrl. Kntrnyrtl from my i M)i II Avtrt l.lUe A Cham rnnch. one pair rather light Hay Marc Otm weighing around 1 300, the ! rough or colds which P" J ......... ,.,rn. i 1 ..III, l.,,-v K on "lis season v r,i ..I 'iJ tll.ur, i-i-M", i.i.i..-.. ' " .' right stifle; should heve I lit nature. All th more I Ills' ii r llnlile rem, ilv. Mm. !i.,r ii,. mi now; forttops hays i.i.i, roi Bl ,,,,., ,-,,,, p wr)(ff,; -p ed and grown out iihoul three or four (font J and Tar Compound ll I c inchi'h. Will pay"?:-'o to finder Of i rtmedr. Huffereil from a eold i....i J W. CAnTWHKlllT, week, used th nn dl' Inc and it Malheur City, Oro. like a charm."- Hold by Heiii Mrsd llou sin- lltiiitslicd lUeknehe Mm. Kffle H. Kleppe. Awrlll. Minn writes: "I waa at a sanitarium three week at one time, two weeks another time, for rheumatism and kidney trouble and got no relief. On my re turn began using Foley Kidney Pills; found Immcdlato relief; ITslf bottle 1 completed the cure. Always use when 1 feel pain In my back."- loM bj lied Hros. , ! ilHHMBBISSBaBSSSBHBBSSS 1 a CRANE STATE BANK CRANE, OREGON It is our aim and effort to give such service to our patrons that they profit by our dealings and recom mend us to their friends. Wc Pay Interest on Time Deposits DIRECTORS Oarleton B. Swift J. K. Wphvw Wbi. H. 0ra?M 8, X. Bolton Tom Alien mfflHMmn numnnnnnn r ll!IIIMUI(lll,lll,ll!l!IVIIIIcllll!lll'1ll'lll'!lllill!IHff"' ITillH jiilH M ' "l Jim Wm Ii '- HK IJHU liiH ill nil IIHPiliHIII mm Luiui"f!Miin!!m!iwiiiiKUiHDiPiiBBnHnrtr;miniraii!Bi llllii.lll.ilHHBsWfMHBiW.lull rslIPPftRT nf HnmA IndiistriM & is One Form of Patriotism. IW OMEN Are Purchasing: Agents in Most homes. Their cooperation is necessary J. PAYROLL Money Stays at home helps make Oregon prosperous : ; Hiil; " I 1- Ml,, I' U ivw-1 T5t. ' .CutfwisMe "":. onVfiniltr o) i?.i -.a --S . I" A Product of Home Industry Government Inspected Economical and highly dependable wherever a lug!, yiade shortening is desired. ;j . i ;mrrft' UKION MIT CO. UZ, JIJT . North Po9liand, M v"" I I'.atnHMtflJv, v r'-- - . H I tttft M I ' 144 H-' ffi EARtO T "I" V rftTE 'llu . r. . -.' il ' .:;.'. VJ (li,' Larger Bottles of Better Dressing At The Same piAMpmj Mayonnaise Dressing A Delicious Dressing For Salads, Meats or Fish. Ak Your (Jroctr For DIAMOND "W" PURE FOOD PRODUCTS WADHAMS CO. K I iTV-. V J i 9 r I Wt lil'TiSk. I JoCS2A I L.4 " ' j. t OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR Its the daily break-:: fast in thousands of! I western homes. Thar le no other to IgootlbU f ana Malthful. Hoatl raoommerded at tho dally dial of tho oatlro houiahold. Boaanao tao Ingrodltnta ara a blrniled aa to prodiK-a a faad that Ii apallaalB( aad rrfily dlgantod. Thoia wha haro fauad atbor panaakoi indliratiblc will Nad aLYMPIO lN wtta tkt aaat doliaatt atanaah. The Portland Flouring Mills 60. W IDTm ! aad of tkt aaahai Mifaatit fay. iffa aad toaoWo Wf ralaaa aiall a &derre(l w Slock 1 JfflteOCERIESH WSS FRUITS 1 m VEGETABLES E TEAS.SWCEimftACT5.EK. 1 I I ni- r f teeung une s uais Is n familiar expreasion jrrowing " ,t,J out -f the well eaUbiiahad faet that AAlin.v ..a,.. ....., -I. ....... '...'..- ....! -. , , ,'l'!M-,1 ,,.il 'i wuini-r-- Vl.'l tlliu J energy. , .'! i A "I. - ,1 I V ' WMW'iminin X liXfXKKQKHLWGCa X IMMAMMM I Golden Rod Oats 1 : I T ": i 1 V V Y I Are milled frnm the choicest oats obtainable, are free r from hulls and can ba used in many delightful dihas be T aidas porridge. Maa rors a ad Wkalaaalt Write for Onr Li bar fey Heripes. .MiMtMMg!nWM!fMMMfM.ltMe. djdhjMMaadda4ai i essdaaajaaad)