The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 01, 1918, Image 4

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    I,hc tfiuus-$rrafd
(Km Yr $2.00
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IW. Maattn .... Tt
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Olli NOLIHKH lK.l.
orator who hate preceded' hi In Ihls
mission. Hat Arqerlca has, IWtM
tli( deep waters, on the IiiIIIp front
where I ho roar and crash of war
never ceaaos, other thousands of
! rave aoula who hare gone forth to
protect and preserve that which these
our departed heroes M dearly bought
for vio liberty. Their breaata are to
day bared to aa oarage a foe aa erer
brave hearta faced and conquered.
They are there with the Iron reaolu
tlon to fight to victory or death.
They atand between their loved onea
and a fate too horrible to contem
plate. While wo atrew flowers above the
ashes of our dead heroes, what Hhnll
be the tribute that we m nil across the
Wllicri to thCM our ROblg defenders?
Shall U BOl be the firm falih of a
united tuition, IIihI In the power of
Qod and the Itlght they will win. it ml
Hint l the land they have left OM
hundreil million ot their people will
i ontiiuially pray and sacrifice with
out censing, that their nrnis muy be
strong and their heurls brave Tor the
glorious task before them?
Thus may It be?
One day in each twelve months we
are ncciistoiiicd to devote to the mem
ory of those who, by their sacrifice
and devotion, made ponslblo for ua
the comforts and blessings we now
t-iijoy. if grateful thoughts of these
martyred heroes were not often in our
hearts, this one day's devotion out of
the twelve-month would be but a
mockry, considering the magnitude of
our debt to them. But with ever-recurring
thought of their great ser
vice present in our hearts, this day
becomes but Die flowering of a beau
tiful devotion and an euobllng love,
There Is little of tribute that has
not already been said of these noble
dead, and we can on this occasion
but echo the words of writers and
tii-YK.iu-ni.i) nan
Wednesday. Juno 5, Is a date of
great Importance to every man Jn the
I nltcil State, who has attained the
age of 21 years since (legist ration
Day on June 6. one year ago.
For on this coming June f will be
held another Registration Day. on
which every man who has passed his
21st birthday since laat June must
register with his local draft board.
This applies to uon-cltlzeus us well
aa to citizens. .No man who cornea
within the age limit is exempted from
registering, unless he Is already In
the military or naval service of the
I'nlted States.
And men 21 years old who for any
reason have been discharged from
the military or naval service must
register on June 5
The registration will be conducted
by the local draft boards throughout
the United Stales. Bach draft board
Is required to post publicly the loca
tion or ita registration place and
men 21 years old must prcaent theui
bpIvps there on Jnaa i tor reglat ra
tion The registration places will bo,
open on Registration day at 7 o'clock
In the morning, and will bo open un
til 9 o'clock that night.
No excuse will be accepted for
failure to register. The burden of In
forming himself of the 1 1 mo uinl
place for regstralloii Is by law placet
on the registrant himself. Failure
In rOVUttt Is punishable In Imprison
inent up to one year In Jail.
Attempt to evade registration will
bring disaster to the evader. All city,
county, itOta and I'nlted Stales peace
officers have been specifically illicit
ed to assist In bringing about a com
plete registration of men 2 1 years
old, ami to examine the registration
Hats and report Immediately to the
I'ederat ntithorltlea the names of any
persons llnhle to registration known
by them to have failed to register.
Men who are too 111 to appear ut
the registration placea In person
1 must send some competent person to
! the local board to obtain a registra
tion card with authority to fill It out.
This card when filled must be mail
ed or taken In peraon to the local
board In time to be filed on Regis
tration Day. June B.
i I'rovislon is also made for regis
tration by mail of men 21 yearn old
who will unavoidable bo absent from
their home Jurisdictions on Registra
tion Day.
We will do your Job printing.
Extra SCHWARTZ'S Extra
Closing Out Sale
Has been a gigantic success. Never before in in the
history of Burns have such bargains been
offered. Remember every article
Below Are Listed Some of The Many Grocery
Canned Vegetables
Corn, per can 13c
Tomatoes, per can Gc
Tomatoes, per can 18c
Maryland Beans, per can 12c
Payette Peas, 2nds, per can 12c
Squash, per can 184c
Spinach, per can 25c
Pumpkin, per can 18Ac
Caramel, 1-2 gallon $.85
Caramel, 2-grallon jacket 2.80
Caramel. 4-p;allon jacket
Tea Garden. 1-2 gallon
Tea Garden, 2-gallon jacket
Tea Garden, 4-galIon jaoket
Uncle John, medium
Uncle John, 1-2 gallon
Undo Jofin. 1-gallon
Laundry Soap, per bar 5c
Good Toilet Soap, per bar 5c
Matches, per box 5Jc
Crackers, per pound 174
Good Steel Cut Coffee, per pound 25c
Welch's Grape Juiee, pint 30c
Welch's Grape Juice, quart 55c
Uneeda Biscuit 71c
Macaroni, per package 10c
Evapcra'ed Milk, per can 15c
FolgerVFea, per pound 45c
Thelma Pork and Beans lie
Chocolate, 1-pound can 35c
Chocolate, 3-pound can 99c
Canned Fruit
No. 10 size nominal gallon
Khcubarb, per can S$C
Pumpkin, per can G6c
Plums, per can 826
Apples, per can i2o
Grapes, per can 82c
Perches, per can 70c
Pears, per can 70e
Apricots, per can 7;e
Gooseberriez, per can Bfa
Cherries, per can 90c
Blackberries, per can 95c
Loganberries, per can B6G
Pineapples, per can ;i,n-
Raspberries, per can 1.05
No. 2 size
Otter Brand Strawberries, per can 27c
Otter Brand Loganberries, per can 27c
Otter Brand Blackberries, per can 27c
Otter Brand Prunes, per can 27c
Otter Brand Pineapples per can 24c
2 1-2 size
August Peaches, per can 25c
August Pears, per can 25c
August Apricots, per can 25c
Otter Brand Peaches, per can 2tic
Otter Brane Pears, per can 28c
Otter Brand Plums, per can 28c
Otter Brand Pineapples, per can . 2Mc
Otter Brand Cherries, per can 32c
Otter Brand Raspberries, per can 32c
Baking Powder
Folger's 1-2 pound .22
Folger's, 1-pound 42
Folger's, 2 1-2 pounds 1.02
Folger's. 5-pounds 2.02
Shoes. Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, going fast. You'll have to hurry, make out a list
of your needs and bring it in. Do it now! Goods delivered free of charge
within the city limits of Burns the day after the order is received.
Do you know the Important, part
bankers are playing In this war
Von wouldn't think that some
Portland banks are paying out
much as 11000 a month for extra
help and office expenses In carrying
on war work, would you?
No class Is fighting harder or sac
rificing more In a business way. Kven
newspapers which give away thous
ands or Inches of space and devote
columns on columns to keep the
home fires burning are scarcely more
tireless In their efforts or constant
In their strlvlnr.
The hanks ar.i ii c.real hot rutiieiit
of service gnd th bankers I power
till MMl or the K"V' rune nl. Tliey
in I ihe hi'udijusu -ti-rs ainl oil ai U
house of fli" great popular loans.
They money to bond buy
ers. great and small, receiving Utile
or no Interest They are the record
Keeper of every great loun. 'I Bell
work does 1101 stop when the drive
Is over. It goo on and in until the
nei drive comes and doesn't stop
'lhu millions of bonds bought on
the Installment piuu from the banks
make millions or accounts to be kept,
und kept without a cent of prom and
nothing but added expense to the
batiks, it Is a tremendous and end
less task.
Kvery war drive of any kind means
added work ror the banks and bank
ers. They back their patrons. They
re called upon ror contributions.
They can take no profit out of the
transactions. The banker looks you
lu the eye and tells you to buy War
Stamps and Liberty Uonds. using
your deposits with his bank for the
purpose. It means the releasing or
the deposit you hold lu his bank for
the use or the government with a
prospect that sooner or later all or
part or that deposit will be removed
iroin his vaults. When you stop to
consider that deposits are the lite ol
a bank and that the larger the
amount or bis deposits the greater
Is his profits, you can glimpse one
or the sacrifices the banker Is making
when he tells you to put a part ot
your deposit lu his bank into a
Liberty Loan or War Stamp.
The government desires the banks
to keep I In lr resources liquid so that
there will bo money for carrying on
shipbuilding, rinancing farmers In
planting and harvesting their crops,
money for carrying on freight car
building, and money, free and easy,
tor all things that must be paid ror
lu carrying on every local activity
oil which the war Is supported. Tin
banks are thus the clearing house
through which the government and
all the people lluancc the war.
'1 be banks an the ready resort ol
the government when available pub-
iii l units arc exuusled. We cannot
have a Liberty Loan every day.
Uut the Government mast havt-
BOaey every day. When tin re Is tu
f at baud lor public if.. , tin
,,u,r of Ihe treasury calls upon
Lie banks to subscribe fur certificates
of iiidebtt illicit. It may be a call for
Inn million or :.uu million of the
The li.wili a .k no tiicni ions. The
reiiuirmeiitn nun be for two per cent
or ten per cent ol the bank'' entire
n ouroee, Koetof tliee oeJle era foi
two peroe&t In two week periods for
live periods or until ten per cent ot
tin lr resources have been paid into
the tinted States treasury tor war
'In these calls the. bunks respond
almost unanimously and without
Qtieetloa or protest. The loan they
thus make the government Is, of
course, replaced front the proceeds
of the next Liberty Loan drive.
These are but a part ol the great
wur service the bunks are rendering
the people und the country. Wur
has made ua all comrndes, and no
body Is more whole heurtedly In the
rights than the bunks und bankers.
Portland Journal.
(Contributed I
Hums, Drewsey and Hllizcn are
represented lu the llareny County
Summer school which Is holding a six
weeks' session at the County High
School. Might students enrolled this
week and three have sent word they
will be lu during me" week. The!
Oregon law now heads that no one '
may take a teacher's examination
without at least this preparatory
work. The class has two divisions of
work, regular review of the common
brunches and organized model class
es lu methods. Some of the town's
children are cumin); lu later and 11
lu. irate some new ways of learning
old lessons. Those present are Ksther
Mvccli, Violet Teri'lll. Klllth Smith
Lola linker. Juanila I'psou. Thelina
Otto, Lucy II. Muvls and (Vmnii
TO!! 1-OttKt
Tim listeria! for a ladles Spring salt will be rafflsd by the Rod
It will be tailored I ultra made to-measere suit for the lady wis
nlng It.
See It displayed In Wltllsrns Zoglsmaan's window.
Chances now oa sale at the Rexalt Drag Store.
New Subscribers
Since Dec. 1, 1917
Hum ' nereJeJ (
B rough, Itev. Lyma
linker, lim..
Cobb. ;. M.,
Clu w Lee,
ciuii Cafe.
Clemens, Glen,
Christenen, Henry,
Culp. John,
Donegan, J. J.,
lelti.ll. ft. E.,
Groff, frank,
Hunley, Alex,
Keeler, W. H.,
MrtJuire, John,
Mcfiuira, John,
McLaren, Will.
McDuffey, Mrs. M. A.
Goyt, Fred
Universal Garage
Slocum, R. 8..
McKinnon, Kob't
n, Keslil me
Geer R'ch
ll. Devern,
Ntnt y-SIx Ranch
I'ein.i'ly, Ralph,
Rubin, son, .las ,
Italato' , E. t.,
Randi'l Piatt,
Shiretm m, II. ( ,
Sawyei, rrunk I).,
Smiih. t hip U
Sutton. Wnv,
Smith, Cheater B.,
Stewart, Wm.
Welcome, V. W
Whaeloi , Hurt,
Weaver. Ralph,
Young, Clarence
Raker, 'I im
Urinific, ban, Chs..
Dodge. Mre. M. V..
Hackney, A. L.,
t.leeson, W. C
Crane, Ore
Residence .
R d Cross Work Rooms, Crane
J. B. WKsTo.N, Sec. and (fen. Mgr.
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Building and Farm Loans Blade Direct
Farms and Ranches
Fire Insurance Life Insurance
Phone B-l lO
Resident Phont. G-M and G-43
Agents for WRAY'S STAGE
Members Burns Commercial Club
Sunday, June 2nd
Two Playful Imps
Put their fnzxv heads' together uinl shatter
intitlitT's framed-up love
in the in'w
IMhiiO l:i v
"A Modern Cinderella"
One (plotter is
June Caprice
The Other is Hun Cupid
Story by Directed by
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4th-5th
Paradise be Paradise Without
A Girl?
Harold Lockwood
Dinn Km
We'll do your Job 1 rlntlng.
. ' substitutes it li 01 of flour,
- : --. I