The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 25, 1918, Image 8

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    Statement Of the Condition of the
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
At the close of business May 10, 1918
I ,oans and Discounts $508, 7.J9. 28
U. S. Bonds L08, 882, 80
Bonds and Securities ' .!;, ilS..)7
Krai Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9,800.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,600.00
(ASH 129,027.03
Capital $ f0.000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 84,888.81
Circulation 50,000.00
BillslPayable (Liberty Ixan Account) 25. 0(H). 00
Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 28.800.00
DEPOSITS 555,884.42
Capital and Surplus
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
Cliiuil Schug was In town Wcdnos
(lay looking iih healthy mi i'Vit.
p'.ir siii.' 40 acres adjoining
Burn I, Im J. ' Dontgan,
A. a. Tipton, mi' hi i he onti i
heel) growers, was I town 1 1 1 1 -.
u i i-i.
I'mil Fluke wni down (nun bis
moil ii t ii 1 n home for n few days IMh
rillO riltHT NATIONAL HANK 01"
BURNS. CAPITAL AM) Hi lll'l.l's
1100,000. "TIIIO HANK I'HAI
HAKJDS Yollt a NAI'iO."
Mrs. A. w. (lowan left In company
with ' d Bwmh n mill family m i
Thursday for Palo Alio. California,
where she win ii ii her ion Lli u
tenant Frank Qowani lor an Indofi
rtlta Una.
Netice: All persona knowing them
win iniiciih ,1 tn i. Bchwarti, are
requeated to settle theft acoounti
before June 1st. On thai data nil!
imiuilil accounts will lit given to a
Nlrk llurth was up from bit Dog
Mount a in raneb yealarday gad mi ho
had a lot of potatoes planted but
they had not come up yet which In a
Reed thing hIiico it has been ho cold.
Ho says ho will have a Reed rye itoii
if it will only rain.
8. Alhersoii brought hlH wife ovor
from the riinrh tin- luitcr part of last
H. .1. Williams wan over from Rll
ver Croak I In' Othaf day on business.
c. ii. aii urn : pan) i fan dajti In
till! I'ity tills Wet Ii.
Kra, Qraca i aropi hlr h i fina
lot of eebbagc plan! Jn t
al OBOli
Wo arc Interned thai mihh Bella
Hard well expects to leave about Hie
tirst or in xt month for outatda pointi
to alii ml a business coll' ge,
Tha Honor (iuard Hlrls liavc se
lined Tonawana for raudevlll
ttrtalnmanl and tone dances during
i lie 1th of July c cli'liriiilon.
Marry 85, Bnith a i the uc taafal i
bidder for the mall contraol bei reen
pla i " ' Suntex, on Bllvi r
Creak. Tha i ontrs ttva July
V Red Ci iv Hi i i grant
ad for Hi" Vim neighborhood at a
m sting or tha esscutiva committee!
,,ii Tli nrtii hi c it,nliii7 tr- Haul! '
Mrs. Julia Smith, Mrs. Lunip.hlre and
Krnost Mustek wcni oyer there today
to Inatituto It.
Mrs. Hvclyn L, Walkrr begun Iht
ramar norinal courHO at tho IiIkIi
hcIiooI buldliiK III "ii- city on last
Monday morning. As yet hIio has but
few teachers In attendance tiut ex
paoti qalta a number additional next
Mr. and Mrs. (ienrge Mursilon wire
The Tixties-Jierald
Has The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Lo cl N e"w s
Two Ajax Kurd tires new, for sale
lit a bargain. Fanners Kxchange.
Geo. Boh Bbeugh was In town for
a few days tills we k.
It is cold enough to keep things
from growing but it doesn't seen to
keep the grasshoppers from growing.
Tho lied Cross Drive progresses
Mrs. David Nelson was b guest of
friends In this city duriiiR the week.
Four-horse power Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine for sale. Call at this of
fice. John Moss was over from Klein's
Mount. mi In company with It II.
BnrWB this week.
Adam Qeorge was up from Lawen
Wednesday In company wiih one ol
the Weiaati la hoys.
v. II, Button and family haw
moved Into the ('has. Miller residence
since the Miller family have gotta to
the ranch following Hie ctOM of
An account of a troop train wrack
Van Henihreo and his mother were n T,,XllM , ,h ,,,,. Sln,,,Hma of
amoilR those up from Sunmt section ' Mb. Hi)VM ,,,, (.0(lk ,..,,,, ,,,,
to attend the elRhtlt gradual - , ()f svl.H Vb,.v was ll)Jl)r,.,.
Jng exercises Wednesday evenitiR. j The ,,,.,, ,0PIt not MHV lmw scr
For Bala Head wheat, Early IJaart lo,lwlv
or Little Club. 90 day oats. All j Mr, Tom A,(.n ,..,. ov,.r froI1,
fanned and ready to seed. -P. B. ,,. p uall(., thl W-4.K fr , 1(,r,
Weittenhlller. j visit. She brought in n fine showing
weak ami placed bar la tha Haines "'''' from their Bear Valley ht ma
! hospital. Mrs. Albetsou ha i I recently r-Mu :d.i-
aarloualj 111 and undrgoa an open "-1' '" '' Hap car
: Hun todaj The n i fi Ii rtd i ol ihl ' ' ' ' " tbroog i
i tiroabla family hope aha in ra lK,! Mcuulre of the Bnmmli
over rapidly, v r load of tl auto-
mol i garage
Poleman Bklana baa been bone the other day,
from Boiaa where he ha, h. en all ltd
lug a baafaaaa oollaga, The ronngj " ' Hattoa and bla nifa were
man cane over in be praaant at th '" '"' daring tha week, beginning July i
gradaatlon exercleea of tba iiiKh Mr Hattaa inforna Tha Tlmea-Her-
school of which he In a graduate and ,''1 ni'" ll,r 'liiughliT. Miss I'.ollm
Report of the Condition of the
UnvmiTi rAimTT TJnfiAnrtl D.
niri ru i tin i u ivi i iiiiri i g i
M AULA Ji 1 v I J J -l ilv T Jl LA v JL v MX vLJI iw I
of Burns, Oregon
May 10, 1918
Loans and Discounts $363,423.1
United States Bonda 34,500.(
Liberty Loan Bonds 40,650.(1
- United States Treasury Certificates 40,000.1
Bonds and Securities 52,0f 9,
Furniture nnd Fixtures 4.f)02.2
Renl Estate Owned 1,3' 0.1
Redemption Fund 1,1 J
Cash and Exchange 147,131.71
Capital Stock $26,0001
Surplus 52.000.CI
Undivided Profits 4,551.21
National Currency . 22.700.C
Deposits ;., 579,501.30
Accounts Invited
United Oregon
Statea State
Depositary Depositary
to visit with homo folks for a ihori
J. r. lleatty and Ills son John were
ui from their home near Denlo dur
lug the present week. Thev came up
after some pigs which they are going
in iniieii uuring tne coming season
and help In tba meat supply. Mr. j '" 'iccordance with ('resident Wll
Baatty said ba was roIhr homo ami ' """'" prochMaattoa iii which ha
put In an acre ,,i potatoes in help in dOBigaataa Thursilay, the .loth (lav of
Miller, arrived borne recently from
I'lirlland where she had been attend
lug school. Tha ymiliR lady is Inking
a bnaJaeea eoarae and win remain
home oaly for u short Vacation period
n turning in a few weeks to complete
her eoarae,
May, as "a day of public banlllation,
mi er and faattag," Dure win ba a
prayer service in Hm- Nasarene
supplying tba laeal narkat neat fail,
Chaacaa are thay win be aaedad,
Mrs. John liiiiuberllng and her
i daugbtar, Miss sora, left Thnrada)
morning for tba as t r. main for
mi. i.,.l..rl.. ... i . . i i .
" '"" """ ""' """K'l'cr praUj- All are cordially iuviied to
Just gradaated from the grammar participate In theee sarricaa.
SCbOOl In this city at Hie i OM 'f till.
i. .i riowsei im u,i c. . Heed was up iron
v i. Eiacknaf i raanvad thai Mr- l"ul -Mr,- Kn'1 'l,;'
ract to carry tha mat! between DTr tTom Dlaaaoad tfartag tl
here and Crane for tba four years n,,rl. This mam.
May 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Iii
ntiams. a daugliter.
school term. Mrs. Oanbarllag baa
reiailves In Hie east ami liny may
decide to remain for some lime In
that section.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Itoiin ev. lie
for tho Ited Cross War Fund coniri-
cashlers of the First National Hank
of this city took bis departure (hi
fore part of this week In
iimpiinv (,,,, iM wii hi,.,... ., ,,riinii of in..
witb ins whe and Little sn for an .umner racatton In that olty. Mr
extended vacation trio which will i... i. .i
' II 'tl 11 III i nis i in i i i i i III 1 I III III
In accordance with the pr;c!a.i,a
uon oi rresmeiii vmimoii iiesigiiaung Mr. and Mrs. W. F. IlirUI
May 30 as a day of prayer, services amoiiR our visitors from Ida
will be held In the Christian Srlenee rows during the week.
church al I I o'clock on that day.
The Tlmes-fleruld understand
Hiaa Jetley, who taught In thls'Dorman (Sandy) I-reonard hop
city durltiR the past winter, took her be among (he fortunate one i
departure today for an extended visit called to .France In the ifiil
during the vacation In South Dakota fuiure. He expects to gt t
She will return for the opening ot by the first of next month
SCbOOl this fall. I
Mr. and Mr.i. Alhcrt Bwsj
Andrew Irwin has bean quite III al been looking after the Hum
bis bone thta week. Hb wanted to be stun- branch at R'llay tins
lircHOlll Hi the elelilli ,.ir,,l,. ,-r .,!.,. 'rt i .1 . .. . tt
church al Hi. :: the morning of that ' T V ' '
i.i , ' '"K ' selected night to have tin doctor r-i
da and In the evening lit s O'clock , ,, i " " in. ..ihm i
,,,,.. .. , ' atei to present targe nllnter from tha ha
pal button with a gtft from tba 'lass twain, bat returned tie
but his doctor wouldn't lit him lie morning.
i l tl.T we are fc,,, I,, learn.
Mr. Dorr's home on hill I
.Miss Edith Smith, a slater to Miss this week at low price. K"
. . i. . . - . . . .
rvruai eiiiiiiu. sienograpner lor I BO new house, floors, ttl
Hniney founty Abalraet Co.. is here walls with building pap. r !
for an Indefinite visit from l'rlne- sheathing and lap-sldlng; hat
UP" Tho young lady will assist In block. (Jood soil for garden;
i no . ouuiy i icrs s otrtce during the well and best of iiumn. Sonic M
abaaaoa Of Chester Datiaa on his ture. Cheap for qaiok sal
vacation trip to San Francisco. Inland Kuiplre Really Co.
there will he a service for prayer and
Mrs. I.udwlg Johnson and little
son have been here for several weeks
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Diilton and other relatives rpon
i her starting for her home at four do
C. A. Harlan, one of the assistant ' a i i........ in ... .
niwMVi .ii.iiio. iiiuis.ih inorning sue
was in coinpauied by ln-r mother, also
Misses Helena, June and Mildred Dal
the enployaa of the I'
W'"' , DllllOll took llielli liver 111 (lain
take them In I'ortl.o,! i ..r, .....i . .
- " " "" take ii, ( train
otlnr points. Thay contemplate he
lug abaant at Icaat I month. .Mr. '"red OI!e made a couple of trip.
Harlan's eyes have given him QQB '" "lir ''lv mI'"c our hist Iskih He
slderalde trouble of lale and II la his and Mrs. Dlley and Misa Anna, lo
Frank Clarf was la town tha other intention to have them looked afun gather with kfisi Helen Lena, ware
Clarence Cary and family came up urjuii uamm m company wua i auring his absence. i' aaturoay afternoon to lour the
, Caiiadliiti soldier boy talk on the war
Ban Brown and famil) lofl Thura a.,,i th.n i... , ,i, i,... r..
Mr. Russell waa an route '" """ 'i,r "' "' ovarJaad trip ,, ., ...i, fOM larl , tUi mm ,
bated by
DeniO country during tha wick. This UBi" '"
office acknowledges a plcasanl call.
from their Crane Creak home Thura- ",, .... Mm .xo. .wo
day on a visit with relatives and ' " '"" """ HM" " "' "" ' '""" ""'"
frienda and io look afti r some husi
iiess affairs.
east in his car with tba Intention of '" VVinnenucca, Nevada. Mr. Brown
i NlOaV St lii'c) i!t 1 i-r fur,- ntiiL iriifiiinni
ii, .-.. ' .,.--.-.,.. ... -
louring a big portion oi the i nitci "" "" ""' accompany Mrs. visitors oi our neighbors during tba
Mrs. I'earl Keeler and her little siates during tha season. ( , lirown and i.ciiii. ihai r,,r with tba period whan tba roada and weather
daughter arrived home the other day! ttto where tha two latter will Uke trt favorable to travel
irom Itaker. Both are in line health "' " ,n'"" '" '" '""" ""fi" me train i.,r Man Ffanclaco M visit
Look For An I uu'iui I lnir.d'ii i iiiiiii i- inn llui i Li., i,.....i.. in. i . i. . fn.. .. . .
""-"' - i iwc.u uwrni, ins i.rouiei, loin. m uv way uecoKsar. to lielp win
transfer of a big tract of land which who had been out with him for sev here m home,
he and his mother had purchased ere weeks, returned home.
from the Oieg.m i Western Colonl- Mr. and Mrs. I. S. fjaer took their
zatlou CO.
Mr. and Mrs. ('hosier Mac took departure Thursday morning for an
tneir departure rnureflay morning in extended nip which win take them
I ( i i 1 1 (Hid nf tlm tiinnnoi .si .. a uti.. ... ... .4
" ' ' 1 iiiu uiiki mr wiiiiiemucca wnere iney to Kiddle bv way of Ashland
mine icrri- K to meet his mother, Mrs. II
J. J
ranchers of the Saddli
, ...
w.e, s purouiH of ,,. 0,,,i011 Illu, ,,,, ,, W
en route, , ,,..,,. ,. (l . ,.., . ,.
n- ' " rti"f ill 1 11 t I II 111)1'
and Mrs. Keeler Is again at her desk Valley bome this week, fa Stated to I .Vatlian lirown, who has enlisted In I " '' Drown, one of il t ve
in the county treasurer's office. representative of tills paper that tba army. Ken and Milton will r. sbabg of the Stein's Mi. in,
tba lambing season was successful turn home irom Wliiiieniucca and t"1" Beetle, spent a few davs in our
James Hard was up from his homo with him and that he would soon help tight grasshonn. rs r .i ! city this week on business Mr
ills brother, Tom, in anv wi.v nan am ., i,..i,. ...i.. Mriiwn reiiorls n sal isfn, inn In ml, I,,..
period and Is getting ready ror shear
lug. He says that while the sheep
boelneae seems profitabla at tin pre
sent nun 11 navartbalsea takes a vast
amount Oi money lo run them and
Mil' Mince lifiilili.ln lu l,.,,,ii,l ,, ......
filler Lake National Park Thi. .. !
tory Was 111 town the other day. Mr. Mace on her r..l.,r fr, ciul. .,111, ... ,,,...,,.. . . 'I """ IH """" '" SOIVH. Ill fuel he Ii
"'" n online 10 visit .Mr
Heinz is one ol the Hurnev Couiilv i-..i,, 1 1, ,..i ivi i. i ,..., i. ...
. - ' " . -in in . .1111111 ma. aim will spend soino Hun
I ' . I I. . . Ml - i.l,.. . . 1 . . ia f t S 1. I.. I . 1. I m 1 vm . . .
...... .,w ..a-, m-iii 1.0. ys 10 me oMi-'MISS llieluia IIKkev. who bin Iii ell i ,i ,,,-,, i ,, .. . n ....., . . '
Ho fields and one of than has given a.lei.dlng high school, accompanied back home over the , oluiubla Itlv. r '" '"" """ '" h"H '" ""M miU""
his life for the cause. thelll ., Illr aH ,.r ,,. .,, )(1ll() ,Ik1wuv Tll.y lU(ki. ( Mn Vl. iM, Mrs ,,, (a,K,()M r ,,.
"" - : In their atttO and Mr. t.'eer slated in HartM) County High School faculty
the writer thai he might Induce his iOUk their dap.irlurc TburHiluv niorii-
parcnts lo return hon.e with Iheui '"I".' ''" I'orlland going out hvuavoi
for tba coming winter at least, This Band. The Ralatona a111 spend a
would certainly please me man old portion of i,h" vacation period In
pioneer friends ol tba Senior Clears, Portland but tha greater pan arill ba
., ,.,.., spaal at Corvallla where Mr, Ralston
Mrs. Ju.ia imitb. who wa. .he re- wU, ,. work m tba "pedal a a,
nee o, ,e ,,,,r,y t'ounty Kivoll vllu. ,, A (, , arnlv ,,
Red ros Ihapler a, the big ,,,- , .
erenc, recenl.y In S,,e, arrived ri,ll(ll,(.( J ,,,,, J
ban. Thursday evenlm. She was M. ,,,. $
quit, worn oat from Ihe .rip and her ( , ,,. ,,.,,, J J
'acclden while enroule ou, u, happy, 1 , , . f()r
1 as slie had made Ihe be I of b r ob- I 1 ..1 ,, ,
' (lining the vacation so as to ba ready
' nerval ons whll., u .1,,, ..,.......... I
...,.,. ., :....'. "'t" "'vi" Hhouid his country
-.... ,".'ubiii .,,. . n iijuiii KOOil HllggeS-
iions anil hi'lpH for thi local
I Prufl Mre Sundries
In addition to a complete line of Drugs and Pro
prietary Medicines, we carry a full supply of
Rubber Goods of all kinds.
Combs and Brushes, all grades and prices'
All Kinds of Toilet Preparations.
Pens, Pencils, Ink and Stationery.
We will furnish you anything you need for an in
tellinrlint care of the health and beauty of your person
The Rexall Drue Store
REED BROS., Props.
They Find It Here
V rnmiot offer you cheap goods, for thero in
im siicii tliinii,- any more. Ev fything is mit
rogeoiiHly lii'n'li every where now,
Milt f I .'III .11111 MIHIIIiT 1)11 . ilS iili'iilSI
Obtainable al the Lowes. Prices Obtainable, and
one can do move I linn i bat very 'o.v do n mueh.
TliiB ia exnetlv uh.-ii we flnim fr il M
IK'NoMHAI. 8TORK. Inn we never urtu'tice mJ
mii iii the ex penss of quality as so many do.
Vou can nlwuvs depend on thia: If you I
front u yon will lir payiua tin Ml MM I M IMMil
for your uriitlt' umi thf iiiiniiiiiiiii is i he economic
CroMM workers. Mrs. Smiih took ud
vantugH of being in Wellington to
ruu ovor for a short visit with her
sister at North Yaklnia whore she
jested for a few days bufore return
, ing heme.
him lo such duly. The Italstous
proved very sal Isl'iidory as Instruc
tor. during tho past year in tho
school and tin patrons and friends
hope nothing will luierfero with their
returning this fall to 10,11111. their
agt client work.
Burns Cash Store