The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 25, 1918, Image 6

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    iirmi "I'ollto Hiraseology," by
Herbert H. Hoever: "I'Imi c pas
I ll" l'tlllOCS."
Mud iii iif dellrered by aeroplane
between Chicago and Now York win
It Is often well lo put ni, ro
ctl giaasen in reading n" wfj
Llo 'i Oat 1 1" i aid i
lol arc moment t In pi i
I Airs.
I'liuii a about ' i"v'ii hour li i
It, it will - IB i i- ntj fo'n- C( in
Mil nunc.'. At Mult ii lovi- l-llT will
n 11 ounce. Al Hint a love letter
would he cheap Ht tin- prll I
ut TIiIk Oii - - l t- Worth Money
lug "Cl.vw, Ciyw, Foreuoi i
"i bj veic; r h Dwyr I lai It i
.'(' spat I ii would seem
i rliliug feat.
Wants To Help Otlici 'I.-J
'& ";i v3
it r.l.INO the fitrinr-r's
share of tlio vvliciil (lul
I ii f In iiiii of I lie wnr
lime IoIin Oncle s.'im hai
dons since fooii control
became possible, After
Lvf lf (tve loonths of trap
ifi pllng with tin problem,
i in le Bain is now nuns
inline into tin' hm kris of iiotii produc
er! mill conau re benefits derived iy
Hit) Nu l Ion. lie Iiiih shut otT spcculu-
tion, produced free uarkel and
movement of nil unities of wlient, cut
aspeaeee umi Induced u normal How of
wheat in natural dlreotfoaaj ami ef
fected a thoiisnml other economic.
The Food Administration Drain Cor
poration, which supervises the mile, or
Itself Iiiij.h cveiy Imsiiel of wheat pro
duced In the Nntlon In Its progress
from country clevnlor to foreign buy
era or domestic consumers, marks a
new atop toward nutlonnl ertlelency.
How In four sliort months It has been
done Is told in the follewlm: episodes
wherein two busbetg of WhseJ traveled
to market.
One line fall afternoon, Col. Hill
JeoklPJS, who farms somewhere In Mis
souri, loaded Ms wheat Into a tragon
iiini drove along the black road that
led across the prnlrte to town, when
be reached the ro-operstlve elevator
f which be was a stockholder, be
palled up mi the scales, checked his
:riisa weights carefully, and began to
unload. The milliliter came out ami
asked :
"When. yon want to noil this wheal?"
"I diiiino." he iiiiftwcrcil. "One
time's admit as food as another -
thecal "r aoat sgb any more
later." he added, with n dry smite.
"Wheat shrinks a lot,'' admitted the
milliliter. "I hear the tjovei nment
WMntS as tiiiieh wheat ns It can fcet
Just now understand the Allies do
eat a terrible lot of It since the wnr."
"WhntV wheat to-day?" asked Col.
Jenkins, getting Interested.
"Well, let me Fee," parleyed the
mnnnger. "I guess IIiIh wheat'd ho o
good No. 2 under the new (,-riitlcs."
"tirades' Wluit atwmi grades! That
Food Admliilstrailon seems to mix Into
might Dlgh everything from rnhlilH
to nxie grease."
"Hold on. Colonel," snld the eleva
tor man, good nnturedly, "The Food
AdmiiilHiruiloo Is nut in Maine. I'mi
greas passed the act nnd bold the Do
partnenl of Agiicultnre to fix the
grades). They becanM effective last
July. I sent nut a letter on II."
"Well. I guess you heller sell for
the lieKt you can," siiUI the farmer.
"I am needed at home." And he drove
A New Order In the Grain World.
YK Tj k"1'1 n.lghl have taken
' EMSrM place In every
I 'H town in the gftel (.'nil ii
Ikx bell 'if the Nation aft-
Saw- . -- er AUgUSl Hi; fur two- '
lutton in grain mm ket
lag whs inking place. Uncle bora
bad minted on this remark. il.lo
psriuisnt; be was going lo see arhetb
er abeat could be marketed minus
rake-offs to the speculators. This
nei .- ..lnleil i in:. pie lltrol hj lln
Qovernmeni of storage facilities, Iran i
portatlon and dlsirlbmlvs agencies,
nnd thv marketing uiutbiuers for
wbenl nnd rye.
Kvcr.vlioily wan IrOUUiod; most of
all, the Officials ! the Food Ailiiiinls
trstlon (Iriilii Cm porallon who Inn!
undertaken, without salary, mid at I he
Mtcrltice of their personal connection
with the grain trade, to Whip lulo
ahaps the forces that would drive hir
vvard the big business mm lime fur
marketing American vvhiut. A Single
control; and a .y.'.o.iHKi.ism nonprofit
making corporation lo do the work.
This work is a ncccssiiry arm of the
Food Admliilstrailon, allowing the
ioveriiment to do liusllicaa ipih Uly
and without red tape, lis stock Is held
In trust iiy the President of the Unit
ed States. For the time of the war It
will supervise the rate or purchase
the pari cimimerclally available of ibe
iM'iHin.iHH) biiHbels of wheat and (ho
fiO.OOO.tsJO surplus of rye grown In
America In 1017. Its Job Is lo hnd a
market for every bushel, Irrespecll'e
of class nnd grmlc. L'mli'r us palrou
nge, wheat screeiiltigs are moving Just
as easily as No. 1 Northern. It must
also work out Satisfactorily the local
prices for wheat at each of almost
20.IHHI country elevator points, inilust
thousands of complaints, orgsnlss the
gathering and iinnlysis nf dale, Inspect
concerns reporled as dealing unfairly,
solve vexatious disagreements mining
the trude, and deal effectively vvltn tin
nllles' purchasing agent and the neu
trals who may desire lo purchase.
In the early days, following Hie de
termination of prices for 1017 Wheal
by the President's Fair I'rlce Commis
sion, confusion existed In every part of
the wheat-producing regions. This wua
intensified by the Iniiugurnllon of t lie
new grain grades, as promulgated by
the Department of Agriculture, which
took place about the same Mine, and
led to diverse complaints mnl a feel
trig smong farmers that the tlrnln Cor
poration of the Food Administration
wsi responsible for both the price m
determined and stricter observance 'if
grsls grades. But the corporation was
vsapenelbls fsr neither ast It is surs-
ly an administrative arm of the Gov
ernment formed to buy grain or upr
vise Ita sals at the prices determined
by the comrrflsslon, and It mutt do Its
work on the basis of the new grades.
I'm tu return lo our fanner ami ins
espectstloni of prh a
Introducing Two Bushels of Wheat
Lying side by Hide In Ills WSgon bud
been " bushels of wheal thai fate had
marked Cor strangelj different enda
The vvere very much alike, ilmse
bushels of wheal, ami to limit III them
.Mill would not have suspected the
strange and wonderful adventures in
store fur them. Vet one was destined
to travel abroad for consumption In
France; the other to find Its way Into
Ccnrgln. where It was milled and Its
Hour finally reached a New York
baker on the Fust Side. Hut In the
sum of the travels made by tho two,
us we shall follow them, will he un
folded the International panorama of
wheat marketing In lime of war.
Finding a Price at a Country Point.
High war coNts of production gave
our Missouri farmer much concern as
lo his returns ami accounted for his
depression over lbs prospects of ills
wheal "grading down"; for tbol meant
a reduction of :i cents per bushel un
der the No, 1 glade. Hut 11 graded
No, -'.
The stern tor wonfd also deduct an
additional 6 ceuts u bushel to cover ihs
tied charge made in this locality for
handling and selling. The nccnt
Charge Included the ciiinmlsslnn nf I
cent per bushel eiisiom
among commission men fur selling the
wheat to domestic millers or foreign
The elevator man vvns none too sure
as lo how to get al the price which
this wheat should bring, lie knew
co slderably more about human nuturo
lhan freight rates and decided to
"check up" the problem to the nearest
, I
"-', BL.iiiH.. i i flt'iML
DON'T MIHH TIIIH. Cut. out (his
slip, enclose Willi five cenls to Kolcv
lo , g Sheffield Ave., Chicago.
Ill , writing your mime and gdd
learly. You will n eslvs in return
iriai paekags containing Polsy'
!' v ami Tar Compound, for
COUghS, OOUbl and OTOUPi Foley Kld-
m v puis ami Foby cathartic Tab
lets. Hold by Heed liros.
M. W. Taylor, Culvert, All
"To Whom It May Conc 1 1
nmmeiirli rl Cob y Kldm
In I have evi r a id. I Ii in4
ei i r medli . bnl non
Us roley's 1 n
lar action of kldne) and I
fi-iievi' bai ache, rbutnai
stiff joints, sore i
Read iir .
The Long Arm of Mercy
Tlic Red Cross is the LnQg Arm of Mcicy.
It is tlic Kindiitss of Mankind organised
In Man is an Angel and a Devil, a Dr. .Jekvll and Mr
Hyde. The Red Croat is the (iod. aroused, energised to
thwart tli' Had.
It is the beat antidote we know lo the bane of ;u
There are other Charities, mure or leaa helpful The
Red Cross is the mightiesl of all Charities, the Love and Pity
of all nun made aupremely efficient.
If, ns Gmenon said, "sensible men and eonscientioui
men all t the world are oi one religion," thia is the ex
arj in iii7 pression of that religion.
The llei Croat is Iliunnnity utiiletl in Service.
It asks n man's opinion; only hi- uctil.
lilaek or White, Friend or Foe, to the lied Cross there
is no difference; it only ssksi MWho is Sufleringf" And
to him it jfoes.
The Red Cross is so Kflieient that Governments recog- sgsnl of the tirnin Corporation, nize it; so rnre in its purpose that whoever wishes well his
so he wrote ., letter to lbs renreasnta. (e(,u men.ilesires to help it; so Clean in its administration
live Klntlotied at St. Louis. Thut let- .... . . ' !. , ,,.
liiat tin most suspicious can nno no tnuii in ii
The ltt-d Cross not onlv seeks to alleviate the cruelties
ted tin' follow Iuk rule for determining ,-,,i .1 " r . i i ,i
. ..I ., , - Iff Ii III.. .. V II", . I. I, ,t I III III,,,.. 1,1 1,1 III Llilllllllcllll. Ill-, I
Ibe pihe of wlient at miy coiiutr " " " " " w"r - ' " ............. .,L..v.. ........
point :
There Is only one price for .it
a rAiinlru t . t i i f Tl,:il r i i f is. al ix i v. ;
wvuovi . v . i "iwi W'lW-J " . .. . -
to be arrived .it by takmii SS a basis, puls t I I'll''.
the price al the meet advanuaeeu , ,s MerCVS co-operation ttTUgglinfl iiLr.-imst War's ri-
primary market where we hJve flxd ' "r "
a price nnd deducting the freight Ij Vall'lt S.
that market and a fair handling preSt I It is the one Society in which every Man, Woman ami
::r "" 0UW .e.,n,li; tor it know, no sects, no prep
to which it may be shipped. dies, no protesting opinion; the human being docs not live
that dors not feci that the stai viny should he ted, the sick
tended and the wounded healed
ter vviiH referred to ibe trn'lle SXDeii
in the New York oiib e. who transmit-
some day will put an end to Wnr
It is the impulse of Love, striving to overcome the im-
W'oiUliu' out the prlre vvlileh should
lie paid for wheal nt your Station Is
fl line OCCtlpOttoa for gn off dnr If
on cannot Bad the answer, rlis to
the rood Adnlulatratlnn Omln Oof
porn lion In New York City and Us
Iniltle expert will giro von Bid.
Finding the Price of No 2 Wheat at
Mtjettic and divine is this Long Ann of Mercy; it tinds
the fallen 00 the battlefield, it bring! the nurse and the
phvsician to the victim in the hospital, it lends the weeping
orphan to a home; it feeds the starving, '-arcs tot the pest
smitten whom all others abandon, nnd pouts the oil ol Help
;i: in. example: aiu i,tv into the hitter wounds of the World.
An elevator mini in I ' .
Blkeeton, klo wsuted ' here a volcano lias wrought desolation in Japan, or a
to know what price flood in China, or t Hurricane in Cuba, oi t Famine in
no 2 wheal should ,,,,,.,, ,- Kue in Italy, or rsvsging Armies in Poland,
lii'lti" ni lit. ii iiloii r .' r rsj
when No, I wiciit Servia tr Belgium, there Hits the Hcd Cross, the Alltel of
nt .New Yuri; cii.v vviin jkj-.'s pel i.u .h (;)( v 1 1 r 1 1 i he luiv of men cannot htiiiisli from the Earth;
and to the Knds of the F.Hith, oyer tail the ways of the Si veil
Seas, wherever is Human Misery, there is extended, to bless
ami to heal, its Long Arm of Mercy.
fl. Mere Is how lie Went alum! It
The freight rate from Blkeeton le
New Yoiii being iti'.is cents raw busli
ei, he deducted lhai from sj js per
bushel and found the pries nt Blkeeloa
to l.c B2.1102. from tin.- he dedlieteil
1 per cent per bushel for the c mis
sion linn s chnrKes, which put tli net
price f. o. h. Slkeston ill tSLlUOO.
lie next Compared this price wlih
what he could yet If he sold nl St.
Loin-,, his Dearest primiuy market, At
Sl. Louis the beak price is ". IS pur
bushel, umi the freight rate from
IlkastOfl to St. Louis il cents per bush
el. This would make iha Hikeston
price V- I'-V less 1 cent per bushel for
selling charges, or g'J.ll net. The Sl.
Louis price would therefore govern,
being inlviiniiiceous to lint Slkcsioii
If our Imaginary 2 bashele ef atbeal
bad Klnrleil from SlkeMlon, hIiicc II nils
11 No. 'i grade, we musl dnlnrt 't renli
per bushel, which would Iuiuk Ibe
It would be sasiet to Hike Voor-j Helps To Keep Pit.
Hi in to
1111 11 lo and I'lieperiiiiihe
pronounce them When the digestion iw out nf order.
o II throws the whole physicHl being
Il mlKlit be well lo remind certain oul of Kr
lieoide thut the I'resldeiit Is com
mander in hlef of the 1'nlted States tie Tablets kIvo me quicker relief
r..r....M 1 11. ,.i ,i... ........ 1. ..,!..., than iinvthlnn I buvo ever tried.
which we are so proud of invoking ',,',0
slothes him with almost absolute bioaii
niiwer. It Is suoreme follv lo sun- stlpat
11. 11. Ilaywurd, I'nu-
1I1II11. (Iii., wrlti's: "Foley h ( iitliar-
n uuythliiK I have ever tried.
iv relieve biliousness, bad breath.
Htlug, gas IndlgeHtlon and con
iiitlou. No griping or nasuea. w
pose thut Oongrssi, mluhty us It Is
in some mutters, can take uwuy mm
fraction of his guthorlty, Thut was
delegated to him b u bight t power
Sold by Ileed Hros.
price f. o. h. the elevator point to ""ll1 "y ( "tigress, mere is no nildd'e
$2.0802 per bUShsl. As our Imaginary ! roud the American citizen who doe
clevnlor mini Is ehnrKiliK d cents per
bushel for ii.iiniiiii;', which Includes
the commission fee just mentioned, ve.
deduct mi iiddlllomil 4 cents lo arrive
lit tile price llie funnel received 'I'll In
price would be $2.0102 lit the clevnlor.
not glvs full corporation ami abed I
once to his government In I In cricU,
Is an enemy, ami should he treat d
us such.
It Is stilted that there huve been
s' BbTJ Mbh, Mi
Some of Unit 4 cents will return to our 'more eiilliil meiilii Irom Wall Sl i
farmer If the elevulor prospers; for II
Is owned co openitlvely.
When Farmer and Elevator Man Dis
agree. I lad fills elevator been owned by pr.
vale flrm or person, or hnd II been a
"line" plant, Col. Jenkins would not
have been so bland nnd trustful.
lie might have refused to sell at all
and arranged to store bis wheal or he
might have taken It over lo a com
petlllve concern which offered n high
er price; for the rood Administration
has not yet attempted to regulate iho
prices paid fnrmcrs for wheal sl coun
try points. It desa, however, offer to
eell for any farmer or farmers' organ
isation wheat offered at terminal
peinta, but makes s Mmmisslsn ehsrgo
ef t per cent fer Its aervless.
Limine, in in liny oilier one duns of
la in i In- i in the count iv At our ulli i
pacifists and pro-(lermun friends con
lend thut Wall Street brought on the
war, wo suppose It was merely for
pleasure of seeing their hoys shot,
(Mini Km- The Whole IhiiiII).
Kvery fumlly requires u safe and
reliable cough and Mid renicd. Mrs.
John Cotter, 20 Rhupe HI , ML I'l. a
sunt Ps, writes: "I have used Koley's
Honey anil Tar for colds lor years
and highly recommend II to all rami
Ilea." Contains no opiates. Cheeks
broachial and grip coughs, croup and
bey tag ,-eti b Said by Reed Sres
V arsltAbar
V, " -" - U
& flSsSBtsapfc 0fftx.
Every Mother's Son should
be Fighting in France,
Backing thv Iiw Up With
The Uui-iiH ftarage and employes are
frying t suqporl the Red Cross ami
belp boost tin- fund "Over The Top:"
- T i I
' Vafeef sD4jaV
MbbB' ?tr m KBKStHBk AgsaVasBBali ?
Leaves BKNDol 7:45a.m., arrive Ml UN'S 7:90 p
Leave BURNS at 7r00 a. in., arrive BEND 5:00 p.nij
FARE, each way $8.00
."( Pounds Baggage carried Fr'. ESxcees le per IhJ
Meets nil tinins in Bent), Passengers Arrive nt
Portlaud, rrora Burns, in 2 1 hours, fm-c $16.05
Prompt attention given all shipments in our caiv,
KsnH'iHiiv Perishable Consignments,
ini.'iiiii Empire Realty Company, .rt'iits
It is our aim and effort to
give such service to our
patrons that they profit by
our dealings and recom
mend us to their friends.
We Fay Interest on Time Deposits
Carleton B.Swift .1. It. Weaver
W, H. Craves s. N. Bolts
Tom Allen