The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 25, 1918, Image 3

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muii 7
A ggJ '
;?: w. BY 7Ne
w'.wjfcM - rvww v
qf AMUfcLi.
. VUrrf.VfierTS AV,WMAr.
tlllu II. ry pliiyeil, iivcrli.'iiil I ln
I lion rue wan n ndj u1 last, it
woodwork siii'iii'. tt .;"il ci
i n'li. No iV'-i. uf ilnst tllsturlml
.1 i-.ii i , immiillU'eiM'Ci
The man und 1 1 - boy ho liml lawn
working on it Mood back untl mir
reyed U.
"All ri'tiily." stiiil tin' lmiii. leaning
i.ii ths handle f Ms long brush. "Now
it tuny happen uny tune"
"it is very handsome, Bui I nui
glad l inn not tlir old king." Tin buy
picked up paid nnd brushes. "Noth
ing to i"k forward to but- thni."
"Hut much to look bock otv." Ill
man obserrsd grimly! "umi tittle thnt
ll irooil."
The boy k'hiioimI tbroagh n Window,
below which the rbliiiK rlim stretched
Itl brown surfiire, scarred ly iutvoiis
hoofs. "I wobM change placM with
l ha crown prince,1 be sniii enviously,
"I.lsti'ii to him I Always lottghltig.
Never t" bibor, nor worry, nor think
in iiu next day'i food "
"Young fool :" The inan eniue to
i nhnuHder and glnw - down nlo.
"Would Uk to ha a priacclluu, leeul
n worry. No trouble, Al
ploy !" lie gripped the boya Khouitk-r.
Look, liul, at the m l.iu .
Thai la what II Is to be. a' prtai .
tVherover 'on look, tthiil do you act'?
Btablemeuf Grooms? Bah, secret
n genta, watching thnl uo uaaaaaln,
mkIi perhaps, as you and I. tart
lie lOgpod and Murril. Wiping the
glass clear Unit he might sec better.
Nlkky without his cap, dlaheveled and
Hushed with exertion, waa tnaklng li
frantic shot at tin1 White ball, rolling
poet 1 1 i in. Where had be seen -in li a
licail, such it tying inop of luilrY All!
lie remembered, it wis the tying
young devil who bad itttueked blui ami
I be Ofhcit that nllrt in I he by-Street,
.. ii Peter Klburg laj rtuam tl !
Mtaa r.iaii iiwniie luid ;i had head
i timt afternoon, and u rown
I i ilrnve '"it with bin mint. The
terrorists fenrnjl, The elt) lovwi rne
h v
A hi. (in II lYi I (I I .1 Ic it"1' 'I
llllllll, ('iiiin "HI of the -ll"; . Hilda's
i (( imlrobe hnd been niireliu a d, und
M a- IIOl I" III I' ttt! I".
"Cued heuven ," cried ihc an b
duchess, and stored Into the carriage
"Otto :"
I "lie Is mice." smIiI ll roWfl prince
i fondly, "lie Is (be ( levere-l (ln. lie
can do all soils of things,"
: "I'ul Idie ci" "
wlwfWk Wkrr&ir LT"
"I Would Present Him to You."
"Hot he Is mine,'
mind William Otto,
prole-led I'eldl
'II.' is II Klft.
Aichduchoss Annunclatu menl abop That gentleman tin re, i:i the cqrdnroy
ping. The crown prince wi in tnc Jacket--
"I'ut III lit out," "'''I 'he An b lii'bcsn
anil ualclieil till' p. "pie. I .
mall beside ll laellltlttn -at Willi
abri eyes, nml there were others win
canned the crowd Intently, Hul i
:is a quiet, almost an m tiering crowd
and there was fun a thai, to I'rluci
Perdtnaad William Utto'a hnga de
llt.t. The man who owned the d"'. aaelog
tho child's eyes on him, put him
through bis iri'-Ks. Trulj n wonderful
dog, that would catch thing! on lis
DOM and ll" dead, rsvatng only to n
hstle which Its owner called n-
briri'H trump t
Prince Ferdinand WHUnm Otto,
crowing excited, leaned quite ooi ot
lb" window. "Wliii i- your ilo'c
namel" he Inquired, In ids clear treble.
'i he man took err his hal ond bowed
n, hlghneaa, lie is of In -n- !i
"lie I- a Miy ni" dog,
ways wanted a dou i i r :
iiin-t be a gri (' friend."
"A great frli w, In; hueaa," lb
would bnve expatiated on the dog, hut
he was uncertain of the etiquette of
!i" procedure, Ilia fai beuiued w'tli
pli .i-iire, however. Then a pltfflilid
Impulse came to him. This dog, Ida
boon Companion, he would present to
the crown prince. It wis all he bad.
and lin would giro It, freely
though it left him frieiidle-s,
lint here agala ha waa al a loss.
Was It the proper tbtagl lbl one do
such lldiiL's iii this fashion, or wail
.i ire ii procedural ll" eockad an eye
: I the box of the carriage, but the two I
him sat impressive, Immobile,
Finally be made up bis niliid. Hat
n band. I1" trapped forward, "Utah1
less." he -aid nervously, "since the
dog pleases you, I I would present
liliu jo you."'
"To me?" The crown prince's voice
ins full of Incredulous Joy.
"Ye hlKhneaa. If such a thing he
"Are ou sure you don't tnlml?"
"lie is the best i bnve, highness. I
Alsh to offer my best.''
There was nothing elaa i" do. The
rown prince did not cry. .He was
much loo proud. He thanked the
donor nu'iiiu carefully, ami regretted
thai he could not accept I he dog. He
said li was a wonderful del.', and Jusi
the siirt he liked. Aid the carriage
drove away.
He arenl back h the palace, and
finding lhal the gaverneaa -nil had a
headache, settled down to the burnt
wood frame, Once be glanced up at
the woolen dog on lis shelf at the top
of the cabinet, "Weil, anyhow," be
said sturdily, "I still have you."
As a Man May Love a Woman.
Hedu i;' came i" tea thai n moon.
I have al- She cair ly, and defiantly, for
Ifcat, ii, i -he was doing a forbidden thing, bul
Prince I'ei illnnnd IVillium " i" had
i ...
pui away the Iriini" Oglllll ' illi li II
COiltlngeUcy, He had. as a mailer nl
rnei been pulling eohl clot hi on Ml
Brnlth i
"I uiw'Oj do it." he Informed Hi I
wi'. "I like doing It, It gives ma
something to do. She liken them
rather dry. so (be water doesn't run
even i 'bw n her neck.
Had Ml - Brnlthwitlte nol been III.
Hedwlg wonld have talked Unims over
i wllh her then. There was ne el-e
iii whom she could go, Hilda refused
to consider the prospect of marrlagi
i us anything but pleasursble, and be
i tween her mother and Hedwlg there
: had never been any close relation
Hut .Miss Bralthwalte lay motionless,
her face set In lines of suffering, ""'
'after a time Hedwlg rose and tiptoed
1 out of (he ruiuii.
I'rlrice leidiiiiiud William OttO was
1 excited. Tea had already come, and
on the rare occasions when the novel-
ness was III, ll win Ids privilege tfl
pour the lea.
"XlliKy is COUllng." lie said rapidly
Prince Ferdinand William otto al- , "" " un i u- win nave a puny.
li ,.i.i.,.,i iii, evciieiMeni. -r have ! Pleaae don't i. -li me how you W" youi
ulwaya wanted one." he cried
inn are eerlaln .voil can -pare him
he very good to Idm. No one," he
-aid. "aver guvs ma a dog before. I'd
Ilka to have hint now, If I may."
The crowd was growing, it pressed
loser, pleased at the boy's delight.
Truly they were participating In graal
iIiIiiks. A Hinall cheer and iniiny
-niilrs followed Ihe llfllnif of the dog
through the open window of ibe car-
rliit'e. And the dug was surely u dog
to be proud of. Already It shook
hands with the crown prince.
1'erhaps, in thut motley gathering
I there were some who viewed the scene
with hostile eyes, some who saw, not
a cnilit glowing wiui iiengiu oci n
gift, but one of the bated rilling fHtn
ily, a barrier, an obstacle In the way
of Ireedojai. But If such tbers were,
jf ten. and see II I can renumber."
) j "Very well, dear," I led wig sab:
gently, and went In tin window,
Nlkky entered almost Immediately.
As a mailer of fuel, although he
showed no trace of it, Nlkky had I a
having an extremely bad time since
Ills return; ihe chancellor, who may or
may not nave Known that bis bean
whs breaking, had given him a very
severe scolding on the way hack from
Wedding. It did Nlkky good, too, fm
It roused blui to Ills own ilelense, ami
made him forget, for a few minutes
anyhow, that life was over for him
and that Ihe chancellor carried his
death sentence in ids old leather dis
patch case.
After that, arriving in Ihe capital
ihey had driven to the Utile ottlcc
In a back street, and there Nikky had
reused himself aaals eaouah to give
a description of Pettr Nlburg, nml to
give ihe Ideation of the house where
he lived RUI he slumped again aflei
lluil. ate no dinner, ami -I" nt a lollfl
i-ii iii ie iii ihe plaei . ! i h i up at
A tl li " ( 111 t ll '( u Inili.v . v, Ii I ,. Its Ii il
("ic t'Wi lli dwlg mi i-hi
Thiji. lin- -ii iii
I to the kill
11 1 ill I .
ii r, sipiai". lie hail li ii Ived II
alld "veil n'.l
ten ; In ted ihrm Ing himself in ibe
river, Hilly he could swim so daiii-
lalih well V
But fie had (lie natural elasticity of
"Mill, nail a suit uf persistent belief
In Ills own link, rn I her like Ihe ehan
i liul'- i-enil li-nce III seven ns a liuin-
iii n eiuillil, nee. by Ihc way. which
illlll lid i Itsllj have hnkl ii
.in In; lei wakeinii ihe nexl morning
all r ii liuin nlherwlsoi nml
iv w i list nl hrntletl iniin hnd ;
Item i 1 1 in i i ha'u ihc !
1 1' -it i in ' miy, Nlkky
hesitated hen he saw I ledw Ig.
i in n ie ' i hen! low over her I
hand. And lied I Ig, I" mill every In
dtllicl JC1II in d I" touch his shining
," IiIiii cr calmly
was i alitor distant, ij little cold,
"V"u have been away, i think f" she
"tor n day or two. highness,
"And today," he added, reproach
rnlly. "today yon did mil ride."
"I did not feel like lldllig." Hedwlg
responded listlessly, "I am Bred I
'liink I am always tired."
"i.emoii and two lumps," mattered
the crown prince. "That's Nlkky's
Hedwlg, Olvtl II to him. please."
Nlkky went a trill.- pale as their
fingers touched, Hut he lasted Ids
lea, and pro IllCed It ci llent.
Prince Ferdlnnnd Wllltmn Otto chat
i. Hi told of He
lot p .
pollti i unci' ! r return
N'"W and Hit ii I l"du i.' . '. in nl al
not tig;, and
Ihey duredi Ihe ) i
-old" , nil lul .
"She will take aonie ten without
-nil." iiiiiiniiiiceil the crown plilne.
While Ii" pouted ll lb dwlg was
thinking. Wna it powlble thai Nlkky,
of every one should have bean chosen
to carry to Karl ibe marriage arrange
ments' What an Irony! What a Jest !
It was true l here was a change In
, him. He looked subdued, almost sad.
"To lunula ?" she asked, when
; Prince Ferdinand William Otto bad
left the room, "tilllclnlly?"
"Not- exactly."
"Where, In Karnla?"
"I ended," Nlkky confessed, "ut
Wi deling."
Hedwlg g. ri d at Iiiiii, her
plopped on the tea table.
she snlll. "I think .Veil know."
"f Snow, highness."
Wiui yon have nothing to ay?"
"Hi.:! ." Nikky began bnskllj
"you know whal I wmild say. And
tli ,1 1 cannot. TO lake advantage of
Otto's faue) for iin-, a Child'! liking, to
violate iin iiiidetice of those who
I laced ne here I am doing that, every
"Whal about me''" ll"dwlg asked.
"Iin I COUnl for nOtblngl Hoes It not
matter at all how I feel, whether I am
happy or wretchedl Isn'l that as Im
portant as honor!"
Nlkkj ttUllg OUl his hands. "V.iii
know," he -aid rapidly. "Whal can I
tell you Uiai you do not know a thou
and tlmeal I lovo you. " Not as
subject may adore hi- princess, bul
as ii man hues a woman."
She drew herself Up. "I.ovo!" she
said. "I do not cull thai love."
it i- greater hoe ibati you know,'
-aid poor Nikky, Bul nil bis con
dltd a iiiiiiin iii int. i. and Iii- resolution
wiih' it. for without warning Hed
(Jrnppi d III r bend on her hands and
i-i-.n, hlng forlornly, fell i" sobbing,
I counted on you," she said wildly,
"And you ore like the others. No one '
nr - In"" v reti lied I aiu. I w sll I
III I U III die."
Then Indeed Nlkky was lost, In an ;
ilisfjint he was on his knees Inside,
her, his anna close nlioiil her, his head
how ad again I her lintisi. And lied
Wig relaxed to Ids embrace. When al
Inst he turned and looked up at her,
II WU Hedwlg who bent and kissed
"At least," -he Whispered, "we have
had this. Ws can always remember,
whatever conies, thai we have had
Hul Nlkky was of very human stuff,
and not the sort that may live by
memories, lie eras very haggard :
when he rose to his I'eel haggard, and
Id- mOUth was doggedly Bet. "I will ,
in vcr give you up, now." he said.
Brave words, uf course, urn as he
said them he realised their futility,
'I'll" eyes he turned on her were, a
lie claimed her, wilhoiit hope. I'nr
there was tni i r: I. .
Hedwlg, with shining eyes, was at I
ready planning,
"We will g" away, Vlkl;v" she said. ,
"Aim ll i. in.-1 US soon, liecalise other
Nlkky dared nol touch her again, j
knowing whal be bad to say. "ln.ii
est," he Mild, bending toward her.
"Unit is what we cannot do."
"n'" She looked up, puzzled, bill J
lill e.ndiiieiit. "Ami why, oowardlj
compassed me chilli aim poNsiliiy "in-
eis of I Mi- liiinll.', . he saw thai Ihey
touched her remotely, ii nt all,
All '-I" ll, v,li n Nil k.v lllil'died.
n a I "I nii'hl have know nil. ( U
" lliej i (Hilil gel inc. a Hi i ll
i he oihers.' But a iiiouK ni later i h
and ihl'i'W mil f. ...
it. ii is nil n i lie plot. Thej
. ytm i uioli " ni i r to h n I
'o, sy 'J Ilii il
UX jyl.Mrv
4 "'mU
"We Will Gm Away Nikl
not he Ihterfi red with i I kimw
them, belt I In an
all cruel. H is iin- I.'-
'I hat ' i'. ne ' - Hi
went una i nounct I to lu r gt nudfntbei .
apartment, and ill innmk l to be al
low "d to eiiler.
A gentleman lu waiting howtnl deep
ly. Ion -lond before the door. "Tout
hlgbneea mual pardon my reminding
your highness," be said firmly, "that
no one may enter Ids majesty's pros
em e without permission."
"Then go lu," said Hedwlg, lu I
white rage, "and get Ihe pel mission."
TbS gentleman In walling went In,
very deliberately, because his dlgidly
was outraged. The moment lie had
gi , however, Hedwlg Hung the door
open, and followed, standing, n lignre
of tragic defiance, in Ida the heavy
curtains of lbs kings bedroom.
"'I here I- no use saying you won't
see me, grandfather, i or bared am."
They eyed each Other, fbo one, li
must be told, n trifle urn at Ily, the
oilier desperately. Then Into Ibe
Itlng a llui ii ol admiration
and Just a glen n ir ninui i . ill
So t pi I-. cie," in- said, "Coroi
here. Hedwlg."
a ilster "i ' inn It) n . . landing by
the king's i.ed. sin- ii d oared for
him through many in wcs. in Mie
luici'Mits she retired to her cloister ami
read boly books and sewed for the
The -l-iei Willi mil. her lilai k habit
dragging, lul -he did not sew. Honje
lime Inter sin- I I bitter crying In
the royal bed chamber, and the king's
tones, soothing now and rory sud.
"There Is a higher duty Hutu bappt
nes-." be -aid. "Tin i" are grsatei
' things than love. And one day you
will know llu-."
' Win n -In- went In Hedwlg had gone,
i mid Hi" old king I) Ing rn h - hed
: huiklng ai ihc portrait of hli dei d
The following morning the Countess
!.,.-. ii. k li n for a holldn; . ; in- had i
iin- choice of inn i" o nlternntlt i
do in he hud been enmmnnded, fot ll '
llUlotluteil lo llinl. or to ilte. the com
iiiliie.' would not kill her, in case she
failed them, It would be linneces-nl .
1 Bnnitgh that Ihe) place Ihe letter and
the en de 111 Ibe bauds of Ihe ailthnr-
Itles. by Mime niioiiymou- mean-. Well
enough she knew the clmneellor'a In
flexible linger, and the Ai'chiluohe-.
Annuncintn'i cold rage, They would
sweep hi r away wllh a gesture, and
she would die the death of all traitors
A we.k ! Time had boon when a
week of the dragging days at Ihe pnl
a ce had seemed eternity. Now the
bonis Hew. The gold clock on Inr
dressing table, a gift from the arch-
duchess, marked them wllh flying
Inning Ihe afternoon came a pack,
age, in I her unsklllfully lied wllh I gilt
eoiii. Opening It, lbs countess dis
closed a glove bOS of Wood, With P de
sign of rather shaky violets burnt into
Ihe (over. Inside was a nete:
I o'ii viiy sorry you m. Mi k. This Is
to put vonr slaves la whsa roe irai
I'liiec svouss the wok. i hsjvs sons u
in a hurry,
Suddenly Ihe countess laughed, chok
ing hysterical laughter that alarmed
Minna: horrible laughter, which left
her paler than ever, and gasping.
The old castle of Ihe l.oscheks
With modern facilities to care
for alt Auto ailments
Familiar with all make of Cars
II. (. SIllREMAh, :: Lampahire'H Garage
House Painting Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
tstirnates furnished on application. Samples shown
Th Brunswick Phonograph
4 TU
ill 1 in
Come in and see them and hear
their beautiful violin like tone
They play any Disc Record made
The price is within the reach of all
On display and being demonstrated at the
Our Specialty Plumbing, Set Metal Work, Repairing
Call and see flu. of
Cunioiissioii Orders on
or anything in the Hardware line
A Bicr and Rdtir Cream
Separator For The Same Money
Efficiency, Inability, Simplicity
We are Agents
Temporary quarters in warehouse at rear nf old stand Phone
looked ut'hii nml inii(isiiiiiiii when nde
iii chum, i imvi' given my woni to raachad it toil night nmit daring ths
enmlu wit li ths crown prtacs." Thau, years wnea int
iscillis Unit shs Mill illil nut ciiniliii- ! koiiIIii rn Kiiropi
in ini. in' explained, mWiii.v. llu Dtnnii,
as ninny a iniin Iimh itood before, b
tween lvii nml loyalty to lil Sing,
nml In- wiih ii Boldlefi I'1' I'1"! ii"
It unit terrllilc to liliu In Nte tlir
Unlit iii' ma nf iir i' -yt'. Hut fvi-n
sn lie tolU iftr if tlic 'iiMisfi' ii'"'
unlii'lli'wr overrun
It -innii In ii ci'iii-
iiiiiikIIiiK iionIIIoii over ii vnlli'.v, nml
Hti'i'p, uniii'ii road led up to It,
llui, its nneienl glory sag foog '
pnii' departed. Its garrisaa none, i's
drawbridge nml immt Hiiuu" of tlir
past, iih viTy hangiagi nml funds!
iukh moMerlng from Ioiik nt'sit'i't, it
liuiiv over the vullvy, u punt mtnaco,
no empty thirovf . .
Te U coattsucd)
Eastern Oregon Auto Co.
H. E. YOUNG, Proprietor
Agenciea ia Harney County for the following wvll
known, reliable, and, value received lin's of
A ulomobiles and Trucks
Hudson Super Six Velie
Franklin Oakland
Republic and Service Trucks
Headquarter at V AXE, - Branch at ONTARIO
taer wee iv, m wa. tm"r' "-