HOMESEEKERS WILL FIND RICH ACRES IN Or.. ST -. aaaaaaaaaaaar mJm' A i JMiWJIiKJiSsi Iffiaatfiiffl asTsSsRy I Lsas '.Hssassfl Lar ' '-1 Fil I H i ,4mEi I flH SB Jsasasasa! B ' m h t P jJH UBt",MiL3P J?l iHBMMI BSkJUsrSaBaaBSBSslr i ' V a mm BH . ..dS .ii ., B) im. JhbDBT I 1 m-aSjsl PJV bfi Bar I ronlalrt a linnint Inlr rrittp MH W VVA . I UiM V aad -al.i.tlr latera-aiiaa aaariri that S vl'SBe Bs maKal VI 1 7 iwSsSe T '"" 1 VaSaaaaaaaSMaClSSBr al 1 1-ffV-K tl 1 yau ara tr)lralaa, of lirmlr.. a. SbBBSK ! EV 1 IV ara aarklna a a.oiri... taiallon ip tha BBBaBBBBl H BSlImR LaavflLl Wfit yau ahn.r.1 certainly have 'feat I tVaUUaWTlll Sk book I will .mil a aoy al It to you. I ta. ' k I 11 HaaV W fStt Wnt. ta ma today 1 1 BBIVi yi TkaWtf- W Vo.t arp aorrliollr In.llaS ta lV'Jas bbbbJbfbbbKbbbbI BBW W. Room 112 Union Hiiillt-in ta VaaJBBNasT'aaaa'jBa UaaaPrFL .aBBSfB"-- m aid ralaaai.t ataiBlt m SBJ BBS-' VaBaaTaPi W aroducta ruwn la tha Union Partita Tft SrM (fA 1 "C : ( afB" JS country w H OsbBsaS S'BMaaB aaaarf aaafJaCBaa B I. . SMITH. Colo.. ,.i,o.Ma'..inU. I JW i jaB 1 .aarM ' oina f i ti( QsBrSsaBBBBtf 2w V looai 1313. 1 r Bid. Osaka. .k 1 aJseVslM Clf - V (Abovr-S-mpIr Advertise- WU0Sj!(3StB& id? afl ment Uoed in FT.istern News- 1 ejspyj IBPkjEP'0 I .djf papers). rfOCaaBrnJ'Ljalai' flJ .""aSSi 1 1 hop!, t.liaed H aflaaafl B aT V VaaTaaWkaTal WF M 8. 5. 6. Oregon fruit world-famous for quality, beauty and de licious flavor. Fishing industry ranks high, especially salmon, but it also produces splendid sea fish, as well as oysters, clams, crabs, etc. Furnishes finest wool in Amer ica, and is a leading sheep producer. Large production of cattle and hogs, having abundant native forage. Oregon flax equate that grown in Ireland and Belgium. Claimr highest yield of grains and potatoer per acre. 10. Grows 50", of the in the United State Has 283,302,578,000 board measure feet of timber on pri vate lands. Has 190 835.531,000 board measure feet of timber In na tional forests and large quan tity in national parks and Indian lands. Tremendoun industrial de velopment possible through the far that on- third of unde veloped water power in the Unit-d Sftr ir available In Columbia River basin. 1iuz state tiust make full preparations for "back to land" iioti:ment. GET READY FOR THE WAR'S END Oregon i- one "f Um vendor com-muiiiiii'-i in iii.- galaxj "f r.H-iiic tair. it w nit Mnptra in ItKelf. Heretofore n lias been noted for ii fraitM - it i t Oregon fruits ire worlil famous tor quality, beauty nnd ili-n- tmiM iiiivm- lint iiivirsiiii-ii farming in rnjiiiiiy being mattered. Tito ell rnaiir conditions are being nnderatoofl nni tin- future -f Oregon is "in1 of the iinsi promlelng. .o one thinks i.r Oregon wlthonl thiliKillk' f lis li-.ll iinliivtiy, Palpe- i.illy tin' .sitliiiiiii Inilil-liy. hut In1 pon nt-ii furnlsbea splendid see Mall jm well us oyetent, (Hume, crab, ete, This state l- one of tne largei (rou-i'is of -inip in the country, s.nd Oregon wool i- recognised 01 ibe tint-Kt produced in America, An abun da in - hi' natlye forage cropa Iimh re miti-d in M large paoduction f cuttle nd bogs. Flax a Profitable Crop. Oregnii flax is another profitable rrop, thi- producl being aqual to tlmt xrown in Ireland and Belgium. Hops la another of Ibe Important yields r Oregon, and it is I'stlinnteil Unit Till M.r ei'iit of the bopa liilst'il In tii 1,'nittsi Htatea is grown bare. Tha IirJiH'tl ll. tit the html In imiiisiiiiI nri Its state autltoritlea claim tlmt It BMatoeaa the blgheal ieid f grains nd Botstot i' i' Bare. Whether n tint the exact flgurei wmiid aubatantl- uto this i liilni. the mere furl thai pro diM-IJnii In this statu In ho (rent as In Mialje Hiirh n Claim plausible Insures that hh land is among the richest, QMbTbNM baa uncut Hnthar in mi ai uoat unineiisuiiii'ii' amount, running tiitri Oio iiiimii'ed'i of bJIUona of board feet, Ix'th on private lands mid in mi tiuiiiil foreats, national parka anil Indian lands. Water Power Means Much to 8tate. One of the i m j- i Important fa inr.wj f Oregon's future Ilea in that ftut that tnare is available, though iinOi'Vi'lopi'd, ii,iroliniilily one-third of the total urate power of the United Kinies to be found in the Columbia River basin. This r,nt be comes eapeclall) Important in vh "" i"'i'i roe rteul W llsort, utal stana sluni i h taken to conserve and develop nnd bfing Into use tha wnndui ful hi -i!..i itif- of this ivnter power, Million., of Acreo Available. Mill:. m, of acres of bind that bnvn never i vn the feel of the piovt are waiting for i ho home seeker in the great Kraplre 8tntea ..i n,,. Trans Mi siiiiii West, anil in the states that fare tin- Pacific tli'ean. .Many of tin's.- acraa are in tha lry farming aactiona, many of lham inn ho brought under Irrigation dltchea, In inlililloti to this "slid" land. Ilicrtl ale many iieros in llieso States, now cultivated in large I raits, which uitti the ever westward plashing r those who seek new lands aill, In the iiil l.'U .Mars, hi' nit tip Into small. ! farms. when the tremendous Irnged) of the World now being enacted In 11 1 and suffering nj the fair flelds of i i comes Anally to an and tha longliig tor the open country in take nn exi'ii greater bold upon the hearts of mankind, 'then this great couutrj In He- West Should In' In position to respond to this longing, should lie reatly to receive ihosa who will seek its welcome, Oregon must do Itx part. Kvory Bgenc) in tin- stud' should be directed to this I'H'i. in preparation for this day every facility attoaJd he need to ji iii iiniii i those who now are looking for a new lioiin in the West, and avi ' organisation that is working to secure tin- upbuilding of the Weal should he I'lii-oiiriiLi'il. Union Pacific System On the Job. Una of tin- runs) active organise i ions i".niiiiiiy maintained for work of thu character, an organiaatloa ad iniiahi.v equipped with reaouroaa ami lacked with it tborough knowledge anil system, Is the Colonisation and Industrial Bureau of the Union Pa- i ille SyHtom. This itiit'uiiu u under Um dtreetlou of It. A. Smith, who has had liuinv .M'ais' experianca in atieh work, "' ii'iitl.v there tins heen Installed on tin ground floor of Um headquarter i building of the Union Paciflc Baliroad, in Omaha, a most complete ami per manent exhlhll of tin- agricultural, horticultural nnd live stock Interests "'.KT OSDROH IM) IT." It Is a ttinieiitithle furl I hut thou minds of otherwise kjooiI, loyal (-It i - 7.ens of this country iihh' narer out- Krown that bOVlth Inellniitlon to wnnt "deorge" to do It. They have not rritllzed that hot It t hemsi-lvi's and "QaoraNj" have grown to man's sta ture and assumed man's obligations. In fact we as a people have been long mi nsiomi a to regard with mm plseeney thst familiar quotation, "That wttleh Is everybody's business In nobody's business," until the very thOttght has heroine a pint of Our natures Hut we are now lielnp; rudly arous- id to the unpleasant fail tiwit "George" Is bus) too busy to Ill-' Obligations that wo fain would hlrk i la has also a ta It t as I thgt I in him in iiiN in there a ra but two i s lot i ir, a oit hi r to bravely shoulder i I and march with the i h.' responi I hiilt . i.t in- 1 1 legated to t bt Willi iiio other slackat And what a worlil of hIiiiiih' and dlsgraca 'an bs comprossod Into that word "simkiT." with what contempt we have niwiivs regarded tha balky I horse, roaring ami piutiKihK ami fret ting himself Into a lover Just to es . up" the task of di'avlni: a loud, tho liiirdi'ii ol Which would have Ihmii I fur loss tiresome than his sill), oh ' nil llll 1 1' oliloi tlollH. TbNl with some peoplo who i all theinseivi's Reed Americana, The I load they are usketl to uisuuie would i not prove at all opprissivo If t.iki u up riieerftiiiy ami carried patiently and l.ravi-lv. It Isn't only tha ! iinau spy, the liriiiiaii sympathiser or even the pro Oerrean American who la doing mo-.t to Iok the wheals or the great tu machine Tha Lteavteet drag to that machine i tha man who whines for Oeorge" do Ihe work that even in own craven conscience tolls htm he, hiniHcir, should do. Ha is not only ma a In!'', lint Is a di-ad Weight ii ' ai hi ' lent iiik undone tlmt which his government had ever) rear son In i'pet ho woulit do. Reader if ynn are expecting ;, orxe' to do It. take another think. "Oeorge" is busy - doatarntaly tiusy. nnd Inn neither the time nor the In clination to i.iki- up the hurdeti miii have so shamefully cast down and abandoned. Is proving liy hli presmwe on the bat tle front. Mtit tils one aupreme HioiiKhf now Is to strike with the ut most of his power for the safety and siinelty of his home, and his .heart should know no other ran'. Keep the gloom at homo. If they must exist, and Henil (lie sunshine to the boys. Lloyd George's attitude toward the world Is very like that of our own Tetldy Roosevelt. Life Is to htm a sinii-sslon of Interesting adventures, and tils list Is always ready for a shy Into the ring. o The Irish QtMstlOU Is always dls litrlilng Ihe Kni'lfsh I'nrllmont. Just now it takes tha form, "is tha stiti- h mightier than tha -won!'.'" o Tha Germans are i musli 1 1 ne. Hon. We trust liny will injoy .iii n hen ii pi rlia. The 11,900,0(10 Increase to h rt oelved by tha railroad employs will coma in bandy to moot payments on I their libort bonds, There may even In- a surplus for thrift stamps. Rod Cross and V. M. ('. A. NAZAIIKNK i III i: II llev, I. Miian Hrotii'h. Pastor A cordial Invitation Is extern to you to attend our kprvlres . 'I hours of the service on the Hahh are as follews: Preaching at 1 1 A. M. Hahlu-.lh Bchool at 10 A. M Young Peoples' meeting at 6 P. M Hong service at 7:30 P. M. Preaching at 1:00 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 P. M. in. II HOLY l MII.Y fin lt It catholic) PllKMHYH:itl fHfltfll W.sttin r. Hhlelds. Pastor. Prenehing at 1 1 A. M. nb)eet, "Chrtat, and the World at War." Sunilay Si liool at 10 A. M. I'riiyermcetlng every Thursday at 7: .'ill P .M. No pniiililiiK ni'Xl Htinday evening as the pastor prcmhes tit Crane, and . .1 1 i - on ii i hi i in a ii kiii iu , ain'j, Diamond ami Happy Yaiie All are cordially invited to attend the servloas bn .Sunday at 1 1 o'clock r,ir Miller .1 0. um. II i Mass at 10:30 O'cli k . . !, lb: ill 7 O'l lOek. I tm lol ' i' (hlldren fiat r- . i' at a it , rather Praneia, o. F. M u. - CHiUfiTIA m ' i: socn iv Servh'CH ;-! 11:K0 o'clock. Knl- l it of taoaaoaf-Barmon next loads "Adam And Fallen Man." The Testimonial o'llng. Wedn v day at 7: HO P. M The reading mom In tho chur h Edifice Is open on Tuesday and Frl . iv fro n 'i. to 4 P. M. Sunday School meets on Sunday 10 o'clock. Pupils may bo admitted to it I up to the asc of 20 years. '1 he public is cordially Invited ta 'lie CI. n r.h Services and to tin '; adlng Room. WE CURE CRIPPLES IMIVT i.mmim TI1K 1MJYK. of tlie states which are Birred by th-t Union Pacific fly atom, Nehreafcaa Kan sas, Colorado, Wyoming. I'lnh. Idaho. Waahlngton, Oregon. California and Nevada. This elillilt. which was pre pnrtsl ami Install, d Ihroiigh ru opera Hon with the puhlie atilhorilli's In each of these stat,., M in he main tained ami kept constantly renewed by The Union Pnclfir flystem as tha foundation of tha srorh which it car rlea on for ths pni noaa ol bi Ii new settlers ami bomo-aeekera into tin- Went. Bureau Has No Land for S.ile. 'i ;' ' i i A Industli 'i nn- "an IMS II In n, and It Interest In tin bind bj Ihosa who have ii. Is ih- building up ..f Um territory which It serves. In oilier w. ii- interest is tin. bring- ; iny torn : iy of the bind nnd those who would make new homos upon the land. lor lh. ii r.-nsini expert HKi-nts r this iinrcaii inveetlgnte tborooghly all land Dial s olT.-r.-d for Mala and all land agents, These experts satisfy themselves lhal Ihe land is suitable for fnrmlng, that the climatic condU lions are rltiltl and ihat tin- pile,. t which it la offered is reaeonahle; next they satisfs themaelvaa that the land agent is honest ami reliable, There Is no need to fool men In order to get them to settle In the West the truth is strong enough, Ads Carried In Eastern Papers. A cr extensive advertising caia pulgn In Mm Baatern states, tho Southern stales and the Stales ,,f , Ul i slppl Valley enables this Ba rren to e,t i f, , WUl lllos(, who wants facts aliont the West, and as soon as its repreeentuUvea learn what section of the country most ai- peals to the prospect he Is Itn-iieil over to ih,- trustworthy land agents operating in that section. Tliese land agents take up tin- wors from there on i the records or the Bureau show that tha work has i n most successful During the laal year tin- advertising by ih" Union Pacific Ryutem reached a circulation of mure than Ave million readers n month Thi were r Ucd nearly ten thousand Inquiries and there are records of 8,483 carloads f household goods moved Into and through ihe various states listed shove, during six months of this per iod. This does not Include those who came Into Hie West without shipping A their household goods, mid there an many who sell out all such property hefdr nvlng, Neither does n in. elude thoac n ho went orerland In so- j toinohilc , ami Ih iCfl are iiiatiy i f them, loo So II would seem lhal hi rg i proof of tho pffectlveness of tha plan woii, i d out by the Uuiou I'aaifie ' Rystem, If you have any regard for the hoys In Cranio, don't write gloomy letters. Keen the rliiiuC out . , t vnur I eorreapondaneo, ami lei it braatho naught lint sunshine and cheer. If douhlH assail you. keep them to oitr self, and gtVO ihe seldli-r hoy letters hreathlng opllmlsiil and confidence. If fanill cares and worries hesel you, i i remember that his can is infinitely greater than your own. Your har den is a personal one. while on his brave shoulders n-sis the cares of a nation. Bright, confidant letters from home, bn at ' iv of hyre and ml i In our au and In i ba i it upholding it. win da i to win this win- ...iy other to- gloom ft ! ' idlngs and i will irei) retard Ii aot ii-feat m. Your hov should bSSU none but r-',,d news from boms ug les it is absolutely necessary. Not that his line ami ilevotloit Is any less than ol old. rather greater 'ii,,, m- We Are Specialists WE CURE CRIPPLES We take thai broken down, crippled Car and re store it to health and Htrentli ami iiHpfnliiPHH. Tlti'Sf daVH vow just can't afford to lose flic ser vice that votir ear should give, and which it will give if von keep it in health. If your Car lacks efficiency, is weak or faulty in any action, bring it in and let ns give it the once over. We never fail to diagnose the ailment, and then we apply the proper remedy to the seat of the trouble. Let us help you to he In your Government by keeping your car in PERFECT CONDITION. Lee Thornlniig's Steam Vulcanising Plant is a part of the equipment. Universal Garage Co. f It costs no more bo be sure you get voiiinionev's wort It Ask o r Crescent t Innamon, Nut meg. Pepper a n d o1 her Hiiicee, All grocers sell t Item. Crescent Better Spices 1 N. imowN & SONS Brown 's Satisfactory Store QUALITY MERCHANDISE Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Hums. in I Bon Ton Corsets Oregon e sarrj goods advartleed oa ihe "Munie rusiaala Psuao' Farming for Profit! "''"''''''''''''''""SSaBBBBBBBSBBBB The year 1918, more than any previous year, mark's the BTOgreMive farmer's harvest season from his soil. The world is clamoring for his products. If you would reach the top notch in production, you hould provide your force with The Latest and Rest In Labor-Saving Machinery We have the implements to easily DOUBLE your pro ducing capacity. Why be content with scant profit when you can have the opportunity to eletn tip large one. and at the tame time help your country in the hip drive? Come In and See Our Splendid Line Get Into the (lass of moderni and move on with the procession. Von can't afford to be toft behind, hh you will surely be if you cling to the old methods. I. S. GEER & CO. .