The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 25, 1918, Image 1

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The Tlincs-llcriiltl goes re
unlnl.v to more homes In llar
hnjf County than nny other
1H'S(.IC1'. If OU lsll t()
reach the people use those 8ol
nmnx tor our advertisement.
The TIiik It. 'mid In tin old
established friend of tin- people
' I'.uiii-.v County where It has
1.1 ii ; weekly visitor for thirty
years, it's Job department Is
equipped to serve your needs.
NO. 30
Total Figures Show Standing of
The Several Candidates With
Harney Co.mty Volers May 1 7
The following are the figures tab
ii from tin' official COIMl of the pri
mary election held last wi'i'l. :
National Committeemen
Ralph . Williams 136
Bruce Dennis,
1'nitod States Senator
(Short Term i
Charles J. Schnnbel,
A. H. Burton
Fred V. Mulkey.
t nlteil States Senator
Kobert X. Stanfleld. 104
CbSS. L .MeNary IS?
fteprexentutlve In Congress
N. ,J. Sinnott,
Janes Wlthyrombe.
J r Anderson!
Headquarters were slow la getting
i Information and the necessary blanks
out for the recent Third Liberty
Bend i Ti e and as a i onaequence
Portland Manager telegraphed Man
Doni in of this count to bavi
application blanks printed bare, 'i uis
was done bnd the form of the The drive tor ma Second ifed
oml 1! M,il was used which gave the 'run War Fund which started last
payments as those of the former J Monday Is progressing most favor
I bonds which was mi error. Before ably and it is definitely known that
llarne County Citizens Respond Sixty Harney County Girls and
When Solicitors Give Chance.
Quota Will be Oversubscribed
Hoy 3 Finish The I'ublic School,. ... id Rective Diplomas
School i ipt. ' ':i r u invited t be
i u i h , . adnata from all
iiaris ol thi county to come to Burns
to nartielpiiie with the local school
the drive started correct Information our cltisona have oversuhheribeiiiiie In suitable graduation ercl as on
had been rerelved as tQ the dates Ol quota assigned to Harney County.
4 5 4
P. ('. Hurley,
lilts. C. Ifost r.
Ben w. Oleott,
L. J. Simpson.
state Treat wee
Hen F. West,
Wm. Adams,
E, D. Citslck...
1). P. lloff,
O. M. I'lummer.
Tho F. Ryan,
Justice of Supreme t'ourt
Percy R. Kelly,
John S. Ccke,
Charles A. Johns,
Attorney General
Oeorge M. Brown,
Labor Commissioner
C H. (Irani, 124
John H. Ilolsten. I2
IB C. N'irkum. 1 II
Wm. a. Daltiel, 80
I'ublic Service Commissioner
Fnd A. Williums.
:: i
1 1
8 i
I is
I I -77
deferred payment us well as the
amount of earh, and Solicitors were
I inatrUCted to make this notation but
It appears from the banks this has
either been neglected or the sub
scribers have forgotten about It as
they are sending In their payments
of 15 per cent Instead of 20 as the
loan provides.
For the benefit of those who are
not Informed we will say that pay
ments on the Third Liberty Loan
Bonds are nnide as follews:
Five p r i en! at the time of the
subscription; SO percent on May 18;
r c ni on July 1 8th, and 10 per
cent on I usi 16.
On a iO.OO Bend one oul
as follews:
f. per ient cash with the sub
scription $
20 per cent May 88
::.", per cent July 1 s
40 per cent August II
Subscribers should keep
dutes and amounts In mind
merits of the larger denominations
may be figured on proportion, the
80.t8 Bend being used as an ex
ample. (iHASslloi'PER WORK HETUtD-
Altl.i: WEATHER.
Win. F.irre who Is again acting as
treasurer. Informs The Times-Herald
this morning that he has received
cash and pledges to the amount of
Mi818.ll to date and but little of
the territory outside of Burns ha
reported. Silvles, Harney, Drewsey,
Crane, Diamond, Andrews, Uenlo.
Callow Nurrows and Riley are yet
to hear from.
Many were here from a distune
last Saturday afternoon to hear
MaJor-8ergeanl Christy, the Cana
ls i Wednesday evenlni al the public
chow auditorium. Beveral of the
students responded and added iiuite
materially to the home school which
maue some 35 or more on the plat
form. The address to the graduates wan
made by Rev. W. F. Shields of the
Presbyterian church and it was a fine
talk, Inspiring them to greater ef
forts In the pursuit of higher edu
cation. It was given most respectful
attention by the class of young peo
ple before him and w.i highly ap-
in. on
Although the business house of
Burns were closed two afternoons or
261 this week to give aid to the grass-
Frank J. Miller, 219
Superintendent Water Division
... (i. T. Corham, 4:!0
Representative, Twenty Seventh Dtst,
P. J. Gallagher, :'. l!
Charles M. Crandall, 222
ounty Clerk
Chester Halton, ins
County Treasurer
W. V. King, . 888
Ktta J. Holland, 224
County Commissioner
A. I. Johnson, 447
T. S. Sprague, g
w. A. Ooodman, 887
county Coronet
(i. W. Clevengor. 4 94
Comity Surveyor
A. H. Page, II
National Committeemen
Will. H. Hornlbrook, . 92
J. W. Morrow. 1 uO
1 tatted siates Senator
Will, B, King, . !07
Oswald w. st,
Representative in Congress
.lames Harvey Graham, I tin
Walter M. I'i.rce, 1 88
Harvey Q, Kt.trkweat In r, .".4
Representative Tvvcnlv -Seventh Disl.
c. B. Mi Count ill,
County Coiiitiiissloner
Jap. McKinnon, 24
County Sheriff
K. J. Catlow, :tl
County Clerk
Cheetar Halton, . 174
County Treasurer
W. Y. King. HI
County Surveyor
A. H. Page.
.lusilce 04 The Pence
J. J. Patterson, ::
boppi r poisoning campaign, It I
fottiui that the work is not as effee
live ,1 it ws . bo'ped. Not because of
lack of workers or the mi thod 1 1 n
termination, but because the weather
has been unfavorable. The writer
found evidences of good results ol
the work In one or two places during
the week but the pests will not take
the hull good when tlte weather l
cold therefore it is likely that some
perfectly good material wan eqttand
end, bUl this Is a fault thai Is belli 1
stood than lack of energ- upon the
pari of the workers.
The Times Herald believe ii
should give 1 reill to the business con
cams In this ity who close uii for
the purpose of lending aid to this
grasshopper campaign. 11 Is nothing
re than right they should give
assistance, but al the fame time II
should be appreciated by the men
whom M Is directly benefitting and
we are (Uri Ibis Is the case. Mr.
Thompson, the government man in
charge, told s cltlssn ol Bursa thi
01 her day that such a spirit of ro
I tH operation is not often manifested and
be considers it worthy of commenda
tion. There was no attempt made to go
out after hoppers yesterday as it win
cold, but as soon as the days become
warmer It Is expected there must be
renewed effort and greater forces
played In Hie fields. The pests are
hatching at u rapid rule and while
they are doing but little damage at
present, they are gaining In size and
covering a greater area, therefore it
will take more work to get them,
old ir boy, taiii of hu expert- prow ' b patron and friends who
noes In the trenches and the drlvi
rt alls InauKurati d at that tltm
it 1 violin miIo and Kathrlm
lo 1 if. 1.1 iii! It Ion to
tli add! Kathleen Jordan
for m 1 . 01 nnr ;i 1 tens realized as
never before the necessity to aid In
over war measure. However. 11 was
not necessary for any talk to be mude
lo get Ihe full QUOtU for the good
.11 e In ihls county.
For the purpose of securing state
aid In the construction of a highway
between Hi ml and Central and South
em Oregon communities members of
the county courts of Deschutes, Har
ney and Malheur counties will send
petitions to ihe stale highway associ
ation at the meeting of that body the
first week in June. This action Is
taken bv the three COUUtioa afti r the
visit tO his section of M O. II' niiett.
s I 1 tant itate highwuv eogi iei r,
Parte and Gladys Byrd played a vio
)ni dui 1 81 hool Supl. Clark gave out
the diplomas eith a few appropriate
r. marks.
a feature not on the program was
1 he presentation of a handsome auto
robe by the graduating cluss of the
Burns public school to Principal Sut
ton. The presentation spSQi h was to
have been made by Andrew Irwlu,
president of the class but as he was
ill he wrote It and asked Rev Shields
to read it and present the robe. This
was followed by a few remarks by
Mr. Sutton to the class. He express
ed ins v arm appreciation of the gfft
and took oceaaiOB to give them some
advice and compliment Hum upon
their records. Mr. Sutton also took
occasion 10 speak or the proposal to
consolidate the adjoining ii trtcts
with the Burns district al the coming
.I , , , . 1 .
!.. we.,, uve, . mo,.,,.-,.,, ,,,. ,-..,...,. ,, ,,,,; ...... ...It uiientton
'" l,,"ll "",l ,I"r,",' H"rt WM lag.l. of ml, .,
take, from In re into I aM.rn pari ,,,, ., u eneflta,
of tli" county.
he wr't'oi si cnii or Aiinrew
Wlih the opening of a state high
Irwin is publlstM ,. :
wa tliroui.h this hedion of the slate
it would afford a highway possible A" " "" ,","'r "r ""' Blghth-Grade
of use through the entire year. The I cm r ""' "ur,,H '" Bchooi 11
road Is In excellent shape at the pre- has tlevolv. d upon me to present lo
sent time Willi the exception of the "' '"! behalf of this class, a smull
flrl IB miles from Bend South, and
1 In could be put in good repair at
.1 nominal cost. -Bend Bulletin
token of respect for the work that
you have done for us, and the inter
est you have taken in us.
For seven years we have worked
in 1, 1 ing, in what seemingly
was an Infinite future, the end that
we are now approaching, our work
with you has been pb asant while
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Merrill wore In
from their furm home Thursday, hnv
Ing brought Mr. Mertitt's sister Mr
B K. Benton, to lake the v ra Ant 1 from da to day there have been the
stage out en route to Wallace. Idaho tasks to perform, though they seemed
where she goes to rtslt a son. hard in themselves, yel knowing what
1 11 11
pi : rs
Mill Davis was in lo see us ihe
other day looking for some mining
location blanks lor his neighbors III
i be I H 1 w , . 1 ounlry. .Vlr. I lavls
says there have hen several pros
pecting 1 Hut region lately and Hint
1 onaiderahle Interest bus been stirred
ii)i over prospects for gold, platinum
and also porcelain. Just how exten
sive these deposits are has not yet
been determined but there are peo
ple over there who feel these miner
als are there in quantity.
W. H. Baker and J. H. Taylor, Ihe
later principal of the Drewscy school,
Daring the rul her busy period of
last week with the dosing of the!
schools and the wis! amount ol ad
dltlonal work In connection with the
graduation sxsrclses that this office
win called Upon tO take care of we
tail, ii to ui ni Ion the excellent ma n
ner in which the students of our
neighbor high school presented s
comedy entitled "Safety Plrat" al the
Liberty on Saturday njghl preceding.
The Canyon City nigh School came
over 011 that day uutl presenicl il,i.
comedy In a most entertaining
manner and they were greeted hy a
rull house. It wbh well perfor I,
each Character doing bis and her pari
well. The Times Herald r grots iiav '
lug overlooked thi SI the Caiion
City bunch are all good sports and
our enrtieular triends.
Wo Invite Hieni lo come over again
were over with the eighth grade
pupils of the district to attend the un( promise them a hearty welcome 1
gradustlsg exercises Is this illy. by the people ef this city. i
,tf ggVwBHaMaW
As Maw
fin tiiii nlaa'll ' PJggggV
Ml PFafM '
8 P r
Principal W. M. Sutton of The Bui: a Public SJ1.0I.
tiny held In the future, wo have glad
ly and willingly performed what you
have given us, realizing that, you
knew at all times what was best for
our Interests.
We are not attempting p any man
in r In measure out lo you by this
little token Of reniemhra me, our up
in 1 lation 01 the Intereet thai you
have taken In our future welfare, nor
of the esteem In which wo hold you
um a man and a teacher, for we ic I
that we could not repay you for what
you haw done for us in dollars and
cents, Inn morel) a token of iur ap
preciation for what you have lone,
and the high esteem In which we hold
you us a man and a principal.
It is my honor and pleasure to pre
sent to you this little token, and ask
that you receive it In the spirit in
which It Is given.
I now present to you this gift In
behalf of the Klgliih -tirade Class
Uii, of the Burns Public School.
President of the Class.
In all there were some f,0 gradu
ates from the eighth grade in Harney
county but only a portion or those
attended the exercises in this city.
The following are those given us Ity
Supt, Clark as havng passed ami
mi many of them were present;
Arthur CrOSier, Andrew Irwin, Levi
Fred Curtis, Wesley Welcome, Char
les tiowan, Vernon Horton, Gladys
Byrd, Isora Hoinberlliig, Frances
Bperling, Blanch Ooodman, Marie
Smith, Maries Smith. Leuora Groff,
tlladys Schuli, Pauline Hesilets, Hy
man Weinstein, Ruby Hayes, George
West, Fred Carter. Alberta Parker,
Stanley Ausmus, Leon Thompson,
Stephen lOlliott. Dec B, Baker, Lee
Lamb, Max R. Johnson, Herman
Kattgasl. Louise Baker, Carmine Dun
can, Keneth Van Horn, Fills Thomp
son, Ethel Jones, Jessie Cawlfleld,
Alfred Elliott, Goldle stnhl. Elmer
Ash, Iva Grace Myers, Arthur Dunn,
llirihu Peer, Agnsa Da. Is.
Mrs. C A. Svvei k told The Thi
Hi nil,! Thursday at noon that she
Wanter volunteer., to help make
eight more hospital spreads as she
required thai many to finish her box
Ladies are requested to cull ut the
Red Cross work rooms and secure the
necessary material to make these
with Instructions us to how tO do the
While our young men go into
lamp and laulonmeiits ami to Hie
front submitting themselves t ever.
detail of military discipline and our
young women make surgical dress
ings ami hospital garments, every
fold and hem tape according lo rule
laid down, how Is it that the Mothers
of tsreal can rsfuee to do their part
axci pi in their ou 1 .1 1 and at cord
Ing to their own fancy? No matter
n they did l n i i for the boys of 01
and their families ever since. Con
ditiona to he met to-day are entirely
different, ami all equipment mual
Hffer change to correspond. These
good women will surely gd In lluo,
but they are slow about it.
The quality 01 the knitting work
received ut the Supply warehouse of
I lie Northwest Division has improved
greatly in the past six mouths, but
the toes of the socks do not improve
as they should. It is possible to make
a good toe which is not a Kitchner
toe, but ut least one-fourth of those
root lved at the warehouse not hav
ing the Kitchner finish have lumps
and ridges calculated to make blis
ters on the soldiers' feet. As about
forty per cent of so, ks received do
not l,,ive the Kiichuer loe Ihls means
that out of 78.008 pairs of socks to
lie furnished by the Noribwest
Division before July 20th, 7 . r. n t will
have had toes. This miisl not lie.
To avoid it Ihe Noil Invest Division
Ini 1 is thai every so, k shall have a
Kitchner toe and thai every kultter
Shall be a good soldier and do us the
Red Cross usks for the dura'ion of
the war.
Word very recently received from
Washington requires (hat all sweat
ers shall measure 25 inches from
fold to etlge. They should be from
16 to 18 inches wide.
Socks should be eleven Inches from
edge to the beginning of the heel.
The heel may be either the strap or
triangular kind.
J. W. Biggs returned Hie other
da from a business trip to Canyon
Every 21-Yehr Old Man Must
Appear Before Hegisirar That
Day. The Registration Places
Wednesila;. , June .,, has been of
liilally designated as Registration
Day throughout the United States,
for all young men who have attained
the age of 21 years since draft Regis
tration day one yeur ago.
On Wednesday, June ft, every 21-year-old
man in the United States
must appear at the reglutration place
designated by his local draft board,
and register.
The only exceptions are men al
ready in military or naval service.
Special arrangements have been made
whereby absentees and those too ill
to appear at the registration places
may register hy mall.
But they must all register. Fail
ure to i.) to makes the guilty man
liable to Imprisonment for one year.
And Ignorance of the fact that Juno
.', is Registration Day will not be ao-
Ceptt d as an ,-:.-ii ,. i i - burden of
Informing themselvt as to the plana
and date of. registration Is placed on
the men themselves,
Registration will be in charge of
the lo, al hoards in their respective
districts. They nre required to post
immediately a list of the registratou
These registration places will he
open from 7 o'clock the morning of
June ft until 9 o'clock that night.
They will be in charge of officials of
the lo,al draft boards.
June 5 has been selected as the
date for Registration Day because it
Is the anniversary of the first draft
Registration Day, when approximate
ly in, noil, 11 (1(1 men between the ages
of 2 1 and :I0 years, inclusive, regis
lerd for draft.
This registration Day is only for
men who have reached ihe age of 21
years, thus coming within draft a:;e.
since la i I;. gUtration Day.
Since the above i cerved end
in type ii , learned that the definite
date for ngi tration has been set tor
JttUe 6 and men who have hi c ime
i years old since last registration
are expected to go to the at vera reg
istrar selected by the locul county
hoard and register.
Sheriff Goodman Informs ;i be
lias received all the necessary sui:
phei and these win be forwarded to
the several communities where
Istrart have bet n selected In time for
the day sei. Kight places have !e,-ii
1 ated when- registrations may
oe rt 1 cived, a tollow s:
Drewsej Registrar, I W. Drtnkwater
Crane Registrar, Sidney McNeil
Catlow Registrar, W. N. Monroe
silver Creek Registrar n. d. Cecil
Andrews Registrar, Geo, A. Smyth Jr.
Denio Registrar James Dillon
Narrowt Registrar, Joe Mortis
Regl trur. Sin riffs Office
,, .
' ' l
Dr. C, i'. Griffith, chairman of tho
Harney County Chapter, American
Red Cross, called this office by phono
the other day and said he had a re
quest for more dish towels and cloths
for use in the cantonments. He stat
ed this was an urgent call for im
mediate filling but no provisions
wen made to take the necessary
funds from the Red Cross treasury
for the purpose but contributions
aaked, These are from flour and
sugar sacks; those from ftTj or 100
pound sacks should be luuiidi red and
hemmed with any boles that maj be
in them darned ; I hose made irom
sacks of less weight than 50 pounds
are io he laundered only. The good
housewives of this section are asked
to furnish these and bring or send
them to the Red Croaa work rooms
from vvhnh place the) Will be for
u trded,
Mrs. C. A. Sweek informed The
Times Herald Thursday at noon that
she had Just received 11 letter from
her son, Cyrus, from whom she had
not heard for some time. Tho yoUBg
man writes ho was fortunate lo bo
one of those selected for the Fourth
Officers Training and was now at
Cump Lewis for the purpose of tuU
Ing h special course. This Is, nagged,
a distinction for one of our Harucy
couaty bsya.