The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 11, 1918, Image 8

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Your Finance
T'S DKAI) easy when your available Cash in all
snugly reposing in a sound Bank. Yon win
handle your finance's with less cost and trouble.
This Bank ran render you rateable service in
all matters of finance.
Join Our Army of Depositors
and be prepared for the financial battles that face
There is nothing like a bank acconnt to give you
stability in business. It is always available.
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
.The Times-herald
Hu The Large,! Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Local New s.
Furnished house with barn to rent.
Wra. Farm.
Link and Thos. llutton were In
from Wagontlre during the week.
B. L, TMn, rcrmerly an employ of
the Burns Packing Plant, was over
from 8llvor Crook during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hin -hatian anil
, son Joo with down from their ranch
Two Ajax Ford tires now, for sale , Thursday visiting with relatives,
at a bargain. Farmers Kxchange. '
Alcoholic spirits have tukon a Inn k
Wanted A three or four room "eat. I'atrlotlr spirit Is the national
furnished house. Inquire at this of-1 stimulant those days .
Mrs. Clara Marsdeu was in town
J. J. Donegal) made a business trip : Friday on hor way to California
to the P Ranch the latter part of this where she will visit with relatives
Mrs. A. A. Tipton and Mrs. A. C.
Volmer were shopping in this city
during the week.
Register Coaari of the IT. 8. Land
Office, has gone to Canyon City for
a short visit with his mother and
other relatives and friends.
Luther Tudor was in town yoster
day. lie told the writer he was go
ing to use a part of a ranch belong
ing to this firm up on Cow Creek to
put in a war garden and was at once
granted full permission.
and friends. -Blue Ml. Kaglo.
For Hale-Seed wheat, Karly Baart
r Little Club. 90 day oats. All
fanned and ready to seed.- -P. S.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams were
among our out of town visitors laat
Saturday to attend the Red Cross
O. O. Jotley was in town yester
day, lie was accompanlng Hon. C.
M. Crandall, candidate for representative.
J. N, Jensen was up from Crane
the other day.
Bom Wednesday, May S, to Mr.
and Mrs, II. K. Dlllnian, a sou.
J. K. Hlzoninre was In this week
visiting with his family.
Hurbank Clay was up from CMOS
J. W. Biggs arrived home the fore
part of this week from a business
trip to Portland and other outside
Mrs. James Raycraft has boon
suffering from an attack of
erysipelas in her face this week hut
is improving at this time.
Kuyiuond Voi-jUly took lih mother
to John Hay last Saturday and on
their return the following day they
worn accompanied by Mrs. Voegtly's
mother, Mrs. M. K. Williams.
Dr. M. D. Fleming, tho Optomerlst,
will be hero on his regular monthly
visit on Saturday, Sunday anil Mon
day, May IN, IB and 20. lie may be
found at tho Hotel Levens.
Mrs. Martin Buck and her children
were up from the family home be
tween here and Lawen during the
week, guests at the home of relatives
and friends.
FOR HALF If taken at ono $476
Wesen Bros. Cabnet Qrand Piano
for $200 cash. This is a snap and
well worth Investigating. For full
lnforatlon Inquire at this office.
L. K. Mcpherson, one of the bronco
twisters of the P Ranch, was in the
other day to have his physician patch
up somo broken ribs which he had
sustained by too close connection
with one of his wild horses.
Several i Ul.eiiM of Crane were up
last Saturday night to lake in the
dance following the Red Cross
baz'iar, among them being Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Weaver. Mr. Flser and
the conductor on the run from Crane
to Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brown and Mr.
and Mrs. Seaweard were in town the
fore part of this week renewing ac
quaintances and attending to sonic
business. Mrs. Brown told the writer
they had recently had a letter from
their son (ilenn, who Is in France,
and that he was getting along fine.
Hcrt Oliver recently wrote to P. C.
Petersen of his city from France.
Bert Is with the Forestry regiment
and he wrote that he was employed
In a big lumber mill which um.iI two
shirts ami turned out 60,000 feet of
lumber each day. He didn't say what
the lumber was used for.
For Rale- 4 0 acres adjoining
Burns. See J. J. Donegan.
Capt. A. W. fiowan Is absent on a
business trip to Portland.
Thos llaln and Mis son Jcnsc were,
in town Thursday.
D. R. Thorn and R. D. Mote were frtm Ullvur f'r,...U tKufurilaL'
A. K. Richardson has returned
from a business trip to Portland.
J, R. Jenkins, the Stolon's Moun
tain sheep grower, was among our
visitors during this week.
Carrol Cecil, and his son, J. C,
Cecil and the hitter's wife were over
from Silver Creek early this week.
Klder I). Qnlor was up from his
home near I'rlnretou the other day.
The writer dlrl not get to interview
the gentleman.
Albert tlakerman had the misfor
tune to sustain a broken ankle yes
terday as a result of a horse falling
on him. Dr. Griffith reduced the
Dr. and Mrs. Griffith went out to
tho Cecil home on Silver Creek yes
terday afternoon and no doubt we'll
have a fish story when the Doctor
gets back.
makes rotm SSSS sai ::.'
a tBnmMiBi)i!i!i:;iiiirii)siijfiyiMBMMai
I j pr j I
,-mLm. feiuuiiiimminiiNiiiiiiiinnniHHiniimiiiiMB
.tv."'.-. ly fciiiinimiPiiii'iiiiiniiJumMiiiMiiifl
V. Cawlfiold was over from his
home near Van during the week.
Jeff has one of the garden spots of
Harney County for a home and ho
looks as though It agreed with him.
If you need some good eating or
cooking apples see F. R. O'Connor,
Crane, Oregon, or segd In your order
hv the Laundlgan truck. Prices for
first and second grade, $1.S0 and
$1.76 nor box.
Mrs. H. J. Joklsf-h and her little
daughter were visiting In our city
Wednesday. She has closed her school
at Lawen and Is now with her hus
band at Crane until be closes his
school there.
A. McKenzle was in town Thursday
He states present Indications are that
water is going to be short In his
neighborhood bordering the take this
season. However, It Is hoped that
t hero will to the usual amount of
hay cut.
Netice: All persons knowing them
selves indebted to I. Schwartz, are
requested to settle their accounts
before June 1st. On that date all
unpaid accounts will bo given to a
Hon. Chas. M. Crandall. candidate
Peter Carter Injured his neck a for representative, was a caller at
few weeks ago while working with this office yesterday. Mr. Crandall
wild korses at the P Ranch and as It is making votes rapidly wherever hu
did not improve as It should he came, has the opportunity to meet with the
people and explain his position on af
fairs in which this district Is Inter-
in the other day to have an X Ray
picture taken of it. This may dis
close an interesting condition when eated.
Albert Swain and family are now
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Alberson and
daughter were up from Denlo yes
terday. They came to Harney the
residents or this city again, hav
ing moved up recently and pur
chased tho family residence formerly
previous day where they visited with occupied by his parents. Ho helped
Mrs. James, then came down yester- I for a short time at tho big hale at
day to attend to some business af- Schwartz's store but hu", accepted a
fairs. Jc:;ho goes on back to Doulo
while Mrs. Alberson will remain for
a time and visit with relatives and
friendit in this vicinity.
permanent position with tiio Hums
Cash Store and alter today with
Schwartz will begin work ut tho
other establishment.
President John D. Daly of the
First National Bunk of this city, who
was hero last week from his home
in Boise to look after business Inter
ests left on Sunday with a party of
friends in an auto tour of the north
ern part or California. The party re
turned this way Thursday night stop
ping at the Levens, and continuing
on to Boise yesterday.
Fred Taylor, one of the boys who
volunteered in the V .8. Navy, was
here this week. He secured a short
furlough and came homo to visit his
parents who live above Harney. Fred
formerly worked In tho Ira Davis
barber shop In this city. He has
started on hts return to Hremerton,
Miss Paulino Lochor has been a
guest of her sister. Mrs. A. R. Olaon,
also visiting with her mother for the
past two weeks or more. The young
a professional nurse, having suffered
a strain and came away from Port
land to regain her usuul strength.
Miss Pauline was a resident of this
city during her childhood and girl
hood, therefore her occasional visits
are greatly enjoyed by herself and
her old time rrionds.
(1. L. Hembree passed through
town this week with his household
affairs on
Students of the 'anyon City High
School wlll present a throe act
comedy entitled "Safety First" at the
Liberty tonight. They have given
this play several times in their own
neighborhood successfully and we
predict a good entertainment for all
who attend.
Messrs. Wm. Farro. W. T. Lester
and J. L. (Jault were passengers out
on the Wray stage Tuesday en route
to Portland where they had been
summoned as witnesses In a case bo
fore the Federal Court. They are
expected home this evening or to
morrow. K. Jacobson, who has been making
this territory as tho representative
of the J. K. Ulll Co.,. for many years
was In town this week calling upon
his customers and renewing acquain
tances. Mr. Jacobson used to be on
the road almost continuously for his
firm hut now makes only certain
territory at his pleasure.
Ira Mahon and his sister. Mrs.
Kmlly McMahon, canio In Thursday
from Portland where they had been
lady was resting from her duties awh ,hplr ,,,, who , .,,, , lhe
hospital at that place. We did not
get to see Ira but understand his
father is improving but not yet able
to leave. Mrs. Mahon met them in
this city and they went out to the
ranch at Cow Creek.
Drug Store Sundries
In addition to a complete line of Drugs and Pro
prietary Medicines, we carry a full supply of
Rubber Goods of all kinds.
Combs and Brushes, all grades and prices'
All Kinds of Toilet Preparations.
Pens, Pencils, Ink and Stationery.
We will furnish you anything you need for an in
telliRhnt care of the bsslth and beauty of your person.
The Rexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
Floyd A. FesBler. formerly of this
city, who volunteered last year and
since has been admitted to tho regul
ar army, was hero durinit the nast
ills way to Arlington, .. iui. ...mi. .- j. ...
- wwwn "inn nun i i ii-iiurv mc
K.ano. where ne has purchased a I Kessler has Just completed a course
ranch and where ho will reside In the j , ,,. , ,.,.,.. .,,.. ,., wl
ru.ure. Mr. Ilcmhree formerly con- . ritlk ,f Ht.rKMll( ,, ((W ,.,,
,h,,! ' WSl merchandise store I , K0U, ,.,. ,.,,, whon, ,.
at Riley and had lived In this ootlDt) . n,.r ,, ,,, ,,,,,, us a n
practically all his lire., lie a man ,rU(.,or. ,,,. ll;1 ,.,,, , ollini(.lulm,
who will make a desirable .III,,.., 9 u, udvanremen, with the rank Ol
any community ami we cKrutiilate h,.,,,,.,,,,,,,. m i, nil, ,,,,.,, ,.,,.
ihe people or the aafcbboraooa gttilata nto HPon hli Bttoc mni
where ho has cast ,U lot on ne( urlng wish ,,,, ,ltrMt,.r honors.
such a man in their midst.
A teller received from gW Julia
Mrs. II. W. McHOM urrlvid here Smith, who wont out lust laturdaj
Wednesday Dlgbl frost bf home nl to '' praseal at a Red Cross oonfei
i a on business btora the t aw, ital d thai ihe was tu an auto
i.and Office in oonnorUoQ urttb the aurtdeai Juil tins side ol Baud and
poof of hor deceased brother's plaas wa mora or Iset bruised, hoing un
in (hi Vicinity, Sho tin i! to relwrn oousclous whon uiken from unil r Ihe
without much Midline, wllli her miiny wreck ami tin Itnul inc. ihS had Home
frlandi lii this rity bec.iusn or her rihx hroiu n. The writer has not bean
musical work, coiuniciieciiicnl coiiiIiik ShlO to go I liny partlottlars, bill the
THE NATION tppals to the women
cf today to exercise thiift and economy both
in household management and personal ex
penditure. A check hook is a wonderful help to
women in keeping their accounts and manag
ing their affairs with the greatest economy.
It provides a record of expenditures
with a lejral receipt for every penny spent.
It shows at a glance how much money she
ran spend and how much she will have left.
It affords a convenient method of payment
and removes the temptation to spend when
you have money in your pocket.
We would be jrlad to open an account
subject to check for every woman in Harney
Count .
Hrsdqna ten for
Thrift and Savings Stamps
Harney Eoimiij National Bank
- Bums. Dregan
7 i
!" . . ..
'' ' '
f rln aSftiBsBaaCsUBEP'fcBflrVS'&i'.
Leaves 7:1.") a.m.. arrive Hi'UNS 7:0( pJ
jQave UrUNS .it 7:Ui) t. m.. arrive BKN0 .":()() pi
FARE, each way $8.00
."() Pounds Uajrirai' carried Free. BXDSM 1c per
Meets all trains in Bend. Passengers Arrive
Portland, from Burns, in 34 hours, fun 916.05
Prompt attention given all shipm nts in our e
KsiiiHiiiillv r'erisha'ile ('onsiirnments.
- -p.
Both Ends Mee
Depends Largely Upon
Where You Trad
This itoro inakeH a point of serving von km
eeonoinieally and well. It keeps thegooda that yi
want, of the-quality and servieeabilitv that von
tpiire, Imt sells them at a margin of profit so !
that the prices are automatically reduced le
those of other slopes.
Hence "iiinkfnc holli ends meet" in ill
iltivs of sky-rockei prieeK is not such a dillicnlt in
ter when on laiv from us.
Some houses make low prices on KOMK thi'l
hut wo keep the pvi-e down on F.VFIiYTH IN'B
That is tiio diiicitiii
gooo "nil it waH necaaaary that Him
riturn mid pr imie for 11. Tlir Mi-
Ifoaa'a used to lira In HiIm city, Mr.
MoHoaa nrorklni in this pbap for a
time iind luter ran tho btcuni laundry.
luiiy proc c iii ii in nor Journey aftor
laying "v.r a i;! m.i i wnatgt has
in in niiivi'il from in r reapeoting
soma idii dross nasjttera ihowing
Hint llM Ih on t lie Job and rcprc-enl
lug UiIh Clmpli'i.
Burns Cash Store