wJUWgiH" HH0 .aWWIWiWItaWitMi'lMHamiMi t uo MAM'S TKN MKNTM commm- (Krom Cadet Itaplds (Jnietiei ('resident Wilson in about to sIrii a lili which lakes ltd place In history a the most liberal legislation In protec tion of a nation's fighters tvor known. It Is good enough, strong enough, to be called the national ten commandments, and In effect thui: Thou ahalt not evict, for nonpay ment of rent, a soldier's dependents under penalty of (10,000 fine. Thou Khali not cut off a soldier's life Insurance because of delayed premiums. Thou Bhalt not foreclose a mort gage on a soldier's -property. Thou shall nol take away a sol dier's home on which he has made part payment. Thou shalt not sell a soldier's pro perty because of his fnilure to pay i In- taxes, national state or local. Thou shalt not settle a lawsuit against a soldier during his absence. If a soldier sue, the Court shall postpone action mill ho can attend to It. If a soldier have a mine or timber or farm claim, assessments on which ure overdue. It shall he held for him. Honor thy soldier and sailor that thy days may be long In the land of liberty. No man hath greater love than he that offereth his life for tho world's sake, and it is commanded that neith er lawyers nor the loan shark nor the gatherers of tithes shall fatten on him. o INOKI'KNMKNT or OKRMANY. The people of this country have a lively rn -ollectlon of the diiys fol lowing the outbreak of the war In Kurope, when the Oerman ships were driven from the seas and Imports into this country from Germany ceas ed. The distress In many lines of in dustry emphasised the extent to which wo had come to depend on Oerman-made products. We cannot recall tho occasion of the submarine running the blockade with a cargo of dyes and with the joy they were received In thla country? The war awoke ua to the humiliat ing fact that this country came far "hod. I ho only notion hM" lo help In re building the war-torn countries. Knli nation will strive to enlist I he ; III tr this rountry, and It Is not Improbable that several may combine for the purpose. It Is with tho latter con tingency that "The Message of tho Mouse" deals. The story relates to a plot by five European ambassadors to divert fifty billions of dollars from American banks and Industrial Institutions to their own countries, with the result that Europe la aasured of reatoratlon, while thla country writhe In the grip of panic, bank failures and Industrial paralysis, attended by riots and blood l.tWH OK TIIK MAD AS itr.l.M I l TO TIIK Al'TO. The laws of the road as by the Legislature of Oregon, and by ordinance of the town of Lakevlew arc: Vehicles proreedlng In opposite directions shall puss to the right, giv ing one-half the road to i ach vehicle. Vehicle.- proceeding in t h Hume direction overtake and lass by pass ing to the left. The overtaking Vehicle, shall main tain ft's speed until cleur of the over taken vehicle, and for such distance thereafter as shall prevent dust and mud throwing on the overtaken ve hicle. The sign so to pass shall be given by one blast of the born, bell or other signaling device. Should the ovetaken vehicle then iiot give way, three such blasts shall be jlven. and on failure to comply the overtaking vehicle may at the next suitable place safe to both ve hides go by without further signal. It shall be the duty of short of being self-sustaining. It demonstrated to us Hint without the goods of other eountrlis, Germany especially, industrial nnd social life In America was badly crippled Hut the war has another effect It has caused us to se k out the lines of endeavor In which we were df flolent and to set about to reined v that deficiency. This we are doing more ruiiy as the time passes. For Instance, we near no more complaint of tho scarcity or Inferiority of dye stuffs', from tho fact thr.t American niado dyestufrs have fully taken tho place of tho German article and ap pear to bo giving general satisfaction. Oeneral Chemistry la also a Hue In which we have heretofore relied almost wholly on Germany, this from the fact that American, chemists were not willing to undergo the rigorous study and research necessary to at tain high standing In that line. But this too is fast being changed, and In very short time, if not alnady, American chemists will be fully the equals of any In the world, defined ' '" fCt' " "" J"St nOW wakl"" u" ! '" nm ici inui mere are a number of lines or industry, wherein we have heretofore been content to rely upon other peoples, that, if we are to main tain our position among the nations. ! we must master and conduct for our j selves. We have been too deeply ' absorbed In what we termed the big The story Is extremely vivid and plausible and the plot Is foiled only through the efforts f a patriotic American girl, portrayed by Anita Hiewarl. icings in ure. and many smaller matters that, nevertheless, play an important part In the economy of Hie, ha e been neglected. If the war. viewed purely from an ! industrial or commercial standpoint,' shall of caused us to stop and gather up ine loose ends or iudustry, it will at least not have been all bad. IIOMKSTKAD , AW NOT sWVsjtf TIVK HOW iionli COWS PAY. It is well known that dairy cows, to be profitable, must bo compara tively large producers, yet few peo plo reallte the remarkable rate at which Income advances as production Increases. Tabulations of 6.687 cow testing association records from var ious parts of the Cnltod States, cov ering a period of four years, shows that as the average butterfat produc tion increased from 160 to J00 pounds, the Income over cost of feed advanced from $21 to 984; that Is a gain of 60 pounds, or 33 V4 per cent. In production gave an increased income of 02 per cent over feed cost. The next gain of 60 pounds raised the Income over cost of feed to 160. the next to $63. the next to $74 the next to $87, the next to $100. and the last to $118. As the butterfat production In creased from 160 pounds to 300 pounds, the income over cost of feed advanced from $21 to $63; In other words, as product Ion doubted. In come over cost of- feed advanced three times. When the butterfat production Increased from 150 pounds lo ii,0 pounds thut Is. feed advanced from $21 to $100, or almost five limes as much. ill P & $ Oregon's Need Today A Trained Business Executive Your OPPORTUNITY to elect TRAINED men to head your etftt govern ment, one who tiAl never been in politics, who ft a stall rich friend of the workiiitfiiiau, who litis a ucoeeefol business record of twi'iity year, whoso energy tuts been aU wo UK Hit, whose experience hat mad j htm ,a BUILDER, whose training has made him a THINKER, and whose ability hi a made him a LKADKIt; YOUR OPPORTUNITY OflffOfl is found in to elect THIS type of a man (lowrnor of L. J. SIMPSON AMERICANISM DEVELOPMENT REPUBLICAN Candidate far the nom'rallos for GoTeYMr la the Primary Friday, May 17, 1818 PATRIOTISM EFFICIENCY PROGRESS SOCIAL JUSTICE Your Kind of a Man for Gavernor Paid Ad. issued ly Simpson for Gover nor LeaKue. That the stockralslng homestead law, passed by Congress In Decem ber. 1916. Is not likely to become every j operative In Oregon before the end overtaken vehicle to turn to the right or n"' coming summer or next spring and give one half the road. I ,s evidenced by a communication Vehicles approaching an intersect- ' from thc secretary of tho Interior to ing road, street, or highway shall be under control, so as to permit the vehicle in the right of the vehicle upproai liiiig to first cross the inter-.- i ijon At all intersections, the vehicle ap proaching the Intersection from the right of any vehicle approaching the intersection shall have the right of way. All vehicles approaching an In tersection of a street, road or hlgh- ii. i . Rills or this city, who made Inquiries regarding tho matter some time ago through the office of Seu ator Chamberlain. According to the author of the letter, the law, although enacted In December, 1918, carried no funds for l administration. Ah appropriation was first made In the sundry service act, passed in June of last year, and Immediately after the creation of the organization for the nvestlgation and way with the Intention of turning ClaJHWlcattoB of the lauds coming thereat, shall, In turning to tho right. : HHs act was undertaken, keep closelv to the right, und In turn- During lust summer partial of ex ing to the left shall run to and be-1 amt"',K " placed, in the fields In yond the center of the Intersection. ' "'" northern stuies. the Dukotas, For example: A vehiclo coming up ' Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Ore Center street with the Intention of,80- llecause of the great acreage turning the iuterectlor. at Center and j f,r lttl,d '" these slates It was not Main, must give a vehicle on Main ap- j l"lble to complete the examination preaching the Intersection at the ,,t'rr" ,n' 'Pining of winter when same time from the direction Of r,'WH ",'rJ moved to the south- Happy Hooligan Is In China, and it Is a great pity he couldn't have taken his brother, (iloomy Ous. with him. I Hut he left him on this side and we are still an II. led with him. We mi et him on every corner. He Is in evi dence wherever men roregather, and i his pessimistic forebodings are as a j wet hluukei on the brightest enthusi asm. He Just knows we will soon be fighting the Huns from our shor es. He can see no cause for satis faction In the magnificent stand of the Allies in Flanders, but sees the On man hordes a In-id,- pouring ovei fair France. He bemoans the slow ne of this country, but It Is notice able that he has done nothing to speed up operations not even to the purchasing of a Thrift Stamp. Hej is a veritable rain crow, and it Is not permissible to kill him. he should be cuged. n ' Steel and copper have each given up a magnate to war industries. Hut silver and gold are paying for tlit war. . N tit KM-; HI ItCH , Itev. I.Miian (trough. Pastor. A cordial invitation ' is extendi it to you to attend our services . The hours of the service on the Sabbath j are as follews: Preaching at 1 1 A. M. Sabbath School at 1$ A. M. Young Peoples' meeting at 6:46 P. M. Song service at 7:3$ P. M. Preaching at 8:00 P. M Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. o .oil Kor Tin? Whole I'.uulU. Kvery family requires a safe and reliable cough and cold remedy. Mrs John Potter, 20 Shupe St.. Mt. Plea sant Pa. writes: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar .'or colds for years and highly recommend it to all fami lies." Contains no opiates. Checks bronchial and grip coughs, croup and whoplng cough. Sold by Heed Itros. The wheels of the Husslan war machine are accomplishing many n-volutlons . The golf drive Is near being driv en out by the more prominent drives Ibis season. EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANICS With modern facilities to care for all Auto ailments Familiar with all make of Cars H. C. SHIREMAIS, :: Lampshire's Garage IIOI.Y I WMII.V till IKH I Catholic) Cogswell street and the right of way arrow the IntertecMoo, The parson In i barge of any re. hide proposing to turn at an Inter sactioa must give a plainly visible or audible signal of his intention so to turn. Kvi r vehicle shall be kept upon the right half of the street and no vehicle shall overtake and pass any oilier when the view ahead Is not i lear for at least 100 feet. No vehicle shall be run at a great er speed iicin one mile in four minut es, or in plain Kngllsh, II miles per hour, on any of (he city streets. No vehicle slrill he opprated on the street with an excessive smoking or noisy exhaust. Owners of vehicles should attend promptly to dimmers for their front lights. A special Act was passed by l lie Legislature at its last session govern ing the driving or operating of a mo tor driven vehicle by a person In an ' Intoxicated condition, flxng the pen alty at not more than $100 or Im urisoniuent for a period of not more than 100 days, or by both .m ii (log v nd imprisonment. western slates. "As the gaaann openg, they win move north," says the writer, "making the examinations ns they go and it is expected that by the end of the coming summer all of the lauds In Oregon will be classifi ed." The commissioner of the general land office reports that more than 00,000 applicants have already been , Uay ttt 7:30 1- Cor Miller und C. Hts. Sunday High Mass at 10:30 o'clock Week day. i Mass at 7 o'clock. Instructions for children Satur days at 9 A. M. Hev. Father Francis, O. F. M. Hector. (MCIMTIW NCI K.N' K six I in Services at 11:00 0 'cloak. Sub ject of Lesson,. Sermon next Sunday: "Adam And Fallen Man ' The Testimonial Meeting. Wedues- It's an III wind that blows nobody apd. The draft that wafted drover Alexander away from (be Culm lias probably supplied Uncle Sam with an excellent bomb thrower. N. BROWN & SONS Brown 's Satisfactory Store QUALITY MERCHANDISE Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Bon Ton Corsets Burns. We curry khhN advertised on the L l : Oregon II nine Products Pane" M. made under this act, luvolvlng be tween 25 and 30 million acres of land. As the land all has to go under classification, none of the applica tions has yet been granted, especially In this state. Bend Bulletin. o CHKHTKH HOI NIM WAKNIN'O TO AIX AMKKICA. Kvery American will find food for thought lu "The Message of tho Mouse," the Greater Vltagraph Hluo Ribbon feature which will be the at tracton at the Liberty Tlieate on Sunday, May 12. Written by George Randolph Chester and Lillian Chester the story carries a warning to Ameri cans of tho dangers that will con front, tills country when (lie war Is ovt r. Publicists generally have recogniz ed the perils that will be faced bv The reading room In the church Edifice, is open on Tuesday and Fri day from 2 to 4 P. M. Sunday School meets on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Pupils may be admitted to Its classes up to the age of 20 years. The public Is cordially Invited to the Church Services and to the Reading Koom. o Oermuny having fixed the amount of the Allies' Indemnity at one hun dred billion marks, Foch and nil armies are proceeding to Infill al many of the "marks" as possible. o Helps To Keep lit. iin- United Slates, Including Induslrl-tl Thlti give al depression, commercial warfare' '"" ""Vilng I When the digestion Is out of order. II throws tho whole physlcul being out of gear, II. II. Ilavwnrd, I'nu IdtlU, (Ja, wi'ilcr,: "Foley's Cuthar ine qulakar relief have ever tiled " H l cKiiiiTasiuT J I The requests that we conserve both wool and leather are puzzling to the feminine half of the iunul.il Ion ( should shoes bi shorter and skirts "'d financial stringency. Kurope, It ' ",:V n'l'"v" bWOIWMM, bad breath, longer? What would the people who; ls reapftrfaad, will bo bankrupt finan- ,,I,,U,,"K. Kas tudlgcsilnu and con are concerned willi morals say If the' clally and economically, and the ! ""I"'1'"'1- No griping or nasuea. hot . -n- lower and iklrti snorter? I United Hiutes, h hi preetnwd, win be 'S(,l1 ''' ","1 ,iv"H- It costs no more to be sure von ixet your money ' worth Ask f o r (JrcHctMit I'inniimnn, Nutmeg, Pepper n n d other spioee. ii groceri sell tlit'in. Crescent Better Spices The Brunswick Phonograph at Thc WELCOME PHARMACY Come in and see them and hear their beautiful violin like tone They play any Disc Record made The price is within the reach of alt On display and being demonstrated at the WELCOME PHARMACY RODNEY DAVIS House Painting Paper Hanging and Decorating Calcimining Hardwood Finishing Fresco Painting t slim ate. furniehed on application. Samples shown GIVE HIM A CHANCE g