The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 04, 1918, Image 3

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w n0' f r
AU iWra MtamilE
A sudden, itmpirWin .e in Hedvlu
mind, nnd made her turn pule. Waal
If they hnd Mai him nwuy? Perhnp
they fenrcd him enough fur thnt: II
thnt were true, she would never know.
She knew Ihc (if the pnhiec well
i ii'iiiuh for thnt. In u sort of tcrroi
whr glanced n round the group, ho rom
fortnhly disposed. Her mother wk
looking out. with her cool, Impassive
pi7.e. Miss Rralfhwulte knitted. The
ennnfesw. however, met her eyes, snd
there was something strange In them
triumph and a hit of terror, too. Iind
she hut rend them. For the counlc
hud put in her plea (or a holidny nnd
Iind been rrfueed.
The new fortress fared lli" high rond
some five miles from the Knrnian bor
der. It stood on a hlufT over the river,
and wan. aw the crown prince decided,
not bo unlike the desk, nfter nil, el
cept thnt It hnd n mont nrotind It.
Hedwle iind tnt1 count ens went with
the pnrty nround the fortifications.
The archduchess nnd Mss Hnilthwiiltr
hnd sought n tire. Only the countess,
however seemed renlly interested
Ileilulg sccini'il more t nt -Tit on l lie ilN-
"in line of the border then mi any
ihlnc else. Sde -t,,. nn : rampart
.ni'l stiiicd out nt It. tonkins.' very sml
BeOS the drill- -a hen nl n word nil the
erent gUDI rose and peeped ore) fh
edge nt the trolley below, nad then
dropped hncked ngnln lis If they li:;I
seen enough even this failed to rouse
"I wish yon would Ueteo, lledwig.'
snld the crown prince, uliimsl fretfully.
"It's so Interesting. The enemy's sol
dlers would come up the river in honls.
nnd along thnt rond on foot. Ami then
we would rnlse the Kims nnd Shoot ut
them. And the hums would drop Imek
ngnln. before the enemy Imil lime to
BitB lit them."
Tin iiedwia's interest was -., cm
dently aaawnod !' i rned tti the
countess. The counteM profeBod
smiling terror, nod stood n little way
i. rom 'lie guns, looking on. I'm
Prince Kerdloand William Otto nt lni
coaxed her tO tin I pof the clliphu,
mint. "There's n line view up there." lie
Orged. "And the .nuis won't hurt. you.
There's nothing ill lloiii."
To pet up It wns necessary to ellmh
nn Iron holder. Moduli.' was already
there. About n dozen yotng eflloer
had helped her up. nnd mined lis
mnny pulrs of white gloves, gHffllfrT
lledwlg 'on Id cllmli like a cat. nuit
renlly needed at all.
"You go np." snld the crown pttoee
eagerly, turning to the eounti'UM. "I'll
hold your ling, mo you nn ellmh."
He caught her bundling from her.
and Instantly something snapped In It.
The countess wbb climbing tip the lad
der. Itatltpr dismayed. I'rlnce Ferdi
nand William ftrto surveyed the has.
Something had broken, he feared. And
Kilt the Iron hud not yet gone very
deep, nnd one thing he would not per
nilt. It was when, In the conversation,
one of them attacked the king. Then
Indeed he wns roused lo liny.
Once upon n time u student Batted
ilneekel hnd occasionally hacked him
up In ids defense of Hie royal r 1 1 1 1 .
Hut for some lenson or other Ilneekel
cunio no more, nnd old Adelherl missed
lit m. He hnd Inquired tor him fre
"Wliere Is Ihe hoy Ilneekel?" he hnd
asked one dny. "I have nol seen him
No one hnd replied. Hot n sort ol
grltt sHence settled over the llttlf
room. Old Adelbert, however, won not
Hut, that first day of idleneaa, when
he hnd left Ihe cobbler's, he resolved
not to return. They had not been
unfriendly, but he had seen at once
there wns a difference, lie wns m
louder old Adelherl of the opern, lit
was tin old mini only, nnd out of work
He spent hours thut first free lifter
noon repairing his frayed Itnea and
his ihanby uniform, with his wooden
leg stretched ool before him and hli
pipe cliitebid llnulv In his teeth
Then, freahly ahaved and braeaed, in
atarted on a palatal search after work
Wiih no re-mil. And. Indeed, he wai
hopeleaa before be began. He was old
mill infirm, There un. little that at
bad even the coarage to apply ior.
True, he hud Ills mmiiII pension, ltn
it cniiie only twice a yeur mid WSf
eeuti lniiiet. to take care of m invalid ,
daughter in the coaatry., Thnt wai
not his. ,' never used u ).eniiy ot
It. And he hud saved a III lie, by 1 1 n -ill!;
on nlr, us the CUaClOfge deelurcd
Hilt inistorluius eouie In Ihrees. like
tires and oilier cnlnmltles. Tlie after
noon nf ihut very dny hroiicht a let
ter, sayimi that the dagghter
At Inst he determliu'il to tint!
iiiHiiv.i. tin' atodaat He did noi
kBOW his I'hi'lslliMi mime, nor wlnn
be lodged, Hut he knew the corps he
belonged lo, by hli small atajf raft
With n red hiiml.
He m;is m iy nervous when he linide
this Baft) effort, Corps houses were
curious pirn is, be had heard, nnd full
of aecreta, liviu the jreiM ptjofesson
from iiie unlveralty mluht not entei
wiiiiuiii Invitation. And hla experifhci
hnd been that studeiils paid small re
aper! lo uniforms or to age, In truth.
lie passed the btllldluff twice before
he could summon courage to touch tin
mat brass knocker. And the nrrn
Wince of lis clamor, when at Inst he
rapped, startled him again, Hut here
at least he neid not Imve feared.
The student who was also door
keeper eyed him kindly. "Well, coin
rndc7" he said.
"I sm seeking; a student mimed
In'' -HP1
I "I Am Seckinn a Student
Haeckel, of this corps." aald old Adel
belt sinnly.
"liiieckeiv" repeated the doorkeeper
"I think come in. comrade. 1 will
l'"or dM nnme of Ilneekel was. Just
wai then, one curiously signitlcnnt.
worse ninl must have an operation. He disappeared, anil old Adelherl
Old Adelherl went to Church and" I Waited. When UK doorkeeper re
burned a candle for her recover), and I iiirncd. It wits to tell him io folloa
from there to the haul; to .'.end b him, and to lead Ihe way .In wislnliH
reglatered innii the surgeon's fee. Two or three irtndenti came toward
lie wns butikriipt in t vcnij-foui him I nt once "You are aeeklni
hours. Ilneekel?" one of lln-ni iisl;.d.
That I'vi'iiliiL" in Ills etretnln lie did i I '" I know him. lull not well
u roekleee thing. Be wrote letter to
the king, lie apeut hours over It, first
Compoatag It In pencil nnd then copy
ing It with Ink borrowed from the
concierge. It began "Sire," as he hud
leaned was the form, nnd went on lo
remind his majesty, first, of the hos
pltnl Incident, which, having been for
ly years ago, might hac slipped Ihe
royal memory. Then in me the facts
his lost iHishiou. his diiugbter. the
handicap of his wooden leg. It ended
with a plea for reinstatement or. full
ing that, for any soil of work.
He sen It, enfolded, in a large fin i
envelope, which nlso he had learned
was the correct thing with kings, who
for some reason or other do not like
folded communications. Then he
a few
Merchanta and Workera Call Him By
Hia Initiate.
Down nt Cies liny, I.. .1. Simpson
one day hnd oce.eoon to show around
a man whom ho was trying to Interest
In the 'possibilities of Oregon aa a
place In which to Invest.
The visitor was well impressed and
noted among other things the spirit
of comradeship which everyone In the
county seemed to share with Kiuipson.
Hvery other man they met, workera
from the mills and merchanta front
the atorea, all had aomethlng to talk
over with Hlmpaon, and hailed blm aa
"U. J."
A whole community In thla unosten
tatious way pays uiieoiisilous tribute
to thla man.
It pleased the visitor aet a little and
they atattaaed oa their way, Simpson
showing him umnng other things, hla
big farm which he has established
right at the edge or the I'aelflc, and
where he grows many products which
formerly were considered as impossi
ble of propagation In Oregna.
He showed the visitor his chickens,
of which there are 1800. Here the vis
itor stopped.
"Mr. Simpson, this Is positively too
much. Kvnn these workers In the hen
yard begin chuckling 'I. J., L J,' the
minute you approach."
Old Time Employes Arc Strong for
Him for Governor.
Many thousands of men who have
worked for 1.. J. Simpson, when he
was actively engaged' In the lumber
:md manufacturing business at I
liny. ii that he in tin ir kind of u man
for Governor, Th Ir slogan is "a good
man la WOrh for h u good man to
Mile for."
As Indication of how the wind blowa
several men who hud previously work
ed for lilm started a petition in the
mills and plants of COM Kay and in a
short while hud pn iiented an endorse
ment in some eight btmdred men. In
Ihe eight plants lsited only three
men out of over "" n fined to sign.
Today Ihc same endorsement has
more than 3000 uctuul workers' si?
natures on the endorsement of his can
didacy. Mr. Simpson is immensely
pleased thut these men and workers
who have known htm so long anil so
well are unnnlmouH In his support.
FRED GOYT, The Auto Man
I don't, have to fumble and fooy.lf and tinker
nnd 0XpnilBMlt to tell what is wrong with your car.
locate the trouble, go after it and OQBBECT FT.
You can't afford to have novicen experimenting
on YOUlt car.
Bring it to the "Man Who Known-' and have
itn WW prolonged.
1 give you BIBYICB PLUS phiK courtesy and
fair dealing. See me for AUTO ILLS.
Late Thoniburg'i". Steam Vulcanizing Plant is a
part of feat equipment.
Universal Garage Co.
Lately, however, I Imve thought la In
The student exchanged glances
"He Is nol here." one said. "When
did ou know. hlinV"
"He cmiie iicimcnlly to a shop 1
know of ii cobbler's shop, u neighbor
hood feetiPl place. A tine lad. I
liked him. Hut recently he has not
come, mil kunuliiK his corps, I came
hare to Hnd him."
Tiny had Doped to Ii urn BOBMtMaf,
from him. mid he knew nol hint'. "He
In another moment he saw what it
wns. The little wnteh which was set I walled. He considered that
in f ae side of It hnd slipped awar. hours should bring a return.
laaeftsf a rund hlack hole. Ills heart I s answer came. Sn answer ever
heat a trine faster. I came. Vm the king was III. and secre-
"I'm awfnlly worried." he called np trlc carefully sifted the royal mail,
lo aer, as he climbed. 1 hi arrald Tve . Thlt( ,,,, , ,n, mnclerges hu
hrekea your hac Sih. ihinu clicked. ,.,., h m tr.i,.( i., nrnay Incl
iibS the watch Is none. It is not on (,rnt n hij,.. The government took,
the arennd." Iint gnrv tmHiing. As well esped
Ii wns well for the countow thnt the i,,,,,, m( f ,, Inataacae uere
colonel vrna talking to Hedwlg. WM j g- heiirtlossiiess piled aa heart'
for her. toe, that the other ocers iMmtmt rr, .r,ll,l story on nn
were standing behind with their eyes
worshlpfnlly on the prlnceas. The ( A(rt (i n Hr ,,rp ,,.,, , ,
countess turned gray white. ; KA.lhf.ri-n ,u hls iUIMg OVe for his
"Hon't worry, highness." she said. w,VPI.WKn n( h haUaf in him. His
with stiff lips. "The watch falls hack ,,, (,k m , hlirU ,, llnllnlt.,j (Hki
sometimes. I must have it repaired." : ,p(Il ulgU, p wll,kHl pllM ,h ,IMH,.,.
Hut leaf after the tour of the ram- ,, ,,,, hM nnt of H(( wnB
Pints was over, after ammunition trmJ Hlu.i..e.l of that, however, and
r.suns had been visited, with ihelr long, n6Vt!r .,,,. t(., ,, l Mn hu s
lines of waiting shells, after the . mw B) tft4.n Mor mi(v fo. ,Ilf,.(..
swltchlioard which controlled Ihe river on
mlnea had been lnsiectel and ex- A,'((, It).k in,heit hided hl time,
plained, she was still trembliiig. 0n the Any of . ,.X(.urMon to thf
Prince Ferdinand William Otto, f0ftrtm oW Adelhert deddad to appeal
looking at the hag later on. saw the,(( ,, f4.)ow laiKf 4.rluilll Spier.
vM.tch in place, and drew a long l.reuth N(1... . ,,, .,. ,(1 ..friuent.
I OX relief. i... l , ,, . I ,.,i,l M.,,,ll irll, ,,,.. ... Ilrnnin
i bjf lueuiis of Ihe camp cookery on
which he prideil himself.
"A soldier's mess!" he would suy.
Old Adelbert. ... 1 i.ri,lL, ln 1,,,.. 1 ,,r aotW. or a slice
Old Adelbert of the opera had lost:.,. . p ,.,..,.. Iim(i,. ,.v,,r i..,, ,.(.M
tils 1.0M1I01.. No longer, a sausage in , ,,, tly hV(. ..Kl, ,, ,,, TI(.N(.
ma pocaei ror retresniiieni, uiu ii n.Hiauraiits know nothing of foml."
eve Ills mile room iair lor tilt' ; i,.rlllMl. ,..,..1.1 ,, i.,. i,. ;,
I opera. A young maa, who made ogling , V((, ,, ,( HltMu.r Bppralalojcly.
i's Nl tllga. or 1 lie garue-rooe, uuo .... II,.HHM. nhrewdlv llie-growlna ill.
1 ho was not careful to keep the lenses ,.IIH,IH.HH .,ll( Adelhefs brave front.
Is not at his lodging, nnd he bus Vfi
his classes. He went sway sudilenlt.
leaving everything. That Is all we
It sounded sinister. old Adelherl.
heavy hearted, 1 iniied away and
cllmliod again to the street. That gale
way was (tooed, tea, A ad he fell a
isiiig of uneasiness. What eonld have
happened In the hoy? Was lb world,
after all, only a place of irnnhleT
Hut now came good fortune, and.
like evil. It came not singly. The
operation wn- o.r. mid his ag ugh tr 1
on the mend. The fee vtns paid also
And the second followed on Ihv heel
of Ihe first.'
He did not like Americans. ,
vfteit, lu heller days, had he heard tin
merit of the American repnldlc com
pared ulth Ihe shortcomings of hh
ouu goverutnciil. When, as happened
now and then, he met the American
family, 011 Ihe Minimise, he die
sharpie aside that 110 touch of repuh
lienuism night eoatanlaate his uni
form. On that day, however. things
First of all. he met the American
lad In the hallway, and araa plenscd
to see him doff his hit of a cap. V
iiian.v. nowadays, nncovered 11 bend to
L. J. Simpson Favors Great Hospitals
In Oregon.
Great hospitals built nl places ot
scenic advantage throughout our stale,
for the r 1 up. s:ii ion of injured and
wounded soldiers returning from the
battlefields, is a plan which I.. J. Simp
son recently broached to n group ot
Portland hotel men.
Mr. Hlnipaon believes the plan quite
workable and one which would serve
the double purpose of aiding in m
great work and preparing fur a har
vest of tourlata which Oregon Is sure
to reap aonie day when she has made
has disappeared." they told him. "He I the proper preparations for the tourist.
"There Is no reason why these hos
pitals, when built, should net be placed
at some point 'here, after the war,
tbey could be uulekly changed ever ta
serve the purpoae of the tourtat trade.
"There la talk of sending thousands
of the crippled and wounded to the
Wst as the place where climatic con
dition and changes of recovery seem
best. There are today no bulldlage
which could be immedlate'y used for
this parposv and If In building these
hospitals they wire to be located ut
points In our state wliere the soldier
would have the added inspiration of
our wonderful land, It would seem a II
step forward."
Stats Development.
The world cry for greater production
of foodstuffs should find s ready re
sponse In "regon. At this time aa
never before should encouragement
be given Irrigation, drainage and the
reclamation of logged oft lauds. Our
state must awake to its duties snd
I.. J. Simpson, in his campaign for
the Republican nomination for Gov-
Farming for Profit!
The year 1918. more than any previous year,' mark's
the papgtfMaiva farmer's harvest season from his soil. The
world is clamoriii": for his products.
If you would n-ach the top notch in production, you
should provide your force with
The Latest and Best In Labor-Saving
We have the implements to easily DOUBLE your pro
ducinu capacity.
Why be content with scant profit when you can have
the opportunity to clean up a larj-e one. and at the same
time help your oountry in the bij? drive?
Come In and See Oar Splendid Line
Get into the class of moderns and move on with the
procession. You can't afford to be left behind, as you
will surdy be if you clini? to the old methods.
I. S. GEER & CO.
ernor, haa been dwelling a great deal
him. ' The America,, lad was going on th" 'l,B8tlon of ' -velopinent.
lewu ; Adelhert wns climbing, one step , wl" lne ' proaucing more ana
lean, bad tnken Ids pluci
He wus hurt lu his soldier's soul.
I here wus no longer a place In the
kingdom for those who had fought for
it. The cry was for the young. Ami
even In the first twenty-four hours a
Subtle change Weill oil III hllll. ills
loyally, on which he hud built hi.-
creed of life, turned to bitterness.
The first day of Ids Idleness he wau-
lered into the hack room of the cob
Ider's shop neiir by, where the butter
seller from the corner, the maker of
irtlliclal flowers for graves, and the
cobbler himself were gathered, and lis
tened without protest to such talk as
vould have roused hlin once to white
If now one could enlist such a mini
for tlie riuiMv llial would he worth
doing. Among the veterans the old
null eaa Influential, and by ibis new
policy of substituting Iresh blood for
stale, the government had ''made many
enemies among them.
The old inun's hltlerness had been
increased by two tilings. Klrst, al
though he hud been dismissed without
notice, In the middle of ihe week, he
had been paid only up to Ihe hour of
leaving. Thut wus a grievance. Sec
ond, being slow on his feel, one of
the royal motor cars had almost run
him down, snd the police had cursed
hire round) v for helae In the way.
nl n time, and carrying it small basket
of provisions.
I'lic American boy, having passed.
turned, hesitated, went back. "I'd
like to carry 1I111I for you, II you dou'l
"I 'any If?"
"I am very strong," said the Ameri
can boy stoutly.
So Adelherl gave Up his liuskel, 11, id
Hie two weiil up. Four long Might
of Hone Mule- led to Adelherl 's room.
The iiNcent look lime and patience.
Al the door Adelhert paused. Then,
loneliness overcoming prejudice,
"Come In," he said.
(Te he ceatlaued)
manufacturing our raw raateriala Into
finished products at home.
Our Specialty Plumbing, S-eet Metal Work, Repairing
Call aid see oa of
CtMRissiM Orders 01
or aiytbiig in the Hardware line
A Bigger and Better Cream
Separator For The Same Money
Efficiency, Durability, Simplicity
We are Ager.ts
TeMporiry'iiartcrs ii warekaise it rear of old staad Phoie
It might be auggested that Ameri
can mobs couldn't harm the enemy
aliens If the latter were safely be
hind Iron bars.
Up to date no enterprising Paris
reporter has interviewed von Hln
deahurg te leara hew he likes the
Must Seek Market.
Can we guarantee continued proa
peril v for tlie state?
In a receut talk on this subject,
I.. J. Simpson stated very emphatical
ly that our future rests largely on the
development along modern lines, ot
our great basic Industries lumbering,
rishlng, farming and stock raising. It
those connected with these Industrie
are proaperous, all Oregon will pros
per. .
His contention Is, that Oregon never
yet haa made a determined effort to
seek a market for Its goods.
Thrift Will Hslp.
"We must win this war the quicker
the better. A little extra effort on the
part of everyone will accomplish
much. By a little more work, a little
leas waate, a UttA more thrift, sack
oaa de hie hit" U 4. Blapaea,
Eastern Oregon Auto Co.
H. E. YOUNG, Proprietor
Agencies in Huruny County for the following; well
known, reliable, and, value reeeivetj linoa of
Automobiles and Trucks
es-s-7tj aofWWaWgtBBgl BMMWWWWBBBWal
Hudson Super Six Vclie
Franklin Oakland
Republic and Service Trucks
Headquarter, at VA1.K, - Branch at ONTARIO
-a-' n, ceuiUJ JUL J ' ' pn '