The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 04, 1918, Image 1

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    if he
The Times-Herald on
The Times-Herald In an oM
Ubllicd friend of the people
of Harney Jointly where It ha
ber.i a weekly visitor for thirty
yearn. II'n Joh department la
equipped to nerve your needs.
gularly .to more home In Har
ney County than any other
newspaper. If ' yon wish
reach the people u theae
nmns for your ad ertlNemMit.
NO. 27
... . , I. 1 . ! ' .... I- ! !.
Chairman and Manager Chosen by The
Executive Committee. Committee
Appointments are Made by Officers
Who also Address Letters to The
County Representatives.
Organisation for the coming Red
Croat War Kur.d Drive la well under
way and before the time set. May 20,
all detail will have been completed
and the several committees and com
munities all In readiness for the cam
paign. A meeting of the Executive Com
mittee of Harney County Chapter
was held last Monday night and
Charles W. Ellis was chosen as cam
paign manager and C. H. Leonard
as chairman of the War Fund Drive
and these gentlemen have been work
ing on perfecting the organization
since by the appointment of an Exe
cutive Committee, the several com
mittees in each community for solic
iting funds, and other officers.
The following personnel haa been
settled and further organisation will
go forward as circumstances de
mand: War Fund Executive Committee.
C. H. Leonard, Chairman; Chester
Dalton. Secretary; Cbaa. W Ellis.
Campaign Manager; Dr. C. C. Grif
fith. Chairman Burns Chapter A. R.
C; Mrs Gertrude Gault, Vice Chair
man, Burns Chapter A. R. C. ; Sam
Mothershead, Receiver V. 8. Land
rns; J. J. Donegan. Cam-
srThlrd Liberty Loan;
C. . MeKflnwvT Chairman Thlr
UherlyLoBn ;lVm . Farre. War
The following Committees have
been appointed throughout the Coun
ty. These are regular standing Com
mittees for all war work, war drives
and war measure. Their most im
portant business being the organiza
tion of their respective districts for
from May 20 to May 27 Inclusive,
and the general solicitation of funds
for this purpose.
On May 4th the Chairman of the
War Fund Executive Committee has
appointed the following committees,
and addition to the Committees al
ready appointed.
Helen Sayer, Chairman.
Bert Wheelon, E. L. Beede, Drew
Bey, Julian C. Byrd. C. A. Byrd. Geo.
A. Carter, Crane.
Speaker Jt Entertainment
George Sizemore, Chairman.
Drusa Dodson. Mrs. C. C Griffith.
Ernest Mustek. Chester Smith, Mrs.
Vella Welcome.
Mat, No. t.
Harry C. Smith, Ernost Mustek,
It. L. Haines, Mrs. J. L. Gault. Mrs.
Jas. Lampshlre. Mrs. M. B. Hayea.
lst. No. a.
J. Rr Thompaon. J. B. Loggen.
Rev. W. F. Shields, Mrs. Archie Mc
Gowan, Mra. I. H. Holland, Miss
Drusa Dodson.
Dtst. No. S.
Chas. F. Lewis, Jeas Ferguson, C.
C. Lundy, Mra. J. C. Welcome, Mrs.
Arthur Turner, Mrs. H. M. Horton.
DIM. No. 4.
R. L. Haas, 81mon Lewis, Wro.
Stirling, Mrs. Arthur Oleen, Mrs.
Ray Smith. Mrs. Allen Biggs.
George A .Smyth, Chairman,
Oliver McCarthy. Frank Clerf,
Peter Bgoacue, Sol. Alberson.
A thereon
Red Cross Auxiliary Committee,
Claude ftoloraan, Chairman.
Roy Klphart, Cecil Huffman, Will
Newton, Perry Lowe.
James Dillon, Chairman.
Jean Bathrlck, M. M. Doan, J. E.
Hounsevllle, John Beany
Mrs. Geo. A. Smyth, Chairman.
D. N. Smyth Jr., B. B. Clark, H. H.
Brown. Mrs. Chas. Comegys, Mrs.
Anna Haines. Marlon Horton. John
R Jenkins, Mrs. D. H. Smyth Mrs.
Cora Smyth.
Narrows Sk Warm Springs
Joe Morris, Chairman.
Oeo. CawMeld. Arve Springer,
- MM
" ranBTM
Harry Uouldln, E. Sizemore, Mrs. R.
C. Cole. Mrs. Wm. Harris, Mrs. C. V.
Reed, Mrs. H. Gouldln, Mrs. Rosa
"P" Ranch
Mrs. Tom Allen, Chairman
Arthur Page.
Robert Drinkwater Jr. Chairman.
Fred Haines, Rad Howser, Geo,
Buchanan. Ira Mahon.
Crane, Princeton At Venator
J. R. Weaver, Chairman.
C. T. Carey. J. N. Jensen, Sam
Trimble, J. L. D. Morrison.
L. B. Hayes, Chairman.
John Graves, Scott Hayes, R. R.
Bltz. Lloyd Johnson.
Drewsey Otis A Van
Clarence Drinkwater, Chairman.
R. Walton Brown, Ed J. Howard,
W. A. Robertson, Thos. Cleveland.
Dave craddock. Chairman
Archie Cross, Henry Hardtsty,
Waller Cross.
Silver Creek
James C. Cecil, Chairman.
R. J. Williams. R. L. Hutton, W. L.
Beat, W. B. Johnson.
Auxiliary Red Cross organizations
'"If"' Catluw, Denio, Harney,
Crane. Drewsey. Lawen and Silver
Creek are to each name five persons
in their respective organizations to
be an Executive Committee to co
operate with tho respective War
Fund Executive Committees In the
Committee memberships have been
changed in several Instances due tf
(Continued on page five)
At a meeting of the members of
the Home Guard called at the Com
mercial Club rooms last night fol
lowing the regular drill the constitu
tion and by-laws proposed were again
submitted and minor amendments
made. Sheriff Goodman presided at
1.1.. . . . ........ . . . . . 1 .. , It I .... I I .... I . . . !
linn lu'-i-imt; mill an 11 III, I neon ni i
ranged at a previous meeting to elect
officers at this time he declared tills,
In order lint before asking for nnml-
! nations would have an open meeting
for general discussion. Capt. Poage,
resigned his commission as tempor
ary captain of the temporary organ!
.at ion stating he tendered his resAg
natlon In order to facilitate matters
and leave the matter open for the
members to make a choice. 11. J.
Hansen and Piatt T. Randall each
followed this suggestion by resign
ing as first and second lieutenants
Capt. A. W. Go waa waa called
upon by the chair to addreas the
meeting upon military discipline and J
army experience. Mr. Gowan re
sponded In a short talk that was to
the pofnt and which was well receiv
ed. Before nominiatlons were made
. Geo. W. Young also addressed the
chair upon the subject of patriotism
and the dnty of each Individual who
haa Joined the ranka to abide by the
decision of the members In the selec
tion of officers and also follow the
advice of Capt. Gowan who has had
experience to obey the commands of
superior officers.
Capt. Poage was then placed In
nomination for captain and as there
was no opposition the secretary of
the meeting was Instructed by motion
to cast the ballot of he assembly for
Mr. I'oage. Warren Porter and H.
J. Hansen were then placed In nomi
nation for first lieutenant and Mr.
Porter received a majority of the
votes and was declared elected. Mr.
Hansen was then placed In nomina
tion for second lieutenant and there
being no further nominations he was
elected Intbe same manner as Capt.
Some misapprehension regarding
the word "convertibility", used In
connection with Third Liberty Loan ,
Bonds, seems to have arisen in the j
minds of the public, according to let-1
tera received at State Liberty Loan
Headquartera, some person confus j
lug the term with negotiability
Kdward Cookinghnm. state chair
man, gave out the following state
ment Saturday, regarding the mean
ing of the werds:
"I would like to make It plain to
all purchasers of bonds that the Third
Liberty Loan Bonda are both nego
tiable and transferable and In that
respect do not differ at all from the
First and Second issues of Liberty
"The word convertibility' baa no
re fete nee whatever to the negotiabi
lity of 'the bonds. This particular
Issue la not 'convertible' Into any
other bonda which may be issued
later In the war, but that does not
mean that the bonds are not negoti
able or transferable or deliverable In
the freest possible manner at any
time and to any person who may
purchase the bonda or to whom the
holder may desire to transfer them."
Official pamphleta containing de
tailed Information regarding Third
Liberty Loan Bonda may be had from
State Liberty Lean Headquarters,
222 Northwestern Bank Building,
Portland, for the asking.
Netice: All persons knowing them-
selves indebted to I. Schwartz, are
requested to settle their accounts
before June 1st. On that date all
unpaid accounts will be given to a
The mold in which heroes wer
cast evidently still exists. Genera)
Halg was turned out. from it.
- - -
-"jTjU- if'r - iiMi '' 'siBliks . -'RSljp
' ' T -ii4 " - y JtawaaalK$iSJBHiByitay J Npl
Several of the boys of the selec
tive draft were given transportation
and ordered to report to canton
ments during the week. One bunch
consisting of Cecil Huffman. Ora
Dickenson and Timothy Lane went
to Fort McDowell, California.
Another contingent consisting of
Frauk Triska, Jesse Jones, Busll
KIrsch, Joe Backopanos. Verne Kuril,
l.evi Simpson. Leo. V. Miller. Bon j
o'Hell, Fred Voung were Instructed
to report to Camp Lewis.
Indications are that almost every
available boy will be called in the
immediate future to the camps to
prepare for service in Europe as the
authorities are preparing the way to
increase the army to a greater num
ber as a consequence of the recent
drive made by Germany on the West
ern front. It would appear that man
power Is what is required and every
resource of the United States Is to be
thrown Into the conflict with the
hope of bringing it to a conclusion
in the least possible time.
We will do your joh printing.
Early this week Manager Donegal)
of tbto Third Liberty Loan received
the honor flag containing three strip
es far ' having oversubscibed our
H"ia ah II has been raised over
the Hotel Lev ens. There was no cere
mony in ' 'ii with tho raising
of tills egttilem of efficiency, as It
was rotisidcred a mark of honor
without ally noise about It. Harney
County has done Its duty In the drive
which Is completed today and its
citizens are not asking any particu
lar credit for having accomplished
what waa tbelr patriotic duty to the
government. We are ready for the
neit war measure now to demand
our attention and will continue aa In
the past doing what is demanded
of us cheerfully and effectively.
Washington, April 30. (Washing
ton Bureau of The Journal. ) William
Henley of Burns, Oregon, has volun
teered as a "dollar a year man" to
aerve the government during the war.
. companied by Representative Sln
nott, he visited the department of
Agriculture today and tendered his
service in any capacity where bla
knowledge of cattle growing and
ranehlag will Be of benefit. He has
not received a final answer aa to
whether be will be placed.
Mra, D. E. Robertson, one of the
aged and respected pioneer ladlea of
tola county haa been a guest at the
home of ber daughter, Mrs. Eunice
Thompson, in this city for the past
few day i. Mrs. Robertson has re-
sides in the Drewsey section for
ma years hut spends a good deal
of Her time with
other places.
her children at
J. W. Crawford of this city receiv
ed a letter from his son James to
i he effect that he had been married
on April 28, to Mlas Ritta Hein, at
Napa, California. His bride had been
a resident of that city all her life
and Is one of the charming young
ladles of that city with a beautiful
home. Jim was one of tho volunteers
from this county to enlist In the ser-
vice of the Flag. He is an electrician
and a voung man of ability In his
trade which is valuable to his coun
try. Ho is favorably known in this
city among the younger people and
also In the Masonic Lodge where he
frequently visited. The Times-Herald
Joins his many friends in this vicini
ty In extending congratulations.
The Times-Herald Is Informed that
the grasshoppers are hatching out
during this warm weather and It is
expected the campaign for their ex
termination will be started In the Im
mediate future.
Prestley Smyth was In the
from Diamond the other day.
Harney County Citizens Asked to Cut
White Flour Rations to Help Boys.
Mrs. Dodge, County Administrator,
Given Solid Backing of Merchants
And Home Guard Members.
The Times-Herald mentioned in Its
last issue that Assistant Highway
Engineer Bennett was in this terri
tory making an inspection of the
roads and would make a report on
the possibilities of work under the
government appropriation of funds.
Mr. Bennett spent a few days in
this section going over the routes and
from bis conversation and public ut
terances we are led to believe a fav
orable report will be made bv that
gentleman to the Highway Commis
sion. Although ho did not commit
himself, on Sunday owning at the
Liberty Theatre, Mr. Bennett talked
to those present on road work, ex
plaining the worklnga of the commis
sion and how the federal funds were
handled. He said It was not a matter
of Initiative by the counties as we
had been led to believe by some
and that it really did not make any
difference whether a county co-operated
or otherwise, although it was
appreciated if such was forthcoming,
but the appropriations were made
and work prosecuted wherever the
commission found it most advisable.
However. It had been that in every
community where they did work the
COMnty always assisted in some man
ner and that the commission endea
vored to comply with the desires of
the. county court wherever possible.
Mr. Bennett did not express him
self In the presence of the writer but
he Is reported as having stated that
one of the roads that should have
attention was the one between here
and Crane which should be graveled.
This was taken to indicate that fed
eral funds may be used for such a
The gentleman took his departure
Sunday night for Crane to take the
train down the canyon on Monday ft'.
ir nn iiitrpei wiivre lie wouiu wine
an auto from that point to the Idaho
line and then proceed to Portland to
attend a conference of the Highway,
County Court lias been In session
since last Wednesday Willi Commlss- j
loners Robins and llass and Judge
1, evens In attendance. Few entries
have been made upon the journal
but the following notes have been
taken from the minutes as the busi
ness transacted up to teday:
Assessor granted permission to em
ploy two deputies for a period of two
months at a salary of J 100 each.
Harry C. Smith and others road ou
Sage Hen ordered viewed.
Resignation of Frank Triska as
stock inspector accepted.
Clerk directed to write several
firms and secure prices on culverts. .
Report or viewers on Ralph Catter
road received and there being no ob
jections or damagea filed It was or-
i dered opened.
J. N. Nlchelson of Crane appointed
county surveyor.
Clerk directed to order ten
signs "Danger Slow Down".
The Times-Herald designated as
the County official paper for the
year 1918.
It appearing that a decision of the
Supreme Court has held that the rab
bit bounty voted In Lake county Is
not legal and that this decision ap
plies to Harney county in the opin
ion of the attorney general, it was
ordered that the treaaurer make a
calf for all outstanding warranta on
the rabbit bounty fund as the hold
ers thereof are entitled to payment
of same
Mrs. 1). II. Bonham and Mrs. Ralph
Gilbert are registered at the Levens
from Canyon City. The ladies are
here on soma business before the U.
S. Laud Office.
Mrs. M. V. Dodge, county food ad
ministrator, has been some busy
woman thla week placing her latest
Instructions before the people in re
spect to the conservation of food. A
meeting of the merchants of this city
brought solid support of her efforts
anil she went before a meeting of the
Home Guards last evening to ask the
aid of that organization and its mem
bers. The new regulations ask that
we limit our consumption of white
flour to one and one half pounds per
person each week. This must be done
during the next two months until the
new crop is harvested. People are
urged to turn back all wheat of flour
they have In their possession over a
30 day supply and this Is to be sent
to aid the army. It is even suggest
ed that we make It entirely wheat
les during that period (half a pound
each week being considered wheat
leas under this Interpretation) ami
this may be done in many cases.
However, it appears from her instruc
tions that it is the intention of the
state food administrator to favor the
isolated districts in enforcing these
measures until such time as substi
tutes may be obtained iu quantity.
In this connection the writer finds
people are generally in sympathy
with the wishes of the administration
on the conservation ot food but so
far substitutes have been very ex
pensive and In most instances scarce,
therefore it has worked a hardship.
Nevertheless Harney County should
not be found among the slackers in
any matter pretaining to war mea
sures and Its citizens will cheerfully
comply with every demand so tar an
within their power. The Times-Herald
hopes, though, that the price of
substitutes will be regulated by the
government the same as wheat, wool
anil other such commodities.
M HIMM, HO.-wtl) r
. , '
Th ,rU of lhe doneoUo science
,,1HS nf the Harncv County High
RehOOl entertained the High School
Board of Education, nt dinner. Thurs-
day. May 2. Mr. Ralston acting as
host. The following menu was serv-
Fruit Cocktail Marguerites
i .
Roast Pork " T j
Creamed Potatoes Buttered Peas
Brown Gravy
Corn Bread Butter
Crab Salad Saltlnes
Lemon Ice
Oatmeal Cookies
The luncheon was much enjoyed
by all and the work of the throe
girls who constitute the class la de
serving of great praise, and a credit
to their instructor, Mrs. Frank Triska
The cookies are a real Hoover sweet
meat containing no flour, baking
powder or milk. For the benefit ot
of those housewives who would like
to try
them the recipe is printed
Oatineul Cookies
1 egg "
Vi cup sugar
2-3 tablespoon melted butter
2-3 cup rolled oats
1-3 cup cocoanut
1-3 teaspoon salt.
Beat egg till very light, add sugar
slowly and then stir in remaining in
gredients. Drop by teaspoonfuls on
a well greased Inverted dripping pan.
one inch apart as the cookies spread.
Bake in a moderate oven until deli
cately browned. This mrkes 26 or 30
Even in dry Oregon a "total ab
stainer" club can do good work sav
ing wheat. Swear off on the flour
until after harvest.