The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 27, 1918, Image 8

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    niinMiiiiiiiiiiWinir:iiTiwrnwiiiiiiiniiiiii -1 "r" T"
For Sale 40 acres adjoining
Burn. Baa J. J. Donegan.
Hi I
Dot Davis has gone to Riverside
to take a position in the shearing
plant for the season
This store is now on a cash bails.
THE SPIRIT OF 1918 among our people mutt be equally at
patriotic at that of our forefather of 1 776, for the question
of protecting our liberty born in that historic year is now of
paramount importance to every true American.
THE THIRD LIBERTY LOAN begins April 6th Our institu
tution, its officers and employees are now at the Government's
command during the entire period of the Third Liberty Loan, ready
to serve the public in receiving subscriptions, giving information,
and assisting Harney County patriots in every possible way.
5 per cent with Subscription
20 per cent on May 28th
35 per cent on July 18th
40 per cent on August 16th
Personal checks on outside banks will be accepted in payment
of Liberty Loan Subscriptions.
First National Bank of Burns,
Burns, Oregon
Capital and Surplus - $100,000.00
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
The Times-JIerald
Haa The Large! Circulation Of Any
Newspaper la Harney County.
Local New s.
Joe Clark and his son Lee were
down from Harney Wednesday.
I have 100 pounds of Mangel Wur
zel seed for aale. I. Schwartz.
Furnished house with earn ta rant
Wm. Farre.
Mr. Alei Eggleaton haa returned
to Bend after a short vialt with rela
lives and friends In this city.
This store Is now on a cash basis
No more credit will be Riven.
1. Schwartt.
Mrs. Cleo. A.
from Diamond
Smyth was a vlaltor
the fore part of the
;" H. Cattanach. a prominent
attorney of Canyon City, who Is well
known In this section spent a few
days in this city during the wei-k.
Two AJax Ford tires new, for aale
at a bargain. Farmers Hxchange.
C. T. Cary was over from his home
on Crane Creek during the week.
Wm. Farre and P. C. Petersen
were business visitors to adjoining
towns to the west during the first
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mahon were over I rt of " week,
from their home on Cow Creek yea- j Mn one KoblllWJni -J m II II "fit
terdajr- by Mr. and Mra. J. C. Sevclk and the
children went over to the Clover
! Swale ranch the fore part of this
M. H. Allen, deputy Labor Com
missioner and Factory Inspector, was ,
here on official business this week.
For Bale Seed wheat, Early Baart
r Little Club. HO day oats. All I
fanned and ready to seed. P. S.
J. T. Barnea Is over from Hrewsey
section and states he has been down
I at the ranch spreading the water. He
I and
Mrs. liurni'H contemplate corn
over this summer and making
C. W. Loggan who recently return
ed from the Willamette Valley where
he and his family spent a part of the
winter, has acecpted a position with
the Burns Garage in this city.
C. B. McConnell has gone to Boise
on business and to visit his family.
He will return to Vale on nest Wed
nesday where the motion to dissolve
the Injunction against the organiza
tion of an irrigation diatrlet will be
argued before Judge Oalton Blgga.
Fred F. Henshaw. Chief Engineer
of the U. 8. Geological Survey of thia
State, is here looking after the water ranch on Emigrant Creek has been
measurements and also conferring i disposed of to Wm. McKlnnis and
with Interested parties In the region I M. V. Dodge but Mr. Garrett Is hero
of Malheur Lake upon the advlsabili- ! to close the deal and atend to oilier
ty of putting that water to beneMcial j matters In connection with the trans
use I fer.
their home on the ranch.
The Times-Herald crop of grass
liopers flourished for a few day but
the little pests either couldn't stand
the association with the bunch ,ln
this shop or the constant butting of
their heads against the window pane
trying to get out.
Our boys are going across, by
hundreds, by thousands, by hundreds
of thousands The MUST be sustain
ed. Let every American solemly ask
himself this question; "If either
must suffer privation, must they or
must IT"
J. W. Garrett arrived here this
week from Missouri to look after
the Intereats of the eatate of his de
ceased brother, J. H. Oarrett. The
Drug Store Sundries
.xx-j..zzZi:- EsUMea IBBWalWLUBLi I M -"TTT-Tr
In addition to a complete line of Drugs and Pro
prietary Medicines, we carry a full supply of
Rubber Goods of all kinds.
Combs and Brushes, all grades and prices '
All Kinds of Toilet Preparations.
Pens, Pencils, Ink and Stationery.
We will furnish you anythinff you need for an in
tdlitfhnt care of the health and beauty of your person.
The Kexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
Geo. Kaycraft I up from hi home
iu the Valley View district.
Chas. Owen 1 down from Sllvle.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Craddock are In
the city from their Sllviea home.
W. H. Morrison was down from his
home in the Harney neighborhood
Chester Stallard, Arthur 8. Beede
and Andy Anderson are over from the
Drewsey country.
J. W. Blgga made a hurried trip to
IiIh land holding in tho Denlo sec-
(Ion during the week. He was ac
companied by Hank Fellon.
Wm. Cumpboll and family and
James Kichandsou and family have
gone to Bend, the former to work In
the saw mills, and the latter to take
a position In a grocery store.
Before you plan your summer
wardrobe be sure to see sample line
of Schweiser Imported Swiss eru
proderies and dry goods.
FOR HALE If taken at once 14 76
Wesan Bros. Cabnet Grand Plauo
.fpr 200 cash. Thl is a snap and
wall worth Investigating. For full
Ipforatlon Inquire at this office.
It. T- 1 1 iik lift returned the fore
part of this week from San Delgo,
California, where he had spent the
winter. He ha gained In weight
and says ha feel in keeping with hi
look and that he' 100 per cut,
Mr. Hughet enjoyed his vacation but
is nevertheless happy to be among
his old time friends again.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McRea were
up from their farm home hear River
side Tuesday on buelnesa before the
land office. While here they took
advantage of the time to greet their
many old time frienda. Mr. Mcltae
is one of the pioneer stockmen of
that territory and Is well known to
the old time realdenta of this com
munity where ho Is held In high es
teem. George Willett, Imtpector of the
Western Division of Bird I'ruserves
of the V. S. Government, is here to
luko temporary charge of the Mal
heur Lake and other game bird pre
MTTSS formerly under tat care of
Frank Trlska. who Is called In the
army draft. Mr. Wlllott has asked
for a few days leave for Mr. Trlsku
until he has gone over I he territory
with him and becomes familiar with
Quite a number of our stockmen
spent the tore part of the week at
the annual meeting of the Oregon
State Cattle at Horse growers Associ
ation at Ontario. There was a three
day suasion of the organization in our
sister city and we know that the boys
were most hospitably entertained for
UM people of i luii town know how to
treat guests. Among those from this
Immediate vicinity who were there
are Phil Smith, Uillle Smith Albert
Oakerman, Sheriff Goodman, E. C.
Eggleaton, Fred Otley and other.
No more credit will be given.
I. Scbwarts.
U II tleAit-ti 4. Mlamnnil aliiKiit
I. Ili Uivnii) in- t'lomwmi nuoi
man, was among our business visitors
this week.
Mr. and Mr. Ubald Cote were In
town for a short time the first of this
week shopping and visiting with rela
tive and friends.
T. B. Beck, who formerly resided
in Sunset hut now lives at John Day.
has been renewing acquaintances In
this city during the past week.
If you need some good eating or
cooking apples see F. R. O'Connor,
crane, Oregon, or send In your order
by the Laundlgan truck. Price for
first and aecond grade, 31.50 and
f 1.75 per box.
The little xori of Mr. and Mr.
Lloyd R. Culp, who waa brought up
from the farm home below Lawen
last week for medical treatment, waa
operated on last Monday by Dr. Smith
for appendlcltla. The patient la Im
proving wry satisfactorily.
John Walk up has accepted a posi
tion with the Hums Garage In the
vulcanizing department. John and
family occupy Mrs. Nora Campbell's
house since the latter haa gone to
Mra. J. H. Savldge was up from
Crane the fore part of this week on
a visit with her cousin, Archie Mc
Oowan, and family. Mr. Savldge haa
charge of the -Crane branch of the
Hums Oarage.
B. F. Auamua Is recovering at the
Haines hospital from a aevere hurt
he received recently in a run-away.
One kidney waa torn loose and he
waa othcrwlae bruited up but he la
Improving nicely with on indication
of further complications.
The Fashion Book and sample
from Victor Tailoring Co., have ar
rived. I will be pleased to show you
the line any time.
Ratltfadfloa always gusranteed.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cleveland were
over from their home near Van this
week on a visit to her father. It. J.
McKinnon. They left for home again
on Thursday as It is a busy time of
the year and Mrs. Cleveland took
some shrubs out to beautify the yard.
Mrs. L. M. Hamilton Is dlpw
lug of her millinery stork at
uhoiesule price. The ladles
of tills vicinity should take
advantage of this opuortunttj .
See her at once.
1 mMTMIIIMilllillMIM
A. McKenile, the pioneer stock
man of the Narrowa section, was a
business visitor to our city the other
day. When accosted by the news
paper man as to his personal conduct
he stated he was too busy at home
helping to raise beef and farm pro
dints for the boys in the trenches to
get In Into any meanness.
School Supt. Clark loft Sunday
afternoon for Crane to take the train
for Ontario tho following morning
to be in attendance on the Cattle A
Morse Growers Association conven
tion which held a three days' aeaalon
there during the present week.
Mrs. Clark visited her sister for a
short time while In that town.
County Manager James Donegan
of the Third Liberty Loan Drive,
left the fort part of this week for
the southern part of the county to
look after some matters connected
with the drive. So far Harney Coun
ty has come up handsomly above the
quota but the soliciting committees
are stllll on the Job and will make a
thorough canvass of their respective
districts during tho allotted time
Sidney McNeil is the daddy or a
hoy who arrived on lust Wednesday
morning early. Std was Informed
over the phono from his place of
the advent and he Immediately lump
id Into his Ford car at Crane and
started for Burns at a rate of speed
that threatened breaking the law.
No telling whit might have happened
hud not a wheel come off the other
Hill I- Of I .Mil'. .11 Utiti li . UI1U...I him In
come down to earth and collect Mm- ,
self somewhat. He found Dick Otley i
ul l.uwen and when told of the Im
portance o( his reaching Burn.i Dick
realised his feelings and volunteered
to lirlllk" the cxrltfil tluil mi in. uii.l
.... ,. ., !
as he would not permit Sid to
drive the Journey was made in safety '
Harney Euxinig National Bank
-..::.'! '
fc&JL SiiBawPaHS 'm Uz ft
i . i . a. mm .'a m t t ...-. ,.. .
i, eaves imvmjmi :4.a.m., arrive m u.h :oon.inJ
Leave BURNS at 7:00 1 in., arrive BEND 5.-00 p.rJ
FARE, each way $8.00
ro Pounds Baggage carried Free. Biccmm LcpeclB
Meets all trams in ileuu. rnsseinrerH Arrive uti
Portland, from Burns, in 24 hours, fan' $16. OS
Prompt attention given all shipm 'tits in our cart
Kp fiaily PeujahaMe fMisiriimi!its.
When economy gets to a point where it pinches, it
ceases to be economy
"Keeping Fit" is the truest economy in the long run,
and there is no better way to "keep fit" than by eating
For ten da vs each month we are goiug to Belli
ydu Bacon, Ham, Hide Meat, Lard anil Vegetole nil
a trig reiluel ion.
Shield Ham j regular price 40e,
special price -
Shield Bacon, regular price 50c,
special price -
Crystal Bacon, regular price 45e,
special price - - -
Shield Lard, 5pouuda. Macular prlo
. 3
ujidrt. regular
special price
il.Ttj, siici-iul
Shield Laid. 10-
pntv :.). sp
Shield Vegetole. pgotgtftl, regular
price $!..", special
Shield Vegetole, 1o-p0unds. regular
price :i. -.", HiM'cial price
37 l-2c
See Our Display Window
Burns Cash Store
and Mr. McNeil Is not a widow
otherwise she might have been.