She iimr0-$fYa(d JULIAN BYRD Manager SATURDAY. APRIL 17. ISIS SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oa Year ' Sfe Mwilk. nit ...,,. , .It &&$3 1 r ci. sWi Astw HAKXKY COUNTY UKT8 HONOR FLAG San Francisco. April 23. 1918. Mr. Jas. Donegan, Chairman, Liberty Loan Committee Harney Co., Burns, Ore. Dear Sir: The General Executive Board has today approved the awarding to your i.iunty of the Official Honor Flag of tin- Third Liberty Loan, The Committee wishes to congra tulate you and all who assisted you j on the magnificent spirit or patriot Ism and unselfishness which has j characterised your efforts In the Third Liberty Loan Campaign. The Committee hopes that the splendid spirit which has enabled your com munity to win this Honor Elagwlll be continued throughout the remain ing days of the campaign and that. before Its close, you may secure one or more blue stars to be sewed upon the white field of the flag, each star signifying that your quota has been increased by one hundred per OMft Your patriotic response to the Na tion's call Is a stimulus to all of us and wo will watch with Interest and best wishes for your further success, the dally reports from your district. Yours very truly. JAMICS K LYNCH Chairman Cen'l Kxee. Hoard Twelfth District. o PtmtKOlQM 8K1.IJ4 H. MILL Most of care given patients at Mrs. l-'lreoved's maternity hospital. t John Hevedgo and family have re turn. (! frOOl Mcdford where they had been since last fall. Their son, Otis, has been quite III, having undergone an operation for appendicitis in addi tion to a nervous trouble. He finds his general health Is better in this altitude and the family will therefore remain here permanently. ' n ' tr A - rRKMDYTMRIAN c. l. Austin has purchased the Harney Valley Lumber Co. saw mill from E. E. Purlngton and has taken charge of the property. Mr. Purlng ton also leased him the place ad Joining the mill site for a period of five years. Mr. Austin Is an energet ic young man who will make a suc cess of his undertaking. Mr. Purington will take the entire output of the mill tor this season and give more or less personal assist ance during this season to help Mr. Austin get started. o Mrs. Ludwlg Johnson and her little son arrived hero last Saturday from her home In Idaho to visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dalton. and other relatives and friends for an Indefinite time. Weston F. Shields, Pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M. Subject, "The Basis of Condemnation." Preaching at H:00 P. M. Subject. "The value of an Individual In a World's lledemptlon." Sunday School tit H A. M. Suhjei l. "Jesus Heliukcn Selfliihness." Christian Kndeavor at 8:80 P. M. Hubjcct. "The Power of The Cross In City Slums." Payerraeettng every Thursday at 8:00 P. M. Preaching April 28th at Harney at 2:30 P. M. o POUnOAL ANNOl'NCKMKNTH ICOII COUNTY TllKAHUHKH. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Harney County subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary election May IT, 111. W. Y. KINQ. FOR COUNTY TRKAHUItKK .i.. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Trea surer, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary el ection to be held May 17. 1918 ETTA J. HOLLAND, f legislation that will tend to Increase the production of food stuff and pre-' vent profiteering In the marketing of the same. I believe that our first and most. Important business Is to win fhls , war. and next to that, the enoour- - M- -A Jk !.... .., If I agemem oi raou yrmiutiwu. im nominated and elected my effort will ho devoted to this policy, as well at other needed and merltorloaa legislation. P. J ALLAQMSrV arte, Orwgwau Don't It It 1 lugcr IOK COUNTY COMMIMHIONEIl I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Com missioner of Harney County, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held on May 17, 1918. A. IJOHNSON. FOR HIIHItIM ANNOUNCKMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the of fice of Sheriff of Harney county, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary eleorlen to be held on May 17. 1911. W. A. OOODMAN, FOR MHHRIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff of Harney county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held May 17, 1918. T. S. 8PRAUI1:. To the Republican Voters of Harney and Malheur Ceunties: I hereby announce my candidacy for the position of Joint Representa tive from this district In the next session of the Oregon Legislature, subject to your will as expressed in the coming primaries. If nominated and elected. It will be my aim to promote legislation that will enable the State to provide means for the care of families of en listed men; to provide protection for Oregon homes and Industries and to carry out our part of this war to a Hucesful and early conclusion. I will also promote the work for I B Stop -Look-Listen! Don't Buy Another Dollar's Worth OFGOODSUNTILOUR SALE OPENS We Are Going To Give You The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered to You or Anyone in Tills City or Any Other Place CLOSING OUT SALE Starts WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 st, 9 a.m Be On Hand As There Will Be Something Doing a Condition Remember Oven which we have on control hns compelled uh to inaugurate a ClosingOtrt Bale, and to make iIiih a quiok and decisive proposition, we have put forth every effort, and cut ami clashed prices right and left, without mercy or favor, to force thesala and accomplish the purpose. Never again will you buy goods as cheap as we are offering thorn. Merchandise gig up all the time and get tiog mighty scarce. Sony all means don't over look ihis chance. Come in and buy all you pos sibly can and for future use, ns you will be the winner alright. If .you haven't the money -bor-row it! so you won't miss this great opportunity in times like these. , In addition to all these (Jreut und Wonderful Bargains, we are going to. give away a lo1 of mer chandise absolutely free. It will not cost you a cent. We do this as a tokeii of appreciation for your patronage. Come in and find out about it. Be sure aUd come early on opening day and bring your friends with you. This is what you can buy:--Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Cloth ing, Men's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Provisions, Etc. Store Will Be CLOSED MONDAY and TUESDAY I. SCHWARTZ, BURNS, OREGON tmmmmmmtmt' . -a..- A cough that "hangs on" mm down the sufferer, leaving talui uJ ahle to want off sickness. Joe. U ard, HI motor St.. Nashville. T writes: "I was suffering with a backing aowgh and a pain in my 1 1 but sln:e taking Foley's Hoawjr a Tar CbwMwassU 1 ive hewn relieve It attkw, ! a4 eurea. Bold flewt ' ' T New Subscribers Since Dec. 1, 1917 Hums Commercial Club Hruugh, Ruv. I.yman, Residence. Maker. Tim Cobb, C. M., ('how Lee, Club Cafe. Clemens, Glen. Christensen, Henry, Culp, John, Donegan, J. J., Felton. U.K., Gruff, Frank, Hanlry, Alex, Kceler, W. H.. McGuire, John, McGulre, John, McLaren, Will, McDuffey, Mrs. M. A. Goyt, Fred Universal Garage Slocum, R. 8., McKinnon, Rob't Ranch Residence Restaurant Restaurant Ranch Ranch Ranch Office Residence Ranch Ranch RewMenrv Requiem' Garage Ranch , Residence Residence Residence Geer R'ch NrwvH, Werera, Ninciy Sis Ranch I'eaWy, Ralph, Richer son, Jan., Ralaion, E. K., Randal.. I'latt, Shi rem in, Hi C, Sawvc. Frank U., Smith. Ch'.p '.., Sutton. Win.. Smith. Chester B., Stewart, Wm., Welcome, F. W., WheeUm, Rurt, Weaver, Ralph, Young, Clarence Baker, Tim Mrittit'irhan. Qua., Dxlge. Mrs. M. V., Hncknc-y,A. L., rleesoa, w. . Residence Ranch Ranch Residence Residence Residence Residence Ranch Residence Residence Residence Ranch Residence Residence Crane, Ore. Residence Ranch Residence Residence Residence Ranch Red Croaa Worlt Rooms, Crane INTER-MOUNTAIN T. & T. CO. J. E. WESTON, Sec. nnd Gen. Mgr. W. T. LESTER A. A. TR AUGOTT Inland Empire Realty Co. Building and Farm Loans Made Direct Farms and Ranches ' Homesteads Blueprints Fire Insurance REAL ESTATE Life Insurance Office Phone B-l IS Resident Phonts G-M an 6-48 Members Burns Commercial Club s---4 LIBERTY THEATRE Sunday, April 28th "WITHIN THE LAW" With Alice Joyce and Harry Morey A Special Blue Ribbon Feature Phenomenal Staje Success lliat ran fur sixteen months on Broadway. 9 - REELS - 9 ONE SHOW ONLY Children 15c Adults 35c TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, April 30th and May 1st Edmund in "The Spell of The Yukon A Drama of "Alaskan Life" 9 9 j It ; SRI . 4