SUPPORT of Home Industries is One Form of Patriotism. 1A70MEN Are Purchasing Agents in Most ft 1 homes. Their cooperation is necessary PAY-ROLL Money Stays at home helps make Oregon prosperous Hf(SROCERIEsI -"VECiETABLES 1 1 TEAS,SPICERMT5 ETC JM "Pesul Shortening A Product of Home Industry Government Inspected Economical and highly dependable wherever a high grade shortening is desired. a" Y'1 UNION MEAT CO. H5J IIM ' I W North Portland, Oregon TlnWlrlFA rwiw et tJPEAMiA 0T&P r-rtt t-t t t I t ( t aXlt Larger Bottles of Better Dressing At The Same Mayonnaise Dressing A Delicious Dressing For Salads, Meats or Fish. Ask Your Grocer For DIAMOND "W" PURE FOOD PRODUCTS WADHAMS4 CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Grocers, !-e- ..-. i Let us8m?m s" -' s 'Jt. -'"VW -. . k JJ i . jdaitoK- i -' 1 rm ' UJJ f f JnV, '- I VTiiiateaa i- - -w - nn h itri- inr 'jbi Misv wnriiiins:v Be infour I Bakr OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR Its the daily break fast in thousands of western homes. There It no other 10 cMge.tible and healthful. HenMtly recommended at th. dally dl.t of tko oatlro heu.ehold Became the ingrediente are to blended aa to produce a food that ia apetitiaiof and perfectly digested. Those who have found other pancake. Indigestible will find OLYMPIC .free, with the uo.t delicate atomach. jg X- J& 1 HI r j tf-fim jjjfu ml C Ely BMSuHaauhJlu). Wf The Portland Flouring Mills Co. Bead ua the ead of the package and receive by return mail a Magnetic Tof. '.MMMvMtMMMMMMTMlTTMMMIMWt i A tttr r 9 T jl 99 1 X I "Feeling One's Oats" X r aai GuYOtTfiW KIUIHG Ctt H i . .. :i;.. ...... : - : --i-. , it ii cii i-m-mijii vi"" "i;- I, out of the) well established fact that a ;i natlng oati produeea vigor and X energy. ? Golden Rod I Oats Are milled from the cholceBt oats obtainable, are free X from hulls and can be used in many delightful dishes be sides porridge. Write for Our Liberty Recipes. POUTICH AND INIMHTItY. The iion-laxpayliiK clement- those who own no property or business -are coiiHlanlly engaged In the pro motion of new tkeotieg of lerertv ment and there Iwih (li-veloped In this country a mania for the regulation of private hualnrtifi by restrictive Irwh. The enactement and the operation of thene lawa cont money and help to pile up the tax rate, but deaplte all of the now regulation and reatrlc tlona the coat of living has conatanl ly In. r iixcil ao that both the tax payer and the non-taxpayer have been hurt. It ia frankly admitted by one ele ment the Koclallat that It la their aim to tax property until private ownership will U longer bo possible. That It Is their Intention to take away the savings of the Industrious and the thrifty and have everything under public ownership and eontrol. And this gradually being done through political manipulation. The tendency to follow propaganda of this kind is growing and Is taken up by politicians who pander to every movement that bears the ear marks of popularity. The only reason for this la that the opponents of business and property rights repreaent an or ganlzed force In polltica, while busi ness, politically, reprseeuti on (On Washington Hlate Weekly. The Kaiser's partnership with (. on the wesicrn front Is rather d tractlng his mind from his allis' with Malioinmet on the eastern I' (tne or our new boats tuts r eg named the Licking. Whether or i ol It proven a desirable name will d ped whether It gives or takea. NOThK FOR PVBIJCATIOX. He Dm ltt Klne Now. 'I sufferi'd greatly from kidney and bladder trouble," writes F. It Fairbanks, II Crand River Ave. W. Detroit, Mich. "I had to get up six or seven times during the night. Foley Kidney Pills have worked won ders and 1 can recommend them as the best medicine I have ever taken." Tonic in action; quick, aure. Bold by Heed tiros. UNITED 8TATBB LAND OFFI' I liiiniH. Oregon, April 8, It it Notice Is hereby given that Wll fred J. Duhalme. of Narrows. Oregi n I who. on April 28, 1913, made Hon 'stead Kntry, No. 06728, for NK , NW '4 . W V4 NK '4 , HE . BF. ' , KU I Section 11, Township 32 S., RoagJ 29 K , Willamette Meridian, ha nl ed notice of Intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim! to the laud above described, before Register and Receiver, at Bun, Oregon, on the loth day of May' 1918 Claimant names as witnesses: Clarence Miller, of Narrows. Or. ?. James Frail, Clarence Mace and T. J. Duhalme all of Burns, Oregon. V. . Cezad. Register This Woman Found Keller ua. hh tie, aore muscles, stiff ..r swollen Joints, rheumatic pains, di.:- xlness and like symptoms are rauseil by disordered kidneys and bladder. Mrs. Thos. H. Davis. Montgomery, R. F. D. 3. Ind.. writes:"! doctor I mouths without relief. I commence using Foley Kidney Pills and got r lief. Eight bottles cured uie. Soi 1 by Reed Bros. LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE ETWERY month we make enough .Lucky Strike Cigarettes to reach, end to end, from New York to China, the long way around. That's 15,000,000 A DAY RouHr men like the Lucky Strike Cigarette good, solid Kentucky Burley tobacco, fine for a cigarette because IT'S TOASTED it yonr dealer doet not carry them, send $1.20 for a carton ol 1 2 packaijci tcThe Tobacco Company ol California, San Kr.iu.iMO 10c WW te aT4BgBiK. - ' War Q1 3uaionted by Jl yfWJLnj1&A & IMIHMHMIHI)IIMM.M. I 4 M I. A mm A I, P