The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 13, 1918, Image 4

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    hf TimP3-1Ttrtafd
Oim Year
Si. Month!
flu Monlhi
yoST y
i xn.K si is . VliR Hisr
suraneo HnriMiu has Issued pollelos
for n total or lD,4n,lH,IOfl to Hio
armed troops.
IVr Hi.' training of troopn In I In
cantonments 1,000. 000. 00(1 roiinil I of
ammunition have been bought.
Naval mmunlcllon service opera
ten all radio service; 5,000 youth
io studying radio telegraphy M two
Navul schools.
Medical officers numbering 1.67R
are members of the Medical Depart
ment of the Navy. Navy maintain
12,000 hospital bedfi and G.000 are
being added.
During the year the lateat type
of naval gun (16 Inch) was complet
ed for our new battleships; It throwa
a projectile weighing 2.100 pounds.
Before the war a total of 1 1,500, -000
had been expended Tor ilr nor
vice. Congress bun made mi appro
priation of $691,000,000 available
for alr-erafi production the first your.
Over twenty large companion are
manufacturing airplanes, II are pro
ducing engines mid more than 400
are producing spare parts, accessor
ies and supplies.
In 16 cantonments 600,000,000
Mi of lumber iron used.
We take I bo following Information
from the Official Kevlew of the first
Year of War. which baa been mado
public by the Committee on Public
Total estimated open-.e of thi
I'nltod States (3overnmeiit In the first
year of war, without loans to allloH,
is 12, 067, 278, 679. 07.
limit:;; the first year of the war
the United States Army baa lur;n
ed its strength from (,6i4 officer!
and ")L'.r. 1 U enlisted men to US,
801 officers and l,SS8,9ti enlisted
men The strength Of the Navy to
day is nearly 21,000 officers and
30,000 enlisted men strength year
age4,79B officers end 77, uu ealtet-
ed men. The total number of per
sons now in the Naval Kstabllshmcnt
exceeds 426,000.
The first contingent of the exped
itionary forces landed safely in
France 88 days after the war had
been declared, American troops
wefe on the line for their baptism of
fire 187 days after war was declared.
Nearly 7:1,000 mechanics and other
civilians are working at Navy yards
and other stations.
More ibau 700 privlately owned
Is have been pun based or ohar
ti ed by the Navy.
Bone -no woolen mills are work
jng on Government contract,
Over 20,000,000 pairs of shoos
hare been ordered by the Army
Treasury department floated $6.-,
6lg,88S;800 subscriptions to Liberty
B bds.
Loans to the total of 8,88l 000
0 0 bad Ih en I lade to CO b( lllgl rent
t :itlons to the end Of I ' 1 7.
Two weeks alter the war bad been
lared contract bad been made
i overlng the requirements of an
army Of l.OOO.OOO men, tblS material
comprises 8,700 Iti m
More than 11,000 manufacturers
I I for navy bu line
Government now operates 260,000
miles of railway, employing 1,000,
000,800 men ami representing an In
vestment or jut. 500,000.
Honds. certificates or Indebtedness,
war-savings certificates, and thrift
stamps Issued by the Treasury up to
March 18, 1818, 16,800,068.84
The United Slates (Jovernment bad
loaned to foreign Governments essoc-
i in the war on March 12, mis.
To March 12, lie- War Risk In-
After making a lampalgn of two
months durnilon. during which he
has covered much of the state outside
of Multnomah County. 8. II. Huston
candidate for United States Sonator,
Is very much pleased with his pros
pects. I'p to the present time bo has
not held a public meeting nor spent
any active time In his home county,
Multnomah, where the heavy vote Is,
but from this time on be will devote
himself largely to rounding up his
home county vote.
Mr. Huston has lived in Multnomah
COSBty for twelve years, ami feels
that he Is well enough known to be
able to carry bis home county with
little work, but I xpects to carry
it by 10,000 votes May 17. During
the last year, perhaps fifteen to
twenty thousand voters have located
in MUltnomah County, having round
employment In the shipyards, Many
Of these are eiitlrelv unfumlllar with
the Oregon system and with State
politics Theee men have bad ex
perience in industrial plants, and will
only need to be shown Senator Hus
ton's record on soda! legislation to
see the wisdom Of voting for him in
the Primaries.
Senator Huston begad bis work In
Oregon and Washington County, and
friends living at lllllshoro and Forest
Crovo say that be will carry Wash
ington County with not less than 71
per rent or the Republican vote.
And speaking about politics. Senator
Huston is making his campaign first
as an American citizen and second
as a Republican who favors support
lag the Admlnltrallon during the war
and otherwise stands for Republican
Voters who have not registered
should lose no time in reglsti ring,
and those who have registered but
who have mocd from their home
precinct should bS Careful tO have
their registration changed before
April la
At last, thank heaven, c IS the
nens thai our little American army
at the front has In en put absolutely
at the disposal of the French and
English military leaders for use or
any kind in the gigantic and terrible
battle now being waged. All Ainerl
CUBS who are proud or the great
name of America will humbly and
reverently thank heaven that at any
rate the army we have tit the front
is not to remain In the position of
an onlooker, but is to be put Into
tie- battle.
The wnntom and cruel bombard
men! ' Paris, undertaken for no mil
I tan reason ami with its character
Is Now On
No More Credit Will Be Given!
Istlc slaughter or women and child
ren In church, proves that the tier
1, in-1 sril) Is as di libi rate and 1 1
Infamous now M at ths bt ginnli
the war. The allies In llili battle are
righting ror humanity and civiliza
tion. They are righting tine battle of
Die United Stales.
Any man In the Culled Slates who
at Ibis time directly or Indirectly ex
presses approval of ifr sympathy with
Cermany in this battle or In this war,
should bo arrested and either shot,
hung or Imprisoned for life, eooerd
Ing to the grsvity of his offense.
Thank Heaven that our sons and bro
thers are now to stand at Armsged
don. Thank Heaven that American sold
iers are now to fight In the great bat
tle against the bestial foe or America
and of mankind.
Words count for little at this time
and for nothing whatever except In
mi lac as they are of help to the men
of deeds who are nt the front who
are now making nil Americans, born
and unborn, forever their debtors.
The) are the men who base paid with
their bodies for their soul s desire.
LOl B0 one pity them, whatever their
fate, for they have seen the mighty
days ami have risen level to the need
of the mighty days.. And let no one
pity the wives and mothers and fatb
ers, whose husbands and lovers and
sons now face death in battle for the
mightest of all high causes. .
Our hearts are wrung with sorrow
and anxiety, but our beads are held
aloft with pride. It Is a terrible
thing that our loved ones should face
the groat danger, but It would be a
far more terrible thing. If, whatever
the danger they were not treading
the hard pnth of duty and honor.
The circulating of extravagant
rumors and wild tales of victory Is
harmful to the Interests of this noun
try In the present struggle as the
spreading or adverse reports, Re
oetitlv the report was flashed from
Otto end of the- country to the other
of t lu great allied victory on the
western front, in many parts of the
country people went fairly wild wltli
joy, only to lie cast Into correspond
ing depths of dejection on learning
that the report was unrounded.
our pi ople should give ear to
no reports that do not come from a
reliable source. Telegraphic news
lit the papers, from reputable now
agencies, can be relied unoii as be
ing comet, or approximately so.
The metropolitan d J lie a as a rule
have reliable correspond! tits
on the front, and their reports also
can be received as truth. Hut re
ports circulating from mouth to
mouth freqaentl start from nothing
but grow with the Idling. .
In Justice- Of the Hews age-le lis ami
newspapers of the country It should
be said that none of those fake re
ports hav originated nr been cir
eulated by them. Buch reports In
ice' 1 cases, ir they should be traced
to their Original soiree, wnubl he
round to have a -1 r. : r origin
11:11m propogauda, erith s vieu to
disturbing ths peaee e: the country
and creating excitemenl and unr
We should keep cool and believe
nothicif. thai 1 i"t fullj won hi d for,
trot in our government ami our
armies, and pul our every energy
Into 01 it pari In the winning of tin-war.
wirivo 01 1 it DK vi.ism.
TUS law and orcle-r Committee ol
the San Francisco Chamber of com
metres h a scured some- notable rU
tiii ie iic California.
First and fore-most was the eon
vie lion and the preparedness day par
ads bomb-throwing thai killed seven
mid wounded many more,
.e.i came the enactment of an
anti-picketlng law in San PronciSOO
at a time when business houses were
terrorised ami Intimidated,
Then the chamber id Commerce
defeated the enaction r s law pro
hibiting the issuance or injunction:.
against unlawful consplrio Ie:.
The anil Injunction law was aimed
to prevent Issuelug orders from any
court to restrain organised labor
from punishing its enemies,
Courts of chancery from time- im
memorial have had the right to Issue
restraining writs to prevent violation
of laws to protect properly.
Tho courts have the right to pun
ish those who disregard tln-lr orders
In such eases for cenleuipt of court,
and that right Mas to bo nullified.
Bllt the greatest victory won b
the Chamber of Commerce was de
feating the Flckort recall.
This courageous public prosecutor
was attacked by ogauizcil radicalism
for having dated lo convict (lie
A national campaign was waged by
radical elements to annul the con
viol Ions secured by District Attorney
Flckert and Judge Dunne.
If Pinkest bad been recalled Judge
Dunne would have been the mil
victim and the Integrity of tho eourte
would have bOOfl destroyed.
1 1 ., old Vlgllanoi C01 ttes 1 im
po c ,1 of 11 rganlst d me rt of the
'forties' and 'fifties' never did bed r
or morc DS0I ssary work.
Don't gel the wrong angle- on this
"Liberty Loan'' son. It doesn't mean
that YOU must do tho loaning. It
mean that your government proposes
to loan to you the opportunity of in
vesting your spare means In a pro
position as sound as tho Rock of
Ages. It means that the opportuni
ty of your life is offered you to gath
er yourself your portion of national
honor and glory. It means that pro
bably for tho first time In your rath
er careless life you have tho chance
to become a really necessary cog In
the great wheel of progress. It's the
turning point In your life, son. He
sure you make the right turn.
New Subscribers
Since Dec. 1, 1917
Hums Commercial Club
Hrough, Rev. Lyman, Resilience
Haker, Tim., Ranch
Cobb, G. M.. Residence
Chow Lee, RasUurant
Club Cafe, Restaurant
Clemens. Glen, Ranch
Christenson, Henry, Uanch
Wo will do ur Job piloting.
Culp. John,
Donsgan, J. J.,
Felton, U.K.,
Uroff, Frank,
Hanlcy, Alex,
K.-M.-r. W. H.,
McGuire, John,
McGuire, John,
McLaren, Will,
ftfcDuffev, Mrs. M
Goyt, Fred
Universal Garage
Hlocum, It. B.i
McKinnoti, Rob't
A., Residence
Re- itdence
fin-r R'ch
Newell, Devers, Residence
Ninety-Six Ranch Ranch
I'ealieidy, Ralph, Ranch
Richardson, J as., Residence
Ralston, E. K., Residence
Randall, Piatt, Residence
Shireman, H. C, Residence
Kswyer, Prsnk D,, Rsnch
Hmiih. Chip .., Residence
Button, Win., Residence
Smith, Chester B., Residence
Stewart, Wm.. Ranch
Welcome, P. W., Residence
Wheclon, Burt, Residence
Wesver, Ralph, Crane, Ore.
Young, Clarence Residence
linker, Tim Ranch
Hrittir frhan, ' hfcs., Residence
Dodge, .Irs. 1. . V., Residence
Hackney, A. L., Residence
C ie si. ii, W. ('., eja Ranch
R 1 Cross Work rooms. Crane
Hurbs, Oregon. April II, 1B18.
Notice Is hereby given that Harry
A. Arnold, of Riley, Oregon, who,
on Juno 2, 191.1, made Homestead
entry, No. 00821, for 8EKNE14.
SE'A, Bee. 17; NENEV4. Sec- 20.
NV4NWH. Section 21, Township 2U
8., Range 24 K., Willamette Mer
idian, has filed notion or Intention
to make final, threo-year Proof, to
establish claim to tho land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver, at Hums. Oregon, on the
20th day of May, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Thomas Mutton, Alfred T. Dono
van, Charles A. Walker, 1'uul
Tyre-, all r Itlloy, Oregon.
V. ti CO.AD, Regit le-r
POLITICAL annoi n i:mi:th
.1. K. WETON. Sec and Uen. M;
W j-7" A
i hereby announce myself as a
candidate ior ro-eteetlou to the of-
rie e of Sheriff of Harney county, aub-
I joct to the decision of the Republican
' voters :,l tin. nrimarv election to be
lle-Id on May 17. 1918.
I hereby announce myself as a
. atedldate tor ShortM of Harney
eountv. subject to the eleilslon of the
Republican voters at the prl'nary
election to be held May 17. 1918.
T. 8 BPRAOI iv
I hereby announce myself as a can.
dldats ror the office of County Tree
eur. r, -.hjc , t to the- decision of the
Itepubllcan voters at the prlmar Si
to he- be-ld May 17. 1 H 1 s
i hereby announos myself as a
candidate tier the office or Count
Treasurer of Harney County subjei I
1 lo tin- decision of the Rt publican
voters al the primary eletotton May
; I 7 . 1 U I .
U V KIN'll
iVHEN you invest your money in
' " Li.berty Bonds you are not giving
money to your country. You ore
making the safest investment in the
world, and your money will come
back to you, with interest, at a time
when yoa may need it far more than
you do now. And remember
F.crri "Bend you tnfe.rt In
May Sa a Soldier' Life
Thlt pac Paid fur and Contributed By
Inland-Empire Really Company
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the- office ol .County Com
mlsslonsr of Harney County, subject
to the decision or the Republican
voters at tin- primary election to be
held on May 17, mis.
Sunday, April 14th
France in Arms"
Official l'lviifli (ioveiiinienl War Pictured
To 'he Republican Voters of Harney
.iml Malheur COUUtl
I hereby announce my candidacy
for (be position or Joint Itopresentu
tlv(o from this district In the next
session or the Oregon Legislature,
subject to your will as expressed In
the foniltiK primaries.
ir nominated and elected, It Will
be my aim to promote legislation
that will enable the State to provide
moans for the care of families of en
listed men; to provide protection for
Oregon homes and Industries and to
carry out our part of this war to a
lUCOeaful and early conclusion.
I will also promote the work ror
legislation that will tend to Increase
the production ot rood stuir and pre
vent profiteering 111 the marketing
of the same.
f l...!l..u, nup first meet most
iicioorlaiil business is to win this
....... uiwl lo.vl c Hint Hie - lie c , ll I
., .,,".. ...... v ....... .
agement of food production, and If
nominated ami elected my efforts
will bo devoted to this policy, as well
as other needed and meritorious
Ontario, Oregon.
Tuesday and Wtdmsday, April 16 and 17
"The Upheaval"
Thursday, April 18
"The Fatal Ring
9 9
Hearst-Pathe News lata War Piotureeand
Current Bventi
Friday and Saturday, April 19 and 20
Bluebird Nights
A Drunta of l'nssion mul thr Sea