Live I ono o4frB( ,. . . .... -:.-7.jrr 7ffs( T new vBW r . MY MAfYfio&firrs JtNrMM r I CHAPTER VII. Nlkky Does Reckless Thing. Nil i.y i.iiiImIi bud been having MB exciting timo. Firm of nil, he cxcMni.'cl iranucitln nii the chauffeur, Mini carted bin own long let, woleh prayed itlilicult t( cover adequately. Btt tne cnanffnr'i long fur iiNt.'i- helped cnnatdembl Tho exchange wm rather a ticklish matter, and iroaM hate bean more mi hml lie lint found a rcvulver In till fur coat pocket, Behold, tiicn, Nlkky of the aratn hciirt HtiiriiiinK ovtT iii proatrata prta oner. nni mlllnK him. mummy fashion I in his iwn tunic mid a niK frm) thf machine. "It In eoM, my friend." he unM briefly ; "hat I am n kindly BoaJ, and If you luive told me the truth, you will not have w much a a Miuffle to re mind you of tills tomorrow." "I have told the truth." "As n soldier, of course," Nfltkj went on, "I llilnk you have made a mistake. Ynti should have chosen Hit precipice. Hut M a private genth man. I thank you." Having examined the knots in thf rope, which were very well done, in dead, and linvlng pawl the chaurfcin Recnrely, Mkky prepared to go, In hl RocKles. with the low-vlsored cap anil fur coat, he looked not unlike his late companion. Hut he hud a Jaunty stcr as he walked toward the car, a hit ol swajrjtcr that covered, perhaps, Just n iritte of uneasiness. For Nlkky now knew his destination knew that he was hound on perllouf work, and thnt the chances of his re turning were ahout fifty-fifty, or ruthet less. He did not know his way. Over the mountains It whs plain enough, foi there was hut one mad. After hf descendiMl Into the plain of Karnla however. It became dllllcult. BgB posts were few and not explicit. Hut nt last hp found the railroad, which he knew well that railroad without objective, save as it would aere to move IroOpa toward the border. After tinit Nlkky found It easier. Hut. with his curse assured, other difllcntttes presented themselves. 'I',, take the letter to those who would re ceive It was one thing. Hut to deliver it. with uii that it might contain, w another. He whs not hrllllanl. was Nlkky. Only brave and simple of heart, and unversed in the ways of darkness. If. MCW, B4 ana 1 open the letter niid remove It. suhstilntlng -well, what oald he substitute? There Here Himrottp papers In his poeket. Trust Nikkv for that. Hut how to make the xchange? 'I lie engine was boiling hard, n dull roaring uiider the hood that threat- ri( d trouble, lie drew up lieaide ilu I pnd I ' off th : r i-:ii. Then j tf. !.(.- I-, I M'l.- nt ,.,.,,..... I 1I...I I ll , . , ... it i" n . in , i nut i line immemorial, ili up He I'xuiiilu '( It boru no Incrliuiiuiti i- .1. He I uvi ip over I be water nd was I, I to feel i loosen. After all, things ere tiuugh li one ti n it bt aln her i' UchI I most till lib clft mim i'-. uf courae, I la i. i erliapa, n -, et beurd of the drop nicotine on the tongue of n dog. A for the letter ii-' If, he pill It, Itboul even duiicillk at ll. inlo his i ip, uinler ihe lining. 'I inn be sealed envelope again and dried il against e (,f the lumps, It looked, ha - ct( d, us good as new. lie uns i XII e;n, l iileasiil uilli liilil- If, Before he returned to the machine a ion-lilted iiis w ,-iti-ji. li mi.- three i ioi i, True, i in- long early i iiriug gave linn four mure hours of i.j,- Uul the liicHsenger h us i three, at iin- burning lodge m uuiitalna l -1 1 wus bis destination. lie , ouid he, nt , In- l,e-i. lull- by all 'iiir. (in ulint. the meaaenger hud told hint S'ikky tiling his hope ol siieeess. This as, briefly, thai ha should go to tin- liyal slioolilig box at W'edelilig, lllid llOUld go, li 'I In I Ik- house itself, but ll Ihe gte keeper's lodge. Here he 'as to leave his machine, and tap at lie door. On its In lug oneued. hi; was a nay nothing, bal to give tin iiiui wlm opened Ihe door. hat he uns to take the machine away o the capital, some sixty miles farther i". Tin- message, then, was to Hie king iimself. For Nlkky, us all the world, new that Karl, with some kindred pirits, was ut Wi-driing, shooting. hut is, If the messenger told the nub. Nlkky Intended to find out. lie as nothing If not thorough. When at last the lights of the lodge t the gale of Wcdellng gleuiued out lirongh the trees, It was half past Ihrec, and a wet spring snow was full ig seftiy. In an open pluee Nlkky oked up. The stars were gone. Ihe ledge now, agd the gute keep s'heuse. Nicky's 'heart hammered nervuuaneaa, nol terror, nut he went boldly to the door, lllid knocked. Bo fur all was well. Then were footsteps within, and a mini stepped nut into the darkness, closing the door behind lilin, "You have the letter?" he asked. "li is here." "I will take It." Nlkky held it out. Tin n fum bled tor It. took It. "Orders bine conic," said the voice, "that you remain here for tin- night. In tl ortiiiig you are to carry dis patches to the city." l'oor Nlkky I With his car facing tow in d the liiilgc, and under necessity, In order to escape, to back It out Into the highway ! He thought quickly. There was no chance of overpowering his man quickly and silently. And the house wiiK not empty. Krom beyond the door came the sounds of men's voices, and the thud of drinking mugs on a bare tiiblc. "You will tuke me up la the house, and then put the cur uwuy until morn Ing." Nlkky breathed again. It wiih go ing to he easy, after all. If only the road went straight to the shooting box Itself, the rest was simple. Hut lie prayed that he iiiuke no false turning. to betray his Ignorance. "Very well," he said. ills companion opened the door he bind him. "Heady, now," lie called. "The car Is here." Two men rose from u table where they had been sitting, and put on great coats of fur. The lamp light within pilvereit In the wind from the opeu door. Nikky was quite calm now. Ills heart beat Its regular seventy-two, ind he even reflected, with a sort of grim humor, that the chuncellor would find the recital of this escapade much to his taste. In u modest way Nlkky fi it thnt he was making history. The tnnn who had received the let ter got Into the machine beside him. The other two climbed Into the Inn lieau. And. as If to make the denoue ment doubly ridiculous, the road led straight. Nlkky, growing extreme! a& 8 n l- 1 I I - - fillhlsJU-. f I1 a-A ' viis-; k tmEameatfaWCmn . V I "His Majesty Dcrirts Thai tnc We3 fcenger Ccme In." 'cheerful beliiiid Ids goggles, WOfld red j how much petrol remained in the cni The mi n behind talked In low tones "They are late toulglil " grumbled one of them ns the house appeared vii 1 1 lighted. "A turd j itarl tomoiTOw again '" lue The king must buve bis sleep.'' ,!,,. commented Ihe other, rut her mock lugly. wiih a master!) sweep. Nlkk) drew up his machine before the entrance) l.ct lllem oliee nilglll. let llilll but : I ill his car down the road again, and nil the devils of the night might fojhhr. lie feared limbing. Hut here ngnin Mkky planned '"" fast. The servant who cnuit- out te open Ihe doors of tin- motor hll brought a maaaaga. "ills tnajestj do- letter ! M'-'S Hint Hie incsseiigcr come In,' Alter wuh 'be lioliileshell which exploit! il III i Nlkky m ears. Nlkky hesitated. And I lieu some Imp of recklessness in him prompted him not to run uway, but to see the thing through, ft was. after all. u limine either way. These men beside the car were doubtless armed one at least, nearest til in, was certainly one Ol Karl's own secret agents. And, ss Nlkky paused, he wus not certuln, hut it seemed to him thnt the mnii look u step Inward him. "Very well," said Nlkky, grumbling "But I have had n long ride, arid a cold one. I need sleep." KJveu then be hud a faint hope that the ethers would precede him, and that il would be possible Is lcabuck UlgTfd Ibut thssjra rJJgkAmj te ihe car aJMj ncane, fWu wtelhnrrVit (Bat ),t kjin iMBue1 f fril by accident or design, the group closed about hint. Nigh: was out of, Mia ques tion. A little high wi Nil I -- lead as lie ui nl In. I le hml done a slunid Ihlii" now. ami he knew ll. lie s,. ,, linVT inkiti his letter and gone hack Willi II. I'.lli. Ifllll or lint, lie W'llS II Soldier, I kill t'l made hint cnlin. 'I'lie lodge was IKllsy, l,oinl I., II, In-. Ibu mining ami going uf m mil : wllh Iraya, tho crackle of wood tires in which whole logs were hunting, and, ai Nikky ami his escort entered, ihe routing choral oi ii hunting snug tilled the ears. Two of the men flung olT their heavy emits, and proceeded willnitit ceremony Into the room whence the sounds ls ited. The third, however, still holding the latter, Ushered Nlkky into a small side room, a sort of slml, Hnce It contained a desk. For kings must pin sue their clerical occupations even on holidays. Nlkky had reluctantly removed Ids cap. Ills goggles, however, ho ven luieil to retain. lie was CUUacloUl that Ids guide was studying IiIiii In tently. Hut not with suspicion, he thought. Rather as one who would gauge the caliber of the mull before hlln. He seemed satlslled. ton, for Ills voice. Which bad been curl, grew more friendly. "You had no trouble?" he asked. "None, sir." "Old Nlbtirg say nn thing?" Nlburg, then, was the spy of the cathedral. Nlkky rellectcd. Suddenly ho saw ii way out. II was, he nfter wnrd proclaimed, not his own thought. It came to him like u message. He burned u candle to his pa I ion sulut, some time Utter, for It. "The man Nlburg hud bud an unfor tusate experience, sir. lie reported that, during an evening stroll, before lie met me, he was attacked by three men, with the evident Inteulliui of se curing the letter. He was badly beaten up. Ills companion started. "Nlburg," he said. "Then " He glaneeil at the letter he held. "We must llnd some one else," he muttered. "I never trusted the fellow. A clerk, nothing else, for this work ll lakes wit." Nikky. sweating with strain, felt that It did. imlccii. "He was badly 'used up, sir," he offered. "Could bard I lv wnllr no, I it'iiw ullll I r.-i ,il,t I n ,- villi. excitement when I met lilm." The man touched a hell. "Tell his majesty," he suld to Ihe servant who appeared, "that his messenger Is here." The servant bowed ami withdrew. Nlkky found the wait that followed trying. He thought of Hedwlg, mid of the little crown prince. Suddenly he knew l tut t he had no right to attempt this thing. He had given his word, almost his oath, to the king, to protect and watch over the boy. And here lie was. knowing now that mischief was afoot, und powerless. He cursed lilin I ,.ir for his folic Then Karl came In. He came alone. cloning the door behind him. Nlkky and Ids companion bowed, and Nikky surveyed lilm through his "oggles. The same mucking face ho remembered, from Karl's visit to the summer pal ace, the same easy, graceful carriage, the same small mustache. He was In uniform mid apparently in u compura lively gracioua mood. He had been drinking, but he was not Inloxi Cnted, He was sllgbtl Mushed, his eyes were iililiorinall. bright lie looked, for the moment, iiitln-i amiable. Nikky was to lean, latar on, ho eusllj hi- smile hardened to a terrifying grin. lie ignored Nfhky'a companion. "You brought a letter?" Nil ky bowed, and tin- other mac In id It out. Kni t took ii. i he trip -i inn i i'tiui?" "Yea, sire." "A I m ,,. '.I for It," Km I observed. i glanced al the letter In bis baud, Was there any difficulty at tbe frontier?" Kail lore the end . . 1 1 tbe envelope, "Yon will remain here tonight," he ,.i "Tomorrog morning I shall send dispuii ins to tiic city, I hope .von have petrol. Tbeaa i How here " lie did not complete the Bentcnce, He in Mind two royal lingers into the en vco,e und drew out Nlkk) s cigar ette papers ! I 'or a Iin hi nl there was Complete alienee in the room. Karl tumed i i - -papers over. It was it, n thai Ills fice hardened Into a horrible grin. He looked up, bis head slowly, "Winn is tiilsV ho demanded, very quietly. "Tbe letti r, sir,-." said Nlkky. "I " "The letterj On you cull these l letter?" Nlkky drew himself up, "I buvc brought ihe envelope which waa given me." w iiiiiiut ii word Karl held eul papers und envelope to the oilier man. wlw look them. Then he turned lo Nlkky, and now lie raised his voice. "Where did ynii gel this hOUX?" he ileinniiilcd. "At the culhcilriil, iroiii the HUM Nlburg." "You lie!" said Kurl. Then, for a moment, he left Nlkky and turned ou his companion In a fury. He let his royal rage beat on that unlucky In dividual while Ihe agent stood, while and still. Not until ll was over, and Kurl, spent with passion, wus pacing the tloor, did Nlkky venture u word. "If this In not whut our majesty expected," he suld, "there Is perhaps an cxpluiiutlnu." Karl wheeled on him. "Kxplnna tlim 1" '"The man Nlburg was attacked, early last evening, by three met. They beat lilm badly, anil attempted le reb hiaa. HI story, te ste, aire. He be course, n possibility that, while he in) stunned, ilu'i sni, Minted nnoili tr an relope fnr Ihe one in , ,-H , i. ,i." Karl lore the ciivclon' lr Iho ll Mel ui peeled II enlr fully. Kvltl utly, as with the ngent, III" -loi.v , i I, , ti new Haiti nl Ino'Uglll, .'. I y drew a Inn;; brcalh 'ii' r all, lli re wi.s still hope Unit tin fill ly IliOMllll booting would have an "He i titrgei iiiau. himself, Knrl 'in .; i rn, and t fnee rclnxcd, ll vmih sh in but no longer lioirilib "Tell il,, Nibuigs story," bo com mantled, "He was walking tlirnhgh Ibe old city," Mkky enmmenced, " Inn Ihtei men fell on lilm. one, a large inn- knocked hint Insensible and then went through hi i mi., t.s. 'i be othen "BTrungo!" said Karl. "I he wan Inscieibi i does lie know all this?' "It WHS Id story, sire," Mkky ex plnim il, Uul lie colored. "A com pilllioll, Willi a- wllh liiiii. ran away.' "Tbis en i ion," Karl queried "A dark, lni. y fellow, was II?" "No. It. liber a pole man. blond A Nil.i.. clteel ed liliuself. Hut Karl w as all suavity. "So," he 'aid, "while NlllUrg WHS uucoiiscloil- i in large man took the letter, which wis sealed, magically opened it, dg traded It coiitenta, replaced them wllh this, ami then sealed ll again!" The king turned wllbniit haste to a drawer In his desk, and opened II. lie was smiling. When he faced about again, Nlkky saw that he held a re velvet- In his hand. Save that the agent bad taken a step forward, noth ing In Ihe mom had changed. Ami yet, for Nlkky everything had Changed. Nlkky had been a reckless fool, hut he was bruve enough. He smiled, u belter smile than Kurl's twisted one. "1 buve u funcy," said King Karl, "to manage lids mailer for myself. Keep buck. Kaiser. Now, my friend, you will give ui(i the pin kit of cigar (lie papers you carry." Resistance would do no good. Nlkky brought 'hem out, and Kail's twisted smile grew broader as be compared them with the uni-H the envelope hud contained "You see." he suld. "you show the hand of the novice. You should have Uncle John I). Rockefeller has Just Mulshed paying his Income tax, amounting to Ml, 400,000, This bavii lilm only 922,000,000 on which to support his fuinlly Ibis year. With tho help of all the Hoover regu lations, thll should b" made t(, ann ver, If he given careful attention to ib garden, -s . m TTDITQ nmnswick tubes SPECIFIED GUARANTEE ii i - i n i Self Starter for Ford Car $10.00 Put On GUARANTEED EXPERT BATTERY SERVICE ''! i ' ie i i i ii mi an nisi i i sssjsssssssssss I Oxy-Acetylene Welding We Weld any Metal !!! I II . . .I... I ., mi, ,1 II. I All Work Guaranteed Summit Garage, John McGuire, Prop. Agent Hupmobile Motor Car A. J. BOCKHOLD 717-4th Street Oregon City, Oregon will buy all your Furs TVS. l -KTTlil-SnV VsB sBL ? f! m i oKS, a i i.,&' v I I yWlB6& O L THE BURNS "You Show the Hand of the Novice." thrown llioae away, Hut, "f ronrse 'ill your method- lire wrong. Why, foi InStlWICl . IlllVe . Ol Oil III In-le nl till ' Vim luive m. man hut thai I shall take "ji later. We w III Ural have I hi letter." Hut here Nlkk) -t I firm. Let tb n llilll the letter. He WOllld lint llelji them. Hut again ha cursed blinsell PI lid hi ell n lluiil rind liiil i ii- plnees along thi rond hot he must linn, tin- Incriminating thing v.itii blm ami thus condemn himself! No commenced a curious scene, curious because one of tbe actors wn Kail of Karnla himself, He seemetl curlonaly looth to bring In aaaUtau did Karl. r 'iih;i'is the novelty ol tin- affair appeuled to him, Ami Nil iy' realaiancfl to search, with thai revolvot " close, was abort lived. Even while he mum struggling, Nlkk) waa thinking, Let them grl tin letter ir tiny ouat. Thing would aL least lie jjo worse thun before, Butne re solved thai mi violence would tear from lilm ihe ulncu where tin- messen ger i. us lii. 1. 1 ii. t'uill Ibey had gol that, be hml ii chance for life. They miii,i,,, , is cap last. Nlkky, uautuig after ihul auange strugglo, saw k.iInci- mi.e it from ilia lining of W ciii. ami inss it to the kln. imiii toiiK it. 'ii, e smile was gone ii'iu, und some till Ug Ugly and terrible had InKeii lis iiiaec. lllll llilll, loo, faded an be looked ut the letter. It "lis a blank piece of mile l nicr. wiih tbe approach of the nnnUcr xar, nf his sun's death, the kloaj urew laereaatogl raatleaa. hiach year be de termined to put away this old grief, and each year, as his bodily weakness Increased, he found It harder lo do so. I Hi nl In r .Mars he had had Ihe crown li luce tltli lilm as much us possible on this dreary day of days. Hut the erowH prince as exiled, iu dlagraco, Not even for Die comfort of his Muull preseiics could stern discipline he re laxed. (Te be coatlaued) Our Specialty Plumbing, Set Metal Work, Repairing Call aid see aa of PIMPS, WINDMILLS, GAS ENGINES, PAINTS, OILS GINS, AMMUNITION, CUTTLERY, ETC. Cenmissrtg triers m MACHINERY, IMPLEMENTS, STOVES or anything in the Hardware line THE NEW DE LAVAL A Bigger and Better Cream Separator For The Same Money WORLD'S STANDARD Efficiency, Durability, Simplicity We are Agents HARDWARE COMPANY Temporary quarters in warehouse a I rear nf u.'il Jlatid -Phone J MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. KSTABLI8HKI) 25 KAKS Hallway I'xclitne fiulldln;; PORTLAND, OREGON Short Term Foreign Government Bonds. and Municipal VitldiiiK Prom 7 to 10.50 per cent. Anitlo Frtrtch Convertible. 5p. DlM li20 American Poreiffn Securities i'linipuny 5a. - Due 1919 llnitoil Kinirdnm of Great Britain and Ireland .rs Due 1918 United Kingdom Of Groat Britain and Ireland Sl Due 1919 United Kingdom of Groat Britain and Ireland 5As Due 1921 Dominloh of Canada 5s, .... Due 1919 City of Edmonton. Canada S.h, - - - Due 1918 We fill orders at New York Exchange quotations and will be pleased to furnish, you, upon request, witji daily quotations on the above securities. No ono can do belter 'ou may do worse. Tricar oph r(TclcphOHeOrler at Owl Expense W will rear job pntisig. EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANICS With modern facilities te care for all Auto ailments Familiar with all make of Cart if. C. SMIREMAN, :: Lampahire't Garage 4 W &' Is ke left ie caxwnlniiiiertU with