The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 13, 1918, Image 2

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Households, Eating Houses and
Bakers Must Decrease
Use of Wheat.
Urgent military necessities of the
United 8ttee and the AMU ha
feread a mora draatlo reetrlctlon In
the wheat conaervatlon program.
Coupled with an aarneat appeal to all
Individuate, houaeholda, public eating
placaa and baker of bread and pas
trlea for their co-operation and eup
port, Herbert C. Hoover haa lued a
new eet of rule designed to further
reduce wheat consumption In thl
country until the next hnrveat.
These rule and Mr. Hoover' per
aonal appeal are given out through :
Mr. W. B. Ayer, Federal Food Admin
latrator for Oregon, In the following j
"If we aro to furnish the Allies with
the tieopsmiry proportion Of wheat to '
maintain their war bread from now i
until the next harvest (and this is a
military necessity) we, must reduce)
our monthly consumption to twenty
one million bushels a month against
our normal consumption of about
forty-two million bushel or fifty per
cent of our normal consumption, re
serving a margin for distribution to
the army and for special casus, leav
ing for general consumption approzl
mately one and one-half pound of
wheat products weekly per person.
Many of our consumers are dependent
upon baker's bread. Such bread must
be durable and therefore require a
larger proportion of wheat products
than cereal breads baked In tin' home
"The well-to-do in our population
can make greater MertftCM In the
consumption of wheat products than
can the poor In addition our DOpn
latum in the agricultural districts,
where the substitute cerea's are abun
daut. arc more skilled in the prepara
tion of breads from these other cereals
than the crowded city and industrial
populations Willi Improved transpor
tatlOO condition! STO now have avail
able n lurplttl of potatoes. We also
have in the sprint; months a surplus
of milk and we have ample corn and
oats for human consumption The
drain on rye and barley as substitutes
has already greatly exhausted the sup
ply of these grains,
"To effect the needed saving of
wheat we are wholly dependent upon
the voluntary assistance of the Amer
ican people and we ask that the fol
lowing rules shall he ebserved:
First Householders to use not to
exceed a total of one and one half
pounds per week of wheat products
per person. This means not more
than one and three fourths pounds of
victory bread containing the required
percentage of substitutes and about
one-half pound of OOOUBfl (lour, mac
aroni, crackers, pastry, pics, cakes,
wheat breakfast c Teals all combined.
Second- I'uhlic eating places and
clubs to observe two wheatless days
per week. MMtdaVJ and Wednesday, as
at present, and in addition thereto not
to serve in the abrogate a total of
more breadstuff, ni icnronl, crackers.
. . iry p,.s cakes. i iH wheal break
fast cereal containing a total of more
than two ounces oi wheat flour to any
one guest at any one meal. NO
Public eating estab. (aliments not to
liny more than Hlx pounds of wheat
product per month per guest, thus
conforming with limitations requested
, f the boo leholders.
Third Retailors to sen not more
than Oa-eightb or I barrel of fluur
i .i.y town consumer l any one tim
and noi more than one-quarter of u
l a- rel to any COO itry customer at
any one time an 1 .11 no ease to sell
Ale at products without the nil of an
ip.ul weight of other cereal.
Fourth We ask the baker anil
grocers tO ro'luee the volllflM of ur
oiv broad sold Uj delivery of a'
tlir equal I n p'flin.l loaf where DOS
; , ind was sold before and correspoml
ing proportions In other welftttn. We
nlsft ask bakers net to Increase tin
amount or their wheat flour pur
(bases beyond MvOat per cent of the
average monthly amount purchased In
the four months prior to March first.
Fifth Manufactuiars using wheat I
products for non food imrposes should
aaac sui h use hrelj
Sixth There is no limit upon the
use of OtllOl unreal flours and meals,
such as corn, barley, buckwheat, po
tato flour, el cetera. Many thousands
Of families throughout the land are
now using no wheal products what
ever except a very small amount for
Hooking purposes, and are doing so
in perfect health and satisfaction
There Is no reason why all of the
American people who are able to cook
in their OWI household cannot sub
slat perfectly well with the use of less
wheat prodUOtl than the one and one
half pound:, a week allowed. We spe
dally ask the well-todo households
In tho country to follow this additional
programme so that we may provide
tho necessary marginal supplies for
those parts of the community less able
to adapt themselves to so large a pro
portion of substitutes and In order
that we shall be able to make the
wheat export that are absolutely dc
mantled of us to maintain the civil
population and soldier of thu Allies
and our own army.
"With the arrival of the new harvest
we should he able to relax such re
strictloiiH, but until then we ask for
tho necessary patience, escrlflce, and
co-operation of tho distribution trades
aud public."
"A Msn Cannot Think, Work or Fight
When He I Hungry" We Must
Feed Our Soldier.
"We have the preservation of the
world on our handa. Every aiugle
living human being in thl republic,
from ocean to ocean, should make It
hi or her special purpose to save
The ore the word of B. F. Cullen,
personal representative of Herbert C.
Hoover, In a recent address.
"Men will resist any power hut the
power of starvation," aald Mr. Cullen.
"Hunger In the final analysis. Is the
only force that can weaken a nation
and demoralize an army. Food Is
Strength, and without a perpetual sup
ply of strength, the world ran stand
In danger of tottering, weakening and
falling into utter chaos. A man can
not think, work or fight If he is hun
gry. "The allies today ure practically
wholly dependent upon the United
States for food. Upon this nation
rests the responsibility of preserving
the world from I'russlanlsm. This is
the task of tho people of this nation
to produce and save food enough to
keep a steady stream of essential sup
plies moving towards the front so
long as it shall be necessary to wage
this war. If at any time we fail In
this, we must Inevitably go down, with
the allies, to defeat. This Is no ex
aggeration, but a serious fact. It Is
the purpose of the United States Food
Administration to brlug the realisa
tion of this fact home to every Ameri
can man, woman and child, and to en
list the Individual aid of our hundred
million people in producing and sav
ing food. The Food Administration
Is not asking you to cat less; It only
urges that you substitute one nutrl
timis food for another equally nutrl
tious food, thus saving the vital sta
pies needed by our armies and the '
armies and peoples, of the allies. We
must, during the next three months, j
are wheat especially. Our surplus
hits already been shipped abroad, and
a hundred million bushels more are
needed. When you eat a slice of bread
less, omit the crackers with your soup,
or Otherwise conserve on wheal prod
nets, yoii are contributing towards the
hundred million bushels needed owr
there lis our fighting men aud the
exhausted people if Ilelglum, Frame
and England Who have for more than !
three years been bearing the brunt of -this
war, which Is our war. Keep tnis
in mind, and bring it before the minds J
of your thoughtless friends and neigh
Chin fishermen train otter to
natch risb. Which Is nil rich I If the
otttrs don't do foo much talking
about I heir exploit.
An exchange remarks that the
Mexican crisis is paslng Of course
it Is. They pass as regularly down
there as the moon's phases.
Services at 11:0 o'clock. Sub
ject of Lesson -Sermon nest Sunday:
"Aro Bin, Disease, and Death Ileal?"
The Testimonial Meeting, Wednes
day at 7: SO P. M.
The reading room in the church
Fdlflce, Is open on Tuesday and Fri
day from 2 to 4 P. M.
Sunday School moots on Sunday at
10 o'clock.
Pupils may be admitted to Its
clusses up to (he age of 20 years.
Tho public Is cordially Invited to
the Church Services and to Hie
Heading Itooni.
Don't Let It linger
A cough that "hangs on" wears
down the sufferer, leaving him un
able to ward off sicklies. Jos. 0111
ard. Iis I 'II more Si . Nashville, Tonn.
writes: "I was suffering with a dry
hacking cough and a pain In my chost
but since taking Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound I have been relieved."
It soothes, heals and cures Sold by
Heed Uros.
nazahfm: ('iii'itcii
Cut This (Mil
II la Wottli Money
Hev. Lyman (trough, Pnslor.
A cordial Invitation Is extended
to you to attend our services . The
hours of the service on the Habbalb
are as follews:
Proaohlng at 11 A. M.
Sabbath School at 10 A. M.
Young People' Meeting at :46
P. M.
Beng service at 7:10 P. M.
Preaching at : P. M.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:80
P. M.
You may have sot the clock ahead,
acocrdihg to orders, but did you
think to toll old Chanticleer to get
on tho Job an hour enrller in the
I'ON'T MISS THIH. 'iii ("'I this
slip, enclose with five cents to Fole
K Co., 2 g 3 5 Sheffield Ave, Chicago,
111., writing your name mid address i
i dearly. You will receive In return
a trial package containing Foley' ,
Honev and Tar Compound, for !
coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold by Reed Bros.
(Catholic i
Wo will do your Job pr.nting.
Cor Miller and 0. Sis.
Sunday High Mass at 10:30 o'cl
Weok days Mas at 7 o'clock.
Instructions for children Sa'un
days ot I A. M
Rot. Father Frond, 0. F. M
Country salesmen for several
Hood counties in this state to
handle our complete line of
fruit trees, shrubbery, roses,
etc., booking advance spring
orders now; necessary supplies
furnished; good money for
right men.
Pacific Nursery Co.,
122s Grand Avenue.
Portland, - Oregon
One ounce less of meat each da
for everyone means a saving of 4,
40(),iMiii meat animals a ,'iir Save
your ounce The sacrifice' Is small.
but tho result for your country Is
1,185.000 tons of sugar will be saved
thO flrit year If each of us uses one
ounce less each i!av This will keep
sugar plentiful and cheap.
The Allies are all In the same boat,
a ssttS way from shore and on limited
rutlons and I 'tide Sam is running
lh relief ship It's up to us to satfl
the cargo.
Reduction, Production
tho 1911
Pood will win the war. Save it.
Produce It.
If you run your household on three
pounds of sugar a mouth per person,
when full comes the gTOOOT won t hate
to hang up the sign "No Sugar."
The second helping Is getting to be
bud form.
There's lots of money to go round,
but bacon, beef and wheat can't make
the circuit. Save jour share.
Waste ami want are twin sister
uud in it in r beautiful.
Potatce fcr Patriotism.
ny tating potatoes instead or wheat
the people Of the United Stales can
help win the war. We hate not
enough heat for the Allies gnd out
solve.- We ha. e an abundance of po
tatoes, Wheat Hour is a concent rated
lood ami therefore good for shipping;
potatoes ure bulky aud are conse
quently not suited for limited shipping
space, nor are the Allies so short of
potatoes as of wheal. Next to cereals,
potatoes have bee l In this country
the mainstay of starchy food, which
supplies energy.
The more potatoes we eat, the lea
wheat we need. A medium sized po
tato, weighing about ll1., ounces, sup
plies about as much starch as two
in, ill slice of wheat bread one half
Inch thick. In other respect also,
the potuto measures up well with
wheat bread and even has the ad v ant
age over It in supplying certain salts
which the body needs to counteract
the acidity resulting from the use of
such foods as cereals, meat and egg.
Hy exercising her Ingenuity the house
wife can prepare potatoes in many
different attractive ways, thus Increas
ing their proportion In the family diet
uud unserving wheat and other sta
pies needed for shipment abroad. An
Important use of potatoes, also, Is In
the mixing of breads, In which mash
ed potatoes up to fully ten per cunt
may be used without detracting from
its appearance or tnitr; in fact, many
persons hold that potatoes properly
nixed lu bread, improve both uppur
auce aud flavor.
Eastern Oregon Auto Co
H. E. YOUNG, Proprietor
Agencies in Harney County for the following well
known, reliable and, value received lines of
Automobiles and Trucks
Hudson Super Six Velie
Franktin Oakland
Republic and Service Trucks
Headquarters at V.fLE, Branch at ONTARIO
Farming for Profit!
The year 1918. more than any previous year, mark's
the progressive farmer's harvest season from his soil. The
world is clamoring for his products.
If you would reach the top no'.ch in production, you
should provide your force with
The Latest and Best In Labor-Saving
We have the implements to ea&ily DOUBLE your pro
ducing capacity.
Why be content with scant profit when you can have
the opportunity to clean up a large one. and at the same
time help your oountry in the big drive?
Come In and See Oar Splendid Line
Get into the class of moderns and move on with the
procession. You can't afford to be left behind, as you
will surely be if you cling to th old methods.
I. S. GEER & CO.
J. J. Donfftn, Pre.
A, In' McCowin, Viee-Pree.
G. N. Jameion, Secy.
J. E. Loggan, Ti c.
Fire Insurance
Mr. Land Owner How is the title
to your land: Do you know? In
quire of ui and find out
We are ready at all times to serve meals to your
order, from the full course dinner to the most "conser
vative" of lunches.
Can supply you with "wheatless" or "meatless"
meals at your pleasure and either will le appetising
and nourishing.
Mace's Restaurant '
Buy Your
Ford Car
We have plenty of cars in
stock at
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
Walk Over Shoes
Stetson Hats
Bon Ton Corsets
Hums. : : : . Oregon
f ennj -,- .i,l ii M-i-,1 on tin- "II .tii- I'milurl Pun""
The Brunswick Phonograph
at The
Come in and see them and hear
their beautiful violin like tone
They play any Disc Record made
The price is within the rmeh of all
On display and being demonstrated at the
House Painting Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
k stimates furnished on application. Sample shown