rent. Mrs. Eunice R. J. Williams was over from Sil ver Creek Wednesday. Score cards for "Five Hundred," also program pencils for sale at this BfftOS, Frank Kueny was in town last Saturday from his extensive sheep ranch on business . The VanderVeer brothers were In town for a few days during the week. The next conservation to he Issu ed should be for a series of speech less days In Congress. Mrs. Arthur Culp is at the Haines hospital for an operation whlrh will likely be mudc today. It is not a acrlous one we iiiulertatiil. TIM I'lllST NATIONAL BANK OF Rt'HNS. CAPITAL AND HUHPLUH $100,000. "TIIK BANK THAT MAKKH VOI It $ S NAKK." Rootni to Thompson. Horn Sumliiy, IYI. 24, to mid Mr. I. .'limit Fry, a son. Mr. Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates Schools ore reporting the sales of Thrill Stamps Increasing. The Times-Herald learned this week that Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ben nett are the proud parents of a son born on Feb. 16. J. II. Anderson was In town yes terday but the writer didn't get close enough to have a talk with him. A recent letter states that Dr. and Mrs. Car (Irlffllh are at Redlunds and the doctor's health is much Im proved. Harrison HoHklus, one of the sub stantial wool growers of this conn try, was a business visitor to our city the fore part of the week. W. I.. Best has been In Mils vici nity for the past several days buy ffl Constitute a plan whereby each and everyone can do hit financial "bit" in helping finance the war. These securities are preferable to Government bonds in many respects- equally as safeand are worth par and accrued interest at all times. For Sale at all Banks and Postofflces First National Bank Burns, Oregon Capital and Surplus - - $100,000.00 United State Depositary Oreuon Stat Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED 383 The Times-JIerald Has The Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper la Haraejr County. SATURDAY. MARCH 2. 1911 I Local News. W. H. Morrison was tlown from Harney Tuesday. Tom Allen has gone over to Prlne-villi- for a short time on business. J. K. Jenkins was among the wool men to visit this city during the past week. To the kicker: if you must kirk, kick forward like a man, not back ward like a mule. Before you plan your summer wardrobe be sure te see sample line of Schweizer Imported Swiss em broderles and dry goods. AURA CLINQAN. Rep. TIIK FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AN SURPLUS KHt.otM. Tm BANK MAT MAKES TOUR S S SAI'K." ACCOUNTS INVITES. The Times-Herald has a supply of etltions for the use of candidates ' t or office for the coming primaries. Get your petition out and in circula tion in time. , ,.,. Since the aritrle appeared in last week's issue regarding the knitters in the local Red Cross Chapter it has been suggested that wo hear from the several auxiliaries through out the county as to their success. County Commissioner Robins and his wife were here from their Crow, Camp home Thurday. Mr. Robins' recently made a trip to Portland where he took some hogs to market. He reports having received a satis factory price. Mr. Robins reports the roads are not so bad as one would expect (luring this ttSM of the year. Furnished house with barn to rent. Wns. Farre. i Scott Hayes was up from his home near Uwen during the week. The American hen will tender a vote of thanks to Mr. Hoover for that commutation of her sentence. Tom Rain was hhakiiiK his foot at the big dance given by tlM I'. 1. 1. Council last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cloy I recently returned from a sojourn in Portland and Fred has resumed his place in the Burns Oarage where he has been for the pitHt several years. Dr. Smith operated on Carrol Wltherspoon last Tuesday morning at the Haines hospital for appendi citis. The patient Is reported recov ering very satisfactory. The Huffman Bros, were over from their Catlow homesteads during the week in response to a call to come In for examination on their fitness for army duty. The Times-Herald failed to men tion that Mr. and Mrs. Star Buck land and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mahon were among out of town people at tending the P. P. P. dance last Fri day night. W. H. Keeler arrived the fore part of this week from a professional trip on the road In Interest of his whole sole concern. He reports Mrs. Heel er's health Improved but stales he will take her to Baker the fore part of next week where she will have special care with the hope of making her final recovery of health quicker. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker are over from Paisley to remain for a short visit with relatives and friends in this vicinity. The Parker family are among the pioneer people of this sec tion and are always wolcome on their occasional visits. They came over especially to attend l lie marri age of their son, Roy, to MMs Vol mer, which took placu last Wednesday. The House of Refuge! f This is your natural House of Refuge when you are beset by any of the ills of the flesh. We are vitally concerned for YOUR HEALTH, With a house full of strictly Pure Drugs and Medicinea, and workinjr in close co-operation with your physician, we have no higher ambition than to pre serve your health, or help you to restore it when lost. Our Prescription Department is ACCURATE. The ladies will be especially interested in our Toilet Accessories A good complexion doesn't always have to be MADE -it can be PRESERVED. The Rexall Drug Store RBED BROS., Props. ing cattle anil states he has secured quite a few. Born Feb. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Simmons, at Ontario, a son. Mrs. Simmons was formerly Martha Hagers and is a sister to Mrs. Kd. Springer. Ladles: The Fashion Book and samples from Victor Tailoring Co., have ar rived. 1 will be pleased to show you the line any time. Satisfaction always guaranteed. AURA CL.INUAN, Rep. Geo. W. Raycraft was In town Wednesday looking aftt r some busi ness affairs. Ho was kept busy greeting his many old time friends as he has been sticking close to the farm for somo time and not a fre quent visitor. C. M. Faulkner has recently pur chased some stock in the Harney County Abstract Co., and is now ac tively engaged In looking after the affairs of the concern. He is a cap able man and will prove efficient in this particular work because of his training for such. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harris were up from their home near Narrows on Tuesday looking after some busi ness of full's and visiting. They were accompunlcd by Mrs. Judd Wise who recently came over from the Home (reek ranch in Catlow to remain for a visit with her father, A. McKentle. and other relatives for a short time. Out of town taxpayers who desire us to pay their taxes will please send us the tax collector's statement of the amount due, together with instructions for payment of the same. HAR NEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of BURNS. The Times Herald learns that "Grandma" Hayes, who has the dis tinction of being the oldest pioneer In Harney County, and hold the title or "Mother of the Harney Coun ty Pioneer Association," is one of the entergetlc knitter for the soldier boys, at Uwen. The respected lady is using the same needles she used to knit socks for the boys In the Civil War. Uus Zoglmann and the Williams boys brought over a band of some 1500 head of sheep from Silver Creek the latter part of this week and took them to the John Eberle place to feed. They had wintered out on the range until that time but Ous says they are too valuable to be made to hustle all winter and so will feed them alfalfa until the grass In good. The announcement of Tom S. Sprague as a candidate for SJierlff appeurs In this Issue. Tom Is the first man to make an announcement this election and shows his good Judgment In getting Into the field early and give the voters an oppor (unity to Investigate Mh fitness ami chuiucter. He was deputy in I lie Sheriff's office for u term of yean unii has proven IiIiiihcIi He's u good uiun and would make u good officer. Married Wcdiifsduy. al Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. 0, L Austin in this city, itoy Parker and Miss Helen Volmer were united in marriage by Uev W. 1. Wilson. The ceremony was witnessed by the parents of the contracting parties and a lew frlemlM. Moth are well known young Sfople. Roy being the son or Mr. und Mrs. W. It. I'arker who now reside at I'ulsley hut who formerly lived In this county. They are pioneer peo lile who are held In high regard. The bride Is the duughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. ('. Volmer of Iron Mountain und a young lady or many attractions and rine character. Hhe was a stu dent In the high school here for a time. The Times-Herald Joins in wlshlsg them every happiness. ACCOUNTS INVITKI). J. I. Uault of the First National Dank, who has been absent during the past month on a vacation visit to outside points, rs expected home to night, coming In by way of Bend. For Rale -166 acres of land ad jolnlng the towa of Crane. I260S.A0 for the entire tract subject to mort gage of $26S.S0. Also acre tracts within half mile or the depot ISO. per acre. Terms. James Cary, Crane, Oregon. Kldrcd Simmons Is here on a fur lough from ('amp Lewis, visiting his relatives ami rriemis. I ie young man Is looking fine and fit for trou ble with the kaiser whenever our I'ncle Sam Is ready to transport hi in over. Mr. and Mrs. ('. F. McKlnney ar rived home lust Monday after spend ing several weeks In Portland and other outside places, having gone out tiefore the holidays. While ab sent Mr. McKlnney had the pleasure ot visiting with several or the Har ney county boys who are In training at Camp Lewis. Mar. says the boys are well provided tor, with good, warm clothing, good beds, a fine variety or rood and everything the best. He was with the hoys at their meals and was asked to tell or some of his experiences during his army career and he told them they had a Bleatfl compared to his treatment; they had fine bread, butter, roast beef, potatoes, lettuce, pudding, etc. and besides a spring bed to sleep on. Mac had hardtack and sowbelle to eat, one blanket to sleep on ami un der, and Hie ground to He on In stead of springs. He says the hoys are contented with their treatment and becoming "rit" for the job or putting the Hun where he belongs. ft" 1(1 rMMJ FOR KHTRAT One two year eld heifer branded 8 with a circle above also S3, with lasy I, oa left hip, corp off one ear, dehorned. L. M. HAMILTON Burns, Oregon. The Merit of A Bank lit'H in it strength and in the application of its Strength for the benefit of its depos itors and the community. The resources mid experience of this, bank, plus equipment, plus the effort h of official! and employee, provide the best service. The standards decide the desirability of what ere offer our depositors. HEADQUARTERS far United States Govern ment War Savings H tamps aid C rt Iflrates. HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Born- Yesterday. March 1. to Mr. and Mrs. James Klchardson, a daughter. The Times-Herald has just learn ed or the' arrival or a baby boy at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Alvln llurl burt on the 18th or February. ("apt. A. W. Oowan, who has been absent Cor the past several weeks on a vacation visit, during which he spent a portion or his time with his son, Lieut. Frsnk Oowan, In Cali fornia, was expected home this week but word is received that he had been caught on the Federal Grand Jury In Portland and detained for a time. The Ited Cross workroom will be tho scene or a "party" this after iioon when the ladies contemplate holding open house and serving tea to their visitors. They will have a display or the work done recently which Is being made ready for ship ment. The public will be Invited to Inspect this work und pass Judg ment as to whether they have been busy or not. At a meeting of the city co last Wednesday night Mayor U tendered bis resignation to tat feet at once. It was accepted and! Motheshead as president or the ell, was made his successor to out the unexpired term. , Levens is not in good health contemplates a short vacation lowing the coming term or Co Court to recouperate. He will California points for a time. A delegation will go to Harne day where the organisation of a i mlttee will be completed to after war measures. From they will go to Crsne for a nil purpose, a meeting having been i ed for tonight, and tomorrow delegation will be at Lawen to with the people there. War mini have rirst consideration these and every patriotic citizen is to do his or her part when s upon. HTOCKHOI.liKRK MKETINO "Save the Waste and Win the Wl Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting or the stockholders of the Masonic Building Association ' or Burns will be held at the Masonic Hall In Burns, Oregon on Thursday March the 14th. at 1 o'clock P. M. LEON M. BROWN. Secretary., If you are looking for Kei tered Hereford and Hhortliort Bulls with Iota of quality, ess supply carload Iota on ortlT delivered at your nearest mil road station. Prices reasona ble. Best bulls for the money. Bee JAB C. BKDPORD, 'J 1 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell! Phone 758 IdaliaJ . . . Bring Your Dollar TO US AND WATCH IT PULL! Our ambition is to get your trade, and HOLD IT, We know that the only way to hold it is to DELIVER THE GOODS, and make good on every sale. We buy with this end ir view, and we sell with it in view. Our every act has this end in view. Therefore, we invite yon to bring that dollar to ns and wntuh it per form. No where in this whole community will it fjo more we do not believe there is a single place wheat it will do as inucli. Itgets the goods hen the BEST goods the MOST rood-and it sate PROMPT and ACCOMMODATING service. Consider one fact nearly all of your Meade trade here. And thev trade here because they can do better here, so t'AN von BURNS CASH STORE A. K. RICHARDSON, Prop. JOE THOMPSON, Manager If