Ti;r Juius-ltitafd l IAN 11YRD - Manr SATURDAY, MARCH I. 191 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Yr 91.00 I oo Mo.ik. .... MmUm SKI MN lV.T.liKM IN CON SOLIDATED MlHHHJi, The Timett-lleruld lias had Homc- L iiik I" wy I" reKurd to coimolidat- i booll mid community Intercuts loin 'inn- to time during the past Iw weeks. It has been considering mutter from different angles ith the Idea of bringing out advan ces ot more concentrated effort In Le education of our young people. they must advance with the times. is no longer practical to provide lieni with Just the "Three It's., as liuve come to a time In the ml aac of ilvllatlon when every cltl iii must specialize to make a sin: - - Ecru the farmer Is a srienlifi. ian tbete dayi and his efficiency is creased Inproportlon to his aotea fli knowledge of till work ami the radical use be makes of his teoa Heal learning. ih M-hoois ot tha u.' tha foundation to our tlienahlp therefore should be Kiven le verj be I consideration. The de- land i" make the school more prac- .ul is the most insistent that's ii) manual traliiliix. domestic lance, agriculture, animal bus nulrv. and other vocational lines, re Introduced Into the modern ilicl- and why these schools ure at- actlng the ambitious youth of our ind It is to l he udvautuKo If not nl the individual student but to ie entire country to have the child n lirour lit in touch with the most i In date educational methods and veil the very best advantages to ' .1 practical education along tin '.,' ol their future endeavor. When the student may receive In- traction ill sin h subjects as are of in uieir lite work It Is a uty of parents to avail themselves UCb an opportunity and thus ing our cltlsanabip up to a 100 r ..in What I the use to let such pportunitlea k by whan it is with- n the r. ,i,h of the child f If you live ii the country mar a Kraded school rh( re a teai bar in employed for each ' lallta In their line, Is It to ke . your child In the " ii" room acbOOl house with I" teac in T lor i ii-lit u nidus when il po ilble to intve the advaulaxes f tbe nn.re modern school with Its dditlonal equipment, better sur- oundlngi met) a.i boat and veutlla- lon. with the larifer nossDillitles mil an institution brines? The rreater incentive to strive with the r( r claia competing for honors is feature in tha life of a child that fiionid be conaidorad Apply this to your individual case if you are giving your child deserts in this respect. If I. banoa to better bis add itional iidvain cmerit without any "' liar personal discomfort or ex i do it It's your duty. M'Ki IAL PKRMJTi TO BRUn? MEN FOR I I -or It. While on tour of the southen part 'it tbe county a couple of weeks ago company with others, the matter lif I he biK sheen men who have impi far removed from supply cen ters being able to comply with the (filiations of the federal food ad- piiinihtrators was discussed. Upon ar- nv. home the writer took the mat- "r ui with Mrs. M. V. Dodge, coun- chalrraan, and upon the situation "'i' xpiained she at once address ed : letter to the 8tate Food Admlni ptrator with the result that the fol- nowliiK letter has been received: "Vou have full authority to issue I" 'ill permits to sheen men for irge amounts of flour where In your Judgment they are strictly necessary Voii may avail permit them to havo Iflour wltliout substitutes where they ""' camping uud on the move and I have no means of cooking and using ubitltutea, 'Pleaaa bi suro that this prlvl- '' Il not abused." "W. K NKWKI.h, P lit, Food Administrator." local ami nmaowAi C A. McMalian and Will Kelson beck nre up from l,;iwn. Horn Tuesdny. to Mr. and Ml, Walter Lowe, a daughter. Beat of care given patients at Mra. Flreoved's maternity hospital. Pat Donegan was over from the P Ranch to take in the big dance last week. Clyde Hembree is up from the Sunset neighborhood. Mr. uud Mrs. M. Saunders were guests at a local hotel a few days this WMk. A. S. Swain went to the ranch to day ufler bOtal up here for n lew weeks. Chester Dulton took the War Measures party out this morning In his Dodge. Mrs. Kd. Stallard has been visit ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cawlfleld. for the past twy weeks. American troops on tho Cham pagne front. They wish the folks at home to understand, however, that there's nothing In a name. Miss Margaret Thompson, recent ly of Bend, has accepted a position with the Inter Mountain Tel. A Tel. Co.. as bookkeeper. The Burns Oarage informs The Times-Herald that the price of Ford cars havo recently been advanced. The runabout Is now $43& and the Touring car Is 460. Mrs. Frank Dibble, who has re cently had her tonsils removed, Is Improved considerable and hopes to be able to go to her home on Silver Creek In a short time. Any fool may criticize Bat crltl cism Is not a remedy; that reciulrcs constructive ability, s, unless you possess this, better bold your tongue and saw wood. (iermau authorities are said to be suspicious of Trotsky s actions. It was a noted politician who remark ed. "D u a man who wont stay bought." Local men are busy orKunlzliiK the boys In Hoy 8eout I'atrols and present indication . nre fuvorable to several patrols lu this city. It Is a good move and one that should en list the Interest of every boy lu I hi ago limit. C. S. Green, one of the extenlve licep men of tbe Stein's Mountain Motion, was in the city last Satur day to be present at tha organiza tion of the wool growers' associa tion. Mr. Ureeu's headquarters art at the Three Mile Itanch In Catlow K K rurlnglon contemplates a trip to Boise and then on lo Port land In the immediate future, leav ing here possibly tomorrow. Ha will visit with Mrs. Purta8t0 and Miss Helen lor a time before returning soma, James K. Weslon expects to leave for Hol-.e the fore part of the com ing week to confer with capitalists i pacttag development work in this vicinity. Mrs. Weston has been In Boise for the past few weeks visit ing with her mother, Mrs. W. I Smith. Mordle Keeney came over from Bend yesterday on a short business visit. He came over lu company with V. I. Wray who expects to soon resume his regular trips on schedule time between here and Bend. He has added another tar making four big touring machines for a run. Kd Coodman is confined to bis hoi.,.- with a badly sprained leg the result of a horse railing on him lust Tuesday uflemoon. At first his phy sician feurcd the leg was badly crushed but upon an examination it was found no bonen were broken but the boy Is laid up for a time. Friends and relatives have re ceived announcement of the death of A. L. Hunter, which occurred In California on Feb. 17. Mr. Hunter had been 111 for a long time. He for merly resided In this city where he was engaged In the harness and sad dle business bolng associated with V. J. Hopkins. He was a man of up rightness and one who made many fiends who are grieved to learn of his demise. The Times-Herald has Just turned out 1000 Thrift Contest booklets for School Bupt. Frances Clark for the use of Harney County school child ren In connection with the contest for the big prize offered for the county showing the greatest thrift activities In accordance with the school enrollment Harney County Is well on the way to the top and It Is bOPd the boys and girls will con tinue to do their part toward win ning that prize. HEARTLESS WOMAN! PLOTS BRINGS MISERY, in tiii.: HMD, Tho iichenies and plots of a wom an w It lioui lu art are port rn nl in William Kox's nawaal photoplay, "Jealousy," In which Valeska SuroM plays tho leading role. It is tbe story of a discontented woman, who tries to find happiness by forcing men to love her; But she Is crushed and helpless In the end. Anne Baxter (Miss Buratt) marri es Peter Martin (Walter Law) aaalnst her will. l-ntcr shn finds that the man she had loved, Holand Carney (Curtis Benton ) Is living happily with his own .wife, Agues (Obarltne Mayfleld,) nmi Anne da cldcs to break up the peace and qulel or i heir home. ha trios first to make Itolnnd suspicious of his wife but her efforts In this direction meet with failure Her direct attack on Koland's own heart, meets with morn success. She gives him a tip on the stock murket, and he follows It. But Peter has learned what his wife Is doing, and he punishes her and Camay at the same time, by ruining Carney. In the end, Martin goes lo Anno .".tid tells her that he has known her tactics from tbe beginning. He leav es the house, as Anne falls senseless to the floor, MONTHLY si ii m i. Kiroiu The following Is a report for dis trict No. 1 for the month ending February 22. 19 18, as made out by W. M. Sutton, Principal. Number of pupils remaining last month 250 Number of pupils registered new marked "R" 4 Number of pupils registered sec ondary, marked "E" :i Number of pupils readmitted, Total of KbOVe Items Number r pupils dropped 96 47 Number or pupils remululng at date 49 Pupils on register during school year marked "II" 0 Pupils on register during school year marked "K" 13 I'uplls on the register since the beginning or the year, marked "It": First grade f,9 Sei olid tirade I'hird grade :!0 Fourth grade :;l' First grade :I7 Sixth grade H Seventh grade 24 Klghth grade I 20 Number-or visits by parents 1.1 o The world is mil or good things to eat We really can spare the wheat and the meat. There are always a rew people who refuse to do what the Govern ment asks them. But this should not he an eaeuae for the rest of us to do likewise. It is up to all of us to see 1h.1t the unpatriotic few do not hinder tbe rest in helping our Gov ernment in its fight for the freedom of the world. 1 o Hoarding of bought foods in the house Is selfish and not necessary. We do not refer to those families who have bslpcd tho food situation I of the country by canning, preserv ing and drying foods in the home during the previous season The food situutlou would have been worse bud It not been ror I be preser- j ration 0! vegetable! ami rruits in thoj hoini'.i and the housewives aro to j be urged to do it ugaln. We'll do your Job Printing. CRANE STATE BANK CBANS, OREGON It is our aim and effort to give such service to our patrons that they profit by our dealings and recom mend us to their friends. We Pay Interest DIRECTORS Carleton B, Swift J. R. Weaver Win. II. Craven 8. N. Holton Tom Align I (lit siiikii I I herein announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Harney county, subject to thi decision or the Republican voters at tha pfintary election to be held May 17, 1918. T. 8. Sl'UAUUF.. "lll'V IT IN THK HOMK TOWN." Some author bas contributed a worthy page to small town progress. We do not know who he Is, for the work came to us unsigned. 80 we publicly announce our appreciation. Your Town Is You. II you like to live lu the kind of a town Like the kind f a town you like, You never need slip your clothes In a grip And start on a long, long hike; For you rind there Just what you left behind There Is nothing really new, It Is a knock at yourself when you knock your own town Your town Is simply you. Jl.al towns are not made by men who're afraid Lest somebody else gets ahead; When everyone works and nohody shirks, You can raise a town up from the dead. If while you make your personal stake, Your neighbor can make one. too, Your town will soon be what you want to see Your town Is simply you. We think this Is fine because It embodies such homely, but genuine truths. Burns Is you. Il Is you and I -our bully good friends uud neighbors. It Is tho merchants, the pastors, the millers, the dOI tors, the bunker, the Judge, the florin, the public It Is all of us. What you nay. what you do, what you think, uud how ou act Is part or Burns. To knock Burns Is to knock your self - to admit publicly that you an a misfit. AS A MATTKIt OF NATIONAL UaWBNUL We must get all our credit Into 1 hi 11 Itl form uud reduce to a mini ilium those forms or credit which ure subject to tbe largest shrlnkiu;. and are not available when Immedi ate necessity culls tor their use. The rorm of credit most rigid and unavailable Is that extended by the retailor to the Individual and we earnestly recommend to the retailer mat he do his part lu this national emergency by placing his Individual credit! on the following basis: That his customers be required to pay cash for 1 1 in;, uud tbe daily uecessllltes or the home; that all oilier tortus or supplies purchased, payment be required on the first of the following mouth. lu this manner we do away with the uncertainty of the long-time credits so often granted by tbe re tailor to his customer without nn proper busts tor credit work or In justice on either tbe buyer or seller, and Improve vastly the general tone ot our crdits at a time when we should exert every energy to con duct our business in an economical, erriclent manner. State Food Administrators have made the above recommendations ulso and In compliance with it, I shall grant no credit for more than ;!() days. Those requiring more time must give a note good at any Burns Bank. I. SCWAKTZ. II Fries was a business visitor during the week. on lime Deposits Itl MOB THAT Al.VOItl) RANCH CKANGBD HANDS. The TlmoH-llernld has II from n reliable one u lluil Frank Clerf bus disponed of the big Alvord Itanch recently, taking property on the Sound In part payment. We havo no further particulars respecting the transaction. This is one of the finest equipped stock ranches In the entire west and one that will be a factor In food sup plies during the big struggle. W. T. LESTER Inland Empire Realty Co. Building and Farm Loans Made Direct Farms and Ranches ML Blueprints Fire Insurance OtRea H-llO Members Barns Spring Samples Just arrived, in all the latest colors. Call and see them. Wool is still going, so you had better come right away. Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I SERVICE I to Please You One Week Only Commencing Swift's Premium Bacon 48 cents a pound Farmers Burns, Oregon A. Ottlnger, Proprietor, Nate Franklin, Mgr. NO TRRSSPASSUIQ. The undersigned gives notice that lie has leased the rollowlug lands, situated between I'alomlno Buttes and Suge Hen Creek and warns stock men to retrain from herding stock on the lauds described belew: All or aectlon i.i, In Township 23, Range 29; alio all of Sections 3, 6, 7, 9, 17, 19 In Township 24, Range 29. H. B. SIMMONS. A. A. TRAUGOTT Homesteads Insurance Resident Phonea G- ahd C-44 Commercial Club March 4, '18 1 Exchange EE ES1ATE